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Aaron Rushing (Abrushing1968)

Joined 15 years ago from USA- Florida

  • 105
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    I Can Face Tomorrow

    4 months ago

  • Keyless


    6 years ago

    Keyless is a short story that discusses the human need for intimacy. If you have ever been rejected, if the one you love, no longer loves you or has turned and loved another. If you can't seem to find the key to unlock his or her heart, This hub is for you.

  • 6

    The Prayer of Faith is Enough James 5:13-16

    7 years ago

  • A Blank Page: Think On These Things

    A Blank Page: Think On These Things

    8 years ago

    A blank page and a blinking cursor is displayed upon my screen. They beckon to me to write, but my fingers remain motionless. Blink, blink, blink, blink goes the cursor, endlessly as if it were beggin

  • Is Opposing The Spread of Islam Irrational or Racist?

    Is Opposing The Spread of Islam Irrational or Racist?

    5 years ago

    I am afraid of ladders. Not all ladders, only ladders that hate me. I can climb a ladder so long as it agrees not to deliberately push me off. Sadly not many can assure me that I will be safe, so I tend to avoid ladders. I also have an irrational...

  • The Confession of a Church Politician.

    The Confession of a Church Politician.

    9 years ago

    Is it possible to do the right things for the wrong reasons? I believe it is. When it comes to my Christian service, if I am not careful my motives are less than charitable. Although I don’t always realize it, my motivation for my Christian...

  • Tangible Faith- Intimacy with God

    Tangible Faith- Intimacy with God

    9 years ago

    When I think of Faith, I am thinking about the things I believe in. Those things I consider sacred, divine, and true. These things tend to be of a Spiritual and philosophical nature. Tangible only in my mind not seen in the physical world. My...

  • I Have A Solution To The Islmic Issue

    I Have A Solution To The Islmic Issue

    5 years ago

    Dirk Willem, rescuing his pursuer from the ice. Dirk Willem was an Anabaptist who was burned at the stake May 16th 1569 Valiant Life OK for the record, I am not partial to Donald Trump. I don't plan to vote for him. The man is an extremist who...

  • Pre, Post or Mid Tribulation?

    Pre, Post or Mid Tribulation?

    9 years ago

    Matthew 24:40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and one left. Google Images A friend of mine on Face book asked the following Question. "I've heard Christians speaking of the rapture.. and some say they are pre-trib, some say...

  • Dear Moderate Muslim; Don't Blame Extremists

    Dear Moderate Muslim; Don't Blame Extremists

    9 years ago

    Don't blame the extremists Google images Dear Moderate Muslim: I appreciate you speaking out against the violent and godless actions that are currently being seen in the Middle East at the hands of men who would call themselves your brothers in...

  • 9

    My Christian Answer To The Crusades: Give Me A High Horse.

    10 years ago

    While speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 5th 2015, President Obama compared the actions of Christian Crusaders 725 years ago to the actions of today’s Islamic terrorist group known as ISIS. This argument gets used to often to...

  • How Does A Ceiling Fan Collect Dust If It Is Constantly Spinning?

    How Does A Ceiling Fan Collect Dust If It Is Constantly Spinning?

    10 years ago

    Little known fact about dust, it is collected by little invisible rodents. Turns out, dust sticks to the fur of these dime size creatures and becomes a real problem over time. Like sheep that desperately need to be shaved, eventually the dust builds...

  • ISIL: What's In A Name

    ISIL: What's In A Name

    10 years ago

    ISIS, ISIL, or IS Google Images What’s in a name? Everything, especially when it comes to politics in the Middle East. Currently, a lot of chatter is taking place around the conspiracy table regarding our president’s use of the acronym ISIL....

  • 8

    Does Christianity Give Rise To Violent Extremists?

    9 years ago

    It has been suggested that Christianity, like Islam, has "ISIS like" extremists in their ranks. In an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox news, Hassan Shelby, from the Counsel on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) made 3 comparison. Stating that...

  • Faith vs Science, I Don't Know and That's Okay.

    Faith vs Science, I Don't Know and That's Okay.

    10 years ago

    With the discoveries of modern science, the mysteries of the world seem to be decreasing. Man has been to the moon and back, the human genome has been mapped, and questions can be answered in a snap via the internet. We have gadgets for every purpose under the sun, aiding us in everything, from...

