What makes your marriage work

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  1. womenintouch profile image59
    womenintouchposted 12 years ago

    What makes your marriage work

    I have been married for three years going on 4. My husband and I have never had an argument, or disagreeded. We get along really great. We make an effort to spend at least two hours after work with each other. We go on dates and walks together. My question is has anyone else out there had this type of relationship and why do you think that is

  2. LauraGT profile image85
    LauraGTposted 12 years ago

    Yes, my husband and I have a wonderful relationship. We are truly best friends, respect each other, and put each others needs above our own. I think the basis of a good marriage is really caring about each other and feeling like making the other person happy is sometimes more important than your own happiness (it has to go both ways of course!) I'm glad you found your match.  smile

  3. profile image0
    kelleywardposted 12 years ago

    My husband and I have been married 15 years in a couple weeks. We have had arguments and disagreements. I think it is important to disagree because we are not the same person. If we agreed with each other about everything there really isn't any use for more than one of us in the relationship. We go on dates every week and love being together. So to answer your question of what makes our marriage work it is unconditional acceptance of one another for who we are both good and bad, limitations and strengths. Communicating with each other and addressing what needs to be addressed with respect and love also helps to make our marriage work.

  4. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    We have been married more than 20 years now and we are happy with each others. In these years, we had our ups and downs with argument. But that does not affect our relationship as we explained ourselves the reasons of the argument. It is not the matter of who is right or wrong but to clarify things so that we can move along.

    It is basically the communication between each other has helped us a long way.

  5. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 12 years ago

    I was married for 26 wonderful years... some not so wonderful, but wonderful nevertheless.  My late husband was my best friend and my soul mate.  We were very comfortable with each other and we loved doing things together.  We fought like crazy... oops I fought like crazy... he was not good in fighting... that was very frustrating for me.  lol  We laughed a lot... we both got a great sense of humour.  There were bad times, but we survived them all.  We both knew we got each other's back.  We were a team.

  6. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    I can't say that my husband and I have never had an argument and never disagreed, we're both opinionated and stubborn people and don't always see eye-to-eye. To me, the important thing is no matter what the disagreement, we always find ways to work through it together and either find mutual ground or are able to agree to disagree. We treat each other with love and respect, and deal honestly with each other even if honesty isn't the easiest thing. Another huge thing is that we don't try to control each other -- we are each our own person and that's as it should be. We never give up on each other, thrive on each other's company, and both find many things to admire about the other. I live every day of my life knowing that it's full and beautiful, and that he brings much of what I love about it into my daily reality. I also know that no matter what happens, no matter what we fight about and no matter what twists and turns the road may take, he will still love me and still be there for me, which is the same way I feel about him.

    So...what makes such a great relationship? I think it boils down to truly making a commitment to each other, no matter what, and acknowledging that that commitment is to a dynamic person -- I know that I change constantly, as does my husband, but every day I make the decision to love the person that he is now without any other expectation.

  7. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    i've been married for almost 6 years now. one thing we do is pay attention and respect what the other has to say. we enjoy an amazing sex life also which in my eyes is very important.

  8. algarveview profile image73
    algarveviewposted 12 years ago

    I have (more or less) the same experience. I say more or less, because we sometimes disagree. Before we had children we almost never disagreed, afterwards a bit more, but I think that's natural. We love spending time together and we are each others best friends and actually I think that's what makes all the difference. He is my favourite person in the whole world to talk to, to go out with. I have friends, but I rather spend time with him. This is my choice, maybe it sounds strange for a lot of people, but he is my best friend, my person. Our relationship was also a bit quick, everybody thought we would crash and burn, after 1 month he was pratically living with me, after 4 months we moved in together, after 7 months I moved across the country for him (if you want check my hub: http://algarveview.hubpages.com/hub/Mov … y-for-love) and after 12 years and a set of twins I can say he is the love of my life. The other thing which I think is very important is that, even though, we are opposites in a lot of things (which can be good because each takes its individual strengths to the marriage), we have the same basic principles, on what life is, how to live life, what we want from life, etc, if we didn't see eye to eye on those basics, that would be a problem.

  9. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    My wife and I have been married for over 26 years. At last, we have a relationship like yours. It was much more difficult for many years - we argued a lot. But we've always loved each other deeply, and kept at it. Now, it is working and wonderful, even in the midst of many life challenges. So I can say that what you are doing is just right - walks together, dates, and listening to one another with love and understanding. That does work. And, from experience, a lot of other things don't!

  10. jaswinder64 profile image60
    jaswinder64posted 12 years ago

    I have been married to my husband for 24 years and two months. Our relationship with each-other is good. We understand each other, sometimes only for a while if I don't like what my husban said to me, I keep quiet and don't talk to him for couple of hours, then he understand and then again we are  fine. I have good relations with my husban, have a faith on him and he has faith on me.

  11. KateWest profile image64
    KateWestposted 12 years ago

    To this day, I don't think I can fully explain why my marriage DIDN'T work, but I have read enough testimony from those who experience success to be able to say that the most important component has to be communication. And love, true love, in the non-judgmental, unconditional way. You do not scorn each other, or condescend. You help and guide each other and draw strength from that support and love and always, always, always talk to each other. It's OK to argue, as long as it is done without contempt and with the end result of compromise. Hope I find that someday. Congrats.


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