Why are some middle aged women stuck in a time warp, acting like late adolescent

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    Why are some middle aged women stuck in a time warp, acting like late adolescents or those in

    their early 20s instead of embracing the fact that they're middle aged, oftentimes being in fierce competition w/younger women?  What are they fearful of?


  2. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 7 years ago


    I suppose those women in the entertainment industry feel the need to try and keep up with all the trends. Madonna has always been "out there" when it comes to fashion.
    Nevertheless the "baby boomers" have been the first generation who has refused to go quietly into old age and enjoy the sunset.
    Working out, plastic surgery, Viagra, and other medical advances has led many folks to make an attempt to turn back the hands of time.
    When I was growing up women in their 50s looked "matronly" for the most part and were usually grandmothers baking cookies and pies. Most allowed their hair to turn gray as the looked forward to retiring.
    Today you have Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones still performing rock concerts in their 70s!
    These women clearly believe 50 is the new 30! smile
    Actually it's gotten to the point where people can't imagine at least older female celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, and others who are either 50 or approaching it to stop wearing mini skirts, short-shorts, and other fashions once regulated to younger women. If someone is "in shape" they want to "show if off".
    Eventually regular citizens start to emulate celebrities!

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer.Nothing's wrong w/a woman in her 50s looking, feeling, & acting youthful.However, there's something seriously wrong w/a woman in her 50s acting like a teenager. Compare Madonna to Vanessa Williams-both are in their 50s but w/a differe

    2. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Madonna leaves me cold & bored.  She always has.  She's an example of a 100% CREATED image....there's very little that seems "real" about Madonna.

    3. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      They say her net worth is around $800 Million.
      Madonna was an early adaptor of "branding" one's image. She plays the role of a vamp but is a shrewd calculating businesswoman who pulls her own strings.
      Granted she's not considered "tasteful" smile

    4. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Grace..Thanks for choosing my answer!  smile

    5. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You're quite welcome.

  3. GuyDrori profile image62
    GuyDroriposted 7 years ago

    I think that beauty and youth are subjects that always caught our interest as humans. Today, we are more obsessed than ever with our looks (mainly women). No one can deny that beauty is power, and the need to maintain looking young when you are middle-aged, I believe, comes from a few reasons. Three of them which I think are most common are:
    1) The fear of being old.
    2) obsession over youth
    3) denying age progression.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      A woman in her 50s should look her best.  There's no need to go to seed because one is 50 & beyond.There is a sexiness in one's 50s which should bespeak sophistication instead of being morbidly a teenager.

  4. tamarawilhite profile image85
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    Denis Prager has written and talked about the power of the man's gaze, the natural power women have when they play to male's visual sexual impulses.
    That's powerful, which is why teens who want attention start to show more skin or tighter clothes. And you can wield that even if you have no other skills.
    As looks and attraction fade in your 30s, women who have tied their identity to being sexy or value to how much men want them start going to great lengths to try to maintain it.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Looks don't start to fade in one's 30s.  The 30s are the beginning of when women look their best.  Even in their 50s, looks don't fade if women take good care of themselves.

    2. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you 100% Grace!!   Bravo.....even 60 can be the new 30!!   Just maintain and keep it subtle.!!

    3. Sandi Kroeger profile image71
      Sandi Kroegerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Grace & Paula. I was in my prime in my 30s & 40s. Even in my 60s I don't think I look too bad...but everything is starting to sag more!

  5. Say Yes To Life profile image78
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years ago

    The answer is obvious; rampant as ageism is, who wants to identify with that?  The image of sweet little grandmas baking cookies went out when the divorce rate skyrocketed. 
    As for stiff competition from younger women, it is a well-known fact that older women have fewer head trips, better personalities, and are much more pleasant overall.  It's the older men who face stiff competition (pun intended).

  6. fpherj48 profile image58
    fpherj48posted 7 years ago

    WHOA!!!   Stop the presses, Grace!  You gotta know I'm commenting to this!
    First off.....at what point do you consider "middle age?"...It is certainly not 30!  MAYBE 50+ can be half-considered to be middle age, but then it depends on the woman.
    Tamara....."Looks begin to fade at 30??"  My goodness that's a very sad thought. I was 30 right about the time I had my last child.  Afterwards, I began to improve with each passing year!  WHY?  Because I was finally able to spend time on and with myself.  I went the extra mile on appearance, if for no other reason than to feel independently "good" about myself.
    Getting back to your question Grace~~IMHO, what you mention seems to be evident in celebrities much more so than your average woman of Main Street USA (or elsewhere)  Why this occurs can only be understood by the entertainment industry.  The lengths they go to requires lots of money, make-up artists, personal chefs & coaches and a life of total pampering.  Good for them.
    It's rather disappointing to see an everyday woman making a spectacle of herself by going overboard to keep up with women 20 years their junior.  Those who do this simply have difficulty aging with grace & the natural progression of our bodies.  I think it's apparent to all of us that women look much worse trying to look "younger" than is expected or acceptable. 
    Quite frankly, I don't know more than one or 2 women who have ever tried to pull this off and it's not been successful.  Aging gracefully is a fact of life best accepted with gentle dignity.
    I am very comfortable with myself in pretty much all aspects as I slowly approach 70.  As Popeye said,  "I is who I is and that's all that I is."  I am and will always be "young-at-heart."  The rest of me tries to keep up to go along for the ride!..........Peace, Paula

    1. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Do you think (women) are harder on other women who attempt to turn back the clock on their appearance cosmetically and fashionably? 
      US Census lists the category middle age around 45 to 65.
      Since most don't live to be 90 how is 45 middle? smile

    2. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Dashing..If we don't equate the term "middle age" w/ the THE MID POINT IN OUR TIME ON EARTH.I guess it's a matter of choice. 50 maybe...I say more power to women if they utilize all tricks to remain young-looking!  Just not to over-do it.

  7. Evane profile image62
    Evaneposted 7 years ago

    I think this only applies to celebrities. But I think it is okay. There is nothing wrong with. I think that is healthy for those in middle age. Don't be a barrier or be jealous with the others' happiness. Be happy yourself.

  8. Sandi Kroeger profile image71
    Sandi Kroegerposted 7 years ago

    Grace, you show Madonna as an example to help visualize your question. I am not a huge Madonna fan but I will admit that she created a sexy, vamp "look" for herself... unique... intense...and she has made millions from that look. Why would she give that up now?

    I went to a concert by Cher about 8-10years ago and I clearly remember her saying (after she had strutted her stuff in a memorable fashion to If I Could Turn Back Time) "eat your heart out Britney Spears!". I can honestly say that she gave the best concert performance I've ever seen!! I think she was 60 at the time.

    I think that, in Hollywood at least, the pressure to stay sexy, vibrant, mesmerizing, tantalizing, and "youthful" will keep those women working very hard to maintain that image. In order to stay in the news they must be newsworthy...or at least photo worthy. Their lifestyle depends on it.


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