  • 4

    Why Are Jehovah Witnesses’ labeled As Non-Christian?

    9 years ago

    JW in the neighborhood Google Photos I had a reader from a Christian discussion group ask me the following. "Why are Jehovah Witnesses’ labeled as non-Christian? After all, they are a moral people who read the bible and strive to obey...

  • 15

    Is God Always Loving?

    4 years ago

    Is God Always Loving discusses the two side of God's nature His loving side and his just side. You cant have one with out the other.

  • Relationships: God's Hammer and Chisel

    Relationships: God's Hammer and Chisel

    6 years ago

    I attend First Baptist Church in Palm Coast Florida. An imperfect church full of imperfect people like me. Even so, I am grateful for my church family, those people who have invested themselves in my life and spiritual welfare. We have...

  • How To Face A Dragon

    How To Face A Dragon

    10 years ago

    The following is a series of posts I did on Facebook, over a period of 5 days. Originally they were 4 separate thoughts tied to a theme. This is an attempt to combine them into one writing. I pray that How To Face A Dragon will be a faith builder...

  • I'm Not Giving Up, Just Starting Over.

    I'm Not Giving Up, Just Starting Over.

    8 years ago

    Google Pictures When it comes to our walk with God, that is, our very salvation; being able to start over is critical. Moral failure is a part of the human nature. Learning to love God more then ourselves is a life long process. I have noticed that...

  • 3

    A Path Purposefully Chosen

    10 years ago

    I watched as a young friend departed on a Journey. I bid him farewell through tears of sadness. “Why do you morn for me”, he said, I go where I wish, happily, with purpose, and conviction.” “Because I know your journey, I traveled it...

  • Bob Coy's Sin-More Than A Moral Failure.

    Bob Coy's Sin-More Than A Moral Failure.

    10 years ago

    Bob Coy As most of you probably already know, last Sunday, Bob Coy the head pastor of one the largest churches in the US, resigned his position amidst scandal. According to news sources, he had cheated on his wife Diane. No details regarding the...

  • God's Dog

    God's Dog

    10 years ago

    As a boy, God often spoke to me. Not audibly of course, but with an inner voice. No I wasn’t schizophrenic, nor did I possess an especially active imagination. Unlike Samuel in the Old Testament, I somehow knew it was God and I did not find it...

  • Not By The Color Of Their Skin

    Not By The Color Of Their Skin

    9 years ago

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - public domain "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." DR. Martin Luther King Jr. I was...

  • A Look At Psalms 63:1 My Soul Thirsts

    A Look At Psalms 63:1 My Soul Thirsts

    6 years ago

    A hot dry land Psalm 63:1 O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. I was raised in Northern Nevada. In two small towns that are smack...

  • Psalm 1 and 23

    Psalm 1 and 23

    10 years ago

    The Psalms are like radiant light piercing through the darkness of my soul The following two videos are my first attempts at narrating anything. I recently purchased a webcam and while I was playing around with it the idea of narrating scripture...

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    Christian Worship: More Than A Slow Song

    7 years ago

    had a conversation recently with the worship leader of my church about the modern worship service. He and I was discussing how it has changed over the last 50 years. Being that I was raised in the church. My memory takes me back to the early 70's I can remember when things like drums and electric...

  • A Balanced USS Doctrine

    A Balanced USS Doctrine

    10 years ago

    Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Image you’re on a small boat with a friend, both of you are standing in the middle and the boat is...

  • 8

    The God/Man Relationship Part 3: How To Find Doctrinal Balance

    10 years ago

    As a child it was no fun playing on the teeter totter with my older brother because he was heavier than me. When he set down on his end, my side would rise up off the ground and I would be stuck with my feet dangling in the air. I was held captive...

  • The God/Man Relationship Part 2: Perspective- Can I Have A Say About My Destiny?

    The God/Man Relationship Part 2: Perspective- Can I Have A Say About My Destiny?

    6 years ago

    I listened to a message from John MacArther. He was talking about the nature of God. The subject matter was God’s Sovereign Election and God’s Devine Justice. He made a several statements that made me suspect he might be from Vulcan. When considering God’s sense of fairness, He believes we must set...

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    The God/Man Relationship Part 1: Vulcans, What To Do With Emotions?

