What has happened to the U.S.A.?

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  1. moneyfairy profile image61
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    When did we stop being the "United" States of America and become the "seperate ,angry, hateful "America? Don't we all still want freedom? Then why is it that a possible future president could be able to tell us that we are not allowed to have birth control ,that we are not allowed to have an abortion if someone rapes us?That there will be no more planned parenthood,that regular average people don't matter only the rich coorperations and uber rich  families can profit on the hard working poor and middle class?What about seniors that can't afford thier medicines?Does anybody care anymore or is it all about the money?Who profits?If there is no more heart in America then what?We will surley destroy ourselves if there is no more love and no more helping your fellow mankind. I mean gosh look at what is happening with crazy people shooting and murdering people randomly in movie theaters and children playing all these war video games etc...then killing thier fellow students for the hell of it because this is what they watch and what they see is allowable. It's just very sad. Any and all opinions welcomed.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image60
      Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why don't you like America?

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I love America, that's why I am sadened to see that it is no longer United but very seperate.  I just wanted to see how other people felt about it too. That's all.

        1. profile image0
          HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I understand your sentiment - but the US used to restrict abortion much more than it does now. So - why go back there? Things are getting better all the time - it just takes time and the concerted effort of folks who care.

          As for the shootings - yeah, that's bad, but we used to have racist groups that lynched black people and worse. When you look back - it really IS getting better.

          Let's all work together to help it along.

          1. moneyfairy profile image61
            moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for sharing your Utopion/hopeful thoughts. I wish more thought like you, and you are exactly right about the abortion thing lets not go backwards with Romney's plan, lets not go back to the dark ages....where womens rights are supressed to a male dominated society...We've come to far to go backwards again.
            Your thoughts are much appreciated.
            Thank you for sharing.

            1. profile image0
              HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The interesting thing (to me) is that abortion won't go backwards no matter who we elect. When Romney was gov in MA, he appointed pro-choice judges and supported rape victims.

              There is nothing to indicate that Romney would alter his policies - despite the lip-service he offers right-wingers.

              It's not much different from Obama saying that marriage was between "one man and one woman" in 08 and then supporting gay marriage in 12. Nothing will change based on Obama's changed attitude.

              I don't really think a President has that much power anymore.

              1. moneyfairy profile image61
                moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I sure hope not...but that seems to be Romneys platform. I hope he could never follow through with it. I wish we had more choices , It's like that movie with Richard Pryor from yrs. ago and he said to vote none of the above (LOL) I wish that was a choice but then where would we be?

                1. profile image0
                  HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I hear ya. I wish we had more choices as well.

      2. rhamson profile image69
        rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You definately did not get the gist of the post.

    2. Dale Hyde profile image80
      Dale Hydeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why would you create this post in a forum thread that deals with issues that are related to writing and accounts here on HubPages?

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I clicked on the subject matter,Politcis and Social issues if you see at the top of my thread so I thought this was the proper forum, sorry if I was wrong. There have been several political posts on what people thought of the upcoming elections, so I thought this was o.k. Sorry .

        1. Billy Hicks profile image80
          Billy Hicksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You posted it in the right place Moneyfairy.  smile

          If I had to guess, I would say that Dale probably had multiple tabs open and was browsing between a few different stories (as most of us do), and simply thought he was in a different thread.

          1. moneyfairy profile image61
            moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you very much Billy!!!appreciate it!!!

        2. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Dale was 100% accurate. This thread was initially in the "Need Help" forum.  A moderator moved it.  Of OP intended it to be here, they made a mistake while posting it.

          1. moneyfairy profile image61
            moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry for the mistake.

    3. phion profile image61
      phionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Does anyone really think that Romney will outlaw abortion, Planned Parenthood, and birth control? Give me a break! This is yet another lie the Obama campaign would like us all to believe.

      1. LauraGT profile image85
        LauraGTposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Romney is adopting a right-wing agenda, which would like to outlaw abortion (he has said he wants the supreme court to overturn Roe V. Wade and the GOP platform would ban all abortions), defund Planned Parenthood (the House GOP has already voted this way), and would allow companies to decide whether or not to cover birth control on their plans (for many women, not having insurance coverage pretty much means no access).  So, perhaps "outlaw" is a strong word (except for abortion, which he would like to outaw), but a Romney administration would push hard to defund PP and decrease access to birth control.  This is no Obama lie - it's the GOP platform!

