How to improve vision

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  1. pageantgirl31413 profile image76
    pageantgirl31413posted 14 years ago

    My husband wore glasses and recently had PRK for his eyes. It's great that he now has perfect vision. However, I'm not the type that likes anything close to my eyes. I can't even wear contacts because it scares me to much. So how exactly can we... read more

  2. Cow Flipper profile image75
    Cow Flipperposted 14 years ago

    If you are anything like me you've experienced the pain of eyestrain and the older you get the less sharp your vision seems to be. As we all age our power of sight begins to deteriorate. We can slow this process by using simple and natural... read more

  3. MAYRAPINK profile image61
    MAYRAPINKposted 14 years ago

    I was always told that carrots and liver helped with eyesight. I actually wear contacts so maybe I should have listened? Oh yeah..also don't look at the sun. People would always tell me that as a child but I took it as a challenge instead of advice ha-ha. But seriously, regular eye exams, protect from extreme sun and definitely go see a doctor if you are having to squint before it worsens. And if you end up needed glasses, they can actually be pretty hot. smile

  4. edguider profile image65
    edguiderposted 14 years ago

    Carrots, Carrots and more Carrots. It does not help improve vision immediately but helps preserve it in the long run..

  5. Konstantinos profile image59
    Konstantinosposted 14 years ago

    Everybody in here is almost surely interested in my hub!!!

  6. blackmarx profile image71
    blackmarxposted 14 years ago

    After reading Magical Mind, Magical Body by Deepak Chopra I've learned that it is helpful to change the way we look at things to improve our vision. read more

  7. teenmusicscene profile image60
    teenmusicsceneposted 14 years ago

    There are certain vegetables like carrots which are good for your vision whether you like them or not. Also, don't stare at a screen(TV, Computer, etc...) constantly. And get a decent amount of sleep at night.

  8. hassam profile image72
    hassamposted 14 years ago

    It is often seen that people
    concentrate on every part of body such as muscles, skin hands, legs, stomach,
    but they forget about eyes. Eyes no doubt are the most important part of our
    body. We need to care for that.   Eyes gives us sight to see... read more

  9. bushraismail profile image58
    bushraismailposted 14 years ago

    the best thing that you can do is to watch a bright light in the dark or involve your vision in dim light.
    for example. no watching TV in the dark
                        no playing video games in the dark
                        no reeding in dim light.
    even if these tips refuse to improve eye power. it will definitely stop further damage.
    my grand ma says that the way into your body is through your mouth .definitely fresh green leaves improves vision!!
    for further details, you can read my hub on beautiful eyes.

  10. animshare profile image71
    animshareposted 13 years ago

    Exercising your eyes to reduce eyestrain is an excellent place to start. Your vision is affected by eyestrain more than you may realize, and looking in one place for long periods of time or squinting for a better look strains the eye muscle. … nd-Glasses

  11. Craan profile image75
    Craanposted 13 years ago

    See how to oxygenate your eyes to improve your eyesight. There are great eye exercises and foods that help vision. read more

  12. HubPages profile imageSTAFF
    HubPagesposted 13 years ago

    How to improve vision


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