    8 years ago

    Emotions by Tamilia DeviantArt "People who like to think, have a hard time distinguishing between the pleasures of thinking about God, and the pleasures of knowing God." -John Piper1 There is a group of Christians who approach God’s Word as if...

  • In Search Of: Spocks Brain.

    In Search Of: Spocks Brain.

    9 years ago

    I have been watching a lot of Star Trek lately. To my delight, this has turned out to be something my 14 year old daughter and I enjoy together. The older she gets the less time we can spend together. So I look for, and take advantage of, every opportunity as they present themselves. One episode...

  • My Anchor Holds

    My Anchor Holds

    12 years ago

    Jean Le Capelain (St. Helier 1812-1848) Fishing boats at anchor and weathering the storm. http://jjhiii24.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/hurricanes-and-hope/ In a world where the lines between good and evil and black and white to often get blended...

  • Being Slain In The Spirit

    Being Slain In The Spirit

    11 years ago

    Even though I was young, I can remember the first time I saw someone slain in the spirit. It was a Sunday evening service in Loyalton California. I don’t remember the sermon or anything else about the service, but I do remember seeing a woman fall...

  • The Recent Violence in Egypt and Libyia: I'm Not Buying It.

    The Recent Violence in Egypt and Libyia: I'm Not Buying It.

    12 years ago

    Photo shows an Islamist Jordanian protester burning the U.S. flag near the U.S. embassy in Amman, Jordan, Friday, Sept. 14, 2012, as part of widespread anger across the Musl im world about a film ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad. (AP Photo/Raad...

  • The Spells of Rebellion

    The Spells of Rebellion

    11 years ago

    1 Samuel 15:23a For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. I have found that rebellious and judgmental people only look to their own understanding, their own perspective. They refuse to listen to...

  • The Spring is Here

    The Spring is Here

    11 years ago

    A Beautiful Spring. unknown I wrote this Hub in the spring of 2013. Several things had happened over a period of 4 years that culminated in one long spiritual winter. The reality of winter is the freezing temperatures that declare its arrival. In...

  • 1 Corinthians 13: The Brothers Three

    1 Corinthians 13: The Brothers Three

    12 years ago

    Four men are walking along a dangerous path. Three are brothers and the fourth is their Master. They have far to go and the terrain they travel is fraught with dangers. They must be vigilant for wild beasts, bandits, and extreme weather conditions...

  • Spirituality Without Religion is Pointless

    Spirituality Without Religion is Pointless

    10 years ago

    Spirituality without religion is like a vapor being carried about on the breeze until it disappears into nothing. A friend of mine posted this statement on face book recently; every time I hear it, it runs cross grain with my better judgment. ...

  • Paul's Thorn in the Flesh: God Doesn't Wink at Sin

    Paul's Thorn in the Flesh: God Doesn't Wink at Sin

    11 years ago

    I recently had someone direct me to 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. You know how it is; once you notice something you see it everywhere. Well that’s what seems to be going on here. Some have misunderstood this passage to justify sin in their lives. Believing that, Paul’s thorn in the flesh, was some kind of...

  • Top Five Car Insuance Companies

    Top Five Car Insuance Companies

    12 years ago

    I have 5 children ages range from 10-22 I remember when my first born started to drive, what an ordeal. I am not talking about teaching him how to drive. I am referring to finding an affordable car insurance compamy. Now I am not a rich man and my...

  • What is Biblical Counseling?

    What is Biblical Counseling?

    12 years ago

    Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV) Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. In today’s high pressure world, people crash and burn emotionally for lots of reasons. Keeping on top can be very difficult....

  • Ask The Furniture Expert: A Smart Look at Patio Furniture

    Ask The Furniture Expert: A Smart Look at Patio Furniture

    12 years ago

    I have a webpage called Ask the Furniture Expert. It is a place where people can go to get free advice about furniture. I was recently asked about Patio Furniture. The following is for all who are like my friend in Palm Coast, Fl. Who are...

  • Aurora Colorado; Is God Distant and Unjust?

    Aurora Colorado; Is God Distant and Unjust?

    12 years ago

    Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him? Psalms 144:3 I, like everyone else, am appalled by the...

  • Lane Furniture gets a Three Star Rating from Rushing Furniture Repair.

    Lane Furniture gets a Three Star Rating from Rushing Furniture Repair.

