Carey Mulligan delivers a career defining performance in a tragic film disguised as a comedy in which she seeks to avenge those that raped her friend. It is also a strong directing and writing debut for Emerald Fennell.
The new Captain America has been largely hated by fans of the new Marvel show, whether it's warranted or not. However, is the character even worthy of the name or is he just another symbol turned bad?
The Monsterverse Universe has been building toward this battle between the two titans. It took four films to get to this point and was it worth the wait? Opinions will probably vary.
The Falcon and The Winter Solider continues to prove that is much more thought provoking then we all expected it to be. While it still provides humor, it also showcases racial injustice and mental health issues.
Disney+ second MCU series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has begun and much like the Captain America trilogy it features realistic hard hitting action sequences along with political intrigue.
"Justice League" was a massive flop behind the scenes and on the big screen once Zach Snyder left, but in a big surprise, his actual vision is a much more coherent and interesting film.
The show that has taken over our hearts and minds over the last month has come and gone. With it came a very heartfelt ending, with promises of seeing these characters in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The penultimate episode of the hit show Wandavision revealed a lot that we had already expected, but delivered even more. Many fan theories also came to a crashing halt.
Due to Wandavision, many people began to think we'd see Reed Richards which got me to thinking of who Marvel could be looking at to cast as the Fantastic Four
Episode 7 put an end to some rampant theories that the fanbase had conjured up, all the while fueling some more diabolical theories. In the episode, Wanda takes a quarantine style vacation and Vision tries to reunite with her.
This week's episode was centered around Halloween and the premise that Vision knows something is up and wrong with Westview. Wanda, on the other hand had to deal with a surprise of her own.
During the Super Bowl, Disney showed off another trailer of the highly anticipated Falcon and Winter Soldier Disney+ series. The trailer showed off a few action scenes as well as a few hints as to what we could expect.
Episode 5 of Wandavisiion teases quite a bit of what the future could hold for it's titular characters. It also may have been the reveal of the true villain of the show.
Four episodes into the first MCU Series which airs on Disney plus seems to indicate that one of it's main characters has gone bad, but not everything is as it may seem.
Denzel Washington stars in a moody and brooding whodunit murder mystery that features terrific performances from its leads that distract from an uneven and slow-moving plot.
Our Friend isn't anything new, but amid a pandemic, it is a poignant and heartwarming tale of how friendship can make hard times so much easier just by being there and caring.
Ad Astra at first glance can seem like more of the same in terms of previous space exploration films, but its approach is completely different. It focuses solely on the main character and is a harrowing and intimate story about the relationship between father and son.
"The Peanut Butter Falcon" is an endearing film with plenty of heart that follows two people on two completely different paths, but together they find something in life that they both have been lacking
Netflix swings for the fences with Duncan Jones' stylistic and visually beautiful Mute, but fails largely with an uneven and slow moving plot.
Netflix has hit a homerun by creating a tense and dreadful experience with solid atmospherics that elevate a derivative plot. It also has plenty to say about how guilt can impact a person
The Cloverfield franchise expands with this much delayed and uneven film. It's a thriller that doesn't deliver thrills or tension, but fans of the franchise will enjoy it.
Ingrid Goes West is an independent film that takes a creepy look into how dependent people are on social media and how it can change our perception of ourselves.
Netflix has put out another original film starring Dylan Minnette in a creepy but incredibly dull and predictable thriller.
Spiderman's first solo film under the Marvel umbrella is an impressive debut that does an admirable job staying true to the character and avoids retreading familiar territory.
Matt Reeves bucked the trend of the third film in a trilogy being the worst in the series. He has created a near-perfect film and trilogy.
Disney's live action adaptation of The Jungle Book hits all the right notes while also being a tremendous journey of a boy finding his own way.
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg make yet another hilarious film, but this one is a smarter film, all the while being so much crazier. They may have just created their best film yet.
The Star Trek franchise takes a good step forward as it exudes fun while not taking itself seriously unlike the previous installment.
As Warner Brothers continues to attempt to adapt an expanded universe of films from the DC Comics it has become more and more apparent that they do not have a grasp for the content.
This new Tarzan is much more broody and moody then our usual Tarzan which brings mixed results. On one hand it is at least watchable, but on the other hand you'll be waiting for it to be over.
The Conjuring is a successful horror franchise thanks to the chemistry between Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, but more so due to the vision of director James Wan.
