Driven to dance is a made for TV movie available on Netflix. Here's why I only gave it three stars on IMDB.
We decorate for Christmas, put up a tree, give gifts, hang lights and ornaments, but what good are all those baubles and trinkets if they don't point us to the true meaning of the season?
Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Here, you'll find some special readings for the season.
Words of Inspiration to encourage Busy Moms as they journey this life with Christ
We act like Christmas is our birthday! Everyone spends more time shopping and wrapping than thinking about the One whose birth we celebrate. I hope the devotions here will help remedy that!
Spending time in the Word and prayer is an important part of our growing process. Here are a few "aha" moments to help us as we spend these quiet moments reflecting.
Most read the Christmas story from the book of Luke with details added from Matthew's gospel, but what does John have to say about Jesus' birth?
Christian Moms need all the help they can get. It's hard to stay strong in your faith with so much of the world trying to get in all the time. Here you'll find a few words to help you grow in faith.
Moms who want to stay close to Christ need to carve out time in their busy schedule to build that relationship. These short writings are designed to help moms focus on Christ and grow in his love
Every Mom needs some quiet time to get to know Jesus better everyday. It's that quiet time that makes her a better mom. These short devotions are designed to help in that endeavor.
In order to truly grow in Christ, we must stay in His Word and consider how it applies personally. Here are a few readings to help with just that!
From Matthew to Revelation there are lessons to be learned. Here you'll find five meditations to inspire you in your walk with Christ.
The Old Testament offers so many rich lessons. Here are five to get you started.
Moms need encouragement and inspiration. You deserve a moment to grow closer to Christ. This page has quiet moments for you to know that Jesus enjoys spending time with you.
Daily devotions are an important part of a Christian's day. Here you'll find a few designed to give you inspiration.
One of eleven pages with at least five devotions each, all written with moms in mind. Something to encourage and inspire!
Jesus is Turnin' the Town Upside Down is the Theme of this Brand New VBS. With three original songs, crafts and game ideas and easy to prepare lessons, this VBS is perfect for any children's ministry
Jonah's story is one of the most well known books of the Bible. Here you'll find some short readings inspired by Jonah's adventure.
30 year old journals inspire these letters to a young mother just starting out
Devotions are an important part of every Christian's day! They can help us stay focused on Christ and keep us on the path that we know leads to success!
Making ornaments at Christmas is a great family tradition. This paper or fabric snowflake is easy and fun, but elegant.
These origami wheels can also make lovely Christmas Ornaments
Mothers and all Women need to reserve a quiet time with Jesus at least once a day. These devotion readings are designed to inspire you to enjoy that time and hear God speak to you.
Moms need encouragement and inspiration every day. They can get pretty tapped out running after kids! Below you'll find at least 5 inspirational readings to help you be the best mom you can be!
Several devotional readings written especially for the Christmas season. Use them to inspire your church leaders or your small group around the holidays.
Devotions are a great way to start or end your day. For your meetings, small groups or just to grow as a Christian, devotions can help meet your goals.
The leaders of our churches need inspiration, they need rejuvenated and restored. These devotions are designed to do just that!
Advent is a time to prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Christ. This year we'll focus on the season through the eyes of the Mother of Jesus.
Everyone needs some inspiration in their week. These scripture based devotional readings are designed to do just that. You will eventually find 10 devotions here to help you stay close to Christ.
When we read the book of Acts, we find that Barnabas is a central character in much of the book. This is a Bible study designed to help us discover how to become an encourager like Barnabas.
Everyone asks this question. It's not a new one, and the answers aren't new either. The Bible has many answers to this age old question.
The story of a child born with Pierre Robin Sequence. From Birth to removal of her trach.
Devotional Readings for your small group or meeting. Free to use by any church or Christian organization.
Wedding Soup is a favorite in Eastern Ohio and other places where Italians immigrated 100+ years ago. This recipe is a yummy one!
This is one of the softest, fluffiest Sugar Cookie recipes I've ever found. An exclusive for the Modranski family until 15 years ago, I'm now sharing it with the world!
In this children's Christmas play Herod's cronies follow the wise men as they travel from Jerusalem to Bethlehem in search of the Messiah changing them forever.
Moms today need all the help they can get. These short readings are designed to inspire a mom to be the best mom they possibly can!
When someone you love begins to forget, place their keys, glasses and teeth in strange places yet tries so hard to stay independent, it can be challenging. Here are some practical tips to help.
Christmas is a time when everyone is looking for peace. These 28 devotions are the perfect way to prepare for the holiday!
A cut capo, also called a short cut, offers an extra sound for experienced guitar players and an easy chord structure for the novice.
