Ok, what was your weirdest/strangest/creepiest funniest date?

Jump to Last Post 1-22 of 22 discussions (36 posts)
  1. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Don't be shy guys, share, share, share.  We want all the sordid details!

    1. mandybeau profile image57
      mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well I had two guys that worked with me, and knew neither of their names, but being totally vain as I was then, I assumed that they both were in awe. TOTALLY! But I only paid attention to one of them...... So when I got a phone call one night, I assumed it was the one I spoke too... How else would you think.... You might imagine, the mortification of sixteen year old me (Back then) when the door was opened by my Mum and this ugly shorter even than he looked at work guy turned up. Yeah it was the ugly guy. He was dresses straight out of an op shop... Was so not in my League, was probably no actual league for Him......... He had no conversation, took me to a movie about a Fairy tale, because I was underage, and couldn't get in to the Next one an R18.
      We went to the Pub, the Pulican wouldn't serve me again because I was underage. So he took me for a fizzy drink, and said beat this "Would you be interested in "going steady" I can remember my reply, and will only say that it ended with the word ....OFF! I spent all night petrified one of my friends would see me with him. It was terrible. No worse than terrible. Worse still the Next Day he told some of the workers, it didn't work out because I was a Lesbian..... Hello I didn't know that!!!! I can laugh now.

  2. profile image0
    SarahMichelleposted 15 years ago

    I went on this one date with a guy that took me shoe shopping...for him.  I don't know - there was something creepy and uncomfortable watching him take off his shoes, exposing his huge feet and frumpy socks that wasn't very appealing.  I do remember there was an awfully hot guy working in the shoe store though....smile

    1. mandybeau profile image57
      mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Foot fetish well if was good enuf for the Duchess of York hahaha

    2. jamesrlewisjr profile image60
      jamesrlewisjrposted 15 years agoin reply to this

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    3. Princess Kari profile image59
      Princess Kariposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      um, yay i feel romanced? did he at least have coffee or lunch with you?

  3. SusanWesty profile image71
    SusanWestyposted 15 years ago

    This wasn't creepy, but it definitely fits the weird category. I had a date with a doctor (I was a nurse at the time) who was also dabbling in Tibetan Buddhism. He had one room designated to be his shrine, complete with a four foot Buddha. Our date consisted of his praying to Buddha and trying to explain to me the beauty of Tibetan Buddhism as being the true and pure Buddha experience.  I was a total heathen but tolerant, I let him worship.
    Then we went into his living room and got totally smashed, so much so that he just collapsed in the living room while I crept into his bed and slept. 
    I dunno, that struck me as weird.

    Another time (I'm actually blushing) I was dating a hot 40 plus year old and he introduced me to his 20 year old son.  OK, enough said...?  The dad came out later in the night and found me making out with his son. I was banished from his apartment, he took the keys from me. And you know, I don't really blame him. But that was pretty weird too.

    1. profile image0
      girly_girl09posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! The 'Buddha Date' is like a Seinfeld episode or something; too funny!

    2. mandybeau profile image57
      mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ER you swapped a Doctor for his Poxy Son, that in itself is sooooo weird.

    3. mandybeau profile image57
      mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ER you swapped a Doctor for his Poxy Son, that in itself is sooooo weird.

  4. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    ohhhh she says as she wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes

    great question cindy lol

  5. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    I once went on a date where the guy was like "let's drive to the marina". I thought we'd just get some food and watch the boats. Nope. Next thing I knew we were in the harbor master's office and he had the lady radio a yacht that apparently this his family owned. We then got into a speed boat and pulled up to his yacht. He spent the next hour showing me all over the boat and teaching me boating terms...it was sort of fun but it was just really random and weird. Not expected, I guess.

    Another date was on New Year's Eve. My date passed out from drinking at 11:57pm. No joke. I wasn't impressed.

