According to Christian it is SINFUL?
Masturbation is a sin because a person consents in their own heart to take sexual gratification from impure thoughts. It is sinful to indulge in the sexual pleasure that is derived from the satisfaction of using one's imagination to FIXATE upon obscene images, or obscene actions, or forbidden sex. Lustfully fixating upon genitals, or sexual acts, is idolatry. This is called: the worship of obscenities. This is the sin of those addicted to pornography. That's often a "guy" thing. Alternatively, taking delight in the lust of another, or consummating a fantasy of forbidden sexual romance, is the sin of adultery in the heart. That's often a "girl" thing. The act of masturbation is an outward act that confirms that one's heart and mind has consented to an inward act of impurity. Only by consenting to an imagined act of impurity can one attain orgasm. To attain sexual release, a person's will consent to LOVE something that is sexually impure.
A sin consists in loving something that God hates, or in hating something that God loves. Because God is pure love, in one sense there is no hatred in God. But there are actions that God regards with a COMPLETE ABSENCE of love. There are many things that men can do that God does not love. In so far as God does not love a human action, according to our way of thinking it can be said that God hates it. These actions are sins. They are often as hateful to men as they are to God! What are some things that God does not love? What are some things that, according to our human way of speaking, we might say that God hates??
Now 98% males masturbate, why must we would live such great denial, I like to hear back from some great Christian master- debaters out there.
Masturbation is a problem because it is addictive.
aaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHhahahahahah!!!!
Yeah! SURE it is!!
Castelpaloma, you have got it all mixed up, masturbation has two levels if you try hard enough to understand it; one is just pleasure and this is the one you are talking about, but you miss completely the physical need of the human body of a man; don't you see? Man needs to relieve himself of the mail hormones that is accumulating in his body if he doesn't he may become crazy or sick. I know that I have no proof to prove it, so, why don't you ask the opinion of a physician before you start talking this nonsense?
No he does not have it all mixed up - he is talking about the christian idea that masturbation is sin - not physical reasons for doing it or not.
Yes he has got it all mixed up; because he believes in the impossible. You see the human body cannot sustain what Castelpaloma sees as sins; therefore the christian idea is faulty and he should have seen that. I believe that anything that the human body cannot sustained should be taken into consideration and therefore masturbating is not a sin, if the person practising it has no other ways of relief. Don't you see, it is better to masturbate than go crazy and try to rape someone.
Christianity needs to review and change their beliefs it is logic reasoning?
Frank Menchise
It is not my personal view; I said according to Christians it is SINFUL. I don't belong to any group.
It's better to release it into the hand than into a choir boy.
What's interesting is that The Bible does not list masturbation as sin. But believers of that notion is right. After all, it is better to rape women than it is to "relieve" yourselves right?
The Bible says to "love thyself", what dose that mean about sex? Many Christians are in the dark on a lot of sexual issues. Actually America as a country is not very sexually healthy, they have a lot of fear and angst surrounding sexuality, it’s all of the churches fault, yet the Bible never deal with any of the complicated problems people in the church are actually dealing with even though that's exactly what we're supposed to be doing, the church is burning itself to the ground if it dose not wise up on all these sexual topics.
I don't think masturbation is a sin, that just depends on your belief. If someone believe it wrong because of religion or culture perhaps, not necessarily it's wrong for all.
That is the exact question i asked my boss when he walked into my cubicle the other day and questioned what I was doing
Good thing, he did not catch you f**KING the dog.
And then you came... to the conclusion all by yourself.
Is masturbating oneself by posting in these forums a sin too ?
Or sin is related only to the dickydickie ?
By the way, God doensn't "hate".
Anyways, pressure in excess in men's balls, at the scale of one nation, for instance, leads to mass hysteria with its most probable dark consequences. Ain't that a sin ?
Masturbation can be useful just before joyful intercourses. So you don't come too soon when it comes (hehehe) to Honour your woman, so you can follow her much further. This is called Communion.
Someone wrote this-
A sin consists in loving something that God hates, or in hating something that God loves.
I must be one of the most sinful men alive because I love everyone and everything and still do not understand hate or sin. For sin to me is just an adjusted mistake. I hear Christian all the time talking about God's (Yahweh) love and his hate and can't make heads or tails out of it other than he want us to be fruitful and multiply and over populate the world with more Christians.
I love head and tail rather than masturbating, without Yahweh telling me which is wrong, I suppose you think this whole thread is wrong wail I think the whole game is rigged
mens sana in corpore sano.
Big boys have their own definition of sin.
Sin is causing suffering to someone, be it a close fellow or a far creature, without loosing the sacred self surviving rules from sight, of course, I'd say.
Christian are the worst ample toward those rules, so what’s the purpose? Why try so hard to be Christ like when they cannot have it in hand. Yes I am childlike yet not childish; I think more with an adult view on life and thrive for TODAY. Rather than suffer the pretending blind faith because a man got himself nailed to a cross and many think that’s the greatest gift to God. Then survive repeatedly those old hardships of med evil time. Your holly land amusement parks would be my nightmare in hell.
I don’t mind physically bonding with myself , it like making love to the one I love most, yet do prefer a helping hand.
Then, why do you wrap your statements in religious sauce ?
This thread about what sin is, not my my kind of sause, yet yours., only here for a little taste.