    12 years ago

    I have been in the furniture Industry over 25 years. In that time, I have managed three stores and sold an awful lot of furniture. I can say honestly that I know the furniture Industry. In January of 2000, I started Rushing Furniture Repair and more...

  • Believe and Enter God's Rest

    Believe and Enter God's Rest

    9 years ago

    Did you succeed in earning your salvation today? Were you, through performance of the law, able to become righteous? How about you on the bicycle, with the tracks in one hand and a Greek and Hebrew dictionary in the other. Were you good enough...

  • The Apple War: Sibling Rivalry

    The Apple War: Sibling Rivalry

    10 years ago

    The following is a story from my childhood. I acknowledge right up front this has nothing to do with the Bible. But if you have a second, I think it will make you smile.

  • John 10:10: Life More Abundantly

    John 10:10: Life More Abundantly

    12 years ago

    A good friend of mine on Facebook invited me to join a forum called Jehovah's Witnesses & Biblical Discussion Group. In an attempt to develop my skills as a Christian apologist, I accepted her invitation. After following for a few days and adding my two cents here and there; I came to the...

  • Is This Effective Evangelism?

    Is This Effective Evangelism?

    9 years ago

    Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy...

  • Fathers: Our Weary Soldiers.

    Fathers: Our Weary Soldiers.

    11 years ago

    Man In Armour The foundational boundary of the conscience, for every generation, has been set in place by their father’s generation. Each generation rebels against that boundary to some degree. When left to run its course, morality declines...

  • The Last Rebellion.

    The Last Rebellion.

    12 years ago

    We are not islands unto ourselves. Our sin often effects those around us. The last Rebellion illustrates the destruction that come when one person, brakes through the moral boundaries that our forefathers set in place to protect us and our society.

  • A Walk With My Dog.

    A Walk With My Dog.

    12 years ago

    Rushing Library I would like to introduce you to my dog Lady. She is a Golden Retriever mixed with... well, something else. When she walks her tail curls. We suspect that there is some Chow mixed in somewhere. Who knows? We purchased her from a...

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    Protecting God's Reputation: Gossip

    6 years ago

    There were three pastors who were sharing together. The first one said, "I have a serious problem with lust." The second one said, "I hear you, brother. I have a terrible problem with greed and stealing." The third one said, "I have a problem with gossip and I can't wait to get out of here and tell...

  • Anders Behring Breivik: The Terrorist Who is NOT a Christian.

    Anders Behring Breivik: The Terrorist Who is NOT a Christian.

    10 years ago

    The Oslo bomb explosion, ground level. On July 22, 2011, thirty-two year old Anders Behring Breivik declared war on the Norwegian town of Oslo. Starting with a car bomb at a seventeen story government building, Breivik went on an hour and a half...

  • 2

    Stressless Ekornes Recliners Get a Five Star Rating

    3 years ago

    As a 25 year veteran in the furniture repair industry, I have developed an eye for quality furniture. On occasion I come across a product that surprises me. When I do, I like to share my surprise with my customers. Stressless recliners by Ekornes is one of those products. I am giving it five stars,...

  • Recliners- Helping To Make Your House A Home

    Recliners- Helping To Make Your House A Home

    12 years ago

    People love their recliners. I repair furniture for a living and I can tell you first hand that the recliner is the most cherished seat in the home. When they break, the person's life is temporarily altered. Finding another place to sit can be...

  • The Gettysburg Address and The Fear of God

    The Gettysburg Address and The Fear of God

    10 years ago

    The Gettysburg Address places faith along side government and suggests that a nation governed by the people requires a people who fear God. By working to remove God from society, Atheistic Americans are undermining their own freedom.

  • Where Could I Go But To The Lord?

    Where Could I Go But To The Lord?

    12 years ago

    Where could I go but to the Lord. -J.B Coats 1940 It was 3:00 AM and Ruth was still awake. She tried to go to sleep, but grief, worry and fear gripped her. In her mind, she replayed the whole event over and over again. Searching for an explanation...

  • The Unity of Truth-Discerning False Doctrines

    The Unity of Truth-Discerning False Doctrines

    10 years ago

    I had an opportunity to attend a Jehovah Witness Baptismal service, It was a real eye opener for me. Among the many observations that I brought away from the experience was the realization of how badly they have twisted scripture. I was amazed at...