    Another strange date was when I was really busy with work and the only time that worked with both our schedules was for him to accompany me to a political fundraising dinner. This guy wasn't into politics and was just really down to earth and I liked that about him. I didn't know it, but I ended up winning several awards that night, one presented by a u.s. senator and it was really awkward for him to see this. I absolutely wouldn't have invited him if I would've known. Anyways, he ending up getting REALLY WASTED, to cope with the awkwardness, I guess. lol It was sort of funny but really awkward, too. I should mention, this was the guy from New Years Eve! lol that was our last date, ever.

    Maybe I'll share some more later. smile

    1. Princess Kari profile image59
      Princess Kariposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The boat one sounds nice smile

      and, I'm sorry but what a loser. can't he cope with the fact that you're a bigger achiever then him? he should have been happy for you and realised how awesome and clever you were and what a tool he is and done something manly.

  6. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Way back when, I started seeing a guy. Lets call him *John. We'd had a few dates - or whatever they're called now - but I'd never been to his home. So, after a great night out, he invited me back to his place. All good. Arrived, went in. I followed him to the kitchen. Whereby a woman wandered in. She smiled at me, greeted me and gave me a hug and then said 'Hi, I'm Johns' girlfriend' neutral

    Weird? Strange? Creepy? - Not sure. To me it was just plain wrong ...

    And in case you're wondering - no, I didn't stay.

    *his real name smile

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image75
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this
    2. Princess Kari profile image59
      Princess Kariposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  7. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    No Eagle. No No No. I was a fairly alarmed. Not to mention damaged wink

    He married her BTW.

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image75
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      wasnt thinkin for a moment youd be in on it (3some deal)lol but yea what a creep,makes ya wonder whats in some peoples heads?

  8. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    Hmm so I went on a date once with a guy that I had known for a while. He was a friend of my neighbors and caught me outside in my bikini washing my car and then asked me out. Shocker! I didn't get a good vibe at that point, that should have been a clue. He was a big guy, personal trainer, lots of muscles... not my type.

    He didn't pick me up. He didn't want to go to dinner. So we settled on going to the movies. We met there. My fat ass got popcorn and a soda, he refused to get anything. We watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" because he let me pick the movie. Afterwards I asked him if he liked it. "No I hated it, I don't like scary movies," he said. Are you kidding me?? He didn't walk me to my car and tried to kiss me goodnight and did the "We should do this again sometime." I kissed his cheek and went home utterly confused.

    Totally rude, not a gentlemen at all. And a wimp with the Hulk's exterior.

  9. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Geezzz...what's a date hmm I think I am too skeery for guys to approach...but friends flirt with me lol lol...long ago...we went wherever I wanted. He took me to dinner every Thursday evening and came with a single rose. smile sigh...long, long ago.

    1. Princess Kari profile image59
      Princess Kariposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      awwwww a sweetheart

  10. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    My funniest date, we went out into the sand dunes near Swakopmund in Namibia, drank copious amounts of red wine in the sun, slid down the sides of the sand dunes on flattened cardboard boxes, then went into town to pick up some KFC.  KFC didn't have a drive thru at the time and my friend didn't feel like getting out of his landrover, so just drove through the front window, glass flying everywhere and said, "Bucket of chicken to go please."  They did build a drive-thru when they fixed up the front window!

  11. k@ri profile image81
    k@riposted 15 years ago

    I went on a date with this man.  He said we were going to NYC.  Fun, I thought!  Until he got us lost.  We ended up in some pretty unsavory places and never got out of the car.  When he asked if we should go out again, I said, "Never!"  HaaaHaaaa, Thanks for reminding me Cindy!  big_smile

  12. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    OK, this was one of the reasons I decided I don't 'date.'  Besides the fact it doesn't work anyway...

    This was one of those fix-up dates (and happened when I was about 21) that friends sometimes do for each other.  "Oh, you'll really like him," sorta thing.  He was this dental student, and supposed to be...yeah and yeah.  So, we went to a nice restaurant and that was OK, even though he did show up wearing this sweater with literally, leather strips sewn down the front of it and too much hair gel--I mean waaaay to much. Ummm, but OK, still, really...I'm not that mean.