The overwhelming notion is that video game franchises do not translate well to the big screen, but Duncan Jones has changed that with his clear devotion to the source material.
There is a general consensus that the third film in a trilogy is usually the worst film of the bunch. That trend continues, but that doesn't mean Apocalypse is a bad movie.
Cloverfield might be familiar to those that saw the monster film years ago, but this film is much smaller and more intimate making the horror of the situation much more terrifying.
The Invitation is a expertly crafted psychological thriller that will stay with even after the credits roll. Between the imagery and the downright creepiness, you will be enamored with every scene.
The Russo Brothers return to direct the finale to the Captain America trilogy and create the most ambitious and outright best Marvel movie to date.
Brie Larson firmly plants herself as one of the top young actresses but Jacob Tremblay's portrayal of a young boy in a dire situation is something to behold.
The trio of Fassbender, Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin have tremendous potential yet it still manages to have it's share of pitfalls.
Inarritu continues to add to his impressive resume with another unique film-going experience that features a journey story and some truly gritty performances.
Everest is a film that attempts to be multiple things with a loose focus and an ever changing tone. It succeeds in some areas and falls short in delivering fully realized characters to care about.
Denis Villeneuve creates another taut crime thriller that truly brings the best performances out of his actors.
Ridley Scott returns to form by creating an engaging drama while Matt Damon gives quite possibly his best performance to date.
David O. Russell and Jennifer Lawrence team up again to make a comedy drama, however this film pales in comparison to their previous work together.
Boxing movies are a tough sell as they have done the same troupes and character arcs in every film by now. Creed differs from that in a surprising way.
Star Wars is now brought back to being a great franchise thanks to JJ Abrams and a great new find in Daisy Ridley as well as John Boyega.
The season is here, Football is back and with it comes my picks for Week one's games.
Gears of War is a franchise that is beloved to most Xbox fans. Of course, in today's day and age, collections and remasters are the new rage. Yet this one is different.
Marvel continues their formula of humor and create another entertaining film based off a widely unknown character while adding to the collective universe of films.
The land of dinosaurs returns to glory by getting back to it's roots with a simple plot and good characters.
Entourage was an incredibly successful television series on HBO and what made it successful also works on the big screen
Found footage horrors are a dime a dozen now and despite the fact that they seem to be growing old, Deborah Logan seems to buck that trend.
San Andreas is just like every other disaster movie to date, that doesn't make it a good or bad movie. Just more of the same.
Mad Max hasn't been on the big screen in a long time, but in Fury Road, he comes back with a furious vengeance.
The Avengers changed the movie landscape and it's sequel has plenty of hype, but does it live up to that hype?
Horror films are often incredibly clichéd, It Follows however goes back to the 80s horror that now is looked back on as classics.
With the latest trailer dropping this past week, across the internet there has been plenty of theories abound. In this article, those theories are given great thought.
Richard Linklater crafts a story that follows a young boy growing up in a broken home maturing into a man trying to find his place in the world.
A new trailer of the much anticipated Avengers: Age of Ultron has been released revealing even more about the film
Jake Gyllenhaal's, Nightcrawler, is both equally creepy and disturbing as we follow a sociopath who films horrible accidents while going to questionable lengths to do so all for his own reasons
Today Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios announced their projects that will be made in the next five years. New characters such as Black Panther and Captain Marvel are included.
Based on the famous DC Comic book series, Hellblazer, NBC adapts the anti-hero John Constantine
Marvel Studios has released a trailer for their upcoming film Avengers: Age of Ultron. Here I breakdown the trailer
Gone Girl tells the story of a married couple and the troubles that come with marriage and how we as people present the best version of our self to the world while being fake to ourselves.
With the news breaking of Robert Downey Jr joining the cast of Captain America 3, the likelihood of Marvel's immensely popular Civil War story reaching the big screen is promising.
Some of you may know that my biggest passion is writing. This is an excerpt from the novel I am currently writing. I figured I'd post it to see what people think of it
Cyborg is another integral part of the Justice League. His brain is a great ally to the them as well as his skill set. His personal story, like any hero, is also fairly tragic.
Another key player to the growing list of DC heroes would be that of Arthur Curry, or better yet, Aquaman. With an actor now in place it is clear that the character will be seen on the big screen.
One of the biggest characters within the DC Universe would be that of the Amazonian princess Diana or better known as, Wonder Woman. This article digs into what could make a good Wonder Woman film.
