How do I get ads reinstated in my new hub "Sex and the Single Christia

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  1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
    Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years ago

    Sex and the Single Christian?

    The article is not indecent at all.  Can anyone help me here?

    Here is the article: … -Christian

    1. Paul Maplesden profile image76
      Paul Maplesdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your ads were probably disabled due to automatic moderation checks. You can get ads reinstated (assuming your hub doesn't break HP or Google TOS) by writing to and asking them to manually review your hub and enable advertising.

      I was able to do this successfully for my hubs on life modelling.

      1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
        Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I have written to them but I haven't heard back yet.

        1. Nicole Winter profile image59
          Nicole Winterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hey, Brie, it'll probably be 2-3 days (at least) before you hear back from them sad

    2. Simone Smith profile image88
      Simone Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Paul and Nicole are right- the best way is to ask our support team to have a look to see if our automatic filters were a bit to gung-ho about their ad disabling. As we're a bit overloaded, it might take a little while for us to get back, so thanks for your patience!

      1. johndnathan profile image74
        johndnathanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I agree.  I have a hub titled "Gay Marriage, The Law, and YOU!" which automatically got flagged for lewd content, despite the fact that it's purely about marriage and how it relates to the law.  I wrote the HP team, they reviewed it, and ads got reinstated.  Of course if I ever change the hub the auto-filter will kick back on and I'll have to write the HP staff once again.

        1. Tealparadise profile image84
          Tealparadiseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I can top it for ridiculous.... my hub on "Games for a Young Girl's Dress-Up Party" had ads disabled.

          REALLY?  If they think I'm writing a lewd topic about young girls, they ought to get a real live mod on it immediately, not just take ads off.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image84
            Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I repeat - the Adsense robots can't read, they can only check for "rude words".   So HP takes the same approach.   Like I said, someone had ads disabled because they used the word "butt", even though it was in the context of a water butt.  There may have been a word in your dress-up party which is similarly innocuous in context but not in isolation?

    3. IzzyM profile image86
      IzzyMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You managed to mention the word S-E-X a massive 59 times.

      Generally, you need to mention it a maximum of about 3 times or so to avoid the filters.

    4. PhoenixV profile image63
      PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Change the word sex to courtship maybe.

    5. Larry Fields profile image67
      Larry Fieldsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Brie,
      Some of the helpful suggestions here involved creative synonyms. Another approach is to use a NON-synonym that makes absolutely no sense in the context of your hub. Or better still, a short nonsense word, which does not contain any of the 3 letters in question, and which cannot be found in any dictionary. The context, together with the frequency of use, will make the intended meaning abundantly clear. Example: Glotology and the Single Christian. But you can probably do better than that.

      1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
        Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the advice and I will consider it,but it really makes me mad that we have to resort to such silly things.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image84
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You really have to make a decision. Remember it's not HubPages being silly, it's HubPages protecting your Adsense account - and mine!

          Wizzley lost all its Adsense ads over the entire site because one writer uploaded some images which Adsense considered graphic.  Members lost several weeks of income.  Is it really worth taking the risk?

          Bear in mind that Adsense robots can't read context, all they can do is look for "naughty words".  So if you're using naughty words, no matter how serious your article, you are taking a chance.

          Perhaps you could post the article somewhere that doesn't use Adsense, or perhaps on your own blog where the only account you're risking is your own - then it's entirely your decision.

          1. wilderness profile image96
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I hadn't heard that about Wizzley - that's scary.  Maybe HP should tighten the screws further and be twice as tough.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image84
              Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, it was very scary.  All Adsense ads across the whole of Wizzley were suspended.  Luckily no one lost their account over it, but it was certainly a wake-up call.

              1. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
                PaulGoodman67posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, the Wizzley thing was a big deal.  I find it a bit over-the-top when hubbers attack HP staff etc., when Wizzley and Squidoo have their own problems that are just as bad, if not worse.  People can express their criticisms, of course, but they have to also remember that the internet is always a work in progress - things go wrong sometimes.  I agree with you, Marisa that protecting Adsense accounts and Google Search reputation is vital, even if the auto mods get it wrong all the time (I've had the same probs as Brie etc., I email HP and they sort it out within a few days).

          2. Brie Hoffman profile image59
            Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            If I change it, will they automatically reinstate the ads or do I have to unpublish and republish?

