I recieved an email from a hubber who said she was 13 years old. It wasn't asking for help or anything...it was trying to make friends. I forwarded it to the Hub Team because I don't think 13-year-old girls should be writing to adults on the internet.
has anyone else gotten anything like this and if so, how did you handle it?
I would have done the same for her welfare, but also maybe give her the URL for Facebook, Kiwipages, or Myspace.
Trying to make friends , is the new trend of spammers. I received lot of emails from such people. First they try to make friends , try to know more about you and later , they will ask you something. And you may try to help , by giving a few hundred dollars and they will disappear forever.
I have received several emails from people saying they saw my profile on hubpages. They just want me to reply to their email so we can be friends. I always delete them. I've received at least 4 of them, all stating the same thing. I haven't forwarded any of them to hubpages, but if I receive another I will.
I haven't received on yet, but if I did, I would do exactly what you did.
I read a Hub from a 16 yr old, and we had a Hubber in one of the forums who admited she was under age, and her mother signed her up, and gave her free reign. (Can't remember the names)
great. thanks so much Nellie. I don't want to be mean to anyone but i felt it was inappropriate.
thanks you guys!
Yes, TOS says they have to be 18. You should flag their hubs if they have any. Otherwise, email HubPages and report any you find. I found one today myself that said she was in middle school.
oh boy.
she doesn't have any hubs yet but she posted a comment on my doll hub. should i deny it?
There's no age limitations on who can comment, so no need.
I agree you did the right thing. It does seem mean, but probably better it gets fixed now, than keep quiet and perhaps she would get found out after she'd written several Hubs. Remember how upset Pamda Man was - and he only has to wait a year before he can come back and rejoin.
If you can thread back to her from her post, give her some URLs for kids like Facebook, Myspace and Kiwibox.com
Come on, folks. The 13 year-old girl wrote a woman NOT a man, right? Maybe she was looking for a "big sister" or a role model. Why would you "turn in" anyone when you yourself admit you don't know the policy or even if there IS one.
What if she went looking elsewhere for a "friend"? What if she had written a guy who was some kind of a freak? Sure, I admit she can't BUY anything by clicking on any of the links on any of your hubs but at least look into things before turning the girl away, okay?
It would be nice if someone actually knew about age limits here . . . . or even if there are any.
Yup. Here I go again making friends but I would like to think that no matter HOW mercenary some people here might be there are worse places for kids to be online besides HERE!
It's clearly stated in the terms and conditions of the site, it's 18.
We had another under-age Hubber here a few months ago - he was found out and banned after he's written several Hubs and become a popular member of the forums. Fortunately he's only a few months short of "legal" age, so HubPages have preserved all his Hubs and will republish them for him, as soon as he's old enough.
That wouldn't be practical for a 13-year-old so it's better to halt things now than leave her riding for a fall later.
Like many things on HubPages, these rules are made by Adsense. The site wouldn't survive without Adsense, so it's in all our interests to make sure Adsense's rules aren't flouted by any member.
I believe she was looking out for the welfare of the youngster and did the right thing.
You know, Y'all really need to either read ALL my comments or just not include me in this anymore.
I'd rather be writing hubs. I know offering opinions in here is an easier way of raising your hub score but this place IS about the writing, remember?
Okay. Since you quoted me I guess I have to respond. She said nothing which would indicate she was concerned about the welfare of the girl. My quotes referred more to the welfare of the girl.
Cos was concerned about the girl e-mailing HER. If you don't believe me reread what she said. The discussion was mainly focused on her actions and the actual policy. What any of us "think" doesn't really matter.
(Y'all know we could be writing actual hubs, right?)
I've made a comment. I was involved in this community now please stop quoting me as I would rather just like to do real writing, okay? Please?
Len Cannon, you can respond to any further quoting of my input here. You make sense and I would rather go write a hub!
Okay, no one is asking anyone to babysit. I am glad someone finally let you know what the policy about posting hubs is. No one asked you to be a babysitter OR to take any action at all, for that matter.
I was just trying to find something positive to say. My guess is she was online at school or her parents were trusting her (since she wrote no hubs and therefore broke no actual rules) OR maybe her mom was too bust ordering stuff from some of the more mercenary hubs here.
I just think we all could have been writing hubs instead of commenting here had the policies been made clear to the original poster from the start. (Then again, from what I heard y'all get points on your hub profile score for this kind of thing, huh?)
WSP I'm surprised to see you in a forum thought you'd be at a strip club or something.
i beg your pardon - "points on our hub profile scores"? is that why you think i posted this in the forum?
i was unsure about HubPage's policy re: minors and posted it to get a definitive answer. you're the one who said, and i quote:
"Maybe she was looking for a "big sister" or a role model. Why would you "turn in" anyone when you yourself admit you don't know the policy or even if there IS one.