Shazam is to be the first solo hero film following Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It has plenty of potential with a solid villain in place that can come back later on, as well as an integral hero
WB has always struggled with their DC Comic properties but they had a promising start with Man of Steel and look to build on that success by making a much bigger cinematic universe.
Black Panther has been a fan favorite among Marvel Comic fans so of course they'd clamor for a movie. Which makes sense seeing all of the Easter Eggs that they have dropped for the character.
Some would say the upcoming Marvel Studios film, Doctor Strange, is a risk but with it's rich backstory it could potentially be a gold mine for the studio.
Marvel Studios has been on a roll, to continue on that roll they may want to move on from the Ant-Man property and explore other characters.
The X-Men franchise is back on track thanks to the success that is Days of Future Past. This article takes a look to the next film to see where they can take these characters next.
Bryan Singer returns to the franchise that he helped build and manages to give it a fresher feel while setting it up for a very bright future
The re-imagined Robocop lacks imagination and begs the question, why does Hollywood continue to pump out remakes?
Marc Webb and Andrew Garfield continue to make an entertaining Spider-Man film that is filled with plot holes and rushed villains.
Nicholas Stoller, Seth Rogen, and Zac Efron deliver the best movie of the summer to date in the form of a comedy along the lines of long time classic, Animal House.
A short story that I had come up with in a short period of time. It follows a father and is son on a stormy night.
Godzilla is known as the King of Monsters and he delivers in this film, although the rest is a mixed bag. Most, if not all, will have a difficult time connecting with the human characters.
17. Baltimore Ravens - OT Zack Martin, Notre Dame Offensive line was a major issue last season for the Ravens as they struggled to give Joe Flacco enough time to survey down the field as well as open up lanes for the running game. They made a...
Alfonso Cuaron and JJ Abrams work together to create a television series focusing on a young girl with extraordinary powers that could change the world.
True Detective ended it's first season perfectly and on a surprisingly upbeat note that also had plenty of character development.
The NFL is currently in the off-season which always leads fans to speculate what player their beloved team will draft, and that is exactly the purpose of this article.
Hannibal followed up it's premiere with an episode that improved upon itself and helped move the plot along faster while also saying goodbye to a character.
Arrow has gained plenty of momentum throughout this season with new revelations and new characters. However, this new teaser trailer of things to come has a renewed tone.
Lone Survivor is a true story that sheds light on what our Armed Forces do for us in a very realistic light. This is a brutal tale of four brothers.
Liam Neeson excels in action films, but him on a plane and you can still expect the same thing. However, going 500 miles per hour mid air does tend to add more drama.
It is definitely perplexing how this amazing actor has not won his ever elusive award, but when you generally play the same role over and over then the Oscars will not reward you, sadly.
As the season comes to an end the twists are becoming more and more predictable but it fails to bring the quality of the show down thanks to the phenomenal performances of the lead characters.
CW has hit gold with their fan favorite television series, Arrow, and they look to hit gold again with their take on the Scarlet Speedster, Flash.
The X-Men Cinematic Timeline can be confusing but when you really look at it, it isn't that difficult. Here we take a look at all the films to date and how they fit in with another.
Hannibal had a very strong first season and it continued to impress with it's second season premiere. It also did a good job of setting up what looks to be another great season.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow was a much needed breath of fresh air into an old and beloved franchise. It, however, struggled to find itself and did not have a strong story.
After a brief hiatus, CW's Arrow returned with a solid episode. It didn't do anything for the overarching story but it did move the characters forward a bit and introduced a good villain.
Godzilla has been a difficult beast for Hollywood to tackle in recent years. Monster movies in general have been for that matter. However, this one looks to be an exception in that rule.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 promises plenty of drama thanks to increased sense of danger brought on by the villains. Electro and Green Goblin look to make things difficult on the web-slinger.
True Detective is still one of the smartest and best television shows on the air, but this recent episode was one of the more basic episodes. It felt very procedural and did not have any big twists.
Heroes was one of the most polarizing and most popular television shows on during it's run. However, it lost traction due to the writer's strike. Us fans have renewed hope now with it's return.
Fox has done well by their property and are now looking to expand upon it in ways that we never dreamed of. In fact, they are even currently righting the wrongs of previous entries.
Bilbo Baggins and his group of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield traverse across Middle-Earth and continue getting closer to the Lonely Mountain where they can reclaim their home, Erebor.
