My husband and i are married 13 years have three beautiful kids, but lately some

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  1. profile image48
    confused1013posted 13 years ago

    My husband and i are married 13 years have three beautiful kids, but lately something is been...

    off. Should i be worried my husband and i dont sleep in the same room anymore, he doesnt communicate with me anymore, comes home late from work and we are having financial issues?

  2. lindagoffigan profile image57
    lindagoffiganposted 13 years ago

    The relationship has all of the signs of either fidelitiy going on or he is comtemplating requesting a divorce but is hesitant because ot the children.  When in doubt do something about it and communicate about the marriage and then suggest marriage counseling if you want to save the marriage.

  3. nell79 profile image78
    nell79posted 13 years ago

    Yes, you should be worried. If you're not communicating, not sleeping in the same room and having other stresses in your lives, then it's time to do something about it and now.

    Marriage is hard and takes a lot of work. Having been married for over 14 years myself with five kids, I know how easy it is to let your relationship slide to the back burner, but it's important that when you see this happening that you start taking steps to stop it.

    You need to set aside the time on a reglar basis (daily would be great, but at least a few times a week would be good) to start talking. You don't need to only talk about the kids or bills, but also things that brought you together in the first place. Remember what is was that made you fall in love in the beginning.

    Wake up everyday and think of at least one thing that you can do for your husband that will make him feel better. Love notes in his lunch or on his pillow can be a great thing to get things going.

    There are great books out there to help you and counseling would be good too (though if money is a problem, I can see how this might be difficult). In any case, now you know there is a problem and so you should do something about it--the first step is to re-open communication. Not always an easy step, but one that is worth it.

    Good luck to you! Now that I think about it, you've just inspired me to make another hub....

  4. vicki simms profile image68
    vicki simmsposted 13 years ago

    The key to a happy and successful marriage is communication, I married my husband very young and we have now been married 8 years and we are stronger than ever. If either of us have any issues or we feel unhappy about anything we sit down and talk about it and this works for us. I dont think that anyone can jump to conclusions about infidelity or getting divorced as it may be that your husband could be depressed due to your financial worries, this would put a strain on any marriage. There could be many reason to look at but I do know that you need to talk to each other.
    I wish you all the best and I hope you work things out and are happy x

  5. elvit profile image61
    elvitposted 13 years ago

    Never ignore changes no matter how small they might be because they lead to resentment and no communication.

  6. bulalo profile image60
    bulaloposted 13 years ago


    If I'm a woman, I'd start worrying the moment me and the hubby doesn't sleep in the same room anymore and do something about it.

    Worrying is not enough.

  7. profile image56
    fallsfellaposted 13 years ago

    You better start checking to see if he is spending time with
    someone else and not you..........Not sleeping in the same room means he has lost interest in you and has either a girlfriend or a boy friend and you better find out which before it is too late.

  8. kirutaye profile image66
    kirutayeposted 13 years ago

    Nell79 has said it both need to talk and soonest. Don't put it off any longer.

  9. mandyf profile image61
    mandyfposted 13 years ago

    I have been there first step is to get back into the same room.
    Talk even if you feel he isnt listening and dont let the kids and finacial issues come between you. if financial issues are causing you 2 to be way in over your heads go to a lawyer and see about a bankruptcy to ease taht part of your marraige. Put the kids down early and make time for each other. relationships are work. You all have made it 13 years maybe you need to think of more creative ways to spice it up and get out of the everyday habits


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