A limit on asking questions

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  1. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Some hubbers are taking the mick with it. It's spamming. It's not allowed in the forums. If you want attention promote yourself according to good manners. Not by over spamming in the questions section.

    1. Davinagirl3 profile image59
      Davinagirl3posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, but read my.... just kidding.  I agree.

    2. Haunty profile image74
      Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      marketing people

      1. frogdropping profile image75
        frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Of course smile And yes, why not play?

        Because I'm still the quiet child smile

        1. Haunty profile image74
          Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I saw you replied to this thread so I checked and then I saw more posts by you, and I went like gosh a thread that brings frog to the forum I bet she started it and then again I checked and I was right lol

          1. frogdropping profile image75
            frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Haunty I do frequent the forum on occasion. Actually I was perusing one that you started and seem to have been ignored over. So ends my foray/s into the 'report a problem' section neutral

            1. Haunty profile image74
              Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Ok. smile Just to let you know, it was your latest death-hub where I first met this video ad. I found it in a place where it could not be distinguished from a video a hubber would place on his or her hub. So I thought it was some funny vid like the once you usually utilize, but I found it was a sci ad. So someone who has no particular knowledge of the workings of hp could think it was the hubber who put the video in the hub.

    3. alekhouse profile image73
      alekhouseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree with this. It has gotten a little out of hand.

      1. Haunty profile image74
        Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        it's part of the playground so why not play

        1. Eric Graudins profile image61
          Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Because the playground becomes less attractive when a few kids believe its their god given right to smear shit all over the playground equipment smile

          1. Haunty profile image74
            Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I see. Thanks for clarifying. smile

  2. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Every time I see your Hub Photo I smile. 

    So, what's the max questions we should ask in a day? What do you suggest?

  3. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    lol ummm I don't know ... 10? I'm not poking fingers or wanting to hit anyone with the naughty stick but I was actually looking for something for myself - was checking to see if it had been asked recently. Anyway - there's page after page of q's from one hubber.

    I gave up *shrugs* it's like reading the test card when the tv schedule's finished smile

    And as for questions asked I think they should all start with 'Frog - what is the answer to your lovely sheen?' or 'Frog - where can I buy the ultimate green' - you know, sensible stuff big_smile

    1. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Gotcha.  I guess they're just addicted to Hub.  smile

      1. profile image0
        wordscribe41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think it's addiction, I think there's some other motivation here.  Anyway, I agree there are pages and pages of questions posted by just one person (and another few from another).  It's already hard enough to find questions in there, but this makes the Q&A section worthless.

    2. profile image0
      dennisemattposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ha ha ha ha ha!!the naughty stick...he he  smile

  4. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    WS - it just feels like spamming so I'm with you. There must be a way of preventing individuals from doing it neutral

  5. Kya profile image59
    Kyaposted 15 years ago

    I fully agree, it feels like spamming and it makes answering questions close to unattractive to me. Many of the questions posted aren't even real questions - or I don't understand them? I would support the idea of limiting the number of questions per hubber and day.
    I wonder whether number and quality of questions could affect the hubber's score?

  6. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Kya - I believe posting questions as well as answering them come under the hubpages interaction umbrella, in relation to your hubber author score. Not sure exactly but I think so.

    I'll check.

  7. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I'd say 7 pages of questions by one person is definitely spamming.

  8. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    I must have been asleep. When did the Q&A section morph into Yahoo! Answers lite? 

    Which questions are you talking about, Frog?  In the forums or the Answers section?

  9. Enelle Lamb profile image73
    Enelle Lambposted 15 years ago

    heck...I'm still trying to find the questions lol...

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Enelle, I'm assuming he means in the "Answers" section which used to be called 'Q&A' and before that, "Requests". 

      The "Request" section was for people to post questions - then you could click the "answer this request" button and write a Hub in reply. The whole idea, really, was to give Hubbers inspiration.

      There were problems with that section - for one thing, people posted lots of questions that didn't merit a whole Hub in response, or posted questions about Hubbing which belonged in the forums.  And new Hubbers misunderstood and often wrote very short, poorly developed Hubs in response. 