As part of Marvel Studios third phase of films, it looks as if Doctor Strange will be a part of it. They are looking for a director now, and I give my insight as to who should play the part.
Marvel Studios has been doing well for themselves lately and with Guardians of the Galaxy coming out this summer it promises that they are broadening their universe. Now, they are going Strange.
It has been known for quite sometime now that Fox would be remaking The Fantastic Four and the cast had finally been announced today. However, are they good choices for the roles?
Hollywood has been churning out reboots to popular franchises as of late, and it begs the question, is it really necessary?
Marvel has been pretty busy lately, but their second lineup of films is coming to an end with Guardians of the Galaxy. The first trailer has come out, and here I take an in-depth look at it.
HBO has a penchant for creating compelling television shows. They have once again hit gold in the form of the dark and dreary True Detective starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.
With all the additions to the cast, one has to ask the question, is Avengers Age of Ultron over-crowded?
The Wolf of Wall Street very accurately shows what it is like to be a stockbroker. It is a luxurious and difficult life style, but in the case of Jordan Belfort, it is much more then just that.
Gravity is an awe-inspiring film, but aside from it's terrific visuals and intense long shots that add drama, is it really worthy of being mentioned as one of the Best Pictures of the Year?
Ender's Game continues the long line of novels turned into film. Ender's Game was a part of a large series written by Orson Scott Card all the way back in the 1980's and he is still to this day writing for it. That being said, it makes perfect sense...
Complications arise when two close friends, Luke and Kate, go away with their significant others on a double date. One weekend away together shows who belongs together and who does not.
Dallas Buyers Club tackles issues that still exist today in health care while telling a brutal story about a man nearing his end. It also benefits from terrific performances from it's lead actors.
DC Comics has done well for themselves in the animated film department, but does it continue when they switch the characters to fit their New 52 counterparts.
Fruitvale Station celebrates the life of a man who had his life cut short rather then focus on the tragedy. It also benefits from a terrific performance from an up and coming actor, Micheal B. Jordan.
This article goes in detail to analyse the most recent trailer of Captain America: The Winter Soldier .
Hannibal Lecter is one of the most well received villains of cinematic history thanks in large part due to the performance of Anthony Hopkins. However, is this film still worth watching?
The news of Jesse Eisenberg playing Lex Luthor is, strange to say the least. However, he is a good actor, so maybe we should all give him a chance to play the part before we judge him so harshly.
I had very little expectations for this film thanks in large part to a weak title and a very weak marketing campaign on the film. It goes to show how much a trailer can really do for a film. The trailer really showed nothing of interest except that...
Marvel's Cinematic Universe is widely successful and currently in their second phase of films. However, with Captain America: The Winter Solider and Guardians of the Galaxy releasing this year and The Avengers: Age of Ultron next summer, the...
This marks my first entry in what I hope to be a long running series of film reviews of movies that are available to stream off of Netflix. I will start this series by reviewing the film written and directed by David Ayer titled, End of Watch. The...
This continues my on-going set of Oscar reviews, marking my third entry, Captain Phillips. The film is yet again, similarly to American Hustle, based off of true events. It is directed by Paul Greengrass (Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum) while...
This marks my second entry into the on-going Oscar movie related reviews. American Hustle is directed by David O. Russell, who also did the widely popular Silver Linings Playbook last year. He brings back actors he is familiar with from that film...
This marks my first entry in my reviews of the Oscar nominated films of this year. I saw the film back when it initially came out, but held off on reviewing it. I will also most likely do an article laying out my predictions as to who will win the...
We all knew that Man of Steel was the start of bigger and hopefully better things between Warner Brothers Studios and their DC Comics properties. At the most recent Comic Con as we all well and know that the sequel would be titled Batman vs...
Thor returns to Asgard, but a new villain surfaces looking to bringing darkness to all the realms. Thor has to turn to his treacherous brother for help in order to restore order.
Stephen King is known for writing horror stories with a usual supernatural undertone and while a majority of them get a film treatment, they are often met with mixed results. One of his most popular properties would be that of Carrie. Thanks in...
Season eight was a return to form with a strong over-arching story for the year under the direction of a new show-runner in Jeremy Carver. Season eight ended on a high note with the brother's coming together and finally being on the same page sans...
Prisoners is a tense, well thought out thriller film starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. By no means is it an original story, but it benefits from a great tone and compelling performances.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a star that is rising due to his ability to play many diverse roles. It isn't unheard of to hear a well-known actor decides to take up the directing chair, but it is frequently met with a wide array of feedback. Most will...
