Hubbers for Less than a Month Come Here

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  1. profile image0
    Ben Blackwellposted 11 years ago

    If you have been a hubber for a month or less, why don't you introduce yourself here.  I created this topic for the purpose of getting the new hubbers to meet each other and, in a sense, form a link, just as a freshman class would in a high school.  Just thought it would be a good idea (hopefully this isn't against the rules).

    Just introduce yourself and state when you joined.

    I am Ben Blackwell and I joined on June 14.

    1. Krista Schnee profile image72
      Krista Schneeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi! I'm Krista, and I joined two weeks ago. I look forward to getting to know the freshman class! smile

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Cool.  Thanks for posting, and nice to meet you.

    2. chimatim profile image47
      chimatimposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Chimatim I still consider myself new here

    3. Deborah-Lynn profile image60
      Deborah-Lynnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ben, I used to write for Hub Pages but haven't been available for a few years, I am busy updating my old articles before I start writing new ones. It is nice to have the time to be back again and I am hoping to meet many new fellow writers and enjoy this writing community again.  Let me know where I can find your hubs? Very interested.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for posting, and it's good to have you here.  You said you wanted to see my hubs in particular?  If so, here -

        1. Deborah-Lynn profile image60
          Deborah-Lynnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Ben, if you are interested in the things I write you can check out a couple of mine too:
 … doing-Fine

          I'll leave comments when I read yours so you know I've been for a visit, smile

      2. Infectionstudios profile image59
        Infectionstudiosposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm Steven and I joined a couple of months ago, but I haven't really published hubs until a couple of weeks back. I like to publish short stories to practice my craft and hopefully entertain some folk!

        1. chimatim profile image47
          chimatimposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well Stephen welcome to hubpages friend, looking forward to you hubs

      3. Hikapo profile image71
        Hikapoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        1. profile image0
          Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this


      4. myefforts profile image68
        myeffortsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hi guys, I am Asif, almost new here, joined hub pages about two months ago. I am enjoying my stay at hub pages. It is really a wonderful place. wrote 14 hubs so far, still preparing for some more. Thanks

      5. Marsha Musselman1 profile image83
        Marsha Musselman1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm Marsha Musselman. I actually joined around two years ago, but didn't post any hubs to the site. Then when I tried to re-establish my account last month, May 2013, I couldn't remember my password so had to start a new account. Hence, Marsha Musselman1.

        I just published my third hub, which passed muster in less than twelve hours, more like six or so. Coolness.

        Does anyone know where there is information on the proper way to upload photo's? I'm using ones from my own camera so the source info isn't the problem. I've been able to upload them fine until this third hub when I decided to utilize the album feature. Now each photo I have on it shows up as an album. I intended one to be the album and the rest to be stand alone images. Any ideas? The hub in question is on weed trees.

        Not hard to find, I only have three so far.

      6. Janey Hood profile image70
        Janey Hoodposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hello all
        I am Janey Hood. Joined a couple of weeks ago, now have six hubs, all featured - not quite sure yet what that means. Am enjoying creating the hubs, they are so easy to use, I have some goals, but its the action I need to maintain! Looking forward to meeting new hubbers.

        1. myefforts profile image68
          myeffortsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Features hubs means you have written quality articles that have cleared the quality assessment procedure at hub pages. Congrats for that. Keep adding good writings.

          1. Janey Hood profile image70
            Janey Hoodposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for the explanation!

            1. susi10 profile image88
              susi10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Your Featured Hubs go on topic pages of HubPages and get the chance to be part of the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. When someone searches for a phrase, your hub could be one of the results listed! Your hubs are great, keep up the great work! big_smile

              1. Janey Hood profile image70
                Janey Hoodposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Thank you for this information! It really helps me understand a bit more.

      7. profile image0
        thoughtfulmomof2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Cat here joined Hubpages 5 weeks ago finally reached my 10 hubs yay! Hello everyone I look forward to checking out your hubs!!

    4. cherihut profile image60
      cherihutposted 11 years ago

      Hi. I'm Cheri. I can't honestly say that I technically "joined" less than a month ago. In fact, I got something (I think it was yesterday?) in my e-mail congratulating me on reaching my first anniversary here! (Can't believe I signed up that long ago). But I first joined on a whim - got into it from some link on Facebook, I think. Then I got busy with life and just sort of put it on the back burner. But a couple of weeks ago (more or less), I decided to try in earnest to start living out my dream of becoming a freelance writer, so... here I am. A newbie, yet not by date.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ok, that's cool.  Thanks for posting.

    5. PoeticPhilosophy profile image81
      PoeticPhilosophyposted 11 years ago

      Joined 2 weeks ago! Nice to meet all the new hubbers. Wsh I could read all ur hubs. Most topics that have to do with life interest me but I'm open and read other thing's as well. Ben Blackwell's a good hubber, I read some of his. All best hubbers! Keep on writing.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the compliment.  You are a good writer as well, so it's good to have you here.

    6. KL Klein profile image68
      KL Kleinposted 11 years ago

      I joined 2 months ago, but I'm still a newbie smile I mostly write recipes, although I'll probably start adding other subjects's nice to have a place to finally publish some of my writings.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        1. Deborah-Lynn profile image60
          Deborah-Lynnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I wonder if you know what forum to go to with questions, I have a Hub I need to revise and even change the title, but I don't want to lose any hits or records for the article, especially since the pay per hit calculator seems to be frozen right now?  Who is the "in the know" site?

