How do you keep kids entertained inside when it's cold and snowing outside?

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  1. Amy Gillie profile image80
    Amy Gillieposted 11 years ago

    How do you keep kids entertained inside when it's cold and snowing outside?

  2. samnashy profile image70
    samnashyposted 11 years ago

    good question, I got fed up with being couped up so moved overseas.  A bit drastic but no regrets.  When it was cold it was definitely a case of planning ahead.
    Cooking and baking was a good one,  playing board games, making dens out of bed sheets, getting children to put on 'shows', probably the best and the easiest was to get some friends over .

  3. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    I don't have any kids but if I did, I can think of lots of options. I'd take them outside to play in the snow, go to the ice rink, make crafts inside, play games, do household chores, etc.

  4. Agnes Penn profile image60
    Agnes Pennposted 11 years ago

    I love drama while telling stories and kids love to hear them.  If your obligations allows you to give 100% of your time to the kids - tell them a story!  And if you need ideas for new tales hubpages can certainly help.

  5. profile image49
    JazzyRedposted 11 years ago movies
    computer games
    play cards as a family awhile
    then scrabble or monopoly is good

    1. profile image49
      JazzyRedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      and i used to have cousins play and do shows when baby satbeware on the kids doing shows though cus i got three cousins now in the gospel stuff and think they are stars now it can be dangerous

  6. Trish303 profile image72
    Trish303posted 11 years ago

    Have fun with you kids when it is to cold to play outside read more

  7. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image95
    Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years ago

    games, crafts, baking, dvds although I try to keep away from tv as long as I can.

  8. profile image51
    Giddy Geezerposted 11 years ago

    When my kids were small they loved to get some old blankets and make a fort under the table! They would take snacks under there and play for hours! I am not sure what or who they were pretending to be but they really enjoyed themselves!
        For young ladies(and gentlemen) there is nothing as fine as having a fancy tea party! Everyone dresses for the occasion including the dolls, stuffed animals and of course the grown ups. (Browse thrift shops and Goodwill stores for costumes and fancy hats to have on hand for such an occasion!) Help the kids make a little snack to serve with the tea. Some little finger sandwiches are also easy to prepare. Make sure it is a grand fete with all the trimmings. A really great tea party takes a lot of preparation and can keep kids busy for hours. Let them craft and hand print their own "fancy" invitations, prepare the table with the finest table linens and tea sets and help with the food preparation. This will take a little foresight on your part to make sure all these items are handy just in case you suggest a tea party to a group of bored children! The boys might enjoy the role of "Waiter" to the ladies. You might also suggest that he use a proper English accent while seving. The girls are sure to get a giggle out of that!
      Plays and skits are also a fun time for budding young thespians. Again it must be a big fancy deal for everyone and taken very seriously. Have a makeshift stage, costumes and props on hand(a dime a dozen at thrift shops or after holiday sales). Have seats arranged for the audience and make sure all guest show up in proper dress for a night of theater! Call the cousins and neighbors if you like. Kids love feeling important to grown ups. There are lots of sources online for plays and skits for every age group. You could also have the kids make their own sock puppets and a makeshift stage of cardboard boxes. Oh, how kids love cardboard boxes! I bought a new stove when my kids were little and the kids played in that box for weeks! For tweens and teens let them browse a cookbook for an ethnic dish that looks appealing and have them prepare it. Ask them to research the ethnicity and culture where the recipe originated and discuss it over dinner. If they choose Japenese for instance, have them serve it on the floor in the traditional manner. Make sure everyone  takes them seriously and always make them feel dignified and important.  I hope this helps!

  9. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 11 years ago

    A library of books; video games; art; movies; board games; etc.!


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