Director/Writer Guillermo Del Toro is known for creating big movies with amazing visual effects, but he has never gone this big. Pacific Rim is the showcase for the Del Toro's child inside to come out and pay tribute to all of the anime or...
With Man of Steel doing well in theaters the next step is an inevitable sequel but with the screenwriter David Goyer saying it is the springboard to a much larger shared DC Cinematic Universe, then that means The Justice League is right around the...
Expectations can be a tricky thing for films like Man of Steel considering the hype surrounding it and even more so seeing how Superman is the most recognizable superhero of all-time. A lot can be said for the fact that among the United States the...
Ride or Die, that is the constant motto of Dominic Torretto and his crew. He values every one of his friends like they are family, and that very well could be his undoing.
J.J Abrams reboot of this beloved series was welcomed with open arms, but sadly those new and old fans alike of the franchise had to wait four years for a sequel. As it usually turns out, good things come to those who wait. That being said, I really...
Coming into this fall season when I first heard of this show and the fact that it was airing on CW, my initial thought was that it would be just as campy as Smallville years ago. Boy, was I wrong. Not only is Arrow much more entertaining then...
It feels like it has been a really long time since The Avengers dominated box offices everywhere a year ago. A lot has happened since then, but one things remains. Robert Downey Jr. is delivers the best performance time and time again as a comic...
A detailed review on the reboot to the popular horror film, Evil Dead. This take trades in the comedic overtone for a more serious and stylized take on the formulaic horror film.
The NFL Draft is always a fun time of the NFL Off-season as it brings hope to fans that the draft picks could help turn around their teams misfortune or continued success. It is exciting but looking back three years from this point, as a fan, we...
Two years ago director Steven Soderbergh directed a film titled Contagion which touched on a very real fear in the world. Forward to present day and he is back in the directing chair for the film Side Effects which delves into the world of...
A look into the webseries inspired by the works of Paranormal Activity, Supernatural and many other horror based franchises. It is a story that follows three friends moving into an apartment.
Les Miserables is a very popular musical of the same name by Alain Boubil and Claude-Michel Schonberg which in turn is based off of the French novel written in 1862 by Victor Hugo. It is a classical story filled with the very core emotions of...
David O. Russell return to the directing chair from his major hit, The Fighter, to create another heart warming drama in the Silver Linings Playbook. It is already getting well deserved Oscar buzz for terrific performances, a well written script and...
Peter Jackson has returned to the directing chair and more importantly to Middle Earth for the fourth time in this fun adventure tale. His turn on the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy gave us an epic story filled with fantastic and fully realized...
Superman has had a rough time at the box office as of late ever since Richard Donner stopped making films starring the Man of Steel. Oddly enough, the man that had just brought the Bat from the ashes is now trying his hand at another DC Comic hero....
This show has moved at a remarkable pace and considering some of the reveals that we have had only in a handful of episodes says a lot about where this season can go. We have already seen some major DC comic villains on the show such as Deathstroke,...
When this show first aired I thought it had great potential but being that it is on the CW, I pretty much assumed it would be a carbon copy of Smallville but with a darker tone. In ways it is that, but it is different in large part due to the fact...
The iconic super spy James Bond has been through a lot over the years. Many actors have played the part, some were up to snuff and some embraced the role. Everyone has their favorite Bonds and their own opinions on which is the best movie but we can...
It is good to see the NBA back, and on schedule as opposed to last year's shortened season. Last season had plenty of major stories, none being bigger then LeBron James winning his first championship. Coming into this season there is more parity...
Eric Kripke and JJ Abrams are slowly bringing in people that they are familiar with to fill the cast out on this promising show. A new villain was introduced in this episode that will be a familiar face to many fans of Lost and Supernatural. Mark...
Rian Johnson is a talented writer and director as evident by his previous movies. He continues to add to his impressive resume with this sci-fi action film that delivers with some terrific performances and a rather impressive plot set with plenty of...
Well, that was another heart wrenching episode. If it wasn't clear just by the preview of the episode that it would be a dozy, then it was very clear by Damon Pope's first meeting with Jax. Pope meant business, and wanted a dead Son. It was brutal,...
The pilot was entertaining, but had issues. The same can be said about the second episode. Through the first two episodes what we can expect from this series is for certain things to simply not make sense. Such as a petite girl being able to...
