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The Cogerson 100th Hub Celebration Show

Updated on December 18, 2015

It took almost 9 months....but here is the Cogerson 100th Hub.

We greatly appreciate you showing up for our show that celebrates Cogerson's 100th hub.

Tonight's Itinerary:

1. A Quick Overview of Cogerson's first eight months on HubPages.

2. Cogerson's Top Ten Great Things that happened since joining HubPages.

3. The Presentation of Awards for some of the best commenters in the Hub land universe.

4. Some words from most of our winners through the comment boxes.

5. Dismissal and drinks from the Emerald Wells Cafe will be served in the Hall areas to the left and right of the stage after the final award is given out.

A Quick Overview.

Cogerson started writing online in January of 2011. After doing much research, he decided to start this new hobby at Google's Blogger. He quickly wrote five movie blogs and proudly posted those five blogs. Nine days later, Cogerson checked out his stats from Blogger and found he had received three whole hits. He could have quit right there, but he instead did some more research and found HubPages.

Once a member of the HubPages, Cogerson took the same five movie blogs and turned them into hubs. Impressed with how professional his hubs looked on HubPages, he started bugging friends and relatives to check out his hubs. A massive e-mail campaign was launched, and when he checked his stats a week later....he had received almost 300 hits. His oldest son, BryRog57, really got behind the hubs....becoming Cogerson's first follower, making comments and offering suggestions for future hubs.

After two months, Cogerson was up to 39 followers(most being friends and family) and had published 32 hubs. He was changing his format of his hubs almost every three or four days, based on suggestions and comments by his followers. At this point, Cogerson, realized an important part of building an audience on hub pages. Cogerson started paying attention to other hubber's work. When he started reading, following and commenting on other hubs, he noticed that traffic picked up on his hubs and the amount of comments and followers was also increasing. Cogerson now spends about half the time on his hubs but the other half of his time goes towards reading and commenting on other Hubber's Hubs.

So did this strategy work? Let's look at some of his numbers to answer that question. Before becoming an active reader and commenter on other hubs, Cogerson was averaging around 25 hits a day....and up to about 40 when he published a new hub. Currently he is averaging 314 hits a day ....and up to 400 hits a day when he publishes a new hub. Cogerson has commented on 2124 other hubs while receiving 4285 comments on his hubs. His hub hits now stand at a total of 54,679 hits. The numbers might not be the best on HubPages, but the strategy seems to have worked. Finally we are posting a table of his Top Five Hubs and then Cogerson will take the stage to tell you about Ten Great Things That Happened since joining HubPages and hand out the awards....and like all great award runs a little long.

Cogerson's Top Five Most Popular Hubs....couldn't have a Hub without a table.

Hub Subject
Hub Hits 10/07/2011
Hub Comments 10/07/2011
Hub Hits 10/15/2012
Hub Comments 10/15/2012
Top Films of 2011
Hollywood's Greatest Actor/Actress
Bruce Willis Movies
James Stewart Movies
Christian Bale Movies
Total Hits

Top Ten Great Things that happened since joining HubPages.

I can not believe that I finally have made it to my 100th hub. When I started writing these hubs I thought maybe I would make it to ten, but no way did I see this coming. My time at HubPages, with the exception of fighting over occasional duplicate issues, has been entertaining, educational and most importantly fun. Lots of great things have happened, but here are the ten that really stick out.

Number 10: When I first started, my followers were all friends and family members....then one day I got an e-mail saying I had a new follower. The best thing about this new follower?...I did not already know her....I was so happy to get a follower that I did not have to beg to follow thank you Trimar7 for being my first non-family or friend to follow my never forget your first.

Number 9: One day as I was trying to understand things like keywords and search engine rankings I stumbled across my very own Tom Hanks Hub on Google. I could not believe something I had written was showing up on Google. I must have shown off that search result to my entire family, as I was so proud that my work was on Google.

Number 8: As I started getting more comments on my Hubs, I started to notice two fellow Hubbers were commenting on most of my hubs. So I started making sure I commented on their hubs as well. 8 months later, and I now considered these two Hubbers good friends....those two hubbers are New York's RobWrite and London's Steve Lensman.....thanks for being so supportive.

Number 7: Another long standing friendship on HubPages is with Sunshine625. She will say that I am her mentor, and maybe I was at the beginning, but she has far exceeded me with HubPage knowledge.....if you want to know how to promote your hubs, send her an e-mail and she will help get you some traffic.

Number 6: In August, HubPages announced their winners of the first annual Hubbie Awards. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners.....check out the link to see all the winners...complete with a video...... 2011 Hubbie Award Winners.

Number 5: After a suggestion from one of my commenters, I wrote a James Garner hub. Two mornings later I checked my HubPage account, and saw I had some comments for the Garner hub. As I read one of the comments, I could not believe what I was reading. James Garner's daughter Gigi, had responded to my hub and had even linked my hub to her own tribute website to her father. Talk about being a happy guy! Check out the Gigi Garner's tribute to her father here....

