How do you choose your hubs?

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  1. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    I'm just curious how you  guys choose what topics you write about. I realize most of you write about things you're interested in and enjoy, whereas others write about things that are newsworthy or topics that have top dollar keywords.

    I'm interested in how you choose your hubs...

    I'll start... Lately, I've been using themes, so each month I choose a theme and  try to stick with it. Last month was 'collections,' and this month is 'cats.' Before I didn't have a method just whatever I thought of. What about you? I do try to stick with what I find interest in, but with 'collections' that was hard, so I just put in extra research time.

    1. Tom Rubenoff profile image89
      Tom Rubenoffposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have a system.  I have an expertise - builders hardware, for which there is no category btw, hint, hint - and the hubs I publish about hardware get daily steady traffic.  Nothing earth shattering, but steady.  So I try to publish at least one hardware hub for every two or three other hubs I publish. 

      Now that I am hopelessly addicted, I agressively seek out things to write about, hoping that I will be politically or morally outraged so I can write about it or perhaps stumble on a request that I either like or would like to make fun of.  Actually I'm a little upset if I can't think of anything to write.  I get the shakes and have to take my hubmethadone.

  2. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Absolutely random smile

    Whenever I feel like publishing a hub about something, I do...

  3. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    I think I tend to veer between elements from my own life and Misha's technique.

  4. anjalichugh profile image69
    anjalichughposted 15 years ago

    I only write about subjects of which I have knowledge and which I am passionate about.

  5. BristolBoy profile image66
    BristolBoyposted 15 years ago

    Quite new so am writing about things which I have an interest or specialist knowledge of, such as renewable energy and the areas where I live.  However, I have been experimenting with more news based topics, such as my recent hub on Wolfram Alpha.

  6. LondonGirl profile image82
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    whatever springs to what I'm pleased to call my mind.

  7. Dorsi profile image84
    Dorsiposted 15 years ago

    Great question Whitney. I write just about anything and everything that sparks my interest. I try writing about things that make me think out of the box and do research on, and I also love writing about life experiences that I can put my own twist on.
    Sometimes I'll be doing something and then think totally out of the blue- hey that would make a great hub. Then I write about it.
    Right now I am having a bit of a writers block because I've been thinking about climate change alot. I need to step back and let the creative process take over again. I don't like it when I get too hyperfocused on one subject.

  8. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    It is about just whatever comes to mind, which is to much sometimes.big_smile

  9. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    There is no method to my madness either.  It's all pretty random.  Something will come up that will remind me of something.  There are topics personal to me that I find interesting that I hope will interest others that I do the extra research on and write (Von Erichs, Crash at Crush, Henry Lee Lucas) and then I stumble on things via email (like Margaret Mitchell, Men vs Women) and the some of my early hubs were about all kinds of things about England. (Hotel Mishaps, Top Places to Go, Top Foods to Eat, etc).   I really prefer topics that I have some personal story to relate to the piece.

  10. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Well, most of the Hubs I write I try to keep a theme, but alas that doesn't hold up for long. I write when I feel inspired by something to write! And if I don't know what to write and I want to write I just answer a request or ask someone what I should write about. Although my first inspirational idea after just what I think at the time is HubMob, I'm starting to enjoy the topics in it!


    PS: Other Hubbers on the forums also tend to give me an idea or two, or at least a concept to add into a hub!

  11. Matt Maresca profile image61
    Matt Marescaposted 15 years ago

    Well, every 8 months or so I get an inspiration...a calling, if you will, to post a hub.  I see a vision and I go with it and thus my hub is created.

    Haha, but seriously, I can only write about stuff on a regular basis for which I have some sort of passion.  I recently realized that the thing that I enjoy most in life is making people smile and laugh.  I like to inspire good things from people so that's what I write about.  I've written a whole one hub on this topic, but there are more to me.

    Did I even answer the question?  I'm really not sure.  I may have gone off on one of my tangents, but I hope you can figure out what I was trying to say.

  12. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Seems like most hubbers just write on random topics others just write what interests them, or somewhere in-between. Or at least most of you who have posted to the thread.  That's pretty interesting.

    Dorsi, I've done that as well. Be doing one thing and randomly have an idea for a hub, but it's been a while since that's happened.

  13. Abhishek87 profile image60
    Abhishek87posted 15 years ago

    Just what comes to mind, started with one based on a recent event then read a hub and the idea for my 2,3,4 hubs came. Then was discussing with a fellow hubber and thought this I should write a hub on. So, pretty random basically (since I don't have any specialist knowledge whatsoever right now big_smile )


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