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Lady Gaga's Revenge: The Hubnuggeteers Save Ladyjane1

Updated on March 23, 2014

The Gaga Saga Continues

Breaking News: "Hello, this is Katie Couric for ABC News, word has just reached us that Lady Gaga has been released from prison for her latest shenanigans of stealing wannabe hubnuggets with intent to do harm. We are live at the Correctional facility where Lady Gaga has been housed, at the moment she is getting into her limo and holds up her toy monkey as she waves and acknowledges the crowd. She recieved a maximum sentence of 2 months in prison for her offense. Lady Gaga's spokesperson stated that she was going to have a press conference later on this week, but for now plans on just going home to lay low for a few days after her prison ordeal. More on Lady Gaga's itinerary on the late news at 10:00".

It was a dark and boring night, I had just settled into my pajamas and was getting ready for bed, the day had been a long difficult one at work and I decided to watch some television in my bedroom. I turned the television on and low and behold there was my evil twin sister Lady Gaga on the TV. and she was being escorted into her limo from the prison that she had been in for the past few months. It really was more like she was being paraded around by the media and she was loving every minute of the spectacle. Yes she was lapping up all the publicity that she had received from her recent prison vacation and enjoying all the media attention that she was receiving. The media loved my sister, every move that she made was news worthy according to them. People loved her and just as many people hated her. She was such a novelty and people couldn’t get enough of her and like the train wreck that she was, everyone couldn’t stand to look away!

Lady Gaga as a child
Lady Gaga as a child
Lady Gaga's fashion sense
Lady Gaga's fashion sense

She had been put in prison because she had stolen the hub nugget hubs and of course being who I am, I wasn’t going to stand for that. Sister or not, she was evil and had been since the day that we were born. I wasn’t going to let her embarrass me amongst my colleagues like she embarrassed me in front of family and friends. She had always one upped me in every situation growing up and stolen boyfriends, spread rumors about me and even tried to pretend she was me, more than once. She was a bad seed for sure… was hard to believe that we shared that same seed and even harder to believe that although we were cut from the same cloth, and looked very much alike, we were as different as night and day.


I was going over the hubnugget wannabes and reading hubs when I saw that the topics for this weeks hubs were Religion and Philosophy, and it dawned on me what a joke my sister's philosophy is. She is such a self serving person who doesn't think about anyone but herself, a true narcissist in the true sense of the word. And the only religion she practices is probably her music and lifestyle. The other topics were Fashion and Beauty and it got me to thinking that my sister really thinks so highly of herself, and that she is such a fashion icon. The truth be told that her "fashion" is a jook and she should have been arrested by the fashion police a long time ago for some of the stuff she has worn...a meat dress, Really???

As for Sports and Recreation which is the final topic for this week, I was reminded of when we took a camping trip back when we were both 10 years old. We went hiking with our parents and were having such a great time. We went swimming and made smores by the campfire and laughed and sang and had a great ole time. Until bedtime came and my sister knew very well that I was afraid of scary stories, but of course that didn't stop her, she told me the scariest, bloodiest story that I have ever heard, and just laughed when I was too scared to go to the bathroom by myself, and I ended up wetting my pants; and then she went and told on me, she was evil then and she is still evil, I imagine that she will always be the evil twin that I wish I never had.

I couldn’t take much more television and decided to turn in for the night. I had such a hard time sleeping, this whole thing with my sister was really getting to me and I hated that it still bothered me. I had to once and for all get her out of my mind and out of my life.

I got up and went into the kitchen to get some warm milk, hoping that would help get me to sleep, when suddenly I heard a rap at the door. It was a very weak sounding but I heard it just the same. I went to the door and looked out the peep hole and didn’t see anyone. I decided to do what any red blooded blonde in this situation would do and I opened the door.

There in all her glory was my sister Lady Gaga, she said hello to me and invited herself in and I kept asking her what she was doing here and why she didn’t bother to even call me first being that it was so late and all. She just laughed “hahahah”, oh dear sister, she said, “You should feel privileged that I am even making an appearance here and not charging you for the privilege”. Just then she came at me with what looked like a washcloth of some kind, and covered my face with it and the smell of the chlorophorm was over powering, and before I knew it I felt like I was falling into a dark tunnel and the flicker of light shining through that tunnel was getting smaller and smaller…….fade to black for Ladyjane1!

