all your unanswered
- 0New HubPages Feature Suggestions FAQ- Please read before posting!
Matthew Meyer (11 years ago)
- 8Adding universal comments
carlthecritic (3 weeks ago)
- 3AI content detector on article prior to publishing
Miebakagh57 (5 weeks ago)
- 6Google Analytics
Eileen Hughes (4 months ago)
- 58Spoiler markup on gaming articles
Janda Raker (4 months ago)
- 24The ads are waaaay too many!
Miebakagh57 (8 months ago)
- 14Re-evaluation of profanity filter in writer bios
Matt Wells (8 months ago)
- 34advertisement placement on Letterpile
cat on a soapbox (8 months ago)
- 12Cycle/Alternate through featured hubbers
SerenityHalo (13 months ago)
- 0Statistics page: Add daily impressions per article
Cloverleaf (13 months ago)
- 0Suggestion: Add a Switch to URL for Enabling/Disabling Ads
eugbug (13 months ago)
- 1More Mathematical Functions Features
PaulGoodman67 (14 months ago)
- 2Earnings page
Healthy Harmony (16 months ago)
PaulGoodman67 (16 months ago)
- 10Put Recommended Articles Higher Up the Page
eugbug (16 months ago)
- 0Landscape image vs Square thumbnail on hubpages
Grifts (17 months ago)
- 8Reorder Balance History from Newest to Oldest
bravewarrior (17 months ago)
- 0RTS section in levelskip
Grifts (17 months ago)
- 3Improved direct communication with editors
Jan Stepan (18 months ago)
- 3Make the "permalink" part of creating a new article easier to notice
Jan Stepan (19 months ago)
- 0Ad-Free Article URL
eugbug (19 months ago)
- 7Maybe put hubs in order in profile?
Nell Rose (20 months ago)
- 7Fix ai detection
Miebakagh57 (20 months ago)
- 3Able to submit article immediately if one has been accepted
melbel (20 months ago)
- 8More specificity on rejected and defeaturing
Matt Wells (21 months ago)
- 5Add A Code Block Function
Joshua Crowder (21 months ago)
- 4Allow a more flexible "submit to network site" time period.
Thomas Swan (21 months ago)
- 4Table of contents
alexadry (23 months ago)
- 5Anti-Fake Traffic Firewall
Kenna McHugh (23 months ago)
- 16Niche Sites - YouTube Channels
Eurofile (23 months ago)
- 4Adding Backend Pinterest images for more traffic
Justine Guiao (24 months ago)
- 12Email List Suggestion
Miebakagh57 (2 years ago)
- 5Network sites
ravirajan01 (2 years ago)
- 1Naming Convention for Images
eugbug (2 years ago)
- 9Suggested articles gone?
Finn Ernsdorff (2 years ago)
- 0Hubpages article whatsapp link not showing image preview
dylananthony4u (2 years ago)
- 4Advertising hubpages on Instagram.
Kenna McHugh (2 years ago)
- 3Ability to add more links to profile
Brenda Arledge (2 years ago)
- 1Improving Plagiarism Checker
Nour Zahrh (2 years ago)
- 17Please give us a tip button or link
Madeleine Clays (2 years ago)
- 15Official Hubpages App?
Matt Wells (2 years ago)
- 4Alternative payment methods
Miebakagh57 (2 years ago)
- 2Dark Mode Feature or Changeable Background Theme.
eugbug (2 years ago)
- 16Scheduling Articles On HubPages
janshares (2 years ago)
- 1One-Time Accounts Consolidation Opportunity
PaulGoodman67 (2 years ago)
- 1Clickable (and Indexable) Table of Contents
DrMark1961 (2 years ago)
- 0Feature Image/Thumbnail Option
NaturallyInspired (2 years ago)
- 4Equations in HubPages Articles
Md Yasir (3 years ago)
- 1I would like my songs to be made into real songs
Kim D Johnson (3 years ago)
- 19What happened to comments?
Miebakagh57 (3 years ago)