What Would You Do If You Know Your Boss Has It In For You?

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  1. RJ68 profile image61
    RJ68posted 12 years ago

    Do you cover your butt?  Would you let her boss know what is going on?  Do you schedule a conference to resolve your differences? Or do you ask to be reassigned to a dfferent area?  Share with me your thoughts.

    1. Jeff Berndt profile image71
      Jeff Berndtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you like your job otherwise, try to resolve the issue, but document everything you do. Make sure you have evidence on your side if you end up having to fight for your job.

      If you aren't particularly attached to this particular job, polish up your resume, get in touch with your network, and start looking for a new job or even a way to become self-employed. But while you're doing that, document everything you do, just in case. Plus, you might want to refer to the data when drafting your cover letters.

    2. Dave Mathews profile image61
      Dave Mathewsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As a strong "UNION" representative and steward I recommend documenting everything good and bad you are privy to and watch your back always.

      1. RJ68 profile image61
        RJ68posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Dave.  I will do that.  I appreciate the feedback.

      2. Rachel1Curry profile image61
        Rachel1Curryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I like that Dave and certianly agree. I believe in document, document and document. Sometimes you forget and it is always good to have written "proof". smile Thanks for the post!

    3. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I always used to make good friends with their secretaries - it's amazing how many of them hate your opponent more than you do. Document your evidence and prepare a personal grievance claim that you should lodge with head of HR - Don't waste your time with bullies.. find others that have also been pushed round and kick the bully's butt. The secretaries always know the history with the culprit and usually the phone numbers of those others who had similar problems! Shout them a morning tea and they will appreciate your cause! You will be surprised how many others will come forward if you have the courage to challenge bosses that do that.. even in harsh economies. Good Luck.

      1. RJ68 profile image61
        RJ68posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank  you.  Everyone is Saying the Same Thing So It Must be Confirmation For Me. I really appreciate the feedback.

    4. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would ask to be moved to another section for better job opportunities rather than file a complaint. I think it's cowardly to put another persons livelihood in jeopardy because the two of you don't get along. The fact is both parties are usually at fault for workplace hostility, so it would be better overall for someone to make a lateral move. I don't think you really want to see that person jobless after all.

      1. RJ68 profile image61
        RJ68posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well I am not trying to get her fired it is not for me to do.  However, I do think a conference is mandated Onusonus....after this I will ask to be reassigned.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Corporate culture is darwinian, not intelligent design. Polish up the resume and start looking.

  3. RJ68 profile image61
    RJ68posted 12 years ago

    Thank you both...I just might do that.  Here's the thing.  I am relatively new to this job and she is even newer.

  4. golfcart34 profile image68
    golfcart34posted 12 years ago

    As others have said, keep documenting everything, especially if you suspect something fishy is going on.

    In my experience, there are times when going above your bosses head just won't work as your boss' boss is just as bad, if not worse, than your actual boss.  I actually just lost my job because I suspect my boss had it out for me.  I didn't do anything wrong, rather I think she was afraid of me because I actually solved problems rather than allowing them to persist.  I kept documents of everything so if my boss tries to deny me unemployment I have evidence to refute her claims.

    Brush up on that resume and start looking elsewhere for the next big thing in the meantime!  My attitude is you come first, work comes second.

  5. LeanMan profile image72
    LeanManposted 12 years ago

    Get ready to jump ship unless you can see that they offending party has many critics in the organisation in which case try to highlight the issues within HR with as much evidence as you can get..

    Failing that a daily dose of Exlax in their coffee will tend to help the situation!!

  6. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 12 years ago

    Do you know why she has it in for you? Did a specific incident occur? I know managers will look for the tiniest reason to write someone up if they don't like them. I would definitely ask to speak with her. You've received some good advice on this thread, polish up the resume and document.

  7. Daniel Carter profile image62
    Daniel Carterposted 12 years ago

    I had a control freak boss a few years back. He gave me the "new" deal about how the railroad runs. I followed it to the letter. As I worked with clients that I had a relationship for over 15 years, they complained bitterly about all the new and asked why. I said I didn't know, but my new boss has ideas that might help several things. After several client deals went stale, fell off the map, and otherwise halted, I asked them to contact him and work with him personally, and when they were able to come to an agreement, then my boss would let me know and we would proceed.

    I was called into his office about 48 hours later and blamed for a conspiracy. I told him he had no grounds for reprimand, that if he wanted to do my job and his, he was welcome, and that I didn't care if he handed me a hammer and chisel and told me to do my work as long as it was more efficient than the way I was doing it. And, if any of the new procedures weren't netting at least same results or greater, then it was his neck in a noose, not mine. And then I asked him if he would join me for lunch, my treat.

    I hated this guy, but I needed him to be an ally. He turned me down for lunch, but we did talk frequently, and he caved on his "new" ideas, and we consulted frequently about coming up with new ideas together. We made peace, and 2 years later he was dying stage 4 cancer. He survived, returned to work 9 months later, no longer my supervisor. I welcomed him back sincerely, and told him an awful joke. He belly laughed. The next day he came by and told me a bad joke. And from then on we don't particularly like the idea of being "friends" but we respect each other, and we make each other laugh. And we are wicked about our observations of each other, and strangely, we are each other's allies. We have defended each other to upper management a couple of times.

    He is very good at what he does, but not at what I do. And vice versa. But it took a while to understand each other and figure it out.

    Not everyone, obviously, is in a similar situation as me, but I learned a lot about human nature and how to deal with pricks. Humor helps immensely. And this guy is no longer a prick. He looks at life quite differently now.

    Sometimes we need to know when to work through something and when we need to walk away. I've done both. But I'm glad I worked things out with this guy. It was worth it.


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