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Joined 14 years ago from south of the Mason-Dixon

  • 45
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    In Praise of This Short-Lived Moment of Certainty

    4 months ago

    In Praise of this Short-lived Moment of Certainty

  • Another Sort of Lullaby

    Another Sort of Lullaby

    6 years ago

    Another Sort of Lullaby by Laura Summerville Reed Chiffon billowing like great puffs of celadon colored smoke The curtains at my grandmother’s window On mornings when my eyes didn't want to open Giant breathes of soft...

  • My Kid Sister

    My Kid Sister

    4 years ago

    My Kid Sister Ode to Sabrina by Laura Summerville Reed My kid sister Don’t touch my stuff Go away and play Over there with that stuff That used to be my stuff Or someone else’s stuff I don’t know We’re not alike,...

  • She Is Cold

    She Is Cold

    10 years ago

    by Laura Summerville Reed Everything about her is cold Top to bottom From the crown of her head to the tips of her toes Fingers and lips and knees and elbows To the end of her adorable, freckled nose All about her is cold Frozen...

  • Medicine Show

    Medicine Show

    10 years ago

    Medicine Show by Laura Summerville Reed I've sold my soul for Your medicine show Hoping for some healing At the end of the road There’s no break in the road There’s a break in the wheel There's a potion of watery excuses...

  • Dormez-Vous


    10 years ago

    Dormez-Vous by Laura Summerville Reed Dormez-vous Time and Distance? Are you sleeping? The passive-aggressive blink from the light emitting diode has conspired with a laconic moon Persistent silence framed in my window...

  • This Secret Affinity

    This Secret Affinity

    10 years ago

    by Laura Summerville Reed This distance between us is too much This damn table These damn people These damn clothes LSR 2011© Simple and to the point. :D So? What is your point? Short and to the point, no bones about it. Just send...

  • Packing Tape and Brown Boxes

    Packing Tape and Brown Boxes

    3 months ago

    Packing Tape and Brown Boxes by Laura Summerville Reed Get that light and lock the door It’s time to leave like so many times before Life reduced to an easy measure but we must clearly mark out treasure Packed somewhere in...

  • Love Letters From an Astronaut

    Love Letters From an Astronaut

    10 years ago

    Another Love Letter by okchickadee Love Letters From An Astronaunt by Laura Summerville Reed My paperweight eyes Pin your voice to the desktop I save the souvenirs But love letters From an astronaut Rarely make it through the...

  • Prism Rain

    Prism Rain

    10 years ago

    Prism Rain by Laura Summerville Reed Dancing in the parti-colored sunlight A Holy Dust Mite momentarily suspended in the rays Glory pouring down from the windows of Heaven Sanctuary Sanctity Sanctioned Now I’m...

  • Original Sin

    Original Sin

    10 years ago

    Original Sin by Laura Summerville Reed I want to be humble I want to be noble I want to be generous and kind I want to be these at someone else’s expense With the ripping pain that set the course I blindly left behind all...

  • Bankrupt


    4 years ago

    Bankrupt by Laura Summerville Reed Is that a lipstick stain? Spilled wine? A smudge from a cloven heart Kept tightly rolled within a sleeve? Perhaps it’s just the tomato sandwich We shared As we talked of Italy And God ...

  • Collect On

    Collect On

    3 years ago

    Collect On by Laura Summerville Reed We pay such a high price To die in so many tiny way When it’s so cheap To be gone in a big one We pay spin doctors To name the stars after us When NASA doesn’t even own the heavens ...

  • A Certain Shade of Blue

    A Certain Shade of Blue

    10 years ago

    A Certain Shade of Blue by Laura Summerville Reed There’s a twist in me That glows a certain shade of blue You twirl me like a cigarette To fit the twist in you Touch me to your lips Inhale Draw me in But I’m not your...

  • Alchemy


    9 years ago

    Alchemy by Laura Summerville Reed I never showed up for chemistry class but passed the litmus test just the same I climbed out the window to chase the Philosopher’s Stone Changing lead balloons into white hot Devil Orbs has...

  • When a Child Dies

    When a Child Dies

    10 years ago

    Gustave Miller - Grief When a Child Dies by Laura Summerville Reed There can be no more summer days When a child dies The sun hangs in the sky Only to blister our skin and Remind us of the blinding pain When a child dies ...