It has only been two episodes in to what already looks like another incredible season. Kurt Sutter has done a terrific job with this show and with every passing season it seems to gain more and more traction as one of the best shows on television....
I can't explain how excited I was over the concept of this series, especially seeing how it is being developed by two of my favorite show runners. Revolution is created by Eric Kripke, who was the creative genius behind my favorite show...
My frustration with this film series can be summed up in a long series of inaudible and angry yells mixed in with plenty grunts. Paul W.S Anderson the director did a decent enough job of adapting the popular video game series to the big screen in...
Congratulations everyone, Football is back. The most watched sport in the States. This time of year is a happy time for every fan as every team is even at zero wins and zero losses. Every fan can happily say, "We are going all the way!" at this...
The Ravens are the deepest and most talented team in the entire division. With that in mind, they have the most potential to go further than eleven wins on the season as well. Granted, the Ravens have a brutal schedule but the team needs to have...
It is a good time of year indeed. The weather is still nice, baseball is winding down and as it does we have football just around the corner. With that in mind, I am positive no one is complaining. Football is such a popular sport nowadays that it...
Hollywood really seems to like this trend where they continue to remake original films. I, for one, go into these remakes with an open mind allowing myself to simply enjoy whatever I am about to see. Not only is this a remake of the 1990 film of the...
Christopher Nolan has done what no other comic book film trilogies could ever do. He actually managed to make a good third film, and a complete trilogy. The first film centered around Bruce Wayne's anger and quickly focused on him overcoming his...
The Avengers first phase was a good one, and a very successful one. However, considering how most of the films outside of Iron Man 2, they were all the obligatory origin films that deal with a lot of the same stories that we already are familiar...
In the past I have posted some of the novel that I have been working on for the past five years. I am glad to tell you all that I am nearly finished. I hope to finish it this week in fact and the worst case scenario is that it will be done next...
With Ted, the creator of Family Guy decides to take his talents to the big screen and quite frankly it is one big hit. Seth MacFarlane does a terrific job in his directorial debut and creates what may just be the funniest movie of the year. No doubt...
Ten years ago comic book movies were just starting to get started thanks to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man and Bryan Singer's X-Men. Since then X-Men has now five films, and Spider-Man has now been rebooted. While everyone involved with the original...
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter comes from the novel written by Seth Grahame-Smith in 2010. Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov, the director of Wanted, paired together to purchase the film rights and they even pressed through the development process...
Mark Wahlberg seems to do pretty well in this kind of movie. It's a fairly straightforward plot with a few twists here and there accompanied with some decent to solid performances. Contraband is also an easy film to sit down and watch as it doesn't...
This episode was a much bigger step in showing where the show can go this season. My own personal hope is that the show didn't just blow all of their budget in this special two hour opener as it was not what I would have expected from the show. The...
Last summer's hit television show returned this past weekend with a two hour premiere. The show last year was quite a surprise to me as I am frequently skeptical of a show being set in a post apocalyptic world. However, the show seemed to get better...
Ridley Scott has returned to the franchise of Alien, but instead of going forward he decided to explore the past within the universe. The film is a prequel, but it is better suited to be thought of as it's own film. It pays homage to some of the...
Judging by the trailers I thought this film could very much be a hit or a complete miss. Thankfully it was the former of the two. After all, it is a big project with some pretty iconic characters under the direction of a rookie director in Rupert...
Sony has done a good job over the years of providing their fans with breathtaking visuals and engaging game play in their exclusive games such as Uncharted and God of War. Coming into this year's E3 event, Sony stayed the course and why would they...
In light of recent news reports of a so-called "Zombie Attack" in Miami, New Jersey and Maryland. It seems like its in the east coast then. Of course the media will do what they can to cover it up, and they already have. Don't be fooled, we all...
This movie comes straight from film studios trying to capitalize on the success of Transformers where a great amount of money was made from making a toy set into a blockbuster action film. Granted, Battleship has some of the same things that made...
I've ranted about this season in previous articles, and I will continue to do so here. The season started off with such great promise in the first two episodes where we had the introduction of what possibly could have been one of the best villains...
Ultron is a villain that was created by the great mind of Henry "Hank" Pym. It was quite possibly his most brilliant creation, but also the most dangerous. Pym had good intentions in creating the powerful robot, but instead of it helping humanity,...
A man looking for revenge, killing everything in his path leading to the yellow eyed demon that killed the woman he loves. His revenge is the reason why the boys do what they do. He was so caught up in finding Azazel for killing his wife that he...