        1. moneyfairy profile image61
          moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for quoting the truth LauraGT!!! Well said!!!

        2. phion profile image61
          phionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Laura & MFairy~
          Defund PP= good, more than half of Americans don't want to pay for it in the first place. Actions=consequences. What happened to responsibility? I’m not talking about rape, or incest, or health issues here. Just check the facts.  http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html
          93% of abortions are because the mother simply doesn’t want the child. So citizens who don’t believe in abortion under these circumstances, are made to pay for them? How is that right?

          Wait a minute are you all really getting wrapped up in these issues? Birth control isn't free....oh no when did that happen? These issues are so miniscule to the larger ones we face. How are we allowing ourselves to get so sidetracked?

          So the question wasn’t answered. Do you really think Romney will take a non-issue, that has only been brought up by democrats as one of their last ditch efforts to prove a “War on Women” and worry about that if he gets into office? If so…Wow. I’m pretty sure that’s at the bottom of his priority list, if at all. Time will tell, maybe your worst fears are right, and he will avoid all the issues that are more pressing and sign a executive order, avoiding congress like Obama, and outlaw abortion and birth control…wait no he won’t.

          1. phion profile image61
            phionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Ok not more than half according to liberal sources, only 45%. That's still a large number to force anything upon.

      2. Ralph Deeds profile image64
        Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        No, but he and the GOP platform says he will or wants to.

        1. moneyfairy profile image61
          moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Correct !!!Thanks Ralph for sharing the truth!!!

        2. profile image0
          JaxsonRaineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Source please, for Romney saying those things.

          1. moneyfairy profile image61
            moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Read the paper or listen to the news. Romney is a business man only out for his own interests and agendas. Have you listened to any of his debates? google him and see all the horrible things he has done.  He wanted to put over 1million people out of work in the auto business, he said "let them go bankrupt" he doesn't give a shit about the people only himself and the abortion issue and female health care issue is the GOP's platform. Just read!!!

            1. JSChams profile image61
              JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              This ad brought to you by the Democrat party.

              1. moneyfairy profile image61
                moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                JS Chams,
                Just curious what your opinion of Romney is?

                1. JSChams profile image61
                  JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  My opinion of Romney is I will hold my nose and vote.
                  There are no good choices but I am tired of the hopey changey that ain't doing nothing.
                  My comment about your comment reflected the fact it was mostly talking points.

                  1. moneyfairy profile image61
                    moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Well I think we all wish we had more choices but this is it. It's sad but true. Which is the best choice?They both have thier faults but who is going to be the best for the country?Who cares more about the people than themselves?

      3. rhamson profile image69
        rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        All these side issues are a way of diverting our attention away from Romneys' budget, job and foreign policy issues which he has no specific plan that he can explain. All presidents have outlined what they want to do when they get into office but how many times have we seen an about face once they are elected and serving? If Romney is elected we may see a spike in employment and the economy but the banks and big business will be back in the saddle again as the re-election of Obama will let loose his wants with no fear of re-election problems in the future holding him back. The banks and big business don't want that. If Obama is re-elected wait for more of the scandal and rumor mongering to ensue.

        The president and congress are not in charge. The banks (and that includes the Fed) and big business dictate what is going to and what is not going to get done!

    4. Moderndayslave profile image60
      Moderndayslaveposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To answer the original question, Greed and people wanting to force others to obey some one else's own beliefs.

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Very sad isn't it. Thanks for your reply.

    5. kathleenkat profile image84
      kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What about Obama telling us that we have to have healthcare? What about Obama telling us that if we are well-to-do (over 250k), we must pay higher taxes? What about Obama telling us that we have to pay for abortion services with our tax dollars? And free woman's clinics? What if we don't want to pay for all that? Where is our freedom?

      You speak of wanting freedom. I want freedom. But with all these social programs being pushed on me, I don't feel like I have freedom. Whatever happened to people working for their success and living means? We are now giving healthcare to anyone who makes less than 133% poverty line. Why strive for more, when it's free?

      Shooting? You speak of shooting in movie theaters. Yet, our President Obama doesn't speak of this. President Obama doesn't even address this issue. He only addresses college students, healthcare, and marriage rights. He is telling us what we can do, how is that any different than telling us what we can not do? How is that any more or less "free"?