Masturbation is a sin because a person consents in their own heart to take sexual gratification from impure thoughts. It is sinful to indulge in the sexual pleasure that is derived from the satisfaction of using one's imagination to FIXATE upon obscene images, or obscene actions, or forbidden sex. Lustfully fixating upon genitals, or sexual acts, is idolatry. This is called: the worship of obscenities. This is the sin of those addicted to pornography. That's often a "guy" thing. Alternatively, taking delight in the lust of another, or consummating a fantasy of forbidden sexual romance, is the sin of adultery in the heart. That's often a "girl" thing. The act of masturbation is an outward act that confirms that one's heart and mind has consented to an inward act of impurity. Only by consenting to an imagined act of impurity can one attain orgasm. To attain sexual release, a person's will consents to LOVE something that is sexually impure.
A sin consists in loving something that God hates, or in hating something that God loves. Because God is pure love, in one sense there is no hatred in God. But there are actions that God regards with a COMPLETE ABSENCE of love. There are many things that men can do that God does not love. In so far as God does not love a human action, according to our way of thinking it can be said that God hates it. These actions are sins. They are often as hateful to men as they are to God! What are some things that God does not love? What are some things that, according to our human way of speaking, we might say that God hates??
"every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great! If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate".
A great skit. I thought up some of my own lyrics
every child is sacred, they starve to death each day
The good lord doesn't give a *hit he's counting sperm they say.
Really?? I didn't knew that it's a sin....
I would not nightmare such words; it's one other Christian’s idea of sin.
Nothing wrong with masturbating or even being gay for that matter, Jesus did not say directly either were wrong.
Why should anyone be concerned about something claimed in a book of lies about invisible entities?
Look, the issue is still at hand today, I think of it as a hap-penis lifestyle.
Well I have seen a lot of hands on religion here.
master-debaters *snicker* Okay, carry on gentleman.
My two cents, though: "sexually impure" is a joke. Why didn't God make procreation happen in a different way if actually enjoying our sexuality is so dang sinful. Do people really think God set us up like that? I mean, what a trap! "Here, have these parts that generate great pleasure and have these natural stirrings and desires BUT don't enjoy any of it or you'll burn." Ummm, yeah, okay.
And, again *snicker, snicker*
I hear even a thought of sex, is a sin, unless you get to church on time and repent for your impure thoughts
That is a very good reason why only 144,000 are sealed to go to heaven, as written in the bible
Hell must be a very social, with friends, hot nightclubs, pleasure palaces, and family, let me pray for that.
Why is Masturbation Sin?
It is only for those who are religious. The religious folk must follow their interpreted text. Ironically, it is more funny than anything else.
The release obtained by doing so, is something every human being on the planet cannot pass up, because the release itself is healthy.
Then again, I guess it would matter on who is doing the stroking?
Self or someone else? If it is self, then it might be seen as a sin. If it is someone else, then it might be seen as not a sin, but sex.
Along with being spiritual beings, we are also sexual beings.
I wonder how many Christian can handle these questions? Or will they put their fingers in their ears then hide in the land of penis/saures holding on for dear soul salvation.
Good point about the it being healthy. Men who regularly, uh...release - whether through sexual intercourse w/ a partner or through masturbation are far less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Then again, I don't think the people who believe it's a sin are going to be all that concerned w/ pesky ol' scientific findings, medical facts, and so forth.
Active sports people find release too -through excerise.
People don't die from not masturbating -just sayin
Oh, I meant actual ejaculation (just didn't want to say it, haha). A different form of release, if you will. Really, though, doing so does reduce the risk of prostate cancer. I don't think this means people have to do it or they'll die but it is evidence in favor of it being natural to have regular you-know-what-gasms...
Active sports people find release too -through excerise.
Can I do it, unless I need glasses?
Because sports is secondary pleasure, compare to sex
Really? Can you provide the evidence you have for this? Thank you.
"Prove the negative" as it were. Because - you seem to think that - if ya caint disprove it - it must be true.
I personally dont think Gods gunna tell you "you jerked off when you were 15 and 16 so you cant enter heaven" Or for the women "You double clicked you mouse to much your goin to hell"
the release from sports and sex are to different things!!!
My understanding of why masturbation is sinful is different from yours. The idea is that God makes things for a purpose. Sperm is made to create babies. Thus sperm should not be ejaculated when not making babies with one's spouse. Hence the ban against not only masturbation but also condoms.
It goes to show how ignorant a god would be with regards to the human species and it's nature.
Oh, I don't know - if there is no ejaculation until the pressure builds up and comes out at night He can then require that we once more beg forgiveness for His design failures or be sent to Hell. Makes sense to me!
What about wet dreams that one has no control over?
God does not have to be one or any Religion
It's a word any person can use, anytime, Oh God!!! Cum all thy faithful!
Bear in mind the Bible was written before science was allowed to discover how many hundreds of millions of sperm units circulate the male human reproductive facility. The primitive dice rolling that they called science back in those days was limiting enough, but even those such advances were not enthusiastically accepted by many monotheistic cultures at the time. I'm sure the religious leaders of the time could only assume that an adolescent boy who was a habitual masturbator would grow up to be spent of reproductive capabilities by the time he married at the ripe old age of twenty.
Would God or Jesus masturbate? If not and since
you are suppose to be perfect like they, then the human body is a crime.