  • The Eternal Sonship of Christ

    The Eternal Sonship of Christ

    11 years ago

    "Behold my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased" Matthew 3:17 Have you ever heard the term "eternally begotten of the Father?" It is a strange little term that has been found in Christian doctrinal statements through out the history of the Church....

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    Philippians 2:5-7 and The Holy Trinity: Is Jesus God?

    10 years ago

    More and more these days, I find myself defending the divinity of Jesus. There are a number of groups out there that claim Christianity as their religion yet reject Jesus as God. I understand the notion behind this rejection. It comes from a...

  • James 2:26: Faith Without Works

    James 2:26: Faith Without Works

    12 years ago

    James 2:26 (NKJV) For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Have you ever been a part of a group of Christians that were critical and judgmental? Have you ever felt pressure to prove you are saved? Have...

  • Is This Evangelism?

    Is This Evangelism?

    12 years ago

    Please take a second and watch this video called "Man Arrested For Reading The Bible In Public" A friend of mine on face book posted this on her facebook page asking for opinions. In that vain I am doing the same. My opinion is as follows...

  • Relationships- Love Endures All Things

    Relationships- Love Endures All Things

    11 years ago

    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love Never Fails! My Dad's passing was a mile marker and a time of reflection. As I considered my father's life and all that he meant to his family and friends....

  • A Father's Shadow

    A Father's Shadow

    12 years ago

    This Hub is dedicated to my father Billy Joe Rushing Who went to be with Jesus on March 31st 2011. He was 80 years old. The following was my contribution to his memorial service. I post it here simply because I want the world to know that I loved my Dad.

  • Feminism: To God  Be The Glory

    Feminism: To God Be The Glory

    11 years ago

    I had a rather scathing comment placed on my Hub called Gender Equality-Addressing Feminism Within The Church and Home. One of my more controversial hubs. My reader disagreed with my conviction that God makes every distinction between genders in...

  • A Faith Injection: Bible Verses That Help With Depression

    A Faith Injection: Bible Verses That Help With Depression

    10 years ago

    Occasionally, I find that a strong dose of faith is needed to keep a smile on my face. The accuser has been especially busy. In light of the things going on in the world, globally, in my personal life, and in the lives of those around me. The cares...

  • Peace and Contentment. A Look At Adversity

    Peace and Contentment. A Look At Adversity

    12 years ago

    I knew a 91 year old black man who had terrible scars down his back from a series whipping he had received in his youth. He had spent some time on a slave farm back in twenties and thirties.

  • A Giants Path 4: Discovering The Truth

    A Giants Path 4: Discovering The Truth

    14 years ago

    Sleeping Giant Helena Montana Kent pulled into his drive way, came to a stand still, then put the car in park. Before he could turn off the motor the children flew into the house to tell their mother all that had transpired. Kent smiled because it...

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    I Am My Father's Son

    7 years ago

    quickshotartist.comDedicated to my father, Billy Joe Rushing Born September 20th 1930 and still going 80 years later. I am my father's son..... The first time I heard this idiom it washed over me like an ocean wave on a rocky seashore. ...

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    Christian Demon Possession

    3 years ago

    Can a Christian be demon possessed? Yes, no, maybe? This Hub examines clinical evidence of demon possession and whether a christian can be possessed by a demon.

  • The Giant's Path 3: How Do You Wake A Giant?

    The Giant's Path 3: How Do You Wake A Giant?

    13 years ago

    Lost in thought, Kent placed the last stone onto the waist high pile of rocks that marked the location of the cave on the trail. Suddenly he heard Elizabeth scream! He turned just in time to see both Elizabeth and Joshua come tearing out of the...

  • Spiritual Strongholds: A short look at 2nd Corinthians 10: 3-6

    Spiritual Strongholds: A short look at 2nd Corinthians 10: 3-6

    13 years ago

    I have been pondering, for some time now, just how much authority Satan has in the life of the saved believer. I use the term "saved believers" because there are many who believe yet are not saved. Those believers who, after accepting the...

  • The Giant's Path 2- Granddad Morgan

    The Giant's Path 2- Granddad Morgan

    13 years ago

    The following is the second installment of the Giant's Path.  I finished it a little early.  I hope y'all enjoy it .  ABR The view of rock outcrops near Hinkey Summit with Paradise Valley in the mid ground. Santa Rosa Mountains in Northern...