            1. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
              PaulGoodman67posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You normally have to email them again, unfortunately.  It's a pain, but better than adsense accounts being lost, or seeing pages or profiles crash, imho.

  2. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Generally you will have trouble getting adsense on any page that uses the word sex more than once. No matter what the topic is.

  3. wilderness profile image96
    wildernessposted 11 years ago

    Psycheskinner is right: with 7 repetitions of the word in just the first paragraph the HP automatics are almost bound to kick in, and for good reason.  Google is all too likely to misunderstand the topic and the result of that could be losing your adsense account.

  4. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 11 years ago

    I have a hub with the word NUDE about photography "Photographing the nude-study of shape,line and texture" and the adds were disabled and never re-instated by the HP staff. Although I don't agree since the hub does not show any indecent images or use any indecent language, I share the cautious approach taken by the moderating team to play it safe and avoid Google taking other action. Hope this helps.

    1. wilderness profile image96
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You don't agree with HP or you don't agree with the stupid google bots that think that "nude" refers to lascivious, perverted, pornographic evil women rather than a color of pantyhose?

      You're absolutely right - caution is the name of the game here.  You don't need a notation that LuisEGonzalez="porno king" somewhere in adsense files whether it's true or not.  That Brie could accumulate such a tag would be really ironic, but it's all too possible.

  5. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 11 years ago

    I don't agree with the ads being disabled by HP, but understand their cautious approach..............hmm

  6. Pool Of Thoughts profile image60
    Pool Of Thoughtsposted 11 years ago

    I see amazon and ebay ads displaying just fine. I clicked on a book ad to amazon and it took me there. Are you not seeing any ads at all or are you saying that other ads that you put up are not seen?

    1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
      Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      HP and google ads.

  7. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 11 years ago

    Amazon and Ebay capsules are displayed. What is disabled are any ads sponsored by Google, which in turn affects HP ads as well.

  8. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Physical relations, intimacy etc.  Mix it up.

    1. IzzyM profile image86
      IzzyMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I really wanted to mention a few other words, but decided to sit on my hands instead! lol

  9. faythef profile image69
    faythefposted 11 years ago

    It is silly ..mine was a recipe that the ads were disabled on.

    1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
      Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this


      1. faythef profile image69
        faythefposted 11 years agoin reply to this hanky panky involved ..just cream cheese , dates and nuts LOL

        1. Marisa Wright profile image84
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I know someone whose Hub about garden watering had its ads disabled.  She eventually discovered it was because she referred to a "water butt"...

          1. faythef profile image69
            faythefposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Oh My...I better go check see..LOL

  10. profile image0
    mts1098posted 11 years ago

    My question is who determines what words are rude?  Google? HP?  I understand why my Bikinis and Intercourse hub on actual USA locations have ads disabled but I do not understand how my hub on writing (the word Dirty in the title) is disabled.  That seems a bit subjective to me.  I will contact the team and ask for review...cheers

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Google is the ultimate arbiter, but they don't publish a list of the words they consider rude, so HP just has to guess - and since all our Adsense accounts are at risk if they get it wrong, they err on the safe side.

      1. profile image0
        mts1098posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Got it...thanks for the feedback...cheers

  11. Brie Hoffman profile image59
    Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years ago

    Ok, I changed it and I believe the ads are now on it..what do you think? … -Christian

    I can't seem to change the URL.

    1. Larry Fields profile image67
      Larry Fieldsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Brie,
      Nice save! The inescapable reality is that computer programs--including the ones written by the Language Police--are bureaucratic. With that fact in mind, we shouldn't take it too personally when a 'bot flags one of our hubs.

      However I understand how you must feel. Several months ago, I had to sanitize one of my tongue-in-cheek mathematical puzzle hubs. The bots have absolutely no sense of humor!

      1. Brie Hoffman profile image59
        Brie Hoffmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Larry, I still think it read better the other way but I'd rather have the money smile

  12. ologsinquito profile image83
    ologsinquitoposted 11 years ago

    I think some people don't give HP as much credit as it deserves. Lately, there's been a tidal wave of trouble at another site over thin-content articles, and, fortunately, it appears this problem is being addressed. I've found the staff here very responsive.


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