by ASHWINSPGA 16 years ago
It is a holiday weekend in the US. But if you put a photo on the internet - expect it to be copied and used.That is how your hubs are produced - Stolen pictures of hot sexy Indian girls?Maybe Shinu will use that photo in a "Hot sexy Indian fiancees," hub.And why not?
by Pandoras Box 13 years ago
I know there's been alot of changes here lately, but I can usually justify them in terms of being good for HubPages. This one I'm not so sure about. There was a thread in which the OP made outrageous and unsupported and in fact outright false claims. Several people pointed out that she was...
by Motown2Chitown 10 years ago
Some of us are encountering an issue in the forum. On the front page, it will indicate that responses have been made since we last participated in a thread, but when we click on the name of the most recent respondent, rather than being taken to that response, we come to the start of the last page...
by Glen 15 years ago
Just once.So we can have an idea of the numbers. The number of replies will give an indication of how many, in the very least, are involved.No discussions please, plenty of other threads to have them in. And no links.Thanks.I'm aiming for 100. Only one published so far PS: I was going to say...
by Kate Swanson 16 years ago
A discussion started about this on the end of another thread, but it's got buried. I was checking an early Hub today and it reminded me, because I'd used a photo from another website. At that time, I didn't understand that most photos on most websites are copyright, unless they...
by Kate Swanson 12 years ago
This has been perplexing me for a while - has something changed or have I just gone ga-ga?Being in a different time zone from most Hubbers, I rely on being able to click the "Your" button to catch up with who's posted on threads since I commented.Recently I've been missing comments...