  • The Giant's Path

    The Giant's Path

    13 years ago

    The following is my first installment of a story I have been kicking around in my head for years. It started out as a bed time story for my kids, but ended up speaking to something deep in me. The Giants path is a road we all take in one way or...

  • Gender Equality-Addressing Feminism Within The Church and Home.

    Gender Equality-Addressing Feminism Within The Church and Home.

    6 years ago

    In light of the my last writing, Understanding Your Marital Role, I feel a need to speak to two issues that often seem to get confused. Feminists within the church attempt to blur these two issues by taking scripture out of context. Effectively...

  • Understanding Your Marital Role

    Understanding Your Marital Role

    11 years ago

    All the worlds a stage, And all the Men and Women Merely Players Marriage has been around for a while now. According to the Holy Bible, It was the first form of government God put in place, predating the fall of man in the Garden. Yet despite its...

  • 17

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusions-Grab The Rope!

    12 years ago

    Death is always tragic. Made even more so, when it can be easily avoided.This Hub is dedicated to all the those who have had to helplessly stand by and watch their Jehovah Witness relative, friend, loved one, or even patient die because they refused a blood transfusion that could have easily saved...

  • My Soap Box: Violence Is Not The Answer

    My Soap Box: Violence Is Not The Answer

    12 years ago

    One of the things that that really chaps my hide is when people compare Christianity with Islam. Stating that extreme or radical Christians are just as dangerous as the Muslim extremists who attacked America on 911. That just bunches my britches! For nothing can be further from the truth!

  • The Spirit Filled church.- A Look At Sunday Morning

    The Spirit Filled church.- A Look At Sunday Morning

    11 years ago

    Some time ago, one of my pastors emailed me a video off of YouTube. It pokes fun at what has become known in Christian churches as a contemporary worship style. It questions the sincerity and motivation of some of the more "modern" or "contemporary" worship. Suggesting that it is contrived and...

  • Ground Zero Mosque- I Smell A Rat

    Ground Zero Mosque- I Smell A Rat

    13 years ago

    Recently a great deal of discussion has been taking place about a 100 Million Dollar, 13 storey, Cordoba Masque/community center that is to be built approximately two block from ground zero. The location of the befallen Twin Towers where over 3000...

  • Only In A Small NevadaTown

    Only In A Small NevadaTown

    11 years ago

    For reasons, I have spent the the summer in a small Nevada town called Winnemucca. It is a mining town of about 10,000 people. It is one my favorite places on the planet. Located in the north central part of the state. Its people and sense of...

  • Hebrews 11:1 Faith is... A Cure For The Hiccups

    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is... A Cure For The Hiccups

    11 years ago

    Faith is something that can't be seen, touched, or smelled by our physical senses. It can't be measure by any mechanical scale, proven by any scientific formula, given or gained by any means of trade.When facing death, sickness, and uncertainty, it is our most valued possession. Although it lacks...

  • 13

    The Holy Trinity- A look at Deuteronomy 6:4

    12 years ago

    Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one I would like to take a moment and show from scripture why I believe that the Bible teaches us that God is three separate persons, yet at the same time, He is one God. Christians...

  • Jehovah Nissi, My Victory.

    Jehovah Nissi, My Victory.

    12 years ago

    Deuteronomy 20:4 For the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. If asked the question, who is God? What would you say? If they believe He exists, most would say that He is the all powerful...

  • I Will Praise Him Anyway!

    I Will Praise Him Anyway!

    6 years ago

    Job 13:15a- Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. It seems as though the last five years of my life reads like a mid day soap opera. Moving from one tragedy to the next. In one way or another something is always going wrong. More recently I have...

  • Loyalton California: The Shadows of Home

    Loyalton California: The Shadows of Home

    12 years ago

    There are places in this world that seem to hold you. Places that beckon you to return, no matter how far away you are. The memories that formed during your time there are carried with you like your shadow where ever you go. Leaving a mark on your soul and shaping your character. Like a dear friend...

  • 13

    Growing In The Spirit- A Look At Complacency.

    12 years ago

    Revelations 3: 15-16 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Revelations 3: 15-16 15 “I know...

  • 14

    Ephesians 4:11-16 Every Wind Of Doctrine

    10 years ago

    Florida has a Hurricane Season. Back home in Nevada, we had Deer Season, Chucker Season, and Quail Season. But a Hurricane Season? That was a new one on me. Starting in August and lasting through November, the eastern coast of the USA must deal...