Catholic boys are taught that through masterbation one destroys the "Seed" of the possibility of some child therefore God sees it as a sin. BUT I have no idea how this would apply to a woman as their seed stays in their ovary until it dies and then is expelled through their menstral cycle, so it seems like a double standard to me, that I am not in agreement with.
Every sperm is sac rate; I must have sinned enough for 10 earth planet in populations if I counted each and every sperm. Imagine the pressure on Gays.
Sacred sperm would only fill up 2 planets; I’m not a porn star.
Everybody now,
"Every sperm is sacred,
every sperm is great.
If a sperm gets wasted,
God gets quite irate."
"It happened in stages, gradually. My experience with pornography that deals on a violent level with sexuality, is once you become addicted to it ... I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far ... where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give that which is beyond just reading it or looking at it." -Ted Bundy
Not only will you become a mass murderer, but it makes you grow hair on your palms.
You might be right about too much pornography, since porn industry dose out sells Hollywood, today
I can see why you think sex and violent are closely related, too much TV, So. the cure for that, is by shutting the TV off
Seems like a lot of people have too much free time on their hands
Or something else. On their hands. *snicker, snicker*
I'm not one of them today.
We are moving house again to be closer to the kid's schools and friends. I am wearing out our vehicles driving kids around all day and night. This will take a lot of the load off.
Back to the issue at hand.
Sin is in the eye of the beholder, and if that beholder is a bible thumping religionist, sin will be anything they can find in their psychotic tome to throw at others to reinforce their own belief in their pathetic life and indicate that they are better than others.
The reality is if ya worried about God minding ,I hardly think a forum is where yer gonna be asking why it's a sin
Chances are Gods the last thing on your mind.
Moving ,Oh I used to find that adventurous and exciting. I decided Im over it now ,lol.
But thats what I said last time
Priests are also doing it. One BIG joke at the local rectory house in my city (Naga City, Philippines) was the priest who got inflicted with prostate cancer. The doctor asked if he was masturbating. The priest was furious that he immediately went out the doctor's clinic.
This was relayed on the radio and the incident had been tackled by commentators and fellow priests.
Masturbation...the discussion continues whether its good for health aspect and as a sin for religious side.
Not only men are doing it, the women, too!
Have you heard of Nancy Friday's book?
I can also recommend Margaret Holmes with lots of published books regarding Sex and related topics.
Thanks for posting!
In biblical times many believed that one tiny human germ (for every human that would ever live) had been inserted into Adam. As more generations were begat, the tiny little humans were passed down and diminished in number until there were none left - then, the end of the world would take place. Obviously, if those little proto-people were wasted, then the whole schedule is goofed up. So flogging was a sin.
So all you guys with no will power are responsible for hastening the end of the world. We won't even make it to December 21, 2012 if you don't ease off.
Sheesh. I gotta go take a shower.
I find it hilarious that some here seems to be unable to separate their fantasies from reality and feel guilty for having fantasies.
I find it hard to believe that some of the nuns who taught me for 8 years didn't enjoy themselves at night in their rooms? The jesuits I suffered under in college were a different breed - majority (yes- majority) all had girl friends who visited them regularly in their rooms. But maybe those were just professional disucussions that lasted 5 hours behind closed doors!
A sin is a term for believers in God, modern medicine has long made ​​its verdict - masturbation is not a deviation in the psyche.
Masturbation is not a sin if you do it while thinking of nothing. God will not condemn you if you have a blank mind whilst spilling your seed. I did do what God commanded and made a child with my seed and God took that child away at eight years old. Now I feel He should be accountable for this. I doubt his displeasure at masturbating when I was a teenager would incur enough wrath for God to murder my child at such a young age. If so, I feel that He should come down and talk to me personally about it. If He did I would take that chance to start swinging on him. I know I might not hit him but I would like the chance to try. Please pray that this might come to pass for me.
It's not healthy regretting the past; just do what you can not to regret the future. Tragedy are blessing in disguised, your enlightenment come from the grace of you handling each and every problem that comes within your circle
You have better chances by doing something about it than you do praying about it. Or all your doing is masturbating without the pleasure
If I could do something about it I would have my son back and God would have a black eye.
Your remorse has gone on well over a year now for you, thats not healthy, If it were me I would seek help, first from other loves one who know me well, if no head way then would try something esle;
My son was killed almost 7 years ago, since then God has sent my life down hill. He has made my alcoholism come out and made me lose my job. God has killed off most of my relatives in the last 3 years. The only thing I have left is the Christian community coming together to ask God to come down and face me man to man which I will write about in my article that I will attempt to finish by tomorrow. I just hope they will see that we need to make a stand here and now to state that we won't take this kind of abuse as His children anymore. We have now, in my opinion surpassed God in intelligence and He needs to be held accountable for His transgressions against us after all the faith we have given Him.
@ first, I thought this was some kind of crash thread, but it seems not to be the case.
Such a topic is often taboo, which is ironic because the sexuality of a person is talked about so much in our societies, expressed by science and religion.
To say it is a sin, in general, perhaps. A sin is anything contrary or that pulls one away from their true nature, purpose, etc.
From my studies, there is a massive connection between the spirit in a person and their sexual desires/lack of desires too. Sex and the Spirit. would make an interesting book.
