Another site that has probably copied your hubs, this time in Spanish!

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  1. RonElFran profile image95
    RonElFranposted 8 years ago
    I just ran across a site, radikewl dot com, that had copied another hubber's hub that I had a comment on. The entire hub, including comments, is translated into Spanish. No author is named. That led me to do a search for my own hubs on that site, and I found many of them, also translated into Spanish. Looks like this bi-lingual thief is grabbing hubs wholesale.

    I found my hubs by doing the following Google search:

    RonElFran site:radikewl(dot)com

    Of course, to do your own search you would replace my ID with your own, and replace (dot) with a period (full stop). What is being searched on is not your ID as author, which does not appear, but in any comments you made.

    This raises some interesting - and frustrating - issues. Does a translation qualify as duplicate content? The translated hubs probably are not competing with the English originals for search engine rankings, so is it even worth while to pursue DMCA takedown orders? There are so many of my hubs there that it would take an inordinate amount of time to try to get each one removed individually. Is there a way to get the whole site taken down for this wholesale theft by translation?

    On the other hand, as the photo of the stolen version of my Clark Gable hub shows, this thief has ads on these pages and is making money off our work.

    1. LillyGrillzit profile image76
      LillyGrillzitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It is the entire HubPages site again. No Safe Harbors here...

      1. LillyGrillzit profile image76
        LillyGrillzitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes. You must fight this. One or two cannot do it alone. Sick to death of this

    2. LillyGrillzit profile image76
      LillyGrillzitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      They had a total of 6 of my Hubs that I could find. I reported them for copyright violation. There are several others on there where I made comments in the past, I hope everyone checks.

    3. alexadry profile image96
      alexadryposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Good job finding this thief! They think by translating into another language they can defeat search engines and get away with it without nobody finding out. Notice how their "contact" and "dmca" buttons don't work.

    4. Oztinato profile image76
      Oztinatoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      we have to be realistic. This is going to happen in any number of languages. I only put on HP what I accept is going to be pilfered. Therefore I only put on HP what I think others need to know, usually urgently.

    5. Shadrack2 profile image44
      Shadrack2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's quite scary, can't something be done about it?

  2. Jesse Drzal profile image93
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    I would pursue the complaint, for sure. It has to legally still be your work, even though translated. Really the only way to address this stuff and stand and fight it I think. It's not fair. I wish you luck.

  3. RonElFran profile image95
    RonElFranposted 8 years ago

    I just filed a complaint with, which hosts the site. I specifically referenced 5 of my hubs, and told them there are dozens more. We'll see if they take action.

    1. stricktlydating profile image83
      stricktlydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please see my comment today as GoDaddy has advised me they do not host this site, and told me the site is hosted by

  4. alexadry profile image96
    alexadryposted 8 years ago

    Found several of mine, and they are also copying pictures. Yes, translating into another language is copyright infringement, I have reported a website that copied several of my Hubs in French and they were taken down.

    Solaras, I think I found yours about ACL tear injuries copied there too. The title/picture looked familiar.

    1. stricktlydating profile image83
      stricktlydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I meantioned this site in a forum last week, since then I contacted GoDaddy to file a DMCA they advised me earlier today they are not the host, that this scraper site is hosted by So I went to their website and found this email address: today I emailed them details of various Hubs of mine that have been copied (Even the copyright warning has been translated!) and I did advise that all related Hubpages articles have also been copied. I couldn't find a DMCA form for them so hoping they can act on my email and  I suggest everyone report their copyright violations so that this site can be taken down!

      1. Judy Filarecki profile image68
        Judy Filareckiposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the serverhub  info. I sent a DMCA to Google for 5 of my Hubs that were translated into Spanish by the site. I sent it on 3/17 and on 3/19 there was a notice that 7 search items were removed. I'm just not sure if they were  just removed from the search results or the site itself, so I will be sending serverhub a copy of my complaint, also.

        1. alexadry profile image96
          alexadryposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          So serverhub is the hosting company? Will need to contact as well as many of mine are there. If they get enough complaints, they may even stop hosting the website.

          Judy, I went on the website and typed in your user name and am still seeing your content (article about gluten) sad

          1. Judy Filarecki profile image68
            Judy Filareckiposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I did also, but one of them came up with the code that says it is no longer available along with a page full of other articles with the same code, so something must be happening. I only sent the complaint to serverhub yesterday soI'm sure it will take time. Thanks for checking.

          2. Judy Filarecki profile image68
            Judy Filareckiposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I just  checked back on several of the translated Hubs and see that the ads have been removed from some of them. I notified them again of this one that still has ads.

  5. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 8 years ago

    I have found ten hubs that I have commented on or that mention me in the text at that site. Most are written by other hubbers.

  6. annart profile image81
    annartposted 8 years ago

    Have you noticed that 'radikewl' is akin to 'ridicule'; they are definitely taking the mick!  Will get onto that site too.  Thanks to Ron (& John/Jodah) for the alert.

    1. Carb Diva profile image96
      Carb Divaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Annart - I looked at 'radikewl' and he/she has stolen 198 of my 228 hubs. Copied EVERYTHING including my personal photos--and all translated into Spanish. I asked billybuc about this (since he knows Hub staff personally) and he said there is really nothing that can be done about it.  I can't file a DMCA on each one of these. There is not enough time in the world. I it is virtually impossible to find who to contact to have this taken down. This is a serious violation. Can't HP staff do anything about this??!!

      1. annart profile image81
        annartposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        That's an amazing amount of hubs!  It's a huge compliment to you of course, but so annoying that it's impossible to contact them.  I think the responsibility lies firmly at hubpages' door.