  • Demon Dance

    Demon Dance

    10 years ago

    Demon Dance by Laura Summerville Reed White noise on the other side of the door A welcome reprieve The courteously phrased accusations are muffled tonight by the singing of your demons They only let you off the dance floor to...

  • Twinkling Enigma

    Twinkling Enigma

    10 years ago

    Twinkling Enigma by Laura Summerville Reed I'd sooner believe the stars don't burn than believe I don't but they'll take the fall and not complain that's more than I can say for me I burn – a twinkling enigma Just bent light on a...

  • Summer Solstice

    Summer Solstice

    10 years ago

    Laura and the Devil Orb Summer Solstice By Laura Summerville Reed Today the Sun Stops! To Play with Me ~ Solstice ~ I am Inclined to Tilt My Head In Your Direction For One Brilliant Moment Longer Glorious Devil Orb With...

  • Elocution of a Broken Thing

    Elocution of a Broken Thing

    6 years ago

    Elocution of a Broken Thing by Laura Summerville Reed We broke apart in mid-air In one glorious fatal moment A sure and certain death No quatrains of ancients Foretold our doom Not one line was ever written Nor two breaths spoken...

  • Mermaid's Cry

    Mermaid's Cry

    10 years ago

    Botticelli - The Birth of Venus Mermaid’s Cry by Laura Summerville Reed There’s a new hole in Jupiter’s sector today Vast as an ocean I hear I sit by the water And the mermaids cry As I read my heart’s lament There’s a...

  • Homegrown


    10 years ago

    Homegrown by Laura Summerville Reed The place where my heart was homegrown is torn up, torn down razed to the ground People and places can slip through your hands It’s no longer my town but I’ve eaten my pound of dirt here...

  • Tegenaria


    7 years ago

    Tegenaria by Laura Summerville Reed I run the water and settle in Rosy and warm before I notice you But you’ve noticed me I was here only hours ago Did you watch me then Did you assume the tenant had moved off the land You’ve...

  • Yuri's Disco

    Yuri's Disco

    10 years ago

    Yuri’s Disco by Laura Summerville Reed I’m still trying to untangle from the impact of propelling toward each other over and over at 156 miles per hour Arms and legs and inner thighs and the small of a back and there’s a...

  • The Fish's Tale

    The Fish's Tale

    10 years ago

    The Fish’s Tale By Laura Summerville Reed I was seven. It was summer. The sun was bright and I was baitin’ a hook. It was a rare family vacation. I’d been sent ahead by my father, equipped with a cane pole and a few squirming earthworms...

  • Blister


    4 years ago

    Blister by Laura Summerville Reed Did he mean so much to you? And what about all the rest? Why do you keep them? You wave an edge-worn notebook in my face, and with an accusing finger you pound the side of a small, ...

  • Bird of Paradise is Stranded

    Bird of Paradise is Stranded

    7 years ago

    Bird of Paradise Stranded by Laura Summerville Reed The colors of April are easily carried into the autumn chill when the breath of summer is still hot upon your skin from a lover’s kiss Whispered words pool between warm flesh tiny...

  • Sable Grey Shadow

    Sable Grey Shadow

    2 years ago

    Sable Grey Shadow by Laura Summerville Reed My little night owl with yellow-green eyes You fly into my bed; attitude arch slender tail, too, as if in question, “Why was I not invited here?” Insinuating yourself between me and...

  • Sol Serenade

    Sol Serenade

    10 years ago

    Sol Serenade - Soul Serenade - Sole Serenade by Laura Summerville Reed I drive For the joy of it No destination in mind aside from the asphalt beneath the tires The hum of the music from my car stereo pressing into my spine urges...

  • A Sacrifice to the Gods of Mundane

    A Sacrifice to the Gods of Mundane

    4 years ago

    A Sacrifice to the Gods of Mundane by Laura Summerville Reed Words forgotten, time gone Images in my mind still Crisp as apples in my teeth Committed to paper Now Committed to the earth Decayed Rusty spirals, binding nothing ...

  • Winston Churchill's Pocket Watch

    Winston Churchill's Pocket Watch

    8 years ago

    Winston Churchill’s Pocket Watch by Laura Summerville Reed I can see the back of my head with my own hands. I take its inventory from a distance. I mustn’t get too close and let you notice. You think you’re the only one...