      In my opinion, Obama and Romney are the same. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. I wish that one of the 'lesser' candidates, like Ron Paul, had more of a chance. Then I wouldn't feel like I'm tossing my vote away if I voted for one of them.

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        kathleenkat: Thanks for sharing.
        re: shootings: President went to the hospital of the victims and talked to them and thier families personally.
        re:Wealthy having to pay taxes(Why shouldn't they have to pay thier fair share),you make more you should expect to pay more. the middle class has been paying the wealthy's share for yrs. and coorporerations have payed little to none while the secretaries etc.pay thier share and thier bosses as well. I agree I wish we had more choices in candidates but I think Obama is the lesser of the 2 evils.

        1. kathleenkat profile image84
          kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I don't have an issue with people paying their fair share. I have an issue with people saying that your fair share is a higher percentage of your income if you make more than 250k. That, to me, is punishing success.

          And Obama hasn't even talked about gun control, when clearly there should be an issue with all the recent shootings. Obama, instead, chooses to talk about marriage rights. Who cares who can get married when we are shooting eachother? Who cares who can get married when the unemployment rate is hovering at an embarassingly 8%? Really, Obama needs to stop telling us what we can and can not do, because, unlike Romney, he is the president. He needs to get out of our personal lives as much as anyone else does, and start focusing on the real issues here. When people get shot, you don't ignore that. Going to the hospitol is nice, but if you are the President, I would sincerely hope that you would respond in some moving way to help protect future shootings. Gun control should be an issue. Gay marriage should not be an issue. That's all I'm saying.

          1. jenniferrpovey profile image75
            jenniferrpoveyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Who can get married is very much an issue to the man who can't see his partner of thirty years in the hospital because they won't acknowledge him as a relative.

            Who can get married is very much an issue to the intelligent, educated American woman who wants to bring her intelligent, educated European partner into the country, but who can't because immigration rights are restricted to married couples and two women can't get married, resulting in said intelligent, educated American woman leaving to live in Europe and pay taxes there.

            Who can get married is very much an issue to the five year old child who's mother dies of cancer and who is dragged away from her other mother, forbidden to ever see her again, because her biological mother's relatives disapproved of their relationship and the non-related partner has NO rights over that child.

            As for the 'if it's free, why strive for more'...you have a point in that people need something to strive for, but why does that something have to be 'having enough to eat' or 'not watching your seven year old take six months to die in agony of something treatable' rather than 'having a nice car' or 'adding to your video game collection'. I honestly think people who say that have never actually been poor, have never actually lain awake at night wondering where the next month's rent is going to come from, or skipped meals to keep the grocery bill down, or taken a smaller portion so their kids can have more...

          2. moneyfairy profile image61
            moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            re: Kathleenkat: I agree that he should do something about gun control. Especially in light of all the shootings at highschools,colleges,movie theaters,supermarkets etc... there has to be something done and soon. It is very scary.
            re:jenniferrpovey: I agree that rights of all humans should be acknowledged and that it is inhumane the way other genders are treated ,like they are non human even though they are tax paying American citizens. It's very sad and I hope someday soon that will change as it really is unfair. I love John Lennon's "Imagine" if we could all be one big human family and get along,we all don't have to agree on everything but "live and let live". and you are soooo very right that some people don't understand poverty unless they have actually had to live it....I've known several people that had good paying jobs and have been out of work for over 6 yrs. now because nobody is hiring just laying off, so this  person I know has just been doing odd jobs and whatever they can to get by, both thier parents are dead and no one to count on except friends and it's really hard as they are trying to get work not just sitting on thier ass collecting welfare but really trying to make something work, but the rich and uber rich just don't get it because they have never been there. I myself have had a difficult time in the last yr. or so as 4 of my clients have passed away(they were seniors so it was inevitable), and others are out of work and can't afford any extras etc...so believe me ,I know poverty and it's no fun at all. Thank goodness for the libraries to use thier computers and get free books etc..and thank goodness for planned parenthood for papsmears and breast exams if that is gone I don't know what I'll do. It'll be interesting to watch it all unfold. I hope it gets better for all of us and that the wealthy stop being such snobs and elitest meanies to anybody that isn't on thier level. Most of us work our butts off to survive most of us don't expect hand outs and then we are expected to not only pay for our taxes but for the wealthy coorporations too???PLEASE !!!! Is that fair? So I believe the wealthy should pay thier fair share as we have paid thiers for yrs..

