Are you missing the comments of the fellow hubbers on your articles?

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  1. bhattuc profile image82
    bhattucposted 4 years ago

    As we are well aware that hubpages has enacted a niche site discover.hubpages where many of our articles have been moved. It is a good move as it is told that it is done to distinguish between the articles which can attract better traffic ultimately benefiting the author. We are also aware that poems were already being moved to letterpile site. Now we can't put comments in these niche sites including many other ones.
    I am missing the regular interaction with so many fellow hubbers as we were commenting on each other's articles so often. I am missing that. Do you?

    1. bravewarrior profile image81
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      bhattuc, there are several forum topics that have been addressing this situation for a couple of months now. A few of us even wrote articles about losing the ability to comment on all of the Maven platform niche sites.

      We're told comments will be coming back. We just don't know when.

      1. manatita44 profile image71
        manatita44posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I feel for you, Bro. Sha, you're optimistic, I like that. Lol. - Lantern Carrier

        1. bhattuc profile image82
          bhattucposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I knew that you will always be there. Thanks for showing the light with your ever lighting lantern. Om Shanti.

      2. Will Apse profile image89
        Will Apseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I have a feeling that someone at Maven did a cost benefit analysis of the whole comments thing and decided that the initial cost of the engineering and the ongoing cost of moderation did not justify keeping them.

        Unless, the equations have changed I wouldn't take the promises too seriously.

        It's back against the wall time right now and things will get worse for a while yet.

        Sorry to be so gloomy, lol.

    2. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
      ChitrangadaSharanposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, we all are missing the comments section. I do find the newly published ones on my feed, but not all of them. Then, it’s not always possible to comment on an article, as soon as it is published.
      I just hope, they reinstate the comments section, sooner.

  2. Eurofile profile image100
    Eurofileposted 4 years ago

    Comments are still possible if you catch an article quickly or if you access it via your Hub feed. It just takes a lot more effort and the number of comments will be much reduced as a result. I hope that the issue gets fixed soon. Not being able to comment so easily diminishes the community feel of HubPages.

    1. AliciaC profile image94
      AliciaCposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I've discovered that the feed is very useful. Unfortunately, there are some articles from people that I follow that don't appear in my feed. Even when I scroll down to before the date of the article's publication, they aren't there.

    2. bhattuc profile image82
      bhattucposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      You were always too quick to comment. We could not catch up with you. Must be missing the fun.I am sailing in the same boat.

  3. profile image0
    Marisa Writesposted 4 years ago

    I worry that it'll take many months for comments to reappear.  It's very obvious they are low on management's priority list, and my fear is that other issues will keep popping up and it will keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list.

    Is it worth setting up a Facebook page where everyone could post and share their Hubs and comment on them that way?  It wouldn't be the same, of course, but it might be something to sustain the community until comments come back?

    (note, I'm not talking about this idea as a promotional thing, purely as a workaround for comments).

    1. bravewarrior profile image81
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Marisa, there is a HubPages FB page. It was started years ago. Here's the link:

  4. Eurofile profile image100
    Eurofileposted 4 years ago

    Yes. I have had a similar problem. It's frustrating. Also, if I don't keep up with the articles that are published I have to spend time searching and scrolling.

    1. bravewarrior profile image81
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I find that extremely time consuming because I can't always catch articles when they're first published, either. It takes entirely too long for me to weed thru my feed to find a spot where I can slip in a comment. Too often, by the time I do, I forget what I wanted to say!

  5. alancaster149 profile image76
    alancaster149posted 4 years ago

    As we've been assured - I asked on 'Contact Us' - the comments boxes are set to return. The sooner the better. The Comments boxes are a way to gauge the value of your pages to others. There are some pages of mine that haven't been pulled in. I still find a few here and there, but they might have changed by tomorrow (or even as I write this), many are my historical pages, early mediaeval history, Celts... that sort of thing. A number of mine have never been commented on, so if you're interested feel free ... and look forward to commenting on the others. I've been following 'emge' on his historical themes, so I look forward to resume our conversations.

  6. bhattuc profile image82
    bhattucposted 4 years ago

    So, many of us are missing it, I hope it would soon be back there. I wish so.

  7. Aadhithan sujay profile image88
    Aadhithan sujayposted 4 years ago

    Yeah, I too notice that we can't able to comment on the articles once it is published in recent days.

  8. MsDora profile image92
    MsDoraposted 4 years ago

    I'm just noticing that we can comment on this status/forum page, so this might be the way to do it, though not quite as conveniently as before.

  9. Nigel Koay profile image82
    Nigel Koayposted 4 years ago

    I believe they will work on adding a comments section, this situation has been brought up, and yes, missing the interactions as well, im quite new here (if 2-3 months is still new hehe).


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