Number 4: Most of my hubs are about movies and I created a mathematical formula that gives each movie a score...I call it Movie Scores. When I started writing these hubs, I used to calculate the scores with a paper, pencil and a calculator. I then would type the results directly into the hub. My wife observed how long it was taking to create the tables for the hubs. Then my awesome wife sat down and created an Access computer program that not only calculated the scores but allowed the information to be transferred directly into the HubPage hub. So now I only enter the data and out pops the results. Time saved? About 500 man hours so far....thank you awesome wife.

Number 3: Five of my hubs have ended up being featured hubs on HubPages website and newsletter. I am always proud when they select one of my hubs for this honor.

Number 2: Speaking of the newsletter.... I was selected as the featured writer on that newsletter....check out the interview here ..... Cogerson Interview.....and thanks to RobWrite for doing the interview and selecting me.

Number 1: Easily the best thing that has happened to me since joining HubPages are all the people on HubPages that have taken the time to read and comment on my hubs. Without that feedback, there is no way I could have written 100 hubs...thanks to everybody for their support..

But enough about me.....let's hand out some awards for some the best commenters on HubPages.

The winners in this category get this nifty little Outstanding Performance Pin.

Awards for commenters leaving between 9 and 14 comments on my hubs.

Please come to the podium when you name is called and get your pin.

Alecia Murphy (pretty new to following me,writes great tv hubs), Azure11(a writer/professional artist from Dubai and the UK), Boomer Flicks(has some great movie hubs, but sadly seems to have left HubPages), CMerritt(currently he is stuck in a rut, but he is fine hubber), CarltheCritic1291(specializes in current movie reviews), Ddraigcoch(Emma from the UK writes about lots of subjects), epigramman(HubbieAwardWinner, great promoter of other people's hubs), Emilybee(Hubnugget award winner), fpherj48(has some great hubs that tug at your heart as well as some sly humor),Greensleeves Hubs(has some of the best movie hubs on HubPages), gunnarsrud17(no hubs but a great commenter), James A Watkins(one of HubPage greatest hubbers), justmesuzanne(great hubber, wants a Stanley Tucci hub done), Kitty the Dreamer (Hub pages paranormal activity expert), Nickalooch(writes movie reviews), optimus grimlock(writes about many subjects I like his sports hubs), Painted Seahorse(likes Star Wars writes about Jane Eyre), Radioguy(author of some great recipes), SweetMarie83(Hub Nugget award winner), tillsontitan(wonderful mix of hubs), toknowinfo(topics on her many different interests), travel_man1971(great recipes from the Philippines), Tsmog(one of Hub Pages most experienced published writers)

The winners in this category win this Gold World Class Performance Medal.

Awards for commenters leaving between 15 and 29 comments on my hubs..

Please come to the podium when you name is called and get your medal.

AlabamaGirl86 AlabamaGirl86 has been on HubPages for 4 months, has published one hub, and has given my hubs 24 comments so far.

AngelaKaelin Angela is a psychic consultant and writer who lives in the Big Apple.....she has written 39 Hubs and has ben on HubPages for 2 years.

Barbsbitsnpieces Barbara is relatively new on HubPages but in two months she has published 38 hubs. She work as a journalist and free-lancer has been published. In 1968 she won a Certificate of Recognition in "Fiction Writing". Current hubs include some awesome hubs on the history of the states.

Dolores Monet Dolores is one of the highest rated hubbers on Hubpages. Her author score is usually either 99 or 100. She has over 2,000 followers and has written 167 Hubs on subjects like clothing and flowers. She has been on HubPages for over 2 years.

Jeannieinabottle Jeannie has been on HubPages for 8 months....but she has already written 149 Hubs. She has currently been writing about the upcoming holidays like Halloween and Christmas. Her hubs are filled with great subtle humor.

mckbirdbks Mcbirdbks is a book seller who has been on HubPages for 9 months and has published 82 hubs so far. His most popular hubs are his great Emerald Wells Cafe series. So far there have been 22 chapters of Emerald Wells Cafe.

RealHousewife RealHousewife is one of the more popular Hubbers on hub pages. She joined HubPages 8 months ago and has published 47 hubs that have been well received. Her most recent hubs were interviewing a fellow hubber and one on revenge.

WillStarr Will is a 2011 Hubbie Award Winner. He has been on HubPages for 9 months and has 441 followers. Will writes some political hubs, as well as awesome short stories that take place in the Old West. Always be on the look out for great twist endings of his stories.

Thank you friends and family.

Before we get to more awards I would like to thank my family and friends for giving me so much support over the last 8 months. Their comments during the first couple months of my hub page experience kept me thank you very much. I am sure the e-mails I sent out begging for feedback had nothing to do with their responding.