    6. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      America is all about the money. Our corporations buy the politicians into office and control the vote which is all about money. Every issue centers around money and how much of it is earned, taxed, levied as punishment and given away. The morals be damned as the bottom line is the key to any measurable success. What would you expect from a country that has everything for sale?

  2. Healthy Pursuits profile image79
    Healthy Pursuitsposted 11 years ago

    Moneyfairy, this is the wrong forum. If you post this question in one of the social or political threads, you'll get much more discussion. This is purely for help, not commentary.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry I clicked on politics and social issues and that is actually at the top of my thread. I thought this was the correct subject forum to be in. Sorry. Also ,there have been several threads regarding the up coming elections and how people felt, so I thought this was appropriate. Sorry if I was wrong ,let me know what I should have done? I thought by clicking on politics and social issues that I was in the right place.????

  3. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 11 years ago

    Money not fairly. Came into being in the late fifties. Progressive - ends justify means, and the rise of the corporations.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very sad indeed when $$ comes before living breathing human beings and that ,that is considered progress. Very sad .

  4. SpanStar profile image62
    SpanStarposted 11 years ago


    I find your topic a social issue which fits perfectly with political and social issues.

    America has changed because Americans have changed where as years past there was a fervent belief in right, wrong and God. But we have tried to get God out of America and right and wrong has become nothing more than an interpretation.

    We seek not to step up to the plate for righteousness and justice but we would rather present the argument that everyone is right and almost no one is wrong-where can one find such ideology (Look in America's courtrooms). The ACLU is a good example where I believe they would defend the devil himself.

    Years ago America used to be a giving nation concerned with the poor now it appears we have become a nation concerned that there is still poor in our way. How we talk about the poor getting food stamps or cigarettes or whatever and granted there may be some abusing the system but how is it that we almost never talk about the rich who controls the high prices we pay every day.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Amen!!! Thank you very much. I enjoyed your opinion and agree!!!

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      America "used" to be a giving nation?  And yet we give far, far more on both a national and a per capita basis than we ever have.  The welfare system as a whole has ballooned to something simply unsustainable through the desire to "help" our fellow man - how can you say that we no longer want to help?

      Very few want God out of American; most simply want your god out of their lives.  As do you - you no more want the Islamic god running your life than I want the Christian god running my life.

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That's a very interesting perspective. Than why is there so much poverty and beggers on almost every corner and people living on the sidewalks and streets,and homeless shelters are full to overflowing?? And kids shooting other kids in schools(where by the way God had been taken out of the pledge of allegence) and colleges and supposed PHD students going on shooting rampages in  a movie theaters. Maybe you live in a rural area where you don't see this on a daily basis but it is very sad to say the least. Must be nice living in your perfect bubble, enjoy.

      2. SpanStar profile image62
        SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        There is a difference here it was not the Islamic that Founded America nor worked diligently for years to establish the core values of this country. They have their country as does so many other religious group only America it seems to be the country which should be godless.

  5. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    No problem, it ended up where it needed to be.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you .

  6. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I believe he would if he could.  It is is stated belief.  And who should I believe about Romney if not Romney himself?

    1. JSChams profile image61
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Is there a reason we have two political parties?

      1. moneyfairy profile image61
        moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes there is a reason we have 2 parties, supposedly for freedom of choice. But it seems that if Romney is chosen women will no longer have freedom of choice but that we will have to do what he says and believes and to me that is not freedom,that is not the American way at all.

        1. JSChams profile image61
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Wow! Maybe we just need one party? How do you think we could do that?

        2. JSChams profile image61
          JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hey wait a minuite. There are places with just one party. They have lot's less freedom don't they?

          1. jenniferrpovey profile image75
            jenniferrpoveyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            To be honest, I would rather see zero political parties. That is to say, candidates for all office running on their own merit, not political platforms.

            Sadly, I don't think human nature would allow this. We do like to form our little tribes and gangs.

            1. JSChams profile image61
              JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Can you give me any examples of where that is used and how it works out?

              1. jenniferrpovey profile image75
                jenniferrpoveyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                It's not. Hence my comment about human nature not allowing it. As soon as democracy is introduced, political parties crop up. Then they reduce in number. Which in America has led to two sides that hate each other and the people who don't want to get involved having no good choices at all.

                1. JSChams profile image61
                  JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  But one is good and the other is evil?

                  1. jenniferrpovey profile image75
                    jenniferrpoveyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Right now, my PERSONAL opinion on the major parties boils down to 'A plague on both your houses'.

