Are Hub pages users friendly or business centered??

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  1. weight-gain profile image60
    weight-gainposted 12 years ago

    Hi hubbers out there
    I just signed up for hup pages and i wonder, are the people here friendly or here to make biz?
    I am only asking because i joined some other social networks (not facebook) and people where very welcoming and not that automated crap, but real people who want to socialize!

    1. atotsm profile image61
      atotsmposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know, yet. But it is a promising site. 99,9% Are positive. smile

      <link snipped - no promotional links>

    2. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You have joined the most friendly and helpful group of writers - Hubpages.

      We offer a variety of groups on Facebook that will be more than happy to help you promote your hubs and offer friendship and help. Participating the the forums is another way to meet other hubbers.
      Read as many hubs as you can, every day if you're able.  And always leave a comment.  That is how you grow your personality, collect friends and get your hubs viewed.  Hope this helps.

    3. unknown spy profile image41
      unknown spyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      VERY VERY friendly! and not to mention VERY SUPPORTIVE! they would share, pin, like of tweet your hubs. and made you feel accepted.

  2. cfin profile image64
    cfinposted 12 years ago

    I am hoping, just friendly. Maybe writers are friendlier than the average folk smile

  3. Zoelle profile image45
    Zoelleposted 12 years ago

    There seems to be a lot of friendly chit-chat on the forums.

  4. Yasha1 profile image61
    Yasha1posted 12 years ago

    I'm trying to figure that one out myself... I just started three weeks ago, I try to comment on peoples hubs but never has any one commented on any of mine. I would love people to read my writing and comment, even if it's not good it would at lest give me a better direction of where I'm going wrong.

  5. monkeyminds profile image43
    monkeymindsposted 12 years ago

    Well people are the same everywhere you go. Some people here are friendly and some are not so friendly. People that want to make money or do business can also be friendly or unfriendly.

    If you are friendly, then people will generally be friendly to you. That is the same wherever you go.
    Enjoy your time on earth, it's far too sort! Yasha, I'll stop by your Hub right now.

  6. geetbhim profile image60
    geetbhimposted 12 years ago

    As we all Know that all the fingers are not equal so, are the people.

    1. monkeyminds profile image43
      monkeymindsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Whadya  jes' say to me geetbhim? Why... I aughta.....wink

  7. Novel Treasure profile image89
    Novel Treasureposted 12 years ago

    First, I would like to say Welcome to Hubpages to all of you. It's great to see new people joining everyday.

    And I truly hope that your experiences have been and will continue to be positive. In saying that, you will find, like most times in life that there are always going to be the people who are negative and not so friendly.

    I would suggest trying to find those hubbers that are not only active in the forums but also have level commentator on their profiles because those are the ones that participate in constructive comments and are actively helping make hubpages and hubbers more successful.

    1. Yasha1 profile image61
      Yasha1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the tip. I didn't know we had to find people, I just thought people would come to me... Thanks for the heads up, maybe now I can sucker someone into reading my stuff,hahaha...

      1. WriteAngled profile image83
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If you want opinions about any particular hub, you can put the URL for it in a thread on this part of the forum and ask people for feedback.

  8. Thelma Alberts profile image92
    Thelma Albertsposted 12 years ago

    Welcome to all! Enjoy being here in HP. Well, I think mostly are friendly and some are not friendly as I can see that in our forums.

  9. monkeyminds profile image43
    monkeymindsposted 12 years ago

    From the HP FAQ:

    What are we not allowed to do in the Forums?

    In order to keep the Forums clean, constructive, and fun, we must maintain high standards of conduct. The following are prohibited in the Forums:

    Promoting Hubs or other sites: This includes linking to your Hubs or any site that you have a vested interest in promoting. To be on safe side, we recommend that you establish a presence in the HubPages community before you post any links in the Forums. The only Forum you’re allowed to post links to a Hub in are the Weekly Topic Inspiration thread, and the Extreme Hub Makeover Forum, and only a few times for the latter if you’re a new user in order to solicit feedback.

    1. weight-gain profile image60
      weight-gainposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ok cool,but i dont think this rules had been broken in this thread dont you?

    2. WriteAngled profile image83
      WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The forum names have all been changed.

      As far as I can see THIS is what used to be the makeover forum.


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