Bobski's 30 Day Challenge
I Have Accepted the Challenge
I came across the idea for a 30 hubs in the 30 days challenge over in the HubPages forum, however, I didn't do my first one here. I thought I would go ahead and start it over at Squidoo. My first Squidoo 30 Day Challenge went pretty well and I ended up with 29 lenses (articles), I just missed it because my laptop died and I was without a computer for a few days.
My first Hubpages 30 Hubs in 30 Days challenge started on the 3rd September 2012 and this hub that I'm working on now is the first on the list. I haven't really decided what the next 29 hubs are going to be on but I'm sure I'll come up with them with no problem. The topics that I want to work on are Halloween, Christmas and some other medical hubs given the time of year.
I'm hoping that I will be able to increase my traffic and also my monthly earnings. I'm earning about $5.50 a month at the moment and looking to grow that to about $100 a month sometime after Christmas.
SIGN UP TO HUBPAGES if you want to start your own challenge.
The Challenge
HubPage Earnings
- My Hubpage Income and Experience
A report of my hubpage earnings.
Week One
The first week didn't go exactly to plan as I was on holiday so I ended up with less time than I thought. I guess that's not such a bad thing because I was out doing fun stuff. I managed to post 4 news hubs and I've had about 3 days that have been over $0.50 which I am stoked about. I still haven't made any sales on here but I'm hopeful because my page views are consistently over the 200 mark and steadily increasing: more page views = a greater chance of a sale.
Week Two
I've managed to write some more hubs this week and I'm up to 8. I'm still 6 hubs behind but I'm hoping to catch up on those ones during week three. I've noticed that I'm getting more page views and I had my first day over $1 ($1.47 to be precise) which I'm really excited about. I can also see that I'm getting more eBay clicks, no sales yet but I'm sure they'll be here soon enough. I've already increased my earnings 80% since last months and I'm hoping to improve that to maybe 150% but only time will tell.
How many hubs did you manage during the challenge?
Week Three
I still haven't caught up from my first week but I have managed to keep pace for a hub a day this week. I'm starting to run out of ideas so I'm going to have to search the web for more ideas and inspiration, I had this problem near the end of my last one so I know how to get past the writing slump. I'm very aware that I only have 8 days left and I still have 17 hubs to write, I'm sure I'll be able to bust out a few more this weekend and complete my 30 day challenge there should be no reason why I should fail.
Week Four
This week has been absolutely manic and I wasn't able to do much writing. This meant that I only completed 20 of my 30 hubs I set out to write. I'm not too worried about it because my earnings have really shot up now that I have over 50 hubs and according to Google Analytics the oldest ones are really starting to pull their weight.
I did notice a incredible drop in traffic at the end of September and I know others have had this too. I'm not really sure what caused it but I'm really disappointed that my earnings did drop on the last day or so. In October I'm going to be editing all of my hubs to make sure that they are up to date and that they are the best that they can be so that I can pick up the pieces and start have some dollar days again.
My Challenge Hubs
- Tips On Drinking More Water
Hub 20 - Eating Tips For Hip Hop Abs
Hub 19 - Exercise Tips For Hip Hop Abs
Hub 18 (this had to be moved to another site but was originally posted here) - Benefits Of A Water Filter
Hub 17 - Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn
Hub 16 - Hip Hop Abs Hips, Buns, And Thighs
Hub 15 - How To Treat A Subcutaneous (Fatty) Hematoma
Hub 14 - The Benefits Of Coconut Oil
Hub 13 - Tips For Office Workers With Deep Vein Thrombosis
Hub 12 - Hip Hop Abs, Ab Sculpt Routine Review
Hub 11. - Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio
Hub 10. - Review of Hip Hop Abs Created By Shaun T
Hub 9 - Top 5 Portable 1 TB External Hard Drives For Under $100
Hub 8 - How Do I Make Money With Squidoo
Hub 7 - Remington AC5011 Pearl Pro Ionic AC Hair Dryer Review
Hub 6 - Top 10 Pocket Watches for Under $100
Hub 5 - Healthy Alternatives to Halloween Candy
Hub 4 - Top 10 Casual Wrist Watches For Men Under $100
Hub 3 - Capacitive Touch Screen Allwinner A13 Android Tablet Review
Hub 2 - Clexane During Pregnancy
Here are some common questions for mum-to-be about Clexane during and after her pregnancy. Hub 1