Can someone translate this into Spanish for us?

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  1. Fawntia profile imageSTAFF
    Fawntiaposted 15 years ago

    Lately, a lot of hubs have been published on HubPages that are written in Spanish. Since we only allow English hubs on HubPages, Maddie has to find them and moderate them, which is a lot of work for her. We decided to improve the situation by trying to automatically detect when a hub is written in a non-English language. The problem is that none of us at HubPages speak Spanish, so we don't have a way to communicate to Spanish speakers that they must write hubs in English only. So, we have a favor to ask of you. If someone here speaks Spanish and wouldn't mind helping us out, we would really appreciate it if we could get the following warning translated into Spanish:

    "This Hub does not appear to be written in English. Because the HubPages community uses English as its common language, we require Hubs to be published in English so that they are readable by all of our users. Please translate your writing into English before submitting this Hub for publication."

    (It's fine if you use the word 'article' in place of the word 'hub' when doing the translation.) Thanks!!

    1. natura profile image62
      naturaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't do this myself but there are services on the net that can translate from English to many different languages over at

      So here is your text that was translated by a computer.

      " Este eje no aparece ser escrito en inglés. Porque la comunidad de HubPages utiliza inglés como su lenguaje común, requerimos ejes ser publicados en inglés de modo que él sea legible por todos nuestros usuarios. Traduzca por favor su escritura a inglés antes de someter este artículo para publication."

      1. Maddie Ruud profile image70
        Maddie Ruudposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Heh.  Actually, those online translators generally spew out something close to nonsense.  We have a lot of people who try to translate their hubs into English that way, and I have to take 'em down because they're unintelligible.

        1. StefanMDP profile image80
          StefanMDPposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe the warning should also include a preventive message about this

      2. AEvans profile image72
        AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It is perfect and is translated from English to

    2. rosariomontenegro profile image68
      rosariomontenegroposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      Hi, here the translation you are requesting:

      "Este artículo no parece estar en inglés. La comunidad de HubPages tiene al inglés como lengua común, y por ello exigimos que los artículos (llamados Hubs) sean publicados en inglés para que todos nuestros lectores puedan leerlos. Por favor traduzca su artículo -su Hub- al inglés antes de publicarlo".

      Anything you need, I happen to be a translator both to Spanish and French.
      Best to you and thanks for the opportunity to write hubs,


  2. Capable Woman profile image61
    Capable Womanposted 15 years ago

    "Este artículo no parece ser escrito en inglés. Porque los usos de la comunidad de inglés como su lenguaje común, nosotros requerimos artículos para ser publicados en inglés para que ellos sean legibles por todos nuestros usuarios. Traduzca por favor su escritura al inglés antes de someter este artículo. para la publicación".

    1. StefanMDP profile image80
      StefanMDPposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      My native language is Spanish (I live in Argentina)

      1. Princessa profile image76
        Princessaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        My mother tongue is Spanish and this is the best translation to be used.

  3. Philuc profile image39
    Philucposted 15 years ago

    "Este artículo no parece estar escrito en ingles.  La comunidad de utiliza el inglés como idioma base y por lo tanto todos los artículos deben ser escritos en inglés para que así puedan ser leídos por nuestros usuarios.  Favor traduzca su artículo al inglés antes de someterlo para su publicación."

    Note: StefanMDP's translation is also very good.  Many times Spanish is constructed differently from English, which is why automatic translation services are usually nonsense.
    Eg. There is a green house = There is a house green.

  4. curiozities profile image61
    curiozitiesposted 15 years ago

    Although English is my first and strongest language, Spanish is a strong second for me having been born to Hispanic parents.  I'd go with Stefan's, Philuc's or Princessa's translations, which are all good.  The biggest problem with the original Babelfish translation offered by Natura is that the Babelfish machine translated the word "Hub" literally, as in the hub of a wheel, and not in the sense the word "Hub" is used on HubPages (as another word for article).

  5. Fawntia profile imageSTAFF
    Fawntiaposted 15 years ago

    Thank you everyone! You've been a great help.

  6. Isela profile image60
    Iselaposted 15 years ago

    My native tongue is Spanish, and I´ll gladly help you translate anything you need. Maybe eventually you could consider opening HubPages (en Español) for all the Spanish speaking writers. A different site only in Spanish, there is a HUGE market for it, and adsense is growing in these markets.

    "This Hub does not appear to be written in English. Because the HubPages community uses English as its common language, we require Hubs to be published in English so that they are readable by all of our users. Please translate your writing into English before submitting this Hub for publication."

    Este Hub (articulo) no parece estar escrito en inglés. La comunidad de HubPages tiene como idioma principal el idioma inglés. Todos los Hubs (artículos) que se publican tienen que estar escritos en inglés para que puedan ser leídos por todos los miembros de HubPages. Por favor traduzca su artículo al inglés antes de publicarlo.

    1. Elena. profile image86
      Elena.posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Here's another go. Native Spanish speaker, too smile  The turns of sentences need to get away from the English construction and sound like they were actually writen in Spanish:

      Este hub (artículo) no está escrito en inglés. La comunidad HubPages utiliza inglés como idioma común y, por tanto, los artículos publicados tienen que estar escritos en inglés para que todos nuestros usuarios puedan leerlos. Por favor, traduzca su artículo al inglés antes de publicarlo.

      Hasta luego!

  7. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    Wow! Isn't our community wonderful?

  8. murciainglesclase profile image60
    murciainglesclaseposted 15 years ago

    free translations are available from doctoral students in murcia spain in inglesgarantizadocom academy. please ask us and we try..

    not propoganda..we really are looking for translations so the students can practice.. its free its complete and we want your feedback.

  9. edguider profile image64
    edguiderposted 15 years ago

    Great translation "StefanMDP" My native is spanish as well from and "StefanMDP" did a perfect job in translating that? Will hubpages be accepting Spanish hubs in the future?

  10. profile image51
    LetsKalkposted 14 years ago


    Its fun to find our english speakers brothers in a common trouble for us (the spanish languaje speakers). Im mexican so i can help ;-)

    The translation on spanish is:

    "Éste Hub parece no estar escrito en inglés. Debido a que la comunidad de HubPages usa el idioma inglés como lenguaje común requerimos que publiques tus Hubs en esa lengua para que sean accesibles a todos los usuarios.

    Por favor traduce el texto a idioma inglés antes de publicar tu hub".


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