                    There are some ideas in the extreme conservative movement I would consider 'evil', such as trying to deny women birth control (And more than that - PP can't manage without federal funding in the places where they are the ONLY provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening. Sometimes not even just the only provider for women without insurance - in some rural areas they're the only remotely convenient provider for *anyone*), extreme homophobia, religious bigotry, etc.

                    On the other hand, some liberals are equally religiously intolerant, albeit towards different people.

                    BOTH sides want the other side to 'come round to their way of thinking'. Neither side is tolerant. And Romney has some good ideas as well as his bad ones.

                    The idea that one is 'good' and the other 'evil' is the *very root* of our problems.

            2. moneyfairy profile image61
              moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              LOL (to your original comment)Thanks for sharing . I like your ideas.

    2. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      psycheskinner, you are correct who should you believe, if not from the man himself.

  7. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Christianity did not found America either (initially or or after British colonization or after independence), and Islamic Americans (born or naturalized) are, by design, as American as anyone else.

    1. SpanStar profile image62
      SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I would say in your opinion.

      One can marry into America but according to you that makes them more Americans than the American soldiers who died fighting for this country-like I said your opinion.

      1. psycheskinner profile image83
        psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        No, it makes them *as* American.  Because that is how citizenship works and it is how America works. And should it come to that, it makes them eligible for the draft.  Some of those who have died for America have been Muslim.  Do you count their sacrifice as less?

        In American democracy each citizen counts as one person, no less and no more.  That is one of the reasons I am here.  I am sad that some native born American's don't hold this principle dear to their hearts.

        1. SpanStar profile image62
          SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          How unfortunate the real Americans may not share your perspective of inclusion of others as they have been nearly wiped out and forced to live on reservations excluded from America.

          1. JSChams profile image61
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Where do you live? i live in Oklahoma which is the capital to several tribes including the Cherokee and they are excluded from nothing.

            1. SpanStar profile image62
              SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this


              I don't know why it is that when we see some or a few doing ok then they all must be doing good.

              poverty. In 2010, the poverty on reservations was 28.4 percent, with 22 percent among all American Indians (on and off reservation, with 15.3 percent among all Americans. In addition to poverty rates, reservations are hindered by low educational levels, as well as poor healthcare

              1. kathleenkat profile image84
                kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                That's for sure. I live near a reservation, and from that reservation, only two individuals have advanced degrees.

                1. JSChams profile image61
                  JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh and there are large Las Vegas style casinos all around here for most every tribe in the state.
                  Plus the medical care you and I pay for.
                  Like I said......take your fairy tale somewhere else.

                  1. kathleenkat profile image84
                    kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Um. What? What the hell are you even talking about? All I said was a comment relating to someone else's comment about lack of education in Native Americans. You also don't need an advanced degree to be rich, however, they seem to have less advanced degrees and more poverty than us 'white folk.'

                    And what I said is true. Lummi Island currently only has two individuals who hold advanced degrees. That may or may not be related to their poverty. Lummi Island has no casinos. I have, however, met a young man of Native American decent who was about to inheret $120,000 on his 18th birthday from his tribe, who owned a casino.

                  2. SpanStar profile image62
                    SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    That Fairytail has a web link it wouldn't hurt you to educate yourself.

              2. JSChams profile image61
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Some or few is a whole state?
                The Natives i know get a check from the tribe from their casino take. Five miles from me is an example of their prosperity.
                It's the hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Tulsa which is owned and operated by the Cherokee nation. It takes in millions every day and has a theater that has recently showcased Bill Cosby, Heart, Jeff Foxworthy, just to name a few.
                Sell you fairy tale someplace else.

    2. Reality Bytes profile image75
      Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It does not matter if citizenship was granted yesterday, or if an individual is the seventh generation born in the nation.  Religion is not even a consideration

      All are equal under Law!

      1. SpanStar profile image62
        SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm betting the wounded veterans may not share your perspective.

