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Joined 13 years ago from Florida, USA

  • 32
  • 168
  • 30
  • The Consultant Advantage

    The Consultant Advantage

    8 years ago

    A consultant is a partner with your business not an employee in your business. The qualified consultant brings a fresh, passionate and direct perspective to improving the bottom line results in your enterprise. One of the greatest benefits of...

  • Be Inspired Like An Olympian

    Be Inspired Like An Olympian

    8 years ago

    The London 2012 Olympics were an extraordinary display of athletic determination and amazing human inspiration. Over one billion people around the global community observed athletes from 204 nations compete at the highest levels! They gave their...

  • The DNA of an Entrepreneur

    The DNA of an Entrepreneur

    8 years ago

    Are we born with the ability to be an entrepreneur. Let's take look!

  • Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!

    Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!

    8 years ago

    A set of powerful yet doable ideas for reaching your goals in 2016. Get going and seize the day!

  • The Joy of Family and Friends

    The Joy of Family and Friends

    13 years ago

    Joy is an interesting word. The dictionary defines it as a deep feeling or condition of happiness. Its also decribed as something that causes a source of happiness. As the end of the year draws near we often refocuses our attention on the joy of...

  • In Pursuit Of Entrepreneurship

    In Pursuit Of Entrepreneurship

    8 years ago

    How childhood interests often preview adults becoming entrepreneurs. A brief look at a potential Option ( actually two ) for entrepreneurship. Inspiring words for reaching for your dream of business ownerdhip. Enjoy!

  • 20

    The Essence of Entrepreneurship

    4 years ago

    Let’s take a glimpse into the essence of entrepreneurship. How we define it, what value or benefit does it offer when pursued? Definitely, take a look, then share a thought or comment if you like.

  • Hero of History - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Hero of History - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    8 years ago

    The magnificent legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated on the Washington D.C. National mall! A 30 ft likeness of the Nobel Peace Prize winning civil rights leader is revealed!

  • The Neighborhood Barbershop

    The Neighborhood Barbershop

    8 years ago

    In today’s modern society the intrinsic value of business is often diminished by the pursuit of only growth, expansion and profits. There are however businesses which resist this trend. One such entity is the local barber shop. This place is...

  • 17

    Borders Bookstores No More

    9 years ago

    A farewell look at another end of an era - the disappearance of the brick and mortar book store. To those of us who really enjoyed the experience of " touching " a good book as we read!

  • The Confusion of Politics Remain

    The Confusion of Politics Remain

    8 years ago

    A look back at the 2010 congressional mid-term elections. As you look around today's political climate we are reminded how our national politics unfortunately feel like déjà vu.

  • The Disaster Of Party Politics

    The Disaster Of Party Politics

    8 years ago

    A look back in recent history proves during the worst or best of economic times we need to rid ourselves of party politics to find the long term good for our nation.

  • The Good Side of Reality TV!

    The Good Side of Reality TV!

    9 years ago

    I was recently viewing one of the most intriguing television shows I have ever seen. It was called Undercover Boss. The entire theme of the show was a behind the scenes exposé of company CEO's going into the field to personally investigate the...

  • Outrageous Customer Service!

    Outrageous Customer Service!

    7 years ago

    What ever happened to great customer Service in America? Pardon my question but it seems to have become the exception rather than the rule! A recent flashback occurred after speaking with a representative from Sprint. She was so polite,...

  • Rapport : The Secret Sauce

    Rapport : The Secret Sauce

    8 years ago

    Rapport is to communication as oil is to moving automobile engine parts. If your automobile engine is moving efficiently then you’re more likely to access its full power! The same can be said of interpersonal communications. From a technical...

  • Speak a Good Word

    Speak a Good Word

    12 years ago

    Most people have heard of the childhood nursery rhyme “sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words can never hurt me”. It sounds wise and can certainly be used as a tool for teaching children. Unfortunately as we grow up we rudely discover...

  • Blueprint for Your Transformation!

