I was curious if any hub members have experienced these “ghosts” on HP. These are individuals who register with HP, but do not enter any information in their profile or publish any hubs. They register to follow only one hubber's activity (yours), but do not post any comments to your published hubs. Perhaps the words, lurker, invisible follower and ghost, are a little unfair, but I don’t know what else to call them.
I don't think it's anything I've particularly or recently noticed with my own account - but I don't pay attention to a lot of things as far as my account goes. I think it's very common for people to sign up with the site, thinking they'll read and get an idea of what Hubs should be, and plan to only later start writing their own stuff.
What you describe, though, might be the kind of thing I'd consider doing myself if I weren't a member of HP myself; and if I found a person's writing and liked it.
As a reader, I'm not someone who tends to tends to comment on stuff I read. I do it on this site because I'm a member and "it's part of the deal" on this site. As an Internet user, I've set up all kinds of accounts that would look like "dummy accounts" or empty ones, just for the purpose of my own ease of finding someone/something on a site.
My point is I'd think there's a good chance you just have a reader who "isn't all into Internet-type stuff", who just wants to read stuff and move on. Of course, there's also the chance you've attracted a potential thief. It no secret that a whole lot of followers are hardly there to read what people have written because they're interested in it. Of course, stuff can be stolen without someone's having to become a follower. .....and my whole reply here remains un-helpful, I know. I suppose I'm trying to be reassuring that all lurkers/"lurker-seeming" people aren't questionable.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, but I didn't receive any e-mails from HP stating that I had any responses to this forum. Thank you for that very reassuring response. :-)
I would have said "Stalker". Guess I'm a true skeptic. Hahahha. I have found on a couple of my hubs that someone (a hubber) has visited hundreds of times - even more than I visit. Pretty weird. I'd like to tell them to get a life.
Sorry for joking about this, Genna. Hope it is resolved soon.
Oh my goodness, Peg. Hundreds of times. How can one tell how many times a hubber has "visited" a hub? i didn't know we could learn this info. Thanks for the response. :-)
If you go to your account and look on the traffic tab at the far left, it shows you where people come from when they view your blogs. I, too have had some individuals who appear to go to by blogs a lot. Not sure if it is a computer fluke.
If you look in stats on a hub and see lots of traffic from a hubber, it usually means that hub is on one of theirs in the "Discover more hubs" section. Try seeing if they write on a similar subject, you will probably find your link there. When readers click on your hub via their page, their name will appear in your stats. It doesn't mean they are stalking you, but that readers want more information on the subject.
I haven't had any lately, but a few months back I got several. I wondered about it too, because I write mainy articles that women would like and these were young foreign fellows.
Well, it could be a stalker. However, it could also be someone who registered, started posting spam comments or rubbish Hubs, which were deleted but the account was left active.
interesting. But wouldn't it be included as "activity" on their profile?
Thanks so much for responding. i didn't get any e-mails from HP that anyone had posted a comment to this forum, so I'm late in posting my responses. My apologies.
I think most of the time it is nothing. Sometimes people sign into Hubpages not realizing they don't have to. I have often had to tell friends they don't have to sign in.
I know what you mean, moonlake. I believe the blame for that misconception lies with HP itself. When you are not signed in, and try to comment on a Hub, it does say, "sign in or sign up and post using a Hub Pages account."
Nowhere does it say anything about commenting as a guest user, or that you are not required to sign up in order to comment. I think it used to say something about 'guest user,' but that is gone--in fact, I just signed out, and read today's HOTD in that mode, to double-check on that!
This is an ongoing frustration, and a point I've had to explain to non-HP friends countless times.
I wish HP would fix this!
Me too. It's been like that as long as I can remember, and I also think it discourages comments because people think they have to register.
Test message one.
Posted 11.07.2013 12:47 PT
Same thing goes for my referrals. Out of less than 50 sign ups, only 2 are active.
Does "yougotme" mean "You got me?" as in... "Heck if I know."
