Has anyone made $50 on hubpages just with only one hub?

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  1. dtn2885 profile image60
    dtn2885posted 13 years ago

    Has anyone made $50 on hubpages just with only one hub?

  2. Brett.Tesol profile image54
    Brett.Tesolposted 13 years ago

    I personally haven't.

    However, I would imagine that it would only be possible through a hub that is an evolving story (so that search engines see new content and visitors want to come back)... yet, it would still take a long time to build up enough traffic to earn $50 from one hub.

  3. Tombuckers profile image58
    Tombuckersposted 13 years ago

    Technically yes, I have made $300 from one hub but is was promoting a product so the money wasn't directly earned from the hubpages.

    In terms of just ad revenue, if you are getting $50 from 1 hub I salute you, as my highest is only $2/3 per hub.

  4. Sesshoumaru2st profile image60
    Sesshoumaru2stposted 13 years ago

    I don't know of anyone,but it is possible.If you write something that people need,but you brought a different perspective on the matter that works.Trust me,that 1 page will worth more than 1000 pages of garbage. So why haven't i done it yet? Well,easier said than done my friend.

  5. K Kiss profile image68
    K Kissposted 13 years ago

    I have earned about $100 from one single hub over a period of 20 months. It is possible but one needs to land on a topic that really gets lots of hits and clicks

  6. sarkarinaukria profile image38
    sarkarinaukriaposted 13 years ago

    I am building more hubs now! smile
    hoping to earn more in the coming months!

  7. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    Yes, but I've been here for three years.
    One (out of my 100+ hubs) easily earns more than 50% of my adsense.
    It is not even my most viewed hub-- but sometimes you get lucky even when you are not trying very hard for the earnings.

    Now-- if you are talking about just posting ONE hub, total; you would have to be VERY lucky to post just the right subject for people who are looking to buy something that answers their question.

    1. Sadaka Ahmed profile image69
      Sadaka Ahmedposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Hi, beautiful Hubs,
      Can anyone suggest me please how to write attractive short stories that can really mean something to real readers?
      Thanks in advance,

  8. dillon102 profile image59
    dillon102posted 13 years ago

    I have one hub that produces about everyday for adsence. I am sure it has made over $50.Thats because its on page one or a popular search keyword.

  9. Pollyannalana profile image60
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    I made 10 cents on about 300, months of writing my butt off. but then of course I didn't get that, so I have no ads. I have been here about 15 months I think, I stopped counting, you have no way of know anything.

  10. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    I earned $.01 cent on 1 hub on December 28, 2010 A.D. called " Daily Nuggets Moment AMBASSADOR BRANDON BUTLER " that now have on June 23, 2011 A.D. 26 visits and 45 Page Views with a ever total page views 3056 and 245 monthly views with an average 1018 views per hub for 3 hubs from 100% Referring Sites, 0% Search Engines, 0% Direct Traffic. I got 0 traffic on this article from June 2010 to August 2010 A.D. I am well on my way of making big money with 100% Referring Sites Traffic. This $.01 cent was earned in 6 months so I have already hit the jackpot with it and it have been multiplying slowly through the referring sites which is the greatest article on the earth. The proof is in my numbers that I have share with you.

  11. JT Walters profile image71
    JT Waltersposted 13 years ago

    I would guess anything is possible but I don't know how probably it is. In time all of your hubs have the possibility of producing $50 but whether it is in a month or 3 years is a matter of luck.

  12. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 19 months ago

    My most popular hub has made mid hundreds but that us summed over a long period of tone

    1. Sadaka Ahmed profile image69
      Sadaka Ahmedposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      glade to hear that. Hard work obviously get  paid.

  13. warchild75 profile image68
    warchild75posted 19 months ago

    Yes, probably about 10 years ago now and it was a tips and tricks guide for a specific video game. It hit the number one spot in Google and stayed there for a while. Think it had over 150,000 views. At one point it was getting nearly 1000 views per day. I dont currently have any that do that number now, I have come back after around 9 years off.


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