Yes I agree
Sex is strongly spiritual, look how people get so excited when you say the word sex.
In often of religious cases, more extremely ups and downs, no pun intended.
Sex is of the flesh. Sex is a tool for this world to populate it and it is a work of the flesh. jesus said:
"but if a man look upon a woman to lust after her he has already committed adultery in his heart". Jesus tells us here, that this is unacceptable behavior and sinful, therefore, since jesus lived in the Spirit of God there must be a way to look at a woman and not lust after her. Indeed all people are potential children of God in need of being saved.
The spirit is above the sex act, having little need of it except to share with its married partner. As i said if a person watch porn they will pull henry but if they do not watch porn they are not tempted in that way.
If christians are connected to the vine, there is only good water to drink of and good conduct is brought forth.
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed is to be undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
People get excited because their flesh responds not because the spirit gets excited.
I think you missed your time period...., like 2000 years ago, The spiritual age is slowly coming, get with it, before life just pass you by,
There is only one spirit and that is of God.
The spiritual age you think is slowly coming is already here, its called the kingdom of God.
I'd appreciate it if you could respond to the post instead of just giving me your personal opinion. I realize that people who do not read the bible only have personal opinions but i assure you, i receive my personal opinions from the bible, so i would appreciate being dealt with on the same level.
If you (or anyone else) does not agree with i say, then please show me in scripture where i am off and we can resolve the dilemma from there.
Thank you.
I grew up on the bible and I was thrown out of classes for asking too many questions, they could not answer. My brother is a pastor, I was not allowed to talk to him about dozens of topics,
So what level of conversation are you talking about; it’s my God or the highway?
Let those mental jerk off be, what do I care about limit thinkers
quite honestly i haven't heard one question, statement or revealing thought from you that is noteworthy. I think you were more likely thrown out for being a bit of a person who asks dumb questions. Like this forum question we are in now.
They could not answer, i think moves subtly over into the would not area.
Just because someone does not want to answer your questions does not make you a revolutionary genius.
"A sin is anything contrary or that pulls one away from their true nature, purpose, etc."
Mans nature is to spread his seed as far as possible - not to keep it to one woman. Womans nature (borne out from thousands of generations) is to be a "homemaker", nurturing the children from the seed of one man.
Mans nature is one of violence and killing.
Mans nature is one of lying, stealing - of doing whatever s/he can get away with (borne out by the behavior of children that training must change).
Mans nature is to condemn and control any activities by others that they don't like. Naming such things as masturbation and homosexuality a sin and forbidding them is a good indication of this.
Thank goodness we are learning, slowly and late in our existence, to sin and deny these basic attributes of our nature.
The Nature of man, yes. Not at all good. But, as I said the true nature of man is an entirely different expression.
I also find it difficult to believe that mans desire is to 'spread his seed as far as possible' and that his true nature s to lie, steal and do 'whatever he wants'. Indulgence is the issue. Indulgence is not the true nature of man.
That is the most obvious, if not defunct, mentality of the typical human. Seems by 'learning' and 'sinning' and 'denying the attributes' of the assumed nature, man is worse off than he ever was...
Most men I know would love to have a harem of women to have sex with, with in their fantasy
On the other hand
I know I can barely handle one women, an many men may find the Journey to Love, Intimacy, and Good Health in a New Age .... or how great an orgasm one's partner has, sex does not bring fulfillment. a number of sexual partners before marriage was considered normal. there was a stigma attached to being a 'one-parent family,'
On the other hand again
My ultimate love would be to settle down with just one woman to share my life with and to carry on healthy sex acts, you can only make love to yourself so much, before you turn into a over sex craze monkey..
yep it is.
Spiritual people do not need to get off nor do they need to alleviate a build up of testosterone.
Really horniness sets in first then the desire to pull henry, not the other way around. It needs a trigger, whether it be a subliminal thing in an ad, something nice walking down the street or the fantasies of our own imagination, etc.
People who walk in the spirit do not have this compunction.
If jesus has to leave the room while you do what you do then it can't be all holy now can it?
Living in the flesh is a trap. It makes you do all kinds of things that are selfish.
There are a lot more reasons but im just going to leave it here.
But here is a great place to mention.. if you go ahead and say.. okay its a sin i am not going to do it. You have now entered into works. Under your own strength you are trying to be holy. You now have a rule that you must abide to or fail. Failure is discouraging and this is a work of the flesh. This is how christians get worn away... they fall or give up trying to be holy and eventually just give up altogether. This is what the law did, it pointed out sin but did not empower the person to be victorious.
The pattern is to pray that God change you. That God make you different in this area. You don't want to lust you don't want to commit a sexual sin this way and God please take this away. YOU do the work God because i can't. In this way God does the work and when God does the work it is not a work of the flesh but of the spirit. At the same time you are strengthening your relationship. Afflictions are supposed to bring us closer to God not farther away and if we just say, this activity is not a sin we lose out on power to overcome, truth, because it is sinful activity, and relationship with God.
Unless you have some kind of mental or physical handicap I’m not aware of. I am going ahead and calling you a a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion using contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings . For the way you are jerkins for Jesus on the Forum you must be doing it physically too.
Some truth to that,
A person is great at what they do or with about anything if they send 10,000 hours invested into it. I've added up over 80,000 hours in the sand and must reach out to other and better things.