Or does it mean "You got me" as in "I'll always be there for you my brother."
Or does it mean "You got me!" as in someone pulled something over on you?
Or "You got me!" as in someone caught you doing something you shouldn't have?
Or like... "You got me!" like maybe you've been shot?
I was thinking of something catchy for my username and this phrase just popped through my head.
Haha! Any of your guess may apply, but what I had in mind was the 2nd to the last one.
It's like saying "Oh, you got me there!"
I call some of them Hubbers who are testing the waters, to see what people are writing about.
When I first signed up, it was at the invitation of Au fait, my best friend on/off HubPages, so she was my first folling, and my first follower. I read her hubs and the TOS, so I would know the rules.
then I started reading other hubs, to get an idea of what to write about.
It was a long time before I wrote my first hub, so when I look at a frofile and they are following one person... I make a note of the name and keep track to see if they write anything.
Yeah, it's totally weird when someone follows you and you look at their profile and it says they are following one person... You wonder if they're just starting out, but then after a few days or so, you're still the only one they're following. Im sure there's a logical explanation for it, but it does make you wonder who that picture-less person is.
I agree. They have no info as to who they are, either.
Yes I have noticed it too. Its not as though you can't comment without joining, I think? They appear for a while, then disappear again! funny lot! lol!
Yes, but they don't comment, Nell. I call them, "Ghosts." :-) But you're right...it is funny when you think about it...strange funny. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Nell;
I posted a comment to one of Mckbirdbks’ hubs, asking if anyone there had experienced this. (Yesterday afternoon, I received notice that I was being “followed” by another one of these ghosts.) Someone responded that perhaps a discreet inquiry e-mail to Hubpages might help. Within two hours, my name was removed from that ghost’s list of hubbers they are following. It was replaced with your name and another hubber’s – both names happen to be on the first page of the list of people I am following, which shows on my profile page. Now THAT is really weird. You must have received a notice that this person is now following you. This is like stalking. Lol.
Hi Genna, I thought you could accept or deny a follower. or am I wrong?
I have several, but I think it's cool. If they've gone through the whole registration process just to follow me, I feel that's an honor. I have a FB fanpage, but not everybody does FB. I'm thrilled they want to follow me that badly.
I was a bit weirded out by this at first (I now have two of them -- "ghosts"), but I like your positive perspective. Thank you.
A good friend of mine. He made a hub account 6 months ago, followed me then promptly abandoned coming here. I have been on him all the time to write a hub but he never does. This is the most likely scenario, But there are in my opinion some who can make ghost accounts that serve to spy into hub pages. Following one person may be a way to hint hint and wink wink. Beth and I both remember a guy who was like that, then one day he came into my forum thread and blasted it with a very long and strange series of html code lines. After a while he vanished and his account with him. Of course I reported him because I recognized two of those HTML commands as spyware auto download links and thank heavens HP staff have the smarts to disable HTML but he followed me for about a week and then stopped. It was so strange. Generally those that do this sort of thing are best left un visited and maybe even reported for safe measure.
I am a critic of scientology and I got one of those followers one time, right after I posted a comment critical of the "church" (it's not a church, lol) on someone's hub, which was also critical of scientology.
...Que dramatic music, or perhaps the Twilight Zone song.
Yep this happens to me at times Genna...
I then realized that sometimes;
it is someone who follows me on other sites, or
It is a stalker, or
It is because I'm so hot in my 'Thunder DownUnder' bow tie and gear, or
It is someone who genuinely has a problem and only wants to let me know that they are stalking me!
Well, it could be a compliment. But then again, they could just bookmark the profile page, and visit occasionally. There's no need to join HP under false pretenses, and then "follow" us just to let us know that they are there. Thanks for your thoughts, PearlDiver
Test message two.
Posted 11.07.2013 12:48 PT
I am new here and reading the forum and thought that was odd too.
He has done it in several places as indicated by his "my activity". Very curious.