Children's curriculum written especially for Lent, but appropriate for anytime kids might feel lost in a wilderness.
Even Children can display the Fruit of the Spirit. These 9 lessons will help you teach the kids in your church about this important concept.
We celebrate Advent because Christ came to earth! During the season, we remember that Christ is coming again. These readings help us prepare to celebrate both.
Halloween has become one of the biggest holidays of the year. Only Christmas surpasses it in decorations purchased. But not everyone celebrates this October holiday. Discover the reason here.
Advent Readings are a wonderful way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. With or without an Advent Wreath, these every Sunday readings are meant to inspire your walk with Christ!
Devotions are an important part of Christian growth. These devotions were especially written to help those trying to get closer to Christ.
The Old Testament has many wonderful lessons for Christians to learn. This page has at least five devotional readings to inspire you.
A review and commentary of the book by Tim LaHaye, "Jesus, Why the World is Still Fascinated by Him."
R. J. Palacio has written a book for middle school kids that's worth reading regardless of your age! Here's a review.
Devotional Readings for all the days of Advent based on the Theme of Jesus being the Rock this Christmas. Below you'll find a reading for every Sunday in Advent.
World Vision is a humanity organization that brings food, education, clean water, clothing and Jesus to children and their families around the world.
Parenting is a tough job. We can all use all the advice we can. Here are some parenting strategies that have worked.
God created everything, so there are Bible lessons to be learned in every aspect of life, including Science. These lessons are designed to accompany Pop Bottle Science experiments.
13 Devotions based on the lives of the Patriarchs.
Every couple has a story, but not every story lasts more than 3 decades anymore! Here's a story of one such couple!
Devotion readings for moms. Moms need a break, and a Quiet Time with Jesus is one of the best ways to get that rest!
Inspired by the Christmas Story, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," Lynne Modranski shares her thoughts about Christ and how they compare with this old story.
Prince Charming is out there. The problem is that many princesses settle for a troll in a handsome mask or a rich fat baron. This page will give you some tips on finding that wonderful prince!
Advent is a time to prepare to celebrate Christ's birth. These 25+ readings will help us be ready for the Ultimate Gift.
Science and the Bible, most think they don't mix, but these science experiments make great object lessons for Bible stories for your Sunday School or Youth.
Science, Potatoes and Bibles... who would think they would go together so well. Check out these six experiments all with potatoes as object lessons for Bible stories.
Kids can have fun exploring the Bible and Science. These lessons use Potato Chips, Science and the Bible to learn more about Jesus!
Some don't think the Bible and Science mix, but here you'll find several science experiments that make excellent object lessons for kids Bible Studies.
Devotion Readings for every season and many holidays.
The Go Fish Guys have done it again! This is their second VBS offering!
Throughout history God has made many promises. These inspirational shorts focus on those promises as they help us prepare for Christmas.
Many amateur speakers miss out on being heard. This page gives some simple suggestions to make sure you look professional during your presentation even if it's your first time in front of others.
Florence Edna Crossley Pyles was born in 1921. She may have only had one daughter, but she left a legacy that spans generations and many families.
Scavenger hunts are fun! Encourage your youth to find the list of items in Bible verses. The first team to find all of the items wins!
Discover the story of how Lynne Modranski met Jesus Christ.
Dieting really won't get us anywhere unless we make some permanent changes in our lifestyle. Here are some that have worked for me!
Pentecost is a Christian holiday celebrated just six weeks after Easter. This page will give you even more details.
The short list of books recommended by Lynne Modranski for those trying to grow in Christ.
Christmas falls on Sunday about once every 5 to 11 years. The next Sunday Christmas will be in 2022. What will you do the next time Christmas falls on Sunday?
Allen Kurzweil created this really cool kit called "Potato Chip Science." It inspired these lessons for Sunday School or Children's Church!
Every Mom needs time with Christ. Here you'll find five meditations to inspire your day.
The highlights of a 2011 cruise aboard the Norwegian Gem.
Children's Curriculum for kids age 4-12 using the Heroes, Heroines, Champs and Chumps of the Bible. Because we can learn as much from the folks who walked away with God as those who were faithful.
After you finally get your weight loss on track, what is it that will keep you motivated? SparkPeople and the Bible have some great suggestions.
German Stars (AKA Moravian Stars) are beautiful ornaments. They also make great gifts or creative craft projects for folks about 9 and up.
I've been using this pie crust recipe since I started baking them at age 15. I've never had one turn out badly!
Animals can teach us a lot about our relationship with God. This page offers short readings with lessons from God's humbler creations.