        1. Carb Diva profile image96
          Carb Divaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Annart - Do you know if HP staff monitors these online discussions or is there something that you and/or I can do to flag this so that they do become aware?

          1. annart profile image81
            annartposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry, I have no idea; hubpages staff are a mystery to me!  I suspect they might notice things like this because I had a question withdrawn which was slightly critical!

          2. relache profile image66
            relacheposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            They don't monitor this forum.  Also, they will tell you dealing with theft of your work is your responsibility.  At no point in their history has HubPages taken visible, known action against sites that copy users' work.  That is, and always has been, the job of the person who owns the content.

      2. stricktlydating profile image83
        stricktlydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Please contact the site's host with some examples of the pages copied at: so that we can have the site taken down. I contacted the Hubpages team and they have advised me this is what we should do. I provided my original URL's and the URL's of the copied content for about 6 of my pages, but said these were just examples, there were many more pages of my own and other Hubpages writers copied. The more examples we can report to the host the greater the chance of having the site taken down.

  7. DS Dollman profile image92
    DS Dollmanposted 8 years ago

    Wow Seriously? I just rejoined Hub Pages! I have six articles on Hub Pages and this website stole them! They didn't even steal the entire article. They cut off the final paragraphs, sources, some of the photos, just enough to make it look sloppy and show up as duplicate content.

    1. annart profile image81
      annartposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This is all so annoying.  Why do people act this way?  It's immoral, cowardly and criminal but they obviously don't care.  Somebody must be able to do something about it - why not hubpages?

      1. DS Dollman profile image92
        DS Dollmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Suite 101 had a committee of writers who worked to help take down stolen articles.

  8. PageBeard profile image75
    PageBeardposted 8 years ago

    Brings up an interesting topic.  My wife is Mexican and a native Spanish speaker.  Is there any policy on Hubpages from preventing me from translating my own duplicate articles and then posting them here?  I guess in my case if I were to already write them in Spanish I would feel the quality would be better here and it may help reach out to other parts of the world to draw them to the website.  I couldn't find if that was against the rules.  Any help is appreciated and sorry if this is a silly question.  I'm still new!

    1. DS Dollman profile image92
      DS Dollmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Without trying to speak for administrators, I can tell you the main problem would be that Hubpages would not benefit in any way from duplicate articles that you post on competing websites in any language. If you're talking about posting your article on Hubpages in Spanish that would be a different issue, and an interesting topic...

      1. PageBeard profile image75
        PageBeardposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I mean specifically here at would benefit them and me as Id potentially double my Hubs and it could draw some of the spanish speaking traffic who would never consider the site.    My wife often gripes about some of the lack of content on the internet in the Spanish language so this could be a piece of the market that could benefit us.  I may just do it and if I get yelled at ill take it down smile

        1. DS Dollman profile image92
          DS Dollmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Not that it matters, but I think it makes sense.

  9. Sue Adams profile image93
    Sue Adamsposted 8 years ago

    I just sent legal@serverhub(dot)com the following email:

    This is to notify you that the website hosted by you is populated exclusively with duplicate content from translated from English into Spanish.

    Here are just 6 examples of the copied and translated radikewl content URLs followed by the original URLS:

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … c-and-snow

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … ney-online

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … se-session

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … c-violence

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … -and-chest

    Translated duplicate:
    Original: … s-exercise

    The remaining copied articles of mine can all be found here:

    As many of my colleagues on HubPages have reported this violation of copyright laws on our forum (, we kindly request you stop hosting the offending site

    Yours faithfully,


    1. Judy Filarecki profile image68
      Judy Filareckiposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I did the same thing, but I haven't had any back from them. I need to check to see if they have shut down or removed them. I did also notify Adsense by clicking on the arrow in the right upper corner of ads I found on their copy and they were removed promptly by Google.

      1. SheilaMilne profile image91
        SheilaMilneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I've just had a look for mine and it seems they have replaced Adsense with Bidvertiser

  10. Helena Ricketts profile image91
    Helena Rickettsposted 8 years ago

    Here's their Facebook page if you want to drop them a public "love" note.  That might speed things up a bit. 



    They are all in English so that's a bonus.  Chances are they won't like it when the public can see that they are hosting a website that steals other people's work.

    I'm doing the DMCA complaints on mine today.  I found one of mine on the site when I started working on moving the hub out onto a blog.  Google showed me my own photo and I followed it to that website.

  11. Helena Ricketts profile image91
    Helena Rickettsposted 8 years ago

    Also, here is the registrant info from GoDaddy.  GoDaddy may not host the site but they are the domain name seller and do have the ability to yank the domain name.

  12. ixwa profile image74
    ixwaposted 8 years ago

    I have been writing here on HubPages for so many years, and to date, I have had 16 of my Hubs stolen. I have so many Red Copyright signs that I am at a loss as to why it is I am even bothering writing. I took some advise from some Hubers above and posted the following on ServeHub, and I intend to keep on fighting. The thieving site steals even the comments made by readers. This is what I posted on ServerHub;

    "This is to add to the many complaints concerning the website hosted by your FB Wall has duplicated my content they have translated from English into Spanish. Here is the link where you can see some of my stolen content: I use a Pen name, "Ixwa" on my HubPages Hub, and my original Hub can be found in the following link: … the-Groove .. I have hope that your staff will take my note into serious consideration. radikewl(dot)com has stolen and plagiarized, my whole article, its photos and the comments made on it as is. Please address this serious issue. For you and your members to see the problems of theft associated with this radikewl dot com site, many would do well by checking out this link: … robably... Please help us with this THIEF!"


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