RESOLVED: Moving capsule causes jump to top of page. (# link)

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  1. Titia profile image95
    Titiaposted 10 years ago

    Today I noticed that when I click on the 'go right' arrow in Amazon capsules, it brings me to the top of the page and I have to scroll down to the capsule again to click on the 'go up' arrow to place it next to a text capsule.

    Is this a glitch/bug? I can't recall I had this problem earlier and other hubbers noticed it too.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Can you provide the URL for an example Hub and what products are in the capsule (a screenshot would help)?

      1. Lynne-Modranski profile image77
        Lynne-Modranskiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I am experiencing similar issues, but it's not in all of my hubs. … he-wisemen - this one - for example - will not allow me to change the summary or the title.  And in many of the ones like this when i try to edit a photo or an Amazon Module it jumps to the top.  Sometimes I can then edit it, but most times I can't.

        The weird thing is, it's not every hub.  Some allow me to edit everything without limit.  I've experienced this all week, but was waiting to see if it was something that was a problem with the Squidoo transfer that someone eventually fixed.

        Thanks for the help!

      2. Titia profile image95
        Titiaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think a screen shot will help. It happens in all my hubs when I edit them. The moment you hit one of the green arrows in any of the capsules, it's puting the capsule where you want it, but at the same time you're at the top of the page and then you have to scroll down again.

        Example: I want text on the left and a photo on the right.
        I hit the 'go right' arrow on a photo - I'm on top of the page and have to scroll down again.
        I hit the 'go up' arrow on that photo - I'm on top of the page and have to scroll down again.

        Then I want to add an Amazon capsule under the photo.
        I hit the go right arrow and it starts all over again.

        So in my case: each time I hit a green arrow in whatever capsule, I'm jumping to the top of the page.

        1. sockii profile image66
          sockiiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'm having the same exact issue as well, and it does not matter what the product is, which hub I'm editing.

        2. Matthew Meyer profile image70
          Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'm going to do some further testing, but I want to confirm the circumstances so I can try to reproduce the issue.

          You are editing a Hub and click the arrow in a product capsule to change the position, and it does change the position, but then returns you to the top of the page in the HubTool (probably due to a link ending in a #).

          Some people have said it only affected one Hub, while others have stated it affects all Hubs.
          Does it appear to be related to a specific browser or operating system?

          What OS, browser, and browser versions have you seen the issue?

          All these details are very helpful in trying to track down these kinds of issues.

          I noticed several people are using an older version of Firefox, so please follow these steps including clearing your browser cache, upgrading to the latest stable version of any browser, and restarting your computer.

        3. Matthew Meyer profile image70
          Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          A screenshot of the capsule would let me know that I was looking at the correct capsule.

          1. Titia profile image95
            Titiaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I was just making a screenshot to show you and then things seem to be back to normal again. The  photo capsule moved to th right and I didn't end up on top of my lens anymore.

      3. HomeArtist1 profile image56
        HomeArtist1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The modules move all over the place; it's like a wonton Rubik's cube. Move ONE text box to the right and you lose you place; them before you know it EVERYTHING is out of alignment. When you use the formatting feature at the right, you're operating blindly, as you can't see what you're doing.

        I literally spent over an hour just trying to line up a text and product module.

        VERY frustrating as there's no way to 'lock' the matching modules.

    2. Maina Ndungu profile image70
      Maina Ndunguposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is a widespread hitch and it did not exist before. Hope HP will fix soon. Though it won't deter you from publishing or editing, it's a thorn in the flesh.

  2. profile image0
    calculus-geometryposted 10 years ago

    This is happening to me too in edit mode.  Whenever I right-float a capsule I am taken to the top of the page and the title and summary are cut off by the black header bar.

    Chrome, Win 8

  3. kislanyk profile image65
    kislanykposted 10 years ago

    I have the same issue (on all my hubs) and when I edit a 5000 words hub, it's really interesting trying to find my way to the exact point where I was before every single time it does that.

  4. KarenHC profile image74
    KarenHCposted 10 years ago

    I'm having the same problems on both Chrome and Firefox  for the text capsules and Amazon capsules.

    It didn't do that on a video capsule though.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I just tested using Chrome 37.0.2062.102 m (latest stable version) and Firefox 31 and 32.0.2 in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 and was unable to reproduce the issue when moving capsules while editing a Hub in the Hubtool.

      I edited an existing Hub and moved text, ebay, Amazon, and text capsules as well as added an Amazon capsule.

      Please make sure to clear your cache, upgrade your browser, and restart your computer.

      Did following these steps have any effect?

      If you are still having issues, please share the exact URL or title of the specific Hub on which you are having issues.
      Also include the operating system, browser, and browser version.

      1. Titia profile image95
        Titiaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        As I wrote above, the problem seems to have solved itself.

      2. KarenHC profile image74
        KarenHCposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I restarted my computer, and all seems fine now.   I'm not sure if that was the problem, or if something was done on Hubpages' end, but the screen isn't jumping up to the top after changing the width of the capsules anymore.     Thanks!

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