If you care to see.
I don't think it is paranoia. I think it is like the old saying, 'Curiosity Killed the cat! But Satisfaction brought it back.'
Maybe we could all figure this out together.
I don't think it is paranoia. I think it is like the old saying, 'Curiosity Killed the cat! But Satisfaction brought it back.'
Maybe we could all figure this out together.
Now this is weird, my comments appear twice almost all the time
Now this is weird, my comments appear twice almost all the time
Better to have lurked and lost. Than to have never lurked at all.
Hi, all, I just came to this site and have got to say there are some crazy people on here.
I agree with Dzymslizzy. I had people try to comment on my hubs but couldn't if they weren't a hubber which is crazy why should you direct people to your sight, invite them to comment and then find out they can't.
You CAN comment, if you are not signed in, or not an HP member/user.
I just signed out and did a test comment on a hub. It is possible, but HP does not make it evident at all.
It's as if they want to discourage non-HP comments. I have no idea what possible purpose that could serve...
I agree that HP makes this very confusing about commenting. But the "ghosts" I was referring to don't post any comments on your hubs at all after they have created an account. They simply choose you to follow -- and only you. Their choice to "follow" you is their only activity. They have no other activity, nor have they filled out any info on their profile page.
I get lot of my friends comments who are not hubbers.
A couple of months ago I had a whole bunch of these 'stalkers' following me at the rate of two or three new members a day. The only thing I could think of (as there were no spam links) is that they were on the lookout for content to steal. By joining the site and following any hubber, they will be informed every time their chosen 'target' publishes a new hub.
Anyway, it all stopped as suddenly and mysteriously as it began, and all I have to show for it now is an undeserved accolade of over 100 followers.
I have at least one lurker who follows every new hub I publish without leaving a comment. Maybe they're waiting for me to say something wrong in the comments so they can pounce and say "Ahah, Gotcha!".
I want to understand what this discussion is about. I joined HP 5 weeks ago and I had been reading a lot of hubs from some of guys. Tom I like your hubs on soccer, I will always read those when I have time. Am I a lurker in that respect? Am I obliged to comment when I visit your hubs even I have no time or I feel my comment can be just that , a comment? Maybe I have these lurkers also, how do you see that someone is a lurker or genuine Hubber reading your work? I also read Beth's hubs a lot, because they are good. Sometimes I read Ken Avery's hubs twice or thrise , the same goes for Peg Cole's hubs multiple times.
I understand I am still to upload my picture and I am working on that, but I am a person seriously starting on a writing career. As a newbie I want to know what is acceptable contact , help.
Mgt - we're not talking about genuine hubbers, but phantom hubbers who join up and immediately follow someone. They have no hubs and no profile info and no other interaction with the site as far as we can see. What their motives are is what we're discussing. The fact that I started getting 2 or 3 a day (instead of my usual one or two genuine followers a month) and that they had all joined about 10 minutes previously suggests it's some kind of coordinated effort - but nobody knows what they get out of it. That's what this thread is about.
You are obviously a genuine hubber and welcome to read and follow as many hubs as you like and leave comments or not.
You misunderstand me mgt28. I'm talking about people who go to a hub of mine, click the follow button on the hub, and then disappear. Doing that means they'll get notified whenever there's a comment on the hub. I think maybe they're interested in reading the comments for whatever reason. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a bit stalker-like. I think I know who it is anyway.
Thanks for reading by the way. Nothing wrong with reading people's hubs!
Hi Thomas, I have been on HP for almost 2 years and still have not figuered out how you know they have read you hubs.
I never comment on any hub until its really interesting or controversial. Hope this helps
I sometimes wonder if this type of 'follower' is just following to see if any new hubs a hubber publishes are 'suitable' content for them to copy - (steal) for their own use - but perhaps I am a bit paranoid?
Yes - that's what I was suggesting in my post before last. By following us they get to know whenever we publish a new hub, (courtesy of an email from HP). It saves them having to check every day.