  • Applying My Heart To Understanding: A Forgetful Hearer

    Applying My Heart To Understanding: A Forgetful Hearer

    12 years ago

    Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. The following is a short writing that I put together...

  • The Lens of Personal Experience-Man Centered Theology

    The Lens of Personal Experience-Man Centered Theology

    13 years ago

    Recently I had a series of correspondents with a Man-Centered Christian on the topic of right and wrong. The question I posed was, how do we as Christians determine right from wrong? The answer was very eye opening for me. My friend gave me a...

  • The Power of God Unto Salvation.

    The Power of God Unto Salvation.

    12 years ago

    This is one of my favorite stories. Chad's story illustrates the power God, that most amazing aspect of our Christian life, a personal intimate, relationship with God. Without His grace, His empowering presence in our lives, we would die in our sin, never seeing in the physical what we believe in...

  • Sr. Isaac Watts: Alas And Did My Savior Bleed

    Sr. Isaac Watts: Alas And Did My Savior Bleed

    13 years ago

    Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown! And love beyond degree! Colossians 3:16 (NKJV) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and...

  • Applying My Heart to understanding: The Christian View of the Family

    Applying My Heart to understanding: The Christian View of the Family

    12 years ago

    Proverbs 2:2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding; When people think of a family, the picture that comes to mind is a father, mother, and children. What if I were to tell you that a family does not have...

  • Man Centered Christianity

    Man Centered Christianity

    11 years ago

    Luke 22:42 saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Hey All I put this writing together several years ago. At the time I was being convicted and in true ABR fashion, I...

  • As Clay In The Potter's Hand

    As Clay In The Potter's Hand

    12 years ago

    Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel A young man, wanting to persuade others, came to his Grandfather and asked “What can change the will of a man?” The wise Grandfather looked deep into his...

  • Gay Marriage: My Christian Perspective

    Gay Marriage: My Christian Perspective

    11 years ago

    Gay activists are working over time to redefine the family. As a result many Christians are are questioning their faith in the Christian family model. This writing is my perspective on the gay right's campaign to legalize gay marriage. I hope to encourage people to stand fast in their faith in the...

  • Applying My Heart to Understanding:  The Journey, Jeremiah 6:16

    Applying My Heart to Understanding: The Journey, Jeremiah 6:16

    12 years ago

    In life, the road lies out before me and disappears into the horizon causing me to think the trip will never end. Deceiving me into complacency and steeling the importance of the moment. Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the...

  • A Macaw To Remember

    A Macaw To Remember

    12 years ago

    I never know what will happen after I knock on a door. I expect that someone will open the door with a welcoming smile and a firm hand shake. Then step to one side, motion me inside and escort me to the furniture that I am to repair. While this is...

  • The Wrath of God!

    The Wrath of God!

    12 years ago

    I received several email from a close friend. While vacationing she learned of some startling events that are going on in our country, as well as the rest of the world that caused her a great deal of alarm. In her letters she communicated a fear...

  • Accepting Responsibility

    Accepting Responsibility

    12 years ago

    Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Accepting Responsibility I have an interesting job. I fix furniture. My clients are residential consumers, furniture stores, and...

  • Applying My Heart to Understanding: Why?

    Applying My Heart to Understanding: Why?

    12 years ago

    Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; So that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding; -Proverbs 2:2 Whether death comes quick and without warning or slow and planned for, it...

  • The Gettysburg Address: One Nation Under God

    The Gettysburg Address: One Nation Under God

    11 years ago

    Government Of The People, By The People, For The People The date is November 19, 1863. It has been 4 months since the battle at Gettysburg and the Civil War is not yet over. It has been 87 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence....

  • A Christian World

    A Christian World

    12 years ago

    "Failure to draw important distinctions can generate negative short-term consequences and serious long-term implications for the national interest and global order, often in dangerous and unpredictable ways." -Marco Vicenzino; Boston Globe. Have...

  •  The Freedom of Religion

    The Freedom of Religion

    12 years ago

    On Jun 4, 2009 President Obama gave his speech to the "Muslim world" I was struck by his attempt to assure the Muslim people that America is a tolerant and just nation. That religious freedom is one of our most precious rights. I was surprised by this because the Muslim faith is not known for it...


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