Unlike some insane parrots that keep repeating themselves
So i guess you did not understand what i wrote. That's okay, others will benefit.
If you have seen a contradiction i'd love to read it. But be ready to be corrected, in a nice way, of course.
No i have no handicap and no i do not do that word. Jesus came to free us from the sins of the flesh of which that action is one of the fruits born from carnal thinking and fleshly desires.
I don't think your telling me the truth about not doing the mm ma ma ma__word.
How do you explain the 98% of males who are doing the mmm ma maa__ word and don't tell me none of them are Christians.
Are they going to hell because I know they can't repent on time
well i think its rather unfair to judge others by what you do. If you have strong urges that doesn't mean others do, at least this is my impression.
I don't believe in hell so no they are not going there.
I don't know how YOU know they cannot repent - on time, which i assume means before they die.
The judgment seat of Christ is for those who are IN Christ and this judgment will be according to works, not sin. If there is a belief that christians must be perfect before they die, well, this is simply not true. All the great saints of the bible had their imperfections, they made mistakes and they died with them, but the point is they sincerely tried. Once a christian is convinced that something is sin to them then it becomes an issue. Not all sins are revealed to every christian immediately upon Salvation. Consecration is a life long process that upon the journey sins get worked out or not, depends on the person.
Sure people have a check list of what christians need to be like, and do in order to actually be a christian, but, in fact, God changes the christian and it is not even the place of the christian to point fingers or say, "hey look this thing you are doing needs to be stopped". Such actions are the work of the holy spirit of God, christians are only called to love one another, others too. You see, A christian may be struggling in a certain area while smoking cigarettes, for example sake, and another christian, of course see the cigarette, and says, "hey man, what are you smoking for? you shouldn't be doing that..". But God, is working on another part of that christians life and has actually left off convicting the smoking christian of his smoking habit, for now, in time God will deal with the smoking. So the sin habits of the christian are not all black and white with due dates. God asks us, when God sees fit to ask us to quit something and how we respond is up to us.
as to the statistic of 98% males, etc.. well i reside in the 2% because i do not entertain myself with erotic images, perhaps not owning a TV set helps. I don't peruse magazines that incite horny behavior, porn sites i stay away from, i look away from the hot chick in the bikini. We are what we feed on, if i let my eyes linger on enticement that will feed my imaginations and pretty soon lust will occur. It is best just to look away. In short i keep myself from areas of enticement and I do what doesn't allow me to become horny. Now the reason for success in this area touches on what i have said before; times of affliction are meant to bring us closer to God, not further away. I take the temptation and turn it into a time of prayer. I see the occurrence for what it is and i pray that removal occur by the time i finish the prayer the urge is gone. When i find that my mind has conjured up some sexy scenario and its getting spicy, i ask God to remove the thought and change my mind so that i do not think that way. Yes God even does things like this:
2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
The most important option in the world is the option I have for myself- about myself and it’s also the same for you too... Most people in the world are not even aware of Jesus’ option. So most will be do it, to another tune, Your ridiculous claims sometimes gives me pain and why in the world would I trade a lifetime of pleasure, healthy and spiritual act .for just more pain.
Nothing directing says in the bible that masturbation is wrong. My first post was just from another onside and blind faith Christian like you. In your own world you intent to do well, yet narrow minds can cause others unneeded pain.
Masturbation does not cause blindness, insanity, hairy palms, hair loss, or cancer of any kind and most of all sin, although I do wear glasses more often. In fact, masturbation is a health beneficial a natural stress reliever a sleep aid and rather does it myself than to chance doing it with vampires and zombies. There doctors who say- many times a week will reduces a man’s chances of developing prostate cancer
Maybe someday some people may become mono sexual and marry themselves, not me I love the whole women, for she is most beautiful creature who ever walked the earth and unlike the bible I have been to the four corners of the earth and beyond
Hey, live and let live
Love and peace
Nothing directly in the bible says that smoking cigarettes is wrong either or does the bible say that going into a bar to use the bathroom is wrong either. Christians need a thing called 'spiritual common sense'. Where they think in terms of spirit and not flesh.
Yes sex is healthy that is the way God intended it, but it is not the only way to be healthy. If you are worried about health and that is your excuse for such an act, then you may want to consider that exercise may keep you healthy, vitamins, eating right and marriage; may be holy and good and profitable ways of being healthy - y'know ways that please God. Wanking for health is hilarious. Also jesus never said "one must wank to be spiritual" in this you are way out to lunch.
I am sorry you need to defend yourself so adamantly even to go as far to say that i have ridiculous claims. If you get out of the carnal way of thinking you are in and consider spiritual matters spiritually, then we should talk again.
I don’t know why you keep talking about smoking cigarettes and other list of other non related sins; I would bet you are not in better physical shape than me, so health may not be your best topic to preach about.
Sex is the top pleasure in the world and you want to stop the most wanted desired part. I can’t make you out if you’re a fundy or Satan worshippers since Vancouver Island is a hot bed for both. Because I have travelled everywhere and never meet any other kinds (expect Muslims) that wanted to take away pleasure and push for pain soooo much so
Just don't take it out so hard on the little head when you are alone.
WEll its been a mixed bag of nuts talkin with you. Again don't judge others by what you do or how your health is.
