How to make your own fruit fly trap and get rid of those pesky little bugs.
Why does America ignore God until tragedy strikes?
Make your own aloe vera moisturizing spritz. Great to use on hair and skin. Cheap to make and lasts longer than most other hair moisturizers and conditioners.
A list of characteristics of a good man. What to look for in a good man. What is a good man? Are there any good men left?
What would you not want people to find when they go through your belongings after you die? Should you clean out your closet?
Suggestions and talking points on how to tell your kids you are getting a divorce.
A humorous look at why some men need a gold digger in their life.
"He didn't tell me he had AIDS!" Unfortunately, those words are exclaimed frequently by women who find out that they have contracted HIV/AIDS from a man who already knew he had the disease and did not disclose that to her. There are many people who are not disclosing their HIV/AIDS positive...
A poem about homewreckers, cheating husbands and karma.
A story on how dependence on technology weakened my handwriting. Story of the effects of technology on handwriting. Did you forget how to use a pen?
Use those plastic grocery bags to help keep your home free of junk.
Scary movies and summer time used to be synonymous. Now the boogeyman is an endangered species!
Diagnosing and living with the pain of separated pubic symphysis. How it happens and how to cope.
Learn to recognize when it's time to stop offering advice to someone you care about. Recognize the signs of a toxic relationship.
Thinking of downsizing to a smaller purse but don't know what essentials are anymore? Keep these 10 things in your purse and you can't go wrong.
Think you might be ready to get dreadlocks? Here are some things to consider before installing dreadlocks. What do you need to know before you do a big chop?