Drop in Adsense Earnings

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  1. SunSeven profile image61
    SunSevenposted 17 years ago

    I do not know whether it is right to ask this in this forum as per Adsense guide lines. For the last 7 days I got 1250 clicks which produced an average of 5.7 cents per click at Hubages. As a result my earnings have dropped. I think it is quite low compared to the clicks I have received for my blogs. Is it normal? Or is there a way that this rate can be improved? sad
    Thank you

  2. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 17 years ago

    The way I see it, the types of hub you primarily specialize in (all those girlie pages) don't draw very competitive ads, and the readers who visit them aren't looking to buy goods.  Not a very good combo for generating click-thrus.

    1. SunSeven profile image61
      SunSevenposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Its not just girly hubs I write. I know it does not bring much except the traffic. Anyway I was talking about the 7 day period and I was not talking about click throughs. Thank you.

      Thank you Mark and Great tattoos. My blogs gives me around 25 cents per click on an average. Compared to that at HP it is very low.

  3. Rudra profile image69
    Rudraposted 17 years ago

    My experience tells me that it depends on the geographical location of the visitors. But to he honest really dont know why it happens.

  4. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    I looked through my stats, and my average for Hubpages is 5.9 cents a click. Pretty much the same...

  5. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    I am getting almost exactly 10 cents a click when it is averaged out, so I am working on writing about higher paid subjects.

    Why would it make any difference where the person is based rudra?

  6. Rudra profile image69
    Rudraposted 17 years ago

    Mark really dont know, was just a thought.

  7. makemoneyonline profile image38
    makemoneyonlineposted 17 years ago

    Well it's better to have so many clicks with "only" 5.7 cents per click than high cents per click and low number of clicks smile

    My average for this month is 27 cents per click - with so many technical blogs I don't even know where the earnings come from - but far far lower number of clicks (nearly above 100) than you smile.

  8. retireyoung profile image60
    retireyoungposted 17 years ago

    Unless you have stuff which focuses on Christmas and gifts, I think you will see a small decline in internet income over this period.

    Something to think about next year maybe, or trying to get something set up now.

    From January things turn around and everyone on the internet is looking to find a new job/partner/house/diet/exercise program/holiday.

  9. makemoneyonline profile image38
    makemoneyonlineposted 17 years ago

    As for me adsense earnings has been increasing by 20% each of the last 3 months. I was at 25$ last month
    http://hubpages.com/hub/Adsense-Earning … berOctober

    this month will be above 30$.

  10. GreatTattoosNow profile image57
    GreatTattoosNowposted 17 years ago

    Hey All-

    I think Rudra is right about the location of the visitors.  You see Google Adsense earnings come from the Google Adwords program.  Nothing new.  Advertisers using the Google Adwords PPC program can choose to target different countries when they set up their campaign.  The majority of advertisers slect to advertise on English speaking coutnries such as England, US, Canada and etc.  Therefore there are less advertisers for other coutnries and they are therefore paying less per click which should result in the adsense publisher (thats us) getting less money per click depending on the coutnry.

    not sure that all makes sense or it is a 100% true.  Since hubpages is probably hosted int he US somewhere not sure how that affects everything.  The part about PPS ads selecting the coutnries is 100% accurate though just not sure how it plays out for hubpages.

    Anyway just my 2 cents.

    In terms of 5 cents per click of more it can really vary depending no the niche that you are working in.  It is kind of a catch 22.  The high paying keywords are typically in harder to nab spots in the Google SERPS.  Therefore you get less traffic.  So you can get paid more per click but will ahve way less clicks.  On the other hand you can go for lower paying keywords and get lots of clicks and lots of traffic either way you kind of end up the same.

    Also it will vary from day to day, weekend versus week day and even the time of year.  it is all driven by the PPS advertising which is a lot like stock market speculation.  PPC advertisers are constantly  adjusting their bids to stay on top without paying anymore then they have to.

    Also I have heard or read rumor that Google pays different amounts or percentages of what they earn to different publishers depending on how much they bring in a possible a content score.  Not sure it is all speculation about the BIG G but could be true and would make sense.  I have personally purchased a site where another person had adsense and was earning 25 cents per click.  Once I changed to my account it was only earning 10 cents per click.  So go figure.

    Anyway hope it helps ya SunSeven.


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