Noah the Rock Dove has an amazing story. It will touch your heart!
Often the days get dark, but Jesus offers Hope. This five week Bible study based on 1 Peter helps us to see that light at the end of the tunnel
Thanksgiving seems to get lost between October and Christmas. As you prepare for the giving season, let's give thanks to God for all that He has done for us.
Should we monitor what our children watch on TV or the video games we play? What about adults? Should they be monitored?
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life and the Light. These are the themes of the four weeks of Advent in these Daily Devotions for the season.
The Wise Men don't get mentioned much during advent. However, these readings turn their attention to these regal seekers of Jesus.
Discipline is a very Biblical context and although it is often associated with punishment, one has nothing to do with the other. Here are a few Biblical ideas to get you started.
Advent Readings are short daily devotions to help us prepare our hearts as we make our Christmas preparations.
Moms need a quiet time. Here you'll find devotion readings to inspire your time with Jesus.
The Bible provides an unlimited number of lessons. These devotional readings use New Testament passages to inspire us.
An Original Wedding Song written by the bride to her father.
Moms need a break, and a break with Jesus is the very best kind. Five inspirational moments designed to spur moms on to be all they can be in Christ.
Another Study in a series of Bible Studies written to accompany the SparkPeople Online healthy eating site.
Being a Grandmother is a tremendous gift, but I've seen some moms who need some help with that older generation. Here are a few things I've learned that have helped me be a better grandmother!
With one deck of cards per person, four rounds of play, and lots of laughs, this is a great family game!
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman and all of its companion books are some of my favorites. This may be one of the most revolutionary relationship help books of the century.
Many people think confuse discipline and punishment. They are not always the same thing. While punishment can sometimes become abusive, discipline is always an act of love.
A Five week Bible Study Discussion Guide based on Peter's short water walk and the faith he used to make the journey.
Many meetings start with a devotional reading. Here you'll find several readings with links to more to inspire you to have a great meeting or just a great day!
Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days. The Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years. We find ourselves in the wilderness often. This Bible Study will help us find life in the wilderness.
The Shepherds are a big part of the Christmas story. This Christmas play is the story of one shepherd and how he met Jesus.
Every Mom needs some time to relax and enjoy Christ. These inspirational shorts are designed to help a mom do just that!
Most people base their knowledge of Christmas on carols and stories. Let's see how much of the Christmas story you know from the BIBLE!
Jesus was always doing the unexpected, and His birth was just the beginning. These readings will help us focus on some of those unexpected events in Jesus' life.
Faith, Hope and Love ... Elements of a wonderful Christmas and themes for these devotions for the Advent Season.
Everyone is fascinated with Angels, plus they are big part of the Christmas story. These readings focus on the phrases spoken by the angels to Mary, Joseph and more
The road to Bethlehem was long and would have been a difficult way to travel as an expectant mother. As we consider Mary and Joseph's trip to Bethlehem, we'll prepare to celebrate!
The Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments and the 23rd Psalm are wonderful Bible Truths that kids need to learn. You'll find all three in this 52 week reproducible Children's Curriculum.
Vacation Bible School is a tremendous outreach effort for every church. This "Go Fish Guys" curriculum is excellent!
Five short devotions to help you in your Christian Walk. Perfect for your meeting or small group or to give you inspiration.
Leading can be a daunting task, but there are some qualities that area common to most leaders. This page can offer some help!
The SparkPeople diet helped me lose 30 pounds. Putting their principles with the Bible increased my success.
Life is a race. The Bible tells us to run it to win. This five session Bible Study is designed to help you do just that!
There are a lot of ways to lose weight. This page features my success story and just a few strategies that worked for me!
A three week Bible Study complete online and ready for use. It's been written for new beginnings, but can be used anytime of the year.
Water . . . every dieter knows that drinking water is crucial to our success. This Bible study shows the importance of Spiritual water as well as physical water.
Exercise is an important lifestyle change if you want to lose weight. Even the Bible tells us we need physical discipline!
The SparkPeople diet helped me lose 30 pounds. The Bible helped me in my journey. This study is some of what I found helpful.
The SparkPeople diet plan helped me lose 30 pounds. When I added scripture to the concept it gave me even more success. This is a Bible Study to accompany the first part of the second stage.
There once was a flower garden in California with more than 50,000 daffodils. Although the daffodils are gone, the lessons learned from the magnificent garden remain.
True weight loss requires lifestyle changes. The Bible has the answer for changing our life.
Even busy families need to carve out some time to do devotions. Here you'll find some ideas!
Every man has the potential to be a Knight in Shining Armor and every woman can find her Knight if she's willing to live a life deserving of a Knight.