      When the site's new look was launched, the section became "Q&A".  Many of us felt the new name was going to make things worse, not better, because it sounds too much like a help forum.

      I stopped paying attention to it long ago because there were too many silly questions, but now I see it's just a question and answer forum, rather like Yahoo! answers.  Not sure why we've even got it.

  10. Enelle Lamb profile image73
    Enelle Lambposted 15 years ago

    Ahh, thank you, I was looking to possibly answer a request, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't find them anymore.

  11. N. Ramius profile image78
    N. Ramiusposted 15 years ago

    I'd definitely call it spamming in the answer section. I say 5 to 10 active questions at a time and when a question is closed, perhaps it vanishes.

  12. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    I haven't looked a tquestions much. OMG. What a load of crap. Certainly not what would have been intended for this part of HubPages, methinks.

    So THAT'S how she gets the info for her squillions of picture hubs lol

    I could be very tempted to write short, silly answers to the sillier questions placed by serial offenders. Like This:
    Please go and vote up my response smile

    Another response could be something like this:

    This website will tell you all you want to know - instantly.
    And you don't even have to wait for Hubbers to write something for you.

    This could be a good use of spare time for a lot of people.
    Perhaps we should also put
    "What a SILLY Question" at the top.
    If lots of people started answering like this, maybe it would stop the practice.

    Eric G.

    1. hubber-2009 profile image58
      hubber-2009posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have created a page about the Topic here like this..


      1. Eric Graudins profile image61
        Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thank You. That's fantastic.

  13. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Eric - it's a nuisance. And unfair on hubbers that post questions for the simple reason of either having it answered or giving a great idea out for a hub.

    It's a mockery and ruins the point of that section of hubpages.

    A good stuff by the way ... smile

  14. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    Another one from shinujohn2008, who asked the previous questions about zebu pakistani actesses:

    "Do Chickens Really have breasts"

    Answer (probably by a sock puppet)was "Yes, but they have no nipples"

    Guidebaba is also asking the following - err - "questions":
    Paris Jackson Pictures
    Brooke Shields - Bio, Pictures, Videos, News
    Jenna Fischer - Bio, Pictures, Videos, News
    Jennifer Hudson - Bio, Pictures, Videos, News.
    plus lots more.

    Given the high PR of the pages concerned, all this stuff is just a blatant attempt to manipulate SEO. If Hubpages made the relevant pages nofollow, they'd stop doing it.

    [Warning: Rant Ahead:]

    Real nice work guys, You're pissing in the hub pages pond so much that it's getting to be a lovely shade of yellow. Doesn't matter though - trying to make money is much more important than having a useful resource for people to ask questions.

    You'd probably slice pieces off the Taj Mahal if you thought you could get away with it and make a buck.

    Oh well, I suppose I should join them. Stupid not to.
    Perhaps I'll set an initial goal of making $5,000 a month from HP, and use every trick I know to do it. The community won't mind - they're used to it, and besides - making money and marketing is what it's ALL about. Right? Community spirit is for wimps. [End rant mode]
    And that's all I've got to say about that.

    1. guidebaba profile image58
      guidebabaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If these were "ERR" questions, they would NOT have topped Yahoo Buzz. These are genuine questions that most people around the world are looking for.

      I still don't understand why you mentioned my name here when there are tons of Hubbers publishing all kinds of rubbish. If any of these questions were "err" HP team should have deleted them. Isn't it?

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Guidebaba, I think the rest of us (who have been lurking and reading this thread) are wondering what your purpose was in asking these questions?

      2. Eric Graudins profile image61
        Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Asking questions is very different to just pasting popular searches from Yahoo Buzz. The fact that you have admitted doing that confirms that you know EXACTLY what you are doing.

        Other hubbers get away with it because they aren't so blatant about it. But just because they do, doesn't make it right.
        You are just one of the unfortunate tall poppies whose head was sticking up when I had a look at the questions pages.

        It's up to you to  obey hubpages rules when posting things. It's not their role to continually be there with a shovel when someone craps on the front steps.