    Blueprint for Your Transformation!

    8 years ago

    One of the greatest benefits of change is that we can determine to do so on purpose. When it comes to creating permanent and positive change there is much we can learn from the Caterpillar. True change is all about transformation. In the case of...

  • Begin Where You Are

    Begin Where You Are

    8 years ago

    Could our greatest victories over the most difficult problems be realized in the phrase "despise not small beginnings". Our modern culture often makes this very difficult because it promotes, instant answers and immediate gratification. This is...

  • Reality TV - An Opposing Viewpoint

    Reality TV - An Opposing Viewpoint

    6 years ago

    I submit that Reality TV has hijacked its “15 minutes of fame” and stretched far beyond our actual collective consent for nearly 25 years! Besides making astornomical profits for media giants and advertising executives what other intrinsic...

  • A Royal Wedding - Why We Care

    A Royal Wedding - Why We Care

    8 years ago

    What is it about a Royal Wedding that is so compelling? Could it be that it heightens every great symbolism and representation of the wonder of God’s invention. I think so. You know, even people who call themselves skeptics about the idea...

  • Escape Your Comfort Zone!

    Escape Your Comfort Zone!

    8 years ago

    In order to reach new heights in life and career you'll have to risk leaving what your familiar with and Ecape Out of Your Comfort Zone!

  • The Premature Preview

    The Premature Preview

    8 years ago

    A sobering look at how predictions and previews taint the facts about many issues in life and society! Why not let things unfold and display what they are before deciding?

  • Keep Reaching for Your Goals

    Keep Reaching for Your Goals

    10 years ago

    Goals keep you charged up in life. Never give up on making and reaching goals in life!

  • Succeed With An Online Degree

    Succeed With An Online Degree

    8 years ago

    Online education may be one of the most signifcant ways in which to return to school or gain formalized training that can lead to greater future career advancement or earning potential. During the last dozen years there has been a tremendous...

  • The Phenomenon of Starbucks

    The Phenomenon of Starbucks

    12 years ago

    $8 Dollar Coffee! Just think about that for a moment. No really, take a moment and get your mind around that fact. I’ll be fully transparent here; I am NOT a legitimate expert on coffee since I drink it rarely. However, taking notice of many...

  • A Paycheck That Depends On the Economy

    A Paycheck That Depends On the Economy

    8 years ago

    When the paycheck stops what happens next depends on you. I suggest few would argue that receiving a steady check in the mail or deposited into their bank account creates a sense of security. Since the mammoth Recession of 2008 there are many...

  • America's Greatest Idea

    America's Greatest Idea

    8 years ago

    In order to return to its former greatness America must once again become brilliant at the basics. Obviously that is a broad and rather general statement, however here is one perspective. For the purposes of this dialogue we’ll describe...

  • Being a Mentor Makes a Difference

    Being a Mentor Makes a Difference

    8 years ago

    In order to be achieved, mentorship that counts must be purposely pursued. It is not a happen stance situation, but rather a determined set of objectives of both art and science. In other words there is the formal and technical transfer of...

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    Interracial Marriages Don't Work: True or False?

    20 months ago

    This article will take a brief look at the history of interracial marriages in the U.S. and also reflect on their place in present-day America.

  • Attributes of Being a Coach

    Attributes of Being a Coach

    8 years ago

    Being a mentor or coach can often be associated with teaching, coaching and training. There are many segments of society where being a coach or mentor plays an important role. We will take a look at the opportunities and challenges in the...

  • Earn Profits Through Leverage

    Earn Profits Through Leverage

    8 years ago

    The late great business philosopher, and legendary speaker Jim Rohn taught a powerful principle that “profits are better than wages”. When you think about it, every one who aspires to financial freedom must choose to pursue it by either...

  • The Joy of Romance

    The Joy of Romance

    8 years ago

    There are many ideas that couples bring into their marriage. One of the most storied would be, the thought of living happily every after. Well, if that were to happen most would agree, keeping romance alive and well would be a very important...


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