Be careful which AdSense account you use

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  1. CYong74 profile image98
    CYong74posted 7 years ago

    I've previously started a thread on this at … th-adsense

    In short, I used my YouTube AdSense account to apply for the Ad Program here at HubPages. For over a year, my AdSense account recorded absolutely no data and hits. Correspondingly, not even a cent of earning.

    Based on what is said over at Google Products Forum, I've discovered you cannot use a YouTube AdSense account for Hubpages. Apparently, Google revised its policies a while ago, and forbid such "double usage." … eg-youtube

    The whole issue behind this is that AdSense has two categories of accounts. Hosted and Non Hosted. Hosted accounts are what you get when you sign up through a partner site, such as YouTube, Blooger, and Hubpages. According to the link above, you cannot double-use this.

    Non-hosted accounts are the upgraded ones. The ones you can use on any site. They are terribly hard to get, and FYI, what all those "get adsense approved ..." articles online are writing about.

    To put it in another way, if you do what I did, you will still earn from the HP Ad Program. But you wouldn't get a cent from AdSense. This, even if AdSense ads continue to appear on your hubs.

    And you can't apply for two AdSense accounts, because Google greatly frowns on that. Anyway, even if they permit it, you would need another bank account, email account, a fresh set of everything.

    Lastly, I see that there is some recent concern about verifying your sites within AdSense etc, so that your account is not randomly used by strangers. Based on this finding, there's really no concern at all. If you've applied through Hubpages, your account is a hosted one. Your ads will never appear on any other site and even if they do, no one will get a cent out of it.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't get any of this because I was led to believe you can only have one adsense account.  I have a Blogger blog plus two sites here on HP.  I've had the HP adsense account for years.  When I set up my blog a few years ago, I had no problem having my Blogger site included in the Adsense account I use for HP.

      However, now I'm not sure if the Blogger adsense ads are earning or not, and don't know how to check about that.

      When I go to the earnings page on Adsense, I do see two different account numbers, but only use the HP account.

      Would be nice to know what's going onl!

      1. CYong74 profile image98
        CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        TT, As Marisa suggested, the old AdSense accounts are fully enabled. Yours is probably free to use on all your sites, since you have it for so long.

        What I'm highlighting here is that the newer ones, obtained via Blogger, YouTube etc, are limited. They are the hosted accounts and do not permit you to earn from multiple websites. If you want to earn from multiple websites, you would have to go thru the grueling process of upgrading them.

        According to some Google experts, this happened because rules were changed in 2015.

        What I'm also saying is, it's terrible that Google has no explicit warning about this. For me, I'm kinda trapped. I will never earn from AdSense, even if it displays on my Hubs, unless I somehow succeed in upgrading my account.

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I had an approved Blogger blog about three years ago and then terminated it.  Then about 1 1/2 years ago, I started another one.  In both instances I had no problem being approved by Adsense...or at least I think I didn't.  Ads show on my blog, but I may not be earning from them.  How in the world can you know?  Does Adsense  send you an email or something?

          1. Marisa Wright profile image85
            Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            But you didn't have to apply to Google to get approval to use your Adsense on Blogger, did you? You simply had to put your existing code on Blogger and it accepted it, and now shows ads.  It wouldn't show ads if it wasn't approved.  That proves you have the same type of Adsense account as me, which is the "full access" version.

            1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
              TIMETRAVELER2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Guess I finally did something right?  Thanks to you!

          2. Anita Hasch profile image63
            Anita Haschposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I see my earnings on my blogs under the statistics on blogger. However, my amount of views and my earnings do not correspond. I think it is something that I have not done correctly.

    2. bestwaystonet profile image58
      bestwaystonetposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Will this absence affiliate account hurt my Adsense account if any violations is carried on by hub pages ? or they are just using the publisher ID for transfering the amount ?

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Can you rephrase that in English?

      2. CYong74 profile image98
        CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        No idea what you're asking about, bestwaystonet.

  2. Venkatachari M profile image84
    Venkatachari Mposted 7 years ago

    I couldn't understand the word double usage. You mean that Adsense granted for hosted sites can't be used at your own purchased sites?
    I use my Adsense at HP for Youtube and blogger sites. But, it is not allowed for my own site titled which is a paid site. And, till now, I could not get any Adsense for it.

  3. CYong74 profile image98
    CYong74posted 7 years ago


    From what I understand from the replies on Google Product Forum, Hosted AdSense accounts cannot be used for YouTube and HP at the same time. Or YouTube or Blogger, or Blogger and HP at the same time.

    If you are able to, I have no idea why.