Meanwhile back at the hub nugget ranch, Simone and Maddie were sitting around talking about this weeks hub and wondered what it would be about. Suddenly the phone rang and it was Enelle, and she was saying that she had just got a call from Patty and KoffeeKlatch Gals that Ladyjane1 went missing. It all started when Patty Inglish went to Lj’s apartment to pick up this weeks nominees. When she got there no one around but a sign on the door that said to come on in. Patty apparently looked around for Lj and couldn’t find her, but what she did find on the kitchen table next to the hub nugget nominees, was a note from Lady Gaga to the hub nugget team.

Dear Hubnuggeteers,

As you know by now I have taken my dear sister LadyJane1, she has been a thorn in my side for such a long time and now is the time to avenge what she did to me. She has been leading a great social life out here and I was in jail for so long. Ladyjane1 will pay, I tell you she must pay. You can have your hub nugget nominees this week but Lady Gaga is dominating this hub now and for weeks to come unless you find your precious LadyJane and rescue her………bahahahahahahahaha!!!! (Evil laugh, organ music) Foul is Fair and Fair is Foul!!

Patty said she went right to the secret cave and sent out the bat signal…….Ladyjane in trouble! Ladyjane in trouble calling all hubnuggeteers, we must assist.

One by one everyone came to the signals of Patty Inglish.

RedElf, Maddie, Ennele, and Simone all finally arrived and just looked at each other perplexed. Although they were happy that the hubs were okay they had no idea where to find Ladyjane or where even to start looking. .

Tune in next time as the Gaga saga continues and when Patty says, “wow Lj’s apartment is immaculate”. When RedElf says, “I knew this had to be the work of the evil twin”! And when Maddie says, “ Geeze I didn’t know Ladyjane had a bat cave!!! (organ music here)

Without further ado, here are the nominated hubs that are in competition for the hubnugget of the week.......Please read and vote and make a comment if you wish!

Which one of this week's Religion and Philosophy nominees is your favorite?

  • 1% Hagar, a biblical misfit
  • 91% Tarot Cards and Their Meanings
  • 2% A Host To A Ghost
  • 3% Urban Legends Can't Get Past Snopes
  • 1% Religious Artifacts
  • 1% Spiritual Trip to India
269 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.

Which one of this week's Sports and Recreation nominees is your favorite?

  • 29% Why I Hate Camping
  • 39% A Girly Girl's Guide to Fishing
  • 14% 101 Things to Do Before Summer's Over
  • 4% The Iron Bog
  • 7% A Baseball Realignment Proposal
  • 7% 6 Mental Tricks to Improve Golf Score
28 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.

Which one of this week's Fashion and Beauty nominees is your favorite?

  • 48% Plus Size Can Be Chic
  • 14% Can Beauty and aging co-exist side by side?
  • 10% Benefits of a sports bra. What makes them so good?
  • 14% The Parable Of The Fallen Wedding Dress
  • 5% Girl, What's Up With All Those Tattoos?
  • 10% How To Make Luxurious Body Butter
42 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.

To the newcomers of Hubpages

The Hubnugget program is a great way to start your hubbing career. It’s a great way to get noticed and get to know lots of fellow hubbers out there; after all, one of the reasons you have joined Hubpages is to get read by others.

When you are nominated by the Hubnugget team then it’s a great idea to start promoting it, such as telling all your family and friends to read and vote for your hub. Feel proud that you are part of that Elite group of people that have been nominated. Many of which are very successful here on Hubpages.

The rules are very simple and easy to achieve. To be nominated you need to write a well written hub with lots of info and perhaps some pictures to compliment your storyline. Be sure to use as many of the capsules that are available and your hub pages score has to be 75 or higher. Your hub that was nominated needs to be above 55. If you are one of the winners, then you will be profiled in our next Hubpages newsletter, and viewed by thousands of hubbers, therefore resulting in you getting a lot of views and possibly some revenue. So Congrats to all the nominees and best of luck to all of you.

© 2011 ladyjane1


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