    Then we went dancing and it was like something out of Night at the Roxbury.  He even did the hand twirl disco thing, and head shake thing and I thought I was gonna die...  Not to mention, danced me all over the dance floor because he kept getting way way to close, and I would back up.  And it continued for HOURS...mainly because I really loved to dance, lol, and didn't want to waste a perfectly good night...  But of course we didn't go out again!

  13. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    This is a great topic! And some hilarious entries (no big surprise -- us hubbers have more than our share of life experience, don't we!?).

    Ok, here's mine. I was on the rebound, having just had (yet another) horrific breakup with my boyfriend. Kind friends slipped the news to a guy I'd met a couple of times at the pub. Doug* came over. We did not have a formal plan for our date. I had made some pesto, so fed him spaghetti al pesto.

    Out of the blue he told me he liked my bone structure. This was the oddest thing I'd ever been told. Maybe in South Africa that would be a compliment (Sixty -- help me out here?). I got the impression he was shopping for a breeder rather than a girlfriend. It didn't sit very well with me.

    After a few glasses of wine, I got a bit ornery. I was clearly not over my boyfriend. It was way too soon for me to be playing the field.

    The more Doug tried to be nice to me, the meaner I got. He wanted to go out somewhere, but I decided I did not want to be seen in public with him (and pretty much told him so). I finally asked him to just .... go.

    I thought I'd made my sentiments quite plain. But within just a few minutes of leaving my apartment Doug called from his car. Unbelievably enough, he wanted to set up a date to go kite flying. Excuse me? Kite flying? Do I look like the kind of chick who flies kites? More to the point, I just insulted you, kicked you out of my apartment, and you honestly want to see me again???

    I didn't go out with him again. Now that I relive this, I realize I owe him an apology.

    1. trooper22 profile image60
      trooper22posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OMGROFL!!!! You do not owe that man a thing.  If he can't take a hint, than it's on him.

      I have to many to list, but there is one that sticks out in my corrupted little brain. 
        I was stationed in Europe and had met this woman in a night club in Southern Germany.  I walked in with a few pals and I noticed her starring at me hard and I thought I was in. I walked over to her table and asked her if I could buy her a drink in my broken German.  She says; "I don't need a man for his money!" in english with a heavy German accent.  I thought WOOT, a hot girl that isn't surfing for cash!.  Well one thing led to another and we were making out in my car.   Well, hands started to wonder a bit and I discovered something a bit dis-concerting.   This very attractive "woman" was not a woman at all and had a package equal in size to my own.  Needless to say, my heat cooled down dramatically upon this discovery and I backed off.  She/it/he asked me what was wrong ironically enough, and all I could think to say was "If I wanted that, I don't need you!" and I asked her/it/he to get out of my car.  Well, she/it/he started to cry.  Just then a few of my friends decided to show up to offer encouragement.  Well She/he/it decided to go theatrical on me.  She/he/it started whaling on and on about how vain and calluos I am...etc...etc.  Long story short, I got out of the car and walked around to he/she/it's side and opened the door and asked it to leave.  All the while the fellas had already heard about this creature's character and were doing what Soldiers do in such situations and were basically rolling on the ground in gails of laughter.  To this day I am not sure what pissed me off more; being fooled, or having all my friends standing next to my car laughing without bothering to let me in on the joke before I grabbed a hand full of penis.  I still get a shiver down my spin when I think of it, but I also get a chuckle as well...At the time I probably would have enjoyed the humor a little more if I had not been the point of the joke.  As for her/it/he...well, all I can say is...be honest next time and I would have offered a simple "No thanks...I have one of my own."

  14. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    lol MM!  I have met some weird types in my day, most when I tried internet dating.  Don't recommend that, though I did get some laughs when tiny wimpy shrimpy men showed up instead of the hulking macho types they'd made themselves out to be.