If we had the opportunity to accept or decline followers the same way we can choose to accept or deny friend requests on facebook, that might help. It seems a bit much to be potentially helping plagiarists out by sending them an email about our new content by way of an invitation!
Thank you all for clarifying. You are all right about lurkers, now I understand.
having joined last month, I am passionate about writing and I am grateful of the feedback I get and the quality of work that I see here.
I am also realizing that there is a lot of work put into writing a substantial piece of work.
Welcome to HP, Mtg28. :-) We were discussing “ghosts” or those hubbers who join just to follow one person. I’ve had one follow me into other hubs and read all of my comment activity. I’m sorry, but to me, this is truly “out there.” I have long suspected that some (not all), of these ghosts are plagiarists who are looking for material to use. HP maintains that they delete the account of any hubber who hasn’t been active after a period time, but this isn’t accurate. There are ghosts who “joined” for over a year ago and they still have accounts.
I also like Alison’s suggestion in that we should have the option to decline or block certain followers.
Thanks Genna, I also wonder why one would join HP to write only a single article or non at all. I now understand and I am fully on the team.
I read a lot of hubs here they are good.
I agree, I think HP should have a reject button for followers. I have a friend here on HP who is being stalked by a guy from Facebook who she never met, just knew him on her friend list. They had a difference of opinion on how a certain FB group should be administered and they parted ways and unfriended. She blocked him on FB and dumped him in Spam after he sent emails to her hotmail address. He's made several more FB accts to keep bothering her, but now he has come over to HP. She's been here for over 4 years and never had a problem. Now this guy created an HP acct, and literally dissects each of her hubs and writes flaming critiques to her email. She has reported him, she changed email accts, but can't change her HP acct. She has over 50 hubs and she makes decent money on Adsense and HP programs. Lately, he signed in under a ghost acct and is starting to leave stupid comments like "are you talkin' about me?" on her hubs. She moderates her comments so they never see the light of day on her hubs but there ought to be a way hubbers can reject these people. Especially if they haven't written hubs and/or they are doing what this guy is doing.
Agreed, a block feature is desperately needed on HP.
I'm definitely for this. What a great idea. It would prevent a lot of this copying of our entire articles that we're seeing. I had one of my stories posted as the landing page on their adverts. On most other websites isn't there an option to decline friendship with unknown people? Like LinkedIn? I think that choice should be ours here too.
"You have a friend request." blablabla Do you wish to accept? y/n
actualy, non logged in users can still see your whole article, any forum, any questions, any are of the site.
True, but I was talking about accepting or declining potential followers. By declining unknowns, they would not receive a notice each time I publish a hub. Just a small deterrent.
The catch 22 here is this. If your hub hits a special mark and makes top of google and gets tons of hits (a hubbers dream) Then hackers will want it more. And be able to find it more. I think the vast majority of theifs wont make accounts to steel work. They are far easier to track down. I think most ghost accounts are people who came here, followed a person, did not participate further and left because they just figured something was not right for them. I think its a shame that some louse can come along and swipe good work. I think its wrong that HP does not have better tracking tools to deal with that. But the truth is, for every one you catch, 10 get away. The best we can do is just keep writing.
That is exactly who they are and what they are doing. They find hubbers and subjects they want and then put the content straight onto their own websites.
As writers we are so pleased to have followers that we are blind to it. I care less about my content nowadays but I used to shudder every time some unknown person started following me.
I think having one's hubs stolen are a far greater issue. While it would probably be fairly easy to set up a system that if an account hasn't generated a featured hub within a reasonable time (what would be reasonable--three months?), the account would automatically be deleted, these non-productive accounts seem to be the least of Hub Pages' problems.
For now, keep a thick skin and just keep "denying" undesirable comments. Maybe Hub Pages will come around incorporate some higher security measures.
Hang in there! Blessings!