  8. quatrain profile image56
    quatrainposted 11 years ago

    You sound like a sincere person who truly loves America. This may be hard for you tp hear but I think you have been misled. I am a lifelong Democrat/Independent and I have read almost everything I can about President Obama's policies, studied his actions and have done the same for Governor Mitt Romney. Unlike what you have been led to believe, Governor Mitt Romney does not believe that abortion should be denied women who are raped. This is false propoganda.  I've seen life in other countries, some of them oppressive regimes, and I can tell you that what is happening in America today is scary. It is exactly like life in a South American dictatorship. Recently, President Obama's Department of Justice sued Gallup, an undependent polling agency. Why? No one knows why of course. But since the lawsuit stood dormant since 2009 it is highly suspicious that Gallup is sued by the US government just three months after President Obama's campaign manager called up the President of Gallup and complained that their methodology did not give the President high enough approval numbers. Message sent.

    So, what are we now? Are we a nation to be run in this manner?  Are we a nation where the press can be intimidated? Are we a nation where even pollsters --pollsters --can be threatened?

    There is no need to fear what we will become if Barack Obama is re-elected for we already know the answer. We will become Venezuela.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your opinion. I too wish we had better choices, which is the best of 2 evils?

  9. One Mother Hubber profile image57
    One Mother Hubberposted 11 years ago

    Phion, yours is the truest and most honest comment.  There is no war on women. And, since WHEN is reproduction the ONLY issue which interests women?  BTW, I believe birth control is pretty cheap and easy to get.  Democrats are ruining this country with open borders, a curb on law keepers detaining illegals, give away programs..check out the lines of people cued up for those food stamps...."bling," 'nails,' hair, leather, shoes, all the latest tech devices, but, hey, can't be spending all that money on FOOD...heck NO..why do that when the gov. hands it all out for FREE..oops..wrong!  it's not FREE....someone pays for it.

    someone said something about this being a "giver" nation?  And someone else pointed out that we do, for sure, GIVE...until it hurts.   And we've gotten an addicted entitlement community as a result.
    Romney is NOT going to prevent women from obtaining birthcontrol OR getting that abortion. ..  Anyone remember Roe vs Wade?  Well, the all mighty Supremes upheld the right to have an abortion so, it's not like a politician can step right in and change everything.

    Any woman who ALLOWS her issues to be centered in her uterus needs to grow up and think about the BIG picture...which is MUCH bigger than being locally centered.

    We can no longer be a nation which accepts "all the worlds downtrodden and poor." Nope, no can do..those days are passed; just like so many elements of our history are....history..no longer applicable in today's world.  That's about it.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your opinion. Duly noted.

    2. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LauraGT's comment above summed it up nicely. She said "Romney is adopting a right-wing agenda which would like to outlaw abortion.(he said he wants the supreme courts to overturn Roe v. Wade and the GOP platform would ban all abortions), defund Planned parenthood. The house GOP has already voted this way and would allow companies to decide whether or not to cover birth control on thier plans(for many women, not having insurance coverage pretty much means ,no access to female health care) the Romney Administration would push hard  to defund PP and decrease access to birth control. This is not an Obama lie ,It's the GOP's platform."
      Also Romney wants the middle class and poor to pay for the rich coorperations and oil companies and Uber wealthy(tax -wise) and that is simply not fair, the Rich shouldn't expect everyone to pay for them that's what got us in trouble in the first place. I wish we had more choices for candidates but we don't ...so this is it whatever it will be for the next 4 yrs. and it's very sad. That's why I wrote this thread in the first place to see what people thought about what's happening to America. Thank you for your opinions, much appreciated.

  10. ITcoach profile image57
    ITcoachposted 11 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    Most of you have your own opinion about the unity of America but it is not far away when the America will  also Scatter like the Russia due to the hatred the American policies are spreading all over the world for the sake of its own safety. They are murdering the innocent children in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq too. This will invade the America. I hope some of the people will contradict this opinion but it is a true saying that "one who dug a well for someone falls in itself". The economy crisis on all the world due to the war in Afghanistan and on Iraq are also prominent. Alas America will scattered to its sub-territories soon.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank's IT coach for sharing your thoughts. Very scary fututre indeed..I wish there was somthing we as individuals could do???

  11. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 11 years ago

    I like that quote ' God never gives us more than we can handle' smile we look around our societies and see some serious 'ugly' going on. We then decide to take action and resolve the problems, to the best of our abilities. Societies grow doing this smile I'd prefer to think of it as the opportunity for further and improved 'self development' rather than sit in shock at the 'full plate' of issues. There will be heartbreak and shock but once answers are found, we set another 'foundation' for our future. What do we want to leave behind for our children? weird? maybe smile but just got to change our perspective and get back up.

    1. moneyfairy profile image61
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing your views. Interesting points.


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