  15. raiderfan profile image60
    raiderfanposted 15 years ago

    I had a date who asked me to go in and meet her parents. They were watching porn like nothing, kids were walkin in and out like nothing, momma went around without a bra. She was saggy and not pretty though. I was scared to shake her dad's hand cuz i didn't know where it had been. She took me to her room, but I felt I was in a house of perverts so I told her I had to go take a crap and left.

  16. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    lol you had to go and take a crap, what a great exit line lol!

  17. mandybeau profile image57
    mandybeauposted 15 years ago

    I've just remembered another odd date....... I wentr out with this older Guywhen I was about 16, for a Short While, and we went to one party a Big Formal, He didn't like the Party so carts me to a Football Party, at someones place... I was so over dressed. Then he popped back to his place to collect something I stayed in hids Car, he had a brilliant new Car, and when he came out of the House hesaid, Hell I am going to have to drop you off early something has come up. The next week I found he had to clear two naked old birds out of his bed.
    They had cluimbed in through the Toilet window.......GROSS!

  18. mandybeau profile image57
    mandybeauposted 15 years ago

    I've just remembered another odd date....... I wentr out with this older Guywhen I was about 16, for a Short While, and we went to one party a Big Formal, He didn't like the Party so carts me to a Football Party, at someones place... I was so over dressed. Then he popped back to his place to collect something I stayed in hids Car, he had a brilliant new Car, and when he came out of the House hesaid, Hell I am going to have to drop you off early something has come up. The next week I found he had to clear two naked old birds out of his bed.
    They had cluimbed in through the Toilet window.......GROSS!

  19. Teresa McGurk profile image62
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    Well, there was the zen buddhist plumber, but that was kinda boring.  The funniest incident wasn't exactly on a date: it was at a disco (yes, long ago and far away); I was dying to go pee, and was just skirting the dance floor to get to the exit when a drop-dead gorgeous bloke aasked me to dance. 

    We danced.  I held it in.
    We danced again, next song, and the next.
    Then they played a slow song, and he pulled me in tight for a nice necking slow-dance. . . and I peed all down our legs.

  20. profile image0
    Adam Bposted 15 years ago

    This happened to a female friend of mine. 

    She was on a date with this guy and eventually they started making out etc.  They were in he back seat of his car when he asked if she was into role playing.  Her, being an adventurous type said sure.

    He aid "Great, I'll be the zoo-keeper, and you be the monkey."  She excused herself from the car.

    When she told me this, I laughed for like...3 days strait.

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image62
      Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  21. sassychic profile image61
    sassychicposted 15 years ago

    Im not really a fan of beef, I really dont like it at all, its gross and Im just not for it. My boyfriends family are moderately conservative adn enjoy there beef to say the least. One time they invited me over for dinner they asked me how I like me Steak I looked at my boyfriend franticly since I didnt want to hurt there feelings and I wasnt about to say I dont want it, he realized what they had asked me, he took his father aside and told them I really am not a huge fan of beef so, what do you think they did?

    Well low and behold his mother pulled out a piece of chiken and grilled it for me. His mother looked at me and smiled and said dont be embarrassed its not your fault we didnt ask you about that or didnt think about it. He did tell us and I completely forgot. I should be the one embarrassed by my actions.

    I was so nervous, but honestly Im happy it happened so Im actually really close to his mother now and father they are like second parents to me now.

    We now laugh about it and it doesnt bother me.

  22. Princess Kari profile image59
    Princess Kariposted 15 years ago

    Ag, dating. Recently I've been so happy single, been reading all these books about things that fascinate me. And I actually had all these real interests for like the first time in my life. Anyway so I went on this date and we had coffee and of all the things that could have happened I just sat there and started babbling and babbling and babbling because I was so happy to have someone to talk to. Lol. It was so funny. Luckily he is a listener and I'm a talker. he still contacts me but we live in different countries now


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