        Anyway, I don't really care anymore what you lot do. I'm not on Hubpages staff to police their site, so go for it. Put in 2000 questions that are just popular search terms, one after the other. You won't hear another peep out of me. And hubpages will probably give  you a big medal for it too!

        Froggy's point has  been made and proved.

  15. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    I saw that one Eric. Utter garbage. I know most if not all want to make money, however large or small the amount but please ... play the ball game.

    And smile at your reply to the question ...

  16. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    Wasn't me who replied to that  one Froggy.
    I wasn't going to give them any related keywords.

    BTW - Hows the yellow water in the HP Pond. Feeling sick yet?

    1. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No no (thanks for asking) I'm a frog with a strong constitution. As well as other constitutional bits and bobs. Ye know ... wink

      UW - we try, we try ... big_smile

  17. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    You guys are bad smile big_smile

  18. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I love this doozy of a question:

    If you had to loose one of your fingers on your left hand, which one would you choose and why?

  19. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    The only good thing about the change to the short answers is that we can now post links to hubs that relate to the question. Other than that, the whole re-design has resulted in stupid questions just like Yahoo Answers.

  20. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 15 years ago

    I decided to stop making questions from today. Now i think i should make some big milestones. I am aiming at the last milestone from today.

    Hubpages Requests / Answers Milestone Details say that various Mlilestones given when people answer our questions are as below

    50 100 300 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000

    Friends when you all make some silly answers to the questions i ask , it really helps me achieve more milestones. I already achieved the 50 hubs milestone with your help.

    Very nice compliments and encouragement i got from this thread. Two years with hubpages and my entire internet life of 7 years , had always been through such bitter things. So i take it really Cool.

    Thankyou Dear Hubber Friends.

    Some more things,

    Hubpages FAQ States that,

    "You can ask almost anything you like, provided it’s not adult, obscene, promotional, or in any other way in contradiction with our Terms of Use. Keep your question short and specific, and use the additional details section to provide more information."

    And some more things,

    There is no revenue sharing for the person asking the question.

    The answering person gets revenue only when they make a hub and they will not get any benefit if they answer a question in a single line. (other than changes in scores)

    Adsense ads displayed are completely of hubpages id in all question pages.

    One silly question haunts me now, What is the use of starting this thread ?

    HubPages Forums Rules states that

    "Making Personal Attacks: debate and disagreements on points of substance are all right, but personal attacks, petty bickering, and thread hijacking will be dealt with swiftly."

  21. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 15 years ago

    Hi guys

    Are you looking to flag Questions and not able to do so?

    There is option to flag questions from this page


    If you want to flag individual questions, there may not be flags in each page.  In this case you can flag it by using below example,


    You can add the request number to the above blanks and flag any question.

    If the request number is 942358

    Then it will be like this,


    You can now flag my Questions if you think it is not appropriate. Let the admins decide.

    Thank you Friends

  22. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    UW - I missed that one!

    Whitney - as others have said, it is a bit like Yahoo answers (which I happen to like by the way - despite the silly and inane questions that appear) but that's Yahoo answers.

    shinujohn - whilst I appreciate sarcasm in all it's forms, you are still missing the point. You are spamming. Simple. Yes, as you rightly pointed out there are milestones to be achieved but I doubt very much that it's intended for individuals to reach them by way of spamming.

    There's enough of it on the internet as it is. And really - finding a new way to exploit ways to spam is hardly admirable.

    As regards: Making Personal Attacks: debate and disagreements on points of substance are all right, but personal attacks, petty bickering, and thread hijacking will be dealt with swiftly ... I didn't attack anyone personally.

    The question was 'A limit on asking questions' - and further I have not named you or any other hubber. Refer to the saying ' If it walks like a duck'.

    The hub system is set up for all that join to enjoy. Not for individuals to create a messy, unusable aspect of it.

    And the point of starting this thread was to bring attention to the fact that some individuals are abusing the questions facility. And because it's clear that some of us cannot be sensible and think of others that share the same space, then perhaps the hubteam should think of a way to combat it.

    Which, in my opinion, is a shame. I really dislike playground policing. But it would appear that some of us require it.

    1. profile image0
      shinujohn2008posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi i did not say you called any names. But, my name was mentioned by another one in the first page. That is what i said.