    7. Just Hubbing profile image60
      Just Hubbingposted 11 years ago

      Hi there, I guess I'm the newest one to comment, I'm here since 2 days big_smile

      If you all would like to see my hubs written or will be written please visit me on

    8. great-marks profile image60
      great-marksposted 11 years ago

      Hi fellas,I just joined in a few moments ago.But to put it on record,let me mention 30/06/2013.I look forward to interacting with you all as i build on my lifelong dream and career(becoming a freelance writer)I look forward to your support as we surge forward.Thank you for this great post Ben blackwell.As soon as i start rolling,hopefully in 3 days time,i can be followed at

    9. Wilma Henry profile image81
      Wilma Henryposted 11 years ago

      Hi everyone, I've been here about three weeks. This is my first attempt at writing and I love it here. I babysit my great grandbaby and try to make a little money writing for textbrokers, so my time here is limited right now. I would really appreciate any constructive criticism on my hubs. You can find me at

    10. directorslounge profile image61
      directorsloungeposted 11 years ago

      I joined about 4 months ago, but I definitely fall into the "new" category.  I have only 6 hubs published at this point but have about 20 rough drafts sitting in a folder on my desktop.  I write about a wide variety of topics and plan to keep changing up the topics as well.  Recently I've tried to make it a point to get more involved in the forums and the HP community as a whole (time permitting).  I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts in this thread so far.  Keep up the good writing, everyone!

    11. iamjingle profile image61
      iamjingleposted 11 years ago

      Hello y'all~ I have just joined and published my first hub today! So excited! Let's see where this little adventure takes me >big_smile

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Cool.  Your hub looks good, I'll read it tomorrow.

    12. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
      LuisEGonzalezposted 11 years ago

      Welcome to HubPages. Try to keep postings links to your own hubs to a minimum. For help with Hub issues go to :
      If I may, try using the new hub templates as they do well in bringing more traffic.
      Again,welcome and I sincerely hope that all of you enjoy your hubbing experience.................wink

      1. Marsha Musselman1 profile image83
        Marsha Musselman1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Luis, that page has an error, says the page doesn't exist. I'll try putting it in the browser and see what happens then.

        1. toptendeals profile image71
          toptendealsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          He probably didnt mean to include the period in the link =p

    13. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years ago

      I've been here for 3 years and I just want to say welcome to all the new writers. I am happy to see you here. My advice is learn SEO. At one time writing lots of hubs was the way to go. Now it is better to be sure to write the best hub that you can and not worry so much about how many you have, but have good quality hubs.

    14. SEEMA AQUA profile image60
      SEEMA AQUAposted 11 years ago

      what is SEO

    15. Savio Dawson profile image90
      Savio Dawsonposted 11 years ago

      Hello New Hubbers,

      Although, I am not exactly new by the yardstick mentioned, I have been here for five months and have published few Hubs.

      I am from Mumbai, India and I quite enjoy the community here. We will be crossing paths sooner or later. So, enjoy writing!!

    16. toptendeals profile image71
      toptendealsposted 11 years ago

      Hi New Hubbers, I'll try to give each of you a look through smile  I joined around June 2 or 3 and posted my first hub on the 5th.  I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with it but it has turned into quite a fun hobby.

      Just published my 15th hub tonight, all of them are featured.  Have yet to get approved my google adsense though.  If you like technology, pc gaming, or anything in between check me out!

    17. PersonalLists profile image59
      PersonalListsposted 11 years ago

      PersonalLists profile image
      PersonalLists 14 seconds ago:

      I've started here just yesterday. I immediately wrote my first hub on internet security tips, which got featured right away.

    18. Lavender Jade profile image72
      Lavender Jadeposted 11 years ago

      Hi I started just about 4 weeks ago now

    19. JaffaCakeFreak profile image61
      JaffaCakeFreakposted 11 years ago

      Hi I'm Tia smile I joined 7 weeks ago but with my A level exams I haven't had time to actually start making progress, I look forward to meeting others and maybe make a few friends in the process.

    20. MichelleHillstrom profile image61
      MichelleHillstromposted 11 years ago

      Hi fellow freshmen! I'm Michelle Hillstrom just joined on July 12. Currently I have been posting Literary Analysis and Poems, but I also plan to post recipes, social commentary, and anything else that strikes my fancy.

    21. Nakia Deon profile image60
      Nakia Deonposted 11 years ago

      I have been around for longer than a month but I have never introduced myself.  Hello, My name is Nakia Deon.
      I am a poet, playwright, wife and mother.  I love to write, I love to read.  Now lets get down to some read on read hubbing.

    22. xmags profile image82
      xmagsposted 11 years ago

      I have been here for 3 months already but as with Nakia Deon, I have never introduced myself as well. I'm Xeng, a researcher from the Philippines. I love to write about food, fashion, travel, and all of  my other quirky discoveries and realizations. I've been away from hubpages for quite some time due to work but now I'm back and I hope to contribute more to the hubpages community. smile

    23. profile image55
      ostofa abokaposted 11 years ago

      hae am also new to you mind teaching m some tips

    24. rizwankhan007 profile image58
      rizwankhan007posted 11 years ago

      great smile

    25. healthygurl profile image63
      healthygurlposted 11 years ago

      Hi everyone!
      My name is Jennica, and I joined Hubpages about 4 weeks ago. I've really been enjoying writing about the things I know. I'm on my 8th article now (I have 2 accounts). I love hearing from other Hubbers and getting feedback and I've read some great articles too. Nice to meet you, everyone!

    26. Gerhard Homveld profile image61
      Gerhard Homveldposted 9 years ago

      I'm Gerhard, and I'm quite new on HubPages. I've been writing and blogging for a while now, and I'm really having fun creating hubs on HubPages. I also freelance as a Graphic Designer, and love learning new things and writing about topics that I find interesting - I also like sharing my knowledge with others.


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