The big bad of big bads. In fact, he is so bad that he has multiple names. Not one, not two, not three, a lot of names. Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Lightbringer, and so on. He was expertly portrayed by Mark Pellegrino who was the runner up for the role...
Ant-Man can be a hard character to pin down, as three people have donned the suit. This article looks into the character's history.
Mark Sheppard appears in yet another television show. For real, this guy appears in everything. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he is mentioned in the Bible at this point. Every television show I have watched, he has been in. Supernatural does a...
Ruby was a character that was shrouded in mystery for quite some time as fans never really knew where her loyalties lied. Do the fact that she was a demon the Winchesters at first thought of her as an enemy, but Sam slowly over time eased up to her...
The Black Panther is an immensely popular character within the Marvel Universe and has a rich history as a character on his own but also within The Avengers
With the Avengers now in theaters many are probably wondering, where to now? Well the next Marvel Studios film to reach a theater near you is the third and likely final Iron Man film. Jon Favreau is not back to direct as he had issues with...
When Lucifer was unleashed on the world his first order of business was freeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. All of them were powerful beasts, but none were as intriguing of a character as Death was. He was also the eldest of his brothers...
Lilith is described as the first demon, the first human turned into a monster by Lucifer as the ultimate "screw you" to God. She was also the main antagonist of season three and four of the popular series while being played by Katherine Boecher,...
A new trailer of the reboot to the Spiderman franchise was attached to the release of Marvel Studios, The Avengers, and with it comes even more hype. Like I said in my previous Spiderman article, I was hesitant to think this could be a good movie....
Many comic book fans would be quick to compare the Mad Titan Thanos to the superbly powerful DC Comics villain Darkseid. It is a fair comparison as both villains have certain powerful and dominating presence due to their power and stature. Thanos...
The half brother and archenemy of the god of thunder, Thor. Loki grew up under the great shadow of Tho and under the assumption that he truly was an Asgardian. He was actually the son of Laufey, the deceased monarch of the Frost Giants who were...
First off, thank you Marvel and thank you Joss Whedon. This is a tremendous accomplishment for all of you bringing all of these larger than life characters together for a terrific two and half hour long movie. Joss Whedon is more widely known for...
We all know what the Ravens are good at, physical in your face kind of defense with a steady dose of Ray Rice on the offensive side of the ball. With future Hall of Famers like Ray Lewis and Ed Reed returning to their defense for what looks like one...
The Eagles are one of the few teams in the league that don't have many holes on their roster in large part due to the fact that they are one of the few teams that draft extremely well. The Eagles, Ravens, Steelers, Patriots and Giants have all...
It's been awhile, but let's face it Supernatural. You have been one of the biggest disappointments this year in television. You had a promising start to the season then had a good long spree of filler episodes that no one wanted. Sera Gamble, the...
With comic book buzz around the corner and starting with a bang tommorow when The Avengers hits theaters at midnight, of course Christopher Nolan wouldn't allow his film to be forgotten about. The Dark Knight Rises final trailer has been released...
Hawkeye is a comic book version of Robin Hood, and comic book fans alike will ultimately compare Hawkeye to DC's Green Arrow. There are similarities but they are their own separate characters. While Hawkeye is brash, confident and a bit of a cocky...
Marvel had a lot of characters and a lot of good characters, with Bruce Banner (The Hulk) being quite possibly one of the best. He is in fact one of Marvel's fan favorites due to his tragic story of being a man with tremendous power but constantly...
Thor could be one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe and a demigod to boot. The Norse God of Thunder for that matter and son of Odin. Odin wanted to father a son whose power would derive from Earth as well as Asgard. After being born...
The Five Year Engagement brings the duo of Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller back together following their success with Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Both movies are romantic comedies, and as of late romantic comedies have been average at best....
Every team needs a leader, some one who is fearless, smart and above all else will do the best in the grand scheme of things. In comes Steve Rogers, Captain America, for The Avengers team. Past his incredibly corny and pro-America costume lies...
At last, the Playoffs are here following a shortened season due to the unfortunate lockout that scared us all. It is also nice to see some up and coming teams making the playoffs this season like the Clippers, Jazz and Pacers. This marks the first...
Iron Man was one of the founding members of the Avengers Initiative and as one of the founders he gave the organization his Stark Tower located in Manhattan. The man behind the suit, was a billionaire playboy who enjoyed his women and his fair share...