    In my case, there is always this warning on my AdSense interface stating I am only allowed Ads on YouTube. Thus probably the reason why my account has not recorded one single HP AdSense impression.

    And yes, Hosted Accounts cannot be used for your own domains. Not at all. You need to upgrade it first:

  4. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 7 years ago

    This comes as a total surprise to me.  I have used my Adsense account on many revenue-sharing sites without any problems.  I can't comment on Youtube.

    However that may be because I, like many other Hubbers, have had my account for a long time. Rules do change.

    1. CYong74 profile image98
      CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      As like their SEO system, Google changes these rules often and without much warning. If you read that G product forum, you will get the impression they don't care how these changes impact old users.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It doesn't impact old users, I am still earning from my Adsense account on multiple sites with no problems.

        But then, I joined in the days when there was only one kind of Adsense account, which allowed you to use it on any site. 

        I do know they changed that, at some point, so that if you applied through HubPages, you were likely to get an account you could use on sites like HP, and you couldn't then use it on your own blog. Here's the blog post from Google explaining that: … -host.html

        You'll notice that says that if you have a hosted account, you can use it on any host partner sites.  So it sounds like something has changed.

        1. CYong74 profile image98
          CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Marisa, yours is likely the fully upgraded version. The omnipotent one, put it that way.

          Of course, there is a way out of this for my case. Apply for an account upgrade. But not only is that exceedingly difficult, I need to have my own domain and blog. And then my blog needs a certain age and amount of content before they would even entertain me.  It's almost a non solution if you ask me.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image85
            Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            You already have a website, don't you?   It looks as though it's been in existence for almost a year and it has good content, so why would you not use that to apply?

            1. CYong74 profile image98
              CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              They rejected. Citing copyright violations. I have no idea what the violations are and I have no way to verify.

              The only suspect things there, by my guess, are my game screenshots and youtube trailer links. But I use these too in HP with no issue. (AdSense is certainly displaying its ads on my gaming pages)

              Anyway, according to the self-proclaimed experts at Google product forum, 90 % applicants get rejected. Unless you have a few hundred K visitors each month, don't bother wasting Google's time nowadays and don't expect Google to entertain your issues.

              Seeking help in that forum, BTW, is a big reason why this upset me quite a bit.

            2. CYong74 profile image98
              CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I apologise if I'm being snappish too, Marisa. I'm sure you can tell I'm more than a little pissed by this.

              Thanks for responding too. At least I can talk to someone now after being baffled for a year.

              1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Wow, things have changed!   

                I think perhaps you should raise this in the Technical Questions forum.   This sounds like it could be a huge problem for HubPages - if people who are already using Blogger or Youtube can't get permission to use Adsense on HubPages, then HP will have a big problem.

        2. Barbara Kay profile image77
          Barbara Kayposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          It hasn't changed my earnings either. I receive them from my own sites and Hubpages both.

  5. CYong74 profile image98
    CYong74posted 7 years ago

    Barbara, as Marisa suggested, you probably have the full version, not a hosted version. That's why you aren't affected.

    Those of us who set up our accounts recently, via YT or Blogger etc, are constantly reminded by AdSense itself we aren't allowed to use it on our own sites.

    1. theraggededge profile image86
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I wonder if that's why I was unable to set Adsense up on a Blogger blog a while back? I gave up and deleted it. It seems the issue is only with Google-owned properties.

      1. CYong74 profile image98
        CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think the whole issue is this hosted vs non hosted ruling, which I believe began in late 2015. Simply, if you applied via a google partner, you're only allowed to use adsense with that partner. … wiXHsQC-MI

        That's another guy probably the same issue. But he has since removed his hub.

  6. Anita Hasch profile image63
    Anita Haschposted 7 years ago

    Hi, I did not know the rules were changed. Thanks for the info.
    As far as I recall my adsense account must be about 11 months old. Not sure though. Does that mean that my Adsense account is not fully enabled? I first obtained my adsense from hubpages and then added adsense to my 5 blogs a few months later. I have not monetized my YouTube channel as I have not added any videos worth while.I have noticed that there seems to be something wrong with my bloggers earnings.

    1. Anita Hasch profile image63
      Anita Haschposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Seems I have had adsense for longer. My ads  on blogger are ok, but the views don't seem to correspond with my earnings. Never mind, I'm sure it will get sorted out.

      1. CYong74 profile image98
        CYong74posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        They seldom correspond, as is the case with my YouTube Channel. Supposedly one displays estimated earnings, the other, finalised earnings.

  7. Rock Artist profile image65
    Rock Artistposted 7 years ago

    I hate Google and their control over everything on the Internet.


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