I think we need to define sin so that you may have a better understanding of the word. It is not a special word specially created by God, in fact, it's definition is quite commonplace
in john 8:11.... go and sin no more... strongs G264. properly sin means 'to miss the mark (and so not to share in the prize) figuratively, to err.
So when we talk about sins, we need not gasp, we need to calmly realize that we have erred or made a mistake. Its just that simple, we will not share in the prize.
I live on vancouver island also, this hot bed is not as prevalent as you make it seem.
But anyway its seems that when you are up against the wall and desperately looking for something to combat with you go to assumptions and degrading remarks, of which when aimed at me have missed the mark completely. Its not really a discussion anyway.
I'm done with this tete a tete as i have said what needed to be said, with the exception of my recent doctors physical.. A+
enjoy your sin for a season but you miss the spiritual mark by doing so. And by yielding to your temptations your relationship falters with God because you do not strengthen your relationship you feed your flesh and not your spirit.
over and out.
What do you think of my new hub title
The Art of Self: Heavenly Pleasures my next hub
I think it’s better than my other Title: Battles with the Big Head vs. the Little head: Still needs a lot more massaging.
What do you think?
Sounds like a waste of time.
Everybody is doing self and there is no art to it, self is just instinct like an animal. What self wants, self gets... hopefully one does not have to go to extremes to get what self wants. but if self wants something bad enough self will do what it must to get it. People are slaves to self all around the planet.
There is no mystery in self, its all over the place.
Getting rid of self, now there's a challenge and its even christlikeian.
Christians sin all the time, then pray for forgiveness, then sin again. Repeat and rinse as required.
Just as there are no real Christians, there are no non-masturbaters.
I bet there are the greatest master- debaters of all time and then they get physical about it and keep it a special sacred secret
If evolution were valid, we would see that behavior evolve into something like maybe... men of the cloth having sex with boys behind the alter.
Just my imagination running wild of course...
Biblical times people did not live much pass age 25, and marriage middle age at 12. So many people are having sex today without marriage why not the clergymen?
I know, that a sick thought to justifies
Could be because current laws prohibit clergymen from both marrying and having sex with 12 year old boys.
The churches most often protect them from the law; a million children are molested by clergymen in the USA each year, that’s super sick
I Thought catholic are Christian too, 200 version of the bible disagree with each other anyways
The whole 'masturbation is bad' ethos came from the ancient Hebrews, whose philosophy was a rejection of the death ethos common at the time (we have a very short collective memory, but a culture of murder and death pervaded most cultures at the time). Life was (and is) revered in Judaism; human sacrifice, the death penalty, honor killing, etc. have been forbidden in Judaism for a very long time. Anything that "wastes" a potential human life - masturbation, non-procreative sex, etc. - was considered sinful since it distracted from Jews' commandment to "be fruitful and multiply."
Sounds like their balls are in a vice,
Christian free Willy or spank the monkey as much or more than we do, they just drag the quilt and regrets along. They can’t openly say words that are sex related, so by the time to have dirty sex, they are not doing it right.
As a girl, I thank the lord for masturbation. With the constant labeling of promiscuous women: sluts, whores, etc. It is a means if balancing my hormonal chemistry without having to "settle" with someone just for the sex and avoid the one night stand stigma. Orgasm is a natural occurrence and has been proven to be healthy. Im safe from disease and pregnancy when engaging in the pleasure. What's the friggin harm?
And don't forget to praise the Lord as you come.
In that case try the Jerkin for Jesus website
Too gay for me
I don't know who said this but i found this quote on facebook -"People who oppose anything related to sexuality, abortion etc. are the one you don't want to do it at first place."
Masturbation is definately not a sin. Men and women do it regardless and if anything, it's safe sex.
i agree
Look folks there are no beating masturbation
Around 98% of the population would land in hell. Maybe that true anyways with only 144,000 sealed to go to heaven either way you’re screwed
Try this when you masturbate do it without lust, I don’t know how the hell you’re going to pull that off, if you can, the Bible wouldn't have a problem with it...
If you think Jesus can see everything as he can see yourself masturbatingl.I don’t think he mind even if he is hanging over your bed side? If you feel very uncomfortable he is watching and feels so guilty that you want cry.
Try use the method of tear jerking.
Tear jerking is to masturbate while crying and using the tears as lube.
Because no one should under take anything single handedly thats why there are so many people unemployed
Maybe if they gave each of themselves a hand and not give such a hard time onwards gays rather than being so fruiting and xxxing
We would have less over population, less over pollution and less over unemployment
Religious induced self hate is what makes it a "sin". That and the inability to separate fantasy from reality, a common problem for religionists.
What others do to themselves in private is no one's business but their own thank dog!
How could that be considered otherwise? Except for some religious nutter with more hang ups than a clothesline!
Problem is there is no private. God is everywhere.
But there's nothing worse than an atheist nutter with more hangups than a clothesline, except maybe someone who claims to be christian while getting divorced for the second time. Yah that would be worse... especially after 30 plus years of bible study... now how stupid would a person have to be to do this... oh wait .. that person could say they know how to interpret scripture and then get it all out of context... naw.. still the divorce thing is really bad.
Have you ever read in the Bible which says that, human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? Human body are created sacred for the Spirit to rest.Masturbation is an act in insulting the body, same goes you bring shame to God and your selves. " Unless a man cannot control his lust, he is better to get married" - The Bible.You should ask for the strength to avoid doing that,or you will get addicted with your weakness.This is according an appropiate way of a christian life.