I agree, Marie. HP states that they delete them after a time if there is no real activity. However, they don't since I know of several who have been members for over two years. At least we can delete malicious comments. But it's been my experience that many of them never post any comments.
Funny that I saw this. I have a recent follower who fits this. No hubs, no comments just following me.
They seem to pop up out of the woodwork, CJ. We can only assume they create these phony accounts for a few reasons.
I have five of these and I figure maybe (I hope) they are just readers. But I am suspect of one in particular. But it would be hard for him to steal some of my hubs, mine are true stories.
I have five of these and I figure maybe (I hope) they are just readers. But I am suspect of one in particular. But it would be hard for him to steal some of my hubs, mine are true stories.
I saw somewhere that the NSA, I believe, has a whole department set up to patrol the internet. They specialize in confusion and also just watching people that they feel may be dangerous. Your Hubs look fine to me.
I've have another web page that I'm sure has been blocked in google search because I used to get lots of traffic but all of a sudden almost nothing. My topics are about of stuff our Gov doesn't want people to know.
If it's not them then I would say that somebody is planning to repost some of your articles.
And I thought that WikiLeaks was still running
Are you sure you aren't unwittingly or indirectly promoting secretive article reading aka mattress lurking Scott??
Well it seems its either a choice of delete the lurker follower or use them!
Someone (I think it was Wordplay) showed that using a little link in your hub back to the hub itself is a good way to let those lurkers steal your content and provide a link in return!
If their site has your article and it is providing you links, then they lose and you win.
I remember reading somewhere that Google makes a point of knowing that you wrote the hub initially due to some sort of stamp contained within the hub that Hubpages implemented. Not sure how effective this is though...
The stamp you referred is very encouraging. I don't know why HP does not allow us to either accept or deny a follower. I think it would help in these circumstances. Thanks for that interesting comment. :-)
I did notice that on one of my hubs, I had to delete a couple of derogatory comments from a 'hubber', but when I looked at his profile, there was nothing in it, nor any hubs writer. I forget his name.
All of my life I have wished for just one ! stalker , But NOOoooo! it just never happens ! Thought I had one once but it was just a bill collector ! ...:-{
Lol, ahorseback. Very funny; it made my day. :-)
Hi ahorseback, do you want me to stalk you? I think I am following you.
Nice,What a great idea. It would prevent a lot of this copying of our entire articles that we are seeing. I had one of my stories posted as the landing page on their adverts. On most other websites is not there an option to decline friendship with unknown people? Like LinkedIn? I think that choice should be ours here too as well.
I keep getting new followers, but my count doesn't go up. Am I also getting un-followed, or is HP busily killing off inactive accounts right and left?
Oh and by the way , There is a fine line between a stalker and a completely devoted lover ! Think about that one ladies ! Which one are you ?
Marie Flint, the three month thing is a bad idea. I sometimes go for more than three months without publishing a hub because I'm a student and I have a business that I run so I don't always have time. However, I have over 40 published, two of them as editor's choice, and I'm expecting my first payout from the Hubpages program next month. It wouldn't be fair to delete my account.
I think (or at least hope) that Marie was talking about accounts that don't have any published hubs yet. If a new account doesn't write anything for several months, there could be ulterior motives for having it.
Since I started using the Internet about 16 years ago, there have always been lurkers on any forum that I participated in. Some people just want to follow a discussion anonymously without participating, or in this case, follow a writer on HubPages anonymously.
I believe there are other ways to do this without joining HubPages, such as using a RSS feed. They may have intentions of writing for HubPages at some time in the future, and for now are content with just following your work. I would consider it a badge of honor that someone thinks that highly of your writing.
Madscientist12, you misunderstood. An account would only be deleted after a reasonable time if there were NO hubs at all. I just sent a notice to Hub Pages a few days ago and recommended deletion of an account because there was no profile picture posted, no hubs, and it was six years old. The Hub Pages staff would be the best able to determine what would be a reasonable time to empty these trash accounts.