BOBRules (my daughter in law ...8 comments),Jscott757(my second oldest son....21 comments), Tinkerbell3(granddaughter), YankeesRule(fantasty sports friend 54 comments), KTCat94(oldest daughter 13 comments), mimic(mother-in law 6 comments), BryRog57(oldest son 51 comments), hinton1966(friend 73 comments), alextheredblob(youngest son),KellyE1967(friend 77 comments),ShaunBroncoMan(co-worker and friend, 66 comments) and my mother...but more on her later.

The Winners in this category win this nifty Best Performance Plaque.

Awards for commenters leaving between 30 and 69 comments on my hubs.

Please come to the podium when you name is called and get your plaque.

Stevennix2001 (32 comments) Steven is not only the best movie reviewer on HubPages but one of the best movie reviewers period. I enjoy his reviews just as much as I enjoy Roger Ebert's reviews. Steven has been on HubPages for over 2 years, he has published 404 Hubs and has 526 followers.

attemptedhumour (37 comments) Keith from down under is one of the few writers we have on HubPages who lives in the land of Oz. Keith has been on HubPages for 16 months, has published 93 hubs and has 323 followers. He writes poems and stories. Some of his stories take place in a pub call The Nags Head. All of his stories have a great amount of humor cleverly hidden in the hubs.

Fay Paxton (39 comments) Fay packed up shop a few months and left HubPages...but she was a great commenter when she was here.

Mentalist acer (43 comments) Brian is a 2011 Hubbie Award Winning poet. His poems take a piece of science, a piece of science fiction , a dash of great visuals and a speck of audio to create some awesome work. He has been on HubPages 20 months, he has published 129 hubs and has 333 followers.

ruffridyer (69 comments) Ruffridyer from Ohio has been on HubPages for 5 months, he has published 62 hubs and has 70 followers. Ruffridyer writes about many different topics and always adds some humor into his hubs. My favorite line of his was in a movie hub ....he wrote "I am not sure why Dakota Fanning is in the movie....other than to make Tom Cruise look tall". I love it.

The winners in this category win this Silver Trophy.

And now commenters ranked 5th through 2nd.

Please come to the podium when you name is called and get your trophy.

Robwrite (72 comments) Rob and I have been reading each other's hubs for the last 8 months. Rob writes hubs about movie reviews, movie trivia, personal experiences, and many other subjects. One of my favorite hubs that Rob writes about is his Odd Boys series, which takes the reader back to the glory days of the 1980s. You should check it out. Rob has been on HubPages for 2 years, has published 151 hubs and has 197 followers.

BERN1960 (103 comments) ok....Bern1960 is my mother. She has not written a single hub, but she has responded to every single hub I have written. Your support has always and will always be appreciated, are awesome.

Sunshine625 (115 comments)....Sunshine has been on HubPages for 7 months. Her first two months she was not very active. Over the last 5 months she has made up for that slow start. Her hubs have been picked up by newspaper websites, helped her win a Hubbie Award in 2011, featured as top stories on HubPages, Twitter and many more websites. She has published 71 hubs and has 303 followers. Her hub subjects are all over the board....from country music to fantasy football picks to famous trials to cancer etiquette.

Steve Lensman (150 comments) Steve is a huge fan of we get along great. At least as long as we do not talk about the merits of 1959's Ben-Hur. Steve will question my rankings and challenge my results of my Movie Score system...which gives me great joy defending my Scores. Steve has been on HubPages for 7 months and has published 82 hubs. Some of Steve's most popular hubs are from his Illustrated Reference series. He recently completed all the James Bond movies and he is well on his way to finishing the Star Trek movies. If you like those series of movies you have to check out the hubs.

The trophy that goes to our top commenter.

Our Top Commenter of the Night.

Please come to the podium when you name is called and get your trophy.

Flora Breen Robison (156 comments) Flora has only been on HubPages for 4 months. But she has made those 4 months count. She has published 61 hubs and has 242 followers. Both are amazing totals for only 4 months. Not only has she been publishing so many quality hubs, she has become one of the best commenters that HubPages has out there. Her comments on hubs are detailed oriented add to the hub and she will go back and look for feedback. All her efforts are greatly appreciated. Flora has already won a hub nugget and I expect her to win some Hubbies next year. Flora recently started a lyrical poem series. In the series she takes an artist's songs and creates a great poem. They are a fun read and you should check them out. Flora has also written many quality hubs on mystery writers, identity theft and Alfred Hitchcock. My only question for Flora ....what was so wrong with my Adam Sandler hub that it never got a


Finally ..thanks for checking out my 100th hub...I greatly appreciate all the comments that have gone to my hubs....Thank you very go and enjoy our food and drink which was catered from the fine people from the Emerald Wells Cafe.


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