Who do you think you are talking to? Some child? I am an older man with many women and a couple of marriages behind me, one which probably lasted longer than you have lived.
You have Lots of life experience to hand around have you?
Or are you just parroting a bit of sex advice from the bronze age?
I guess you just mentally sick who is proud for how many times you have done that.You have no idea of living a christian live but numbers and the "against" rule as you living in your own way, so pathetic your laughing to your selves. Don't you know that children are deserve more to God than you old man!
failed marriages too eh
so much failure
this explains a lot
Life experience is supposed to make one grow not repeat the same mistakes, but of course it was the other persons fault, just like it is Gods fault.
I can't wait to discover what other skeletons live in your closet.
Sorry wrong personal attack again.
I would rather you left my beautiful women out of this conversation, you are in territory you don't want to be in and know nothing about.
Sometimes you're replies are so thoughtless and obnoxious they surprise me. Even coming from you.
I'm sure they do.
But hey, im glad you are here.. keep up the good work! I'm sure what you show here is exemplary of your perfect life.
Well my life is pretty perfect, because it is my life and I am as happy as I choose to be.
I don't have to consult the invisible fairy for life's decisions, I do what all sane people do. I run my own life.
All you do is what the insane book tells you to, which seems to be to make mistake after mistake in your personal attacks and snide remarks.
The love of jesus I suppose!
Your posts are a disgrace and show how low you will go to defend the indefensible.
Of all the posts I have seen here, these posts are the saddest example of moral indecency I have ever seen.
You're sure I do? You don't know why though do you?
Mention my relationships, or my children in any context here and I will be all over you like a rash!
Clean up you're act. You are so far out of line it defies description.
I would be happy to discuss my feelings about your comments face to face. I may be in Canada before the end of this year.
Hey Easnest I have moved to Creston BC. sometime do come by Vancouver.
If your around, love to buy you a beer!
Cool! I will let you know when I hit the tarmac.
getting back to topic.. hitting the tarmac isn't code for masturbation, is it?
It could be, I don't know.
I am sure there are some expert wankers here that could tell you though.
Picture sheep so it allows you to masturbate in a non lustful matter then pictures Tarmac as a way of getting there
Somebody has to do the dirty work of an masturbate expert, so I’ll take it on. After this thread and hub, who knows maybe a book and a movie documentary. Showing how Jesus accidentally comes out of the closet when he tries to show Joe Plumber how much he loves him. And many other mystery cases of the holy host... The greatest fear in America is public speaking this would be a huge break through
I maybe produce the history of men and women that have been masturbating throughout their entirely lives dating back to the ages of cave housing. Too often Religion wants to separate too many things rather than connect them together, like how many pages are stuck together from books mystery
Then could evolve to songs like
If I can’t have me, I don’t want nobody baby OR
I am sooo beautiful to me, Can’t you see, I’m everything thing I hope for and everything I can be.
Then maybe we will get our mono sexual rights like gays and be able to marry our self, if there no other way towards hap-penis
People called me mad for creating the sandcastle and snow sculpture industry… so watch me soar with sheep and eagle alike and climate many times a day, not just physically. Only the religious will go blind if they do not seek the truth.
I mean create the climate in order to climax many times,
lol... you may have to stop reading for a while... you might not like what you read... failure after failure... thank goodness you're a good business man or i'm sure you'd starve. Don't threaten me earnest when the only psychotic in here is plainly YOU.
I don't make threats.
Are you going to ensure that you personally abuse every person on the religious threads that don't agree with you?
You talk about failure.
What failure would that be?
Failure to remain a bigot and learning my way out of your ridiculous religion?
Failure to control life and death?
Failure to be any of the things you have accused me of?
Failure to be a motor mechanic and turning out to be the CEO?
Failure to be a member of a group that I helped found because you didn't find proof of it?
Failure to shut up and let you demonstrate your ignorance and hate of your fellow man?
I don't threaten you, you hate everyone's guts and keep making snide personal attacks on things you have no knowledge of because you can't defend your religious beliefs even with those who share your god nonsense.
Was it god that taught you to answer all his questions with gutless personal attacks?
Man you are so over the place. Find a psychiatrist will ya.
What quarter do you give anyone here? Giving us all headaches with your repetitions and stupid nonsense. Running around like some moose commanding respect but for what?
lol you are funny.
What failure....
the failure to be a christian
the failure to know how to study bible
the failure to know how to pray correctly
the failure to not be a bigot
the failure to show any christian any respect
the failure to not be an expletive
failure to impress the group you said you founded enough to remember you.
failure to provide rational and reasonable discussion and not flip out like some nutter.
not to mention the divorces and other failures that i am sure you won't let slip out next time.
As to gutless.. you will have to back that up please...
You should see and talk to my grandchildren and children about that.
I live with my daughter and five grandchildren, who love me dearly.
Your old man comment is ageist, so I assume you are also sexist and stuck in the stone age myths of religious piety.
The rest of your abuse I will not address as it is beneath my dignity to do so.
You have no idea at all about me, you judge me based on what you have done to others and compare as I am what you think.
I have no need to know about you, your sad attitude to others is apparent.
You cast the aspersions, why not address that?
Your abusive post calling me sick is indicative of who you are!