      Any way it is over. Let's forget it , ok bye

  23. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago


    Thanks for quoting all those hub pages rules at me.
    They're loose enough to drive a truck through, as you well know.
    And did you REALLY regard me giving an example of your "question" as a personal attack on you? Good Grief!

    You justify your keyword spamming by quoting the rules about questions.
    That gave me a good laugh. Most of your entries in the "Questions" area are just keyword phrases. Not questions.

    And yes, there are no adsense earnings from the questions. But you forgot to mention the SEO advantage from keyword phrases being associated with your profile link on PR5 and PR6 pages. Nice work.

    Somehow I'm not surprised that you can't understand why this thread was created.
    Anyway, all the best with your hub pages activities. Hubpages obviously approve and encourage your work, so who am I to question what you do.
    And don't worry - I won't be making any more inappropriate replies to your "questions".

    1. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If that's the case then it's a shame. The fact is ... anyone can do it (now that they realise) and THAT will seriously mess up the questions facility.

      Expect others with the same self-serving ethics to start spamming from here to Christmas.

      *shakes head*

      1. Eric Graudins profile image61
        Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yes Froggy,

        to paraphrase that famous quote from the Vietnam war:

        "We had to destroy HubPages to save it"

        Anyway, maybe there's some sense in my rant. I should be looking at creating another identity, doing some killer keyword research, test the boundaries of the rules, and undertaking a real money making exercise on HP with hundreds - no- thousands of hubs. After all, that's what is approved, encouraged, and celebrated. smile Ya can't go wrong!

        Time to cross to the dark side! Know anyone who does ethics transplants? The current set obviously aren't doing me much good.

        1. frogdropping profile image75
          frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Oh lol don't Eric. Be who you are. Let Spam be. Bugger the dark side smile

  24. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    Watch out guys, the last time I got into an argument with some of our Hubpages favorite "indian actress desi picture" posters, my Adsense code was plastered all over the place and I received thousands of fraudulent clicks, causing my Adsense account to be disabled for a couple weeks until I could convince Google I didn't own blogs relating to those topics and that someone had in fact taken my adsense code to do malicious things with.

    1. hubber-2009 profile image58
      hubber-2009posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How this is possible?

      1. gamergirl profile image90
        gamergirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I know how it can be done, but on general principle I won't post the method(s).  Suffice it to say, it happened - and I don't want to see it happen again.

  25. getpaidtopost profile image40
    getpaidtopostposted 15 years ago

    yes it is annoying, I ask maybe 3 questions in one week, I reply more than i ask.

    I have also noticed people commenting on there old post just to bring back the attention to their post. Dam annoying it is.

  26. RooBee profile image82
    RooBeeposted 15 years ago

    "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will..."

    1. Candie V profile image72
      Candie Vposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      "I know who's been naughty and who's been nice"

      1. RooBee profile image82
        RooBeeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Perfect, Candie - you rock. The Birthday Girl Candie V, Goddess of Adventure, I salute u. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet008.gif

  27. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Haunty - I saw an ad like that on one of my hubs. Initially I thought somehow a youtube video had been placed there. Freaky - when I looked closer realised it was a scientology ad.

    And I have barred scientology ads in all their forms so I don't know why it happens.

    1. Candie V profile image72
      Candie Vposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Shh.. but I'm even getting spammed in my own birthday hub! crazy! But it's my birthday so I'll let it slide!

  28. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 15 years ago

    Thanks Eric. That's what I wanted - Don't use my name just anywhere. I know what I am doing and why and I don't need any explanation from you or anyone.

  29. profiler profile image66
    profilerposted 15 years ago

    Funny how no one from the Hubpages admins commented on this one yet...

    It's a sensible topic, it seems...

  30. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 15 years ago

    They won't comment. Infact, it was me who requested them to put limit to number of requests a hubber can make in a specific time period. They did not bother. Why should they bother when it all brings more and more traffic and money to hubpages.

  31. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    Yep. that's what it's all about now.
    Wonder how 10,000 or 20,000 questions per hour would go? cool
    Should provide great value for those looking for topics to write hubs on.


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