A three month deletion would only apply to inactive hubs, not one that already has one or more hubs published.
Another exception to deletion are those review hubbers who actively participate by commenting and offering helpful reviews. I just came across one who left a very nice comment, but has been around for 16 months and hasn't written anything. He has a profile picture, though, and several awards from Hub Pages for his participation. Definitely a keeper.
I don't see any insurmountable problems with the current system.
I wrote a hub about the easiest to clean the glass on a wood burning stove, another about my easy way to make newspaper fire bricks, and a bunch of other hubs about my off-grid lifestyle. A person who lives locally read them and then saw my fire-bunker hub and guessed it was me. (There's a limit to how many people would have built a fire bunker just like mine so it was a pretty good clue. lol.) When he asked me to tell him every time I write a new hub, I suggested he just sign up and become a member and follow me. I said he could also follow other writers whose work interests him, without having to contribute hubs himself. Oops. I helped create a ghost. But he's harmless and a very nice man.
When I see people who don't write hubs but just leave derogatory remarks on someone else's hubs, I report them. I don't think I've reported anyone who has commented on any of my hubs, but this is a community and I am happy to participate in 'neighbourhood watch'. (Global neighborhood.)
I also reported one hubber I can think of who posted one hub years ago promoting their product (which wasn't even a good or safe one) and had no activity in the past few years. HP staff kindly removed it.
Instead of expecting HP to monitor absolutely everything that happens here, why not use the existing button that draws their attention to a problem?
I don't care who your followers are, you still have to check whether or not your hubs have been copied. I don't believe every thief leaves a business card. Having to accept or decline followers just creates more hassle. How many people will be unintentionally offended by hubbers who don't happen to notice there are new followers waiting for the tick of approval?
Life's too short for me to lose sleep over who might be a ghost follower.
Something was kind of needling at me and I was searching thru the threads trying to find an appropriate place for this question when all of a sudden I realized this was perfect, so thank you op.
If someone did a search of, say the pic I have up now, could they find me here with no other information at all?
If they can't already, they will be able to soon.
https://support.google.com/websearch/an … 5808?hl=en
Take a look.
What do you mean? Im wondering, let's say I used this same pic on FB... so could they copy it, then do a search simply by the pic and arrive at my page? That sounds completely plausible to me as I type it. Is it unlikely?
Stop and think first, Beth37 before you do anything!
Follow the link I added above and read the page. It says at the bottom ...
"When you search by image, any images that you upload and any URLs that you submit will be stored by Google. Google uses those images and URLs solely to provide and improve our products and services."
So if you don't want to be found, don't search with your photo.
This is precisely why I do not use photos showing the faces of my family.
Here's looking at you, Beth:
No wonder the chickens get taken by the foxes. You have to move fast to beat them.
Don't panic. Just change your photo to something less identifiable. When google updates it might dismiss the old pic. Not sure though. I have often thought that many hubbers might regret showing their faces on every post. Are you one of them?
I can change my pic, but I think it's probably too late. I think the person I was worried about has already found me. Such is life.
Nice pic, Beth. Hold your head high. You do fine here.
Remember, there's always email if you want to email different hubbers and ask for advice. I'm sure you've made lots of friends at hp.
Profile page ... fan mail ... button for sending email. Just in case your brain has turned to mince. lol.
Sorry, Beth. I was busy writing a hub on this topic. It will be up very soon.
Just that if you can no longer comfortably ask opinions of hubbers because you think your conversations are being watched and monitored by someone you don't want reading your personal thoughts, you could always choose to email a couple of hubbers you trust for their thoughts - without it being public.
No point emailing me though, lol. Weeks can pass before I check for emails.!!
Oh, no. I wasn't worried about that. Thank you though.
Well that's a relief. I had drafted a hub on this very topic a while back. Thank you for inspiring me to publish it.
Beth I just love the new photo , Had I only known you were a readhead !lol
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