Come on guys, lets not build a hard on for each other
Share the love
I don't take crap off quarter-wits, and I am making no exceptions in this case!
quarter wits
A devotional Catholic.christianity,pyschology,dramatic monologue, one of her favorite is Lady Gaga,Eminem and the Legend Rock,Michael Jackson.
She is a clone
lea86 dose have a few good tip on couples dating, I'm inspired to do tips on masturbation in my next hub, because practice make perfect.
Nothing personal Castlepoloma ,but dont ya think youre kinda stuck on this topic?
Or as the billboard says "That mans got far too much spare time on his hands "
I cannot live a lie, unlike many people
Yea........yea yes,. I confess I do it sometimes,
Now! three Hell Mary’s and lets do it again!!!
Why should anyone be concerned at all about what masturbation is to someone ELSE? Isn't it about the most private thing in the world? Sheesh. Talk about having your panties in a bunch.
sorry.. i cant see what you are talking about
It may not be there at all, sometimes I imagine seeing things that aren't there.
I can't read that, wait, I'll get my glasses
I've got so much hair on the palms of my hands I can't pick my glasses up.
that is a good one... Earnest did u get that?
I have now!
Obviously he feels threatened, but probably doesn't realise that in constantly trying to denigrate me, he is showing that he is aware that I threaten his beliefs, so he seems to panics, going off in to personal attack mode, or to some up his constant abuse and the cause of it.
"Thou protesteth too much" Too easy to see through poor thing!
oh puhleessse.
your misinterpretations and self justifying bulldust threaten nothing. Now to tromp around like a rooster makes you in my eyes.. less of whatever was thought of you before.
I'd like to see you show one instance where you threaten any of my beliefs.
just one.
Lets see if you can make truth out of this claim of yours.
I regularly choke my chicken with an artistic five knuckle shuffle...the trick is to do it right, maybe look it up online if you're having trouble. Religious people may need to get out more and do the funky monkey banana dance!
Yea maybe they then could lighten up alittle...
And that ladies and gentlemen concludes my case.
Thank you for all that.
If you don't go to hell for falling on your hand, you'll go to hell for having neon green hair! I'm pretty sure that's a sin too!
I just don't know how Christians can lie so vastly for what is in Hand.
I must be too honest for their kind of God in hand or to much a lover to join their fight club.
No matter how many times Christian keep trying to give me non sense hit on the head lessons (or give me their lesson about my little head beating ) I won't give up, my healthy good sense.
No, that would happen only if you fell on my hand!
If a woman has a wonderful soul, it just might fall into her hand.
The staff of life, I mean.
Why Is masturbation sin.
Masturbation with lust thoughts is sin.
Masturbation is not possible With out lust thoughts.
Our body can spite sperm with out masturbation and our knowledge .
But most of the people are not allowing our body to do the work.
People are generating sex feeling and do the masturnation and SEX.
JESUS told that if you see the opposite sex with lust is SIN.
Option is ours.We can avoid the things.
One can marry if it is not possible.
But one thing we have to know the following
Womens are conceived baby with SIN.-BIBLE
[It means that with out lust thoughts SEX is not possible]
That is why GOD prefers JESUS birth with out male.
JESUS is the only messenger having holy birth.
Okay, how about this thought... Jesus probably masturbated with "lust thoughts" and although he may have said this to be a sin, he probably didn't stop anyways.
Most likely, there are people who don't masturbate and maybe Jesus was one of them. Since he didn't, perhaps he believed others should not be having fun.
Just sayin...
Okay,how about this thought...
we want to create hungry for to get good food. Can Stop creating hungry For fun.
we want to create lust thoughts for SEX. Can Stop lust thoughts for fun.
We want to create lust look to opposite . Can stop the look for fun.
Perhaps Jesus prefer these fun.
Very few people says that some thing[joy] is in our body other than food and sex.
I think that sex is a least one.Because our body has a tendency to release sperm with out our knowledge.
by sandra rinck 15 years ago
Just curious. I can't recall masturbation ever coming up in the Bible. I have heard fornication, abominations, homosexuality, sexually immoral etc... but what is that?Now, I aint looking for a fight about homosexuality because frankly I don't care if someone is gay or not. I figure...
by success22 11 years ago
is masturbation a sin
by Joviman 15 years ago
Is masturbation wrong or a sin?I read in a family health book about child development into adulthood and they mentioned seminal emission occurs about every two weeks and that over 90% of adults masturbate. Is there a Bible-based instruction claiming masturbation is wrong or a sin?
by aka-dj 13 years ago
It seems many people have a warped view of this, as can be seen in another thread.Here's the truth!**************************************You have believed a lie!God does not hate gays!!!!!!!!!!!!!Maybe I should say it like thisGOD DOES NOT HATE GAYSDid you get that?He hates...
by graceinus 10 years ago
What is the difference between God hating something and man hating something?What exactly does God hate? What and were does God draw the line on what is and is not to be hated? I know God hate's sin, but is there anything else He hates? Is man suppose to hate anything?
by terced ojos 8 months ago
As a Christian married man is it a sin to lust in my heart for my wife?On occasion I um pleasure myself thinking about her. I was wondering though. Am I committing a sin for lusting after her? It doesn't feel like it's wrong but I was wondering what my brothers and sisters in Christ might say.
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