  • Thoughtful Thief

    Thoughtful Thief

    4 years ago

    Thoughtful Thief by Laura Summerville Reed I wear pretty, little silver chains that sparkle in the dark, Lemon Piper music tambourine I jingle-jangle in your ear while you keep me in your eyes, across your fingertips, ...

  • Susurrus


    4 years ago

    Susurrus by Laura Summerville Reed Her sweeping branches spread out, Down, and back again like the arms of a goddess matriarch The live oak, Majesty of the South She doesn’t drop her leaves to the autumnal chill She doesn’t cease...

  • Healthy Appetite

    Healthy Appetite

    10 years ago

    Healthy Appetite by Laura Summerville Reed I have a greedy mind I have a greedy body Indulge me Let me have too much Speak with me of curious things Then put your mouth on mine Dance your tongue inside Fill me up and taste me ...

  • A Prose by Any Other Name

    A Prose by Any Other Name

    2 years ago

    Evalena A Prose by Any Other Name by Laura Summerville Reed I cannot write in rhyme. My mind will not work that way. I place the blame for this maladroitness of speech squarely on my capably, creative mother. She, who could play...

  • Gravity by Laura Summerville Reed

    Gravity by Laura Summerville Reed

    10 years ago

    Gravity by Laura Summerville Reed I prove the theory of gravity as I tumble earthbound I missed my guide star by years and only a moment The bits and pieces that were laid bare I forgot to pick them up and bring them home again ...

  • Ode to Sylvia Plath

    Ode to Sylvia Plath

    10 years ago

    Antique Disease - An Ode to Sylvia Plath By Laura Summerville Reed Wear it upon a tortured heart Write it upon the laureate’s sleeve Feed the lovely bones spoons full of forlorn and bleakness Stick your head into an oven Die of...

  • Down Will Go Dear Heart

    Down Will Go Dear Heart

    7 years ago

    Red Rock Canyon, NV - 10/2009 hiking trip Down Will Go Dear Heart by Laura Summerville Reed I will never learn to anticipate my own changing Some, entirely new; a divorce a Camelot of more than a quarter century undone by my own...

  • Sternum


    7 years ago

    Sternum by Laura Summerville Reed Keep that cinnamon fresh smile Barely whispering light bulb fragile phrases Hide them away beneath your tender flesh Gnaw out the broken bits In darkened, dusty rooms Chew them powder fine Grind...

  • Audible Silence

    Audible Silence

    10 years ago

    Audible Silence by Laura Summerville Reed The years of audible silence So many flashbulbs have captured Lay spread out between my legs Like a sated lover, Childbirth, the ocean tide Fading greys and party colors Faces, places and stupid shit ...

  • Half Moon Run

    Half Moon Run

    10 years ago

    Half Moon Run By Laura Summervlle Reed I’ve started to run. To draw air into my lungs to push thoughts out of my head, because I struggle constantly between the two polar fields of vanity and grace; the desire to remain one of the ...

  • Springs From the Seed

    Springs From the Seed

    10 years ago

    Springs From the Seed by Laura Summerville Reed Springs from the seed Lithe as dancers Steps to the edge Taut as tightrope acrobats Once cast will never be recovered Dearly held So far flung Stellar little things Without...

  • Synaptic Plasticity at Three-thirty in the Afternoon

    Synaptic Plasticity at Three-thirty in the Afternoon

    10 years ago

    Synaptic Plasticity at Three-thirty in the Afternoon by Laura Summerville Reed My doctor suggests, in so many words, That I learn to live with a constant chill in my bones or certainly die a slow and painful death from...

  • All Familiar Views

    All Familiar Views

    10 years ago

    All Familiar Views By Laura Summerville Reed If my mind lays straight Other times it won't With the long highways and party bows Glide along smooth and kudzu Keep me safely wrapped Safe like barbed wire I’ll never skin these precious...

  • Consignment and Resignment

    Consignment and Resignment

    8 years ago

    Consignment and Resignment by Laura Summerville Reed I've decided I need money; I'm digging through drawers and on shelves, under things. A flashlight and my cat accompany me into the dark recesses of the attic. I'll take the...


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