Can you really fall in love at first sight?

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  1. JosieLee profile image64
    JosieLeeposted 9 years ago

    Can you really fall in love at first sight?

    Have you ever fell in love at first sight, or is it naive to believe it can happen?

  2. connorj profile image70
    connorjposted 9 years ago

    Yes indeed, I and my better-half of proof of this.

  3. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 9 years ago

    The question is, what are you loving? Love is within you, so you are always in instant contact with the true love, the source of love. Then what happens is you project that inner love on an outer being, or a house or a new car. But that inner love is still only you experiencing yourself. The person falsely thinks the other person or object is the cause of love welling up. In reality, it's their thoughts and inner love feelings being projected on someone or something. This can happen instantly.

  4. DDE profile image45
    DDEposted 9 years ago

    Love at first sight does not work for everyone. My better half fell in love with me at first sight. My love grew over time. So you can love at first sight .

  5. profile image52
    Ian Mooneposted 9 years ago

    Love has to be at first sight, or how can it be love?..There's one soul mate out there for everyone always with their reach, depending on what the person themselves is doing with their own life..So anyway i saw her i loved the way she looked, i spoke to her i loved the sound of her voice, i got to know her loved her personality, etc etc..So if i didn't love the look of her straight away i would be missing out the main component of love, & love everything else but not the way she looks her beauty..So if you ask me if you don't love the look of them straight away, if it doesn't make your heart thud when you see them for the first time then they can't be your soul mate..Your heart "will" tell you when you love something or someone, & so for me love is always first sight & has to be. :-)

  6. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    It's both naïve and immature to be "in love" with someone you know nothing about. Simply viewing someone doesn't tell you if they have the traits you want in a mate. For all you know he/she could be married, in a relationship, be engaged in criminal activity, or simply is not on the same page as you with regard to wanting to be in an "exclusive relationship".
    It takes time to get to know someone's "authentic self"
    Every company has a "hiring process" and every person should have their own "mate selection process".
    You have to figure out who you are, what you want, and what you need in a mate before you pursue a relationship. To do otherwise is the equivalent of going shopping without a list!
    People who don't have a (mate selection process) tend to allow "impulsive connections" and "happenstance" to dictate their relationship choices. They choose to just go with the flow.
    During the "infatuation phase" of new relationships both people tend to bend over backwards to "impress" one another. The word "no" is seldom if ever uttered during this time. Both people value the happiness of the other person as much as their own happiness! Naturally if one lacks relationship experience or has not gone through this a few times it's easy to assume they have met their "soul-mate" (again).
    Several months or a year later after their mate has revealed their "authentic self" they'll be saying; "He/she is not the same person I fell (in love) with."
    Never separate your mind from your heart when making relationship decisions. The purpose of the mind is to protect the heart.
    Until you (truly know someone) all your feelings of love are projected on them based upon what you (want to see and believe).

  7. watergeek profile image94
    watergeekposted 9 years ago

    I had a strong spiritual experience the first time I met the man I love . . . who is married. When I found out I tried to deny the attraction, but I'm too honest. So I used it to grow with. He did too. It's been four years now. We're both much more mature than we were, still pay close attention to each other, haven't specifically talked about it, and have never slept together. But we are friends, and who knows what the future will bring?


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