When logged in don't count page visits

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  1. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
    EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years ago

    I have a feature request.  When I'm logged in and I visit my own page, I don't want that to show up as a pageview under myAccount.  Is there anyway to make this happen?  I suppose as your hub gets more and more popular this becomes less of an issue.  Another way to achieve this would be to not start counting page views until the page is published.


  2. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    Id agree with that!

  3. Marian Swift profile image59
    Marian Swiftposted 15 years ago

    Second!  (Ummm, or is that third?  Either way -- yup, please!)

  4. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    Someone asks for this every month or two, but it's probably not something we're going to change.  Hub views is one of the metrics that goes into HubScore.   If we changed the measurement now the data from old hubs wouldn't be directly comparable to data from new hubs, and it would throw things off a bit.  If you have a static ip address and you use Google Analytics, there is an easy way to exclude your own traffic from the numbers they collect.

    1. Marian Swift profile image59
      Marian Swiftposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Paul!

      At the risk of sounding lazy, what is that easy way?  (I use Analytics, but I'm afraid most of its functions are still at the far end of my learning curve.)

      I'd also like to second EpicTreeHouse's question about not counting visits before a Hub is published.

  5. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
    EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years ago


    Wouldn't it make sense not to count my own visits for my hub score?  Also, over time the scores would be comparable as my own visits would be diluted by all other visits.  I'm not asking that when I'm logged that ALL my visits don't count.  Just not those to my own hubs.

    Alternatively, you don't even have to worry about this if you just don't start counting page visits until the page is actually published.  The only people that would be visiting my pages would be either staffers or my self.  Neither one of those should count.  I'm not sure what language you programmed hubpages in, but if it is an object oriented language (It probably is) and you did OOP encapsulation and decoupling properly this shouldn't be too difficult and shouldn't hurt hubscores over the long haul.  In the short term pages might not climb as rapidly as they do.

  6. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    On the main analytics page that lists all of your sites, there is a link to the filter manager in the bottom right corner.  Click that, and then add a filter of the type "exclude all traffic from an IP Address", using the ip address that you want to exclude.  Learn more about filters.

  7. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    which really only works when you have a static IP address

    1. Marian Swift profile image59
      Marian Swiftposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Which I mostly have, but not always.  (Different machines, different locations.)

    2. dingdong profile image58
      dingdongposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly smile I guess it's not that for many dial-up networks!

  8. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
    EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years ago

    How hard can it really be?  When you pull your data from database, pull the status and if the status is unpublished don't call the page visit count method.  If you've used proper OOP design in your programming methods this shouldn't be a problem.

    1. dingdong profile image58
      dingdongposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This forum is for suggesting new features and/or reporting some errors.

      You shouldn't be getting involved into technical details like this...and it sounds like you are pushing them that's more than a suggestion!

      Is it fair?

      1. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
        EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You're right.  I am pushing them.  It is more than a suggestion or feature request.  Perhaps I have stepped over the line there.

        1. dingdong profile image58
          dingdongposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Cool cool

      2. Marian Swift profile image59
        Marian Swiftposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I've been a real pest about this issue and would very much welcome the change.  But I've gotta agree with dingdong and gamergirl.  This has gone beyond making a suggestion, to telling people how to do their job.  I'm not gonna go there ... at least, no further than I've already gone.

        Having tried other writing sites, Hub Pages is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of ease of use and navigation, staff responsiveness and community.  I respect the staff's right to make administrative and business decisions.  They've got a good track record.

        Yeah, the count thing is an annoyance, and I'll just continue to be annoyed.  But after looking elsewhere, it's no deal breaker.

  9. gamergirl profile image85
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    New People Try and Change the Core of Hubpages: Thread #9190151370516

    1. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
      EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Another person falling for the fallacy of "What Got Us Here, Will get Us There" #45432309432.

      All joking aside, obviously those of us that want this feature aren't just "New People" as those in support have 14, 5, and 6 months.  I assume it's a simple thing to change and it's not going to mess with hubscores too much, unless they weighted pre-published visits heavily.  Which would probably cut down on spam as they know the person isn't cut and pasting.  Which, in that case they would just need to borrow code from here and there to write a method.  Simple, but not as simple as previously stated as this might require a new database column.  Obviously, I don't know what their implementation is so it's hard to say for sure on the easy of implementation, but I say this is a pretty easy to do feature request.

  10. gamergirl profile image85
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago


    Honestly, what made me post was not just a fly by tag and run, but the fact that regardless of the response from a member of Hubpages staff you're still criticizing the way the system is done in what reads to me as a fairly condescending tone, remarking about how simple it should be, etcetera.

    Like Paul said:

    If it was something that was being considered, Paul or any other member of the relatively small Hubpages staff would have answered that way, especially Paul (who answers these types of questions with a quickness and thorough nature.)

    1. EpicTreeHouse profile image60
      EpicTreeHouseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not condescending. All I want to know is why he/they choose not to do it. 

      It's either one of the following: 

      Their implementation of the software isn't as good as it could be and would require significantly more work.  Fair enough, I understand coding practices and know that this can happen very easily.

      Their algorithm relies heavily on pre-published stats for weighting the hub and this would significantly change it.  I believe this is actually the case, and it has been hinted at previously.  Also, Fair enough, hub scores would bounce all over if this was taken out particularly as the algo level not at the counting level.  I don't know their implementation so I can't say for certain. 

      It simply isn't a priority.  They are working on other things to help make hubbers more money.  Fair enough and something I appreciate. 

      The last and probably the least likely is that they just are too lazy. 

      I apologize if I come off condescending, instead, I'm trying to figure out what is the cause of the hesitation and see if there isn't an agreeable alternative.  I have a hard time accepting 'no' when I believe that an agreeable solution can be found for both parties. In all the "fair enough" possibilities above, I believe that waiting would be acceptable.


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