What if she went looking elsewhere for a "friend"? What if she had written a guy who was some kind of a freak?
gosh, if that's not babysitting, what IS it?
then you said: "Sure, I admit she can't BUY anything by clicking on any of the links on any of your hubs but at least look into things before turning the girl away, okay?"
i don't appreciate your implying that i "turned her in" because she is not able to "buy anything" on my hubs. i notified the HubTeam because i think it is inappropriate for any adult to communicate with children at any level online, and not being 100% sure of HubPages' policies re: minors, i forwarded the email to them for their input.
i hope this clears up your ignorant assumptions about me.
I’m sorry; you misunderstood.
I was not specifically referring to this particular post just noting that I did hear you get points for this kind of thing.
Babysitting is getting paid to be in the house while you watch a child. (I know you know that but you asked so I answered.) I was simply pointing out how this girl commenting on YOUR hub here is a lot better than something else she could have done.
I was simply speculating on why she contacted you.
Do I think too many people here are just trying to sell things and posting "e-bay hubs"? Yes, I do. Was I specifically pointing a finger at you specifically? No. I wasn't.
You gave the impression you "turned her in" BEFORE knowing anything about hub policies. I was wondering why you had not asked them first before taking any other action.
As you can see, I made no assumptions, ignorant or otherwise. I'm sorry you took some of my generalized statements personally. I was actually speaking to the group as a whole.
Again, I DO feel that had you asked the powers-that-be what the policies are from the start, instead of bringing it here that you would have been better advised and known that it was okay to have her comment on your hub. Sorry if you took any of it as a personal attack; it wasn't.
it wasn't her commenting on my hub that made me uncomfortable...i left her comment on my hub and politely thanked her.
it was her emailing me privately, telling me she was 13, etc.
here's an idea. why don't you apply for a position on the HubTeam and then you can tell your HubPages peers how to conduct themselves, ok?
I got the impression the whole thing made you uncomfortable and you did not know the hub policies when you reported her.
So that impression was not correct.
I don't have time to tell everyone how to conduct themselves. The policies are already in place. I was simply suggesting that had you known BEFOREhand what the policies were this whole post would not exist.
I'm not hassling you. I just think you should have went right to the source instead of getting opinions in here; that's all. Sorry you took it all so personally.
It is explicitly mentioned in the Terms of Service that you must be over 18.
I agree with what you did, it was the correct thng to do.
Not only is it un-appropiate, but if something ever happens, it could also spell the end of Hub Pages. Lawyers will sue anyone any way possible and an angry mom or dad railing about their precious child being offended, solicited, or talked to on the net (no matter how innocent it was) can be be a real mess to handle.
No adult here needs to be giving "any" advice, guidance, or chatting with any 13 year old child in the forum or hubs, or through emails etc.... You did the right thing. I would do the same also. We all need to be responsible and not careless even if it seems innocent enough. (stuff happens!)
Thank you, jib. To tell the truth, my dear, once you have WORKED in the adult industry it loses a bit of its charm. I'm glad one more lvoely lady here at least recognizes me. Thanks!
I usually let it go... I did turn one hubber in for being 14 when I got multiple nasty comments on one of my hub for reasons I'm still not sure of by someone of a similar name but different IP address. I had a hunch it was him but not sure; still may not have been, but either way, I would have let it go except for that.
I know that at 12, 13, 14, 15, etc. I was allowed free roam of the computers and internet, it's the parents job to keep children safe, but there's they can't do everything. They're going to slip into any and all sites they want to whether it's "protected" against minors or not.
I'm not surprised they wiggle their way on to here, but I like my hubpages 18+ and I would have done the same as you...13 is pretty young.
I received an email from a girl that claimed to be age 13 from Australia that had posted a hub with one picture on it and that was it. I deleted it and then reported it to the FBI after looking up the IP address and having a friend in the military do some background. Short story the Ip address belonged to a 41 year old man suspected of several internet scams that start out asking for friends then ask for money. Since it crosses international boundaries it's a crime. Anything like this should be reported. In the US, you can open yourself up to all kinds of potential trouble even talking to an underage person online. You should avoid it and report it.
oh dear
well this is the place to come when you have questions
thank you for your comment. have a pleasant evening.
I personally think if an underage individual can get though the TOS, acquire an adsense account, and other affiliate accounts then I say let them stay. In a recent book about marketing there are already many individuals between age 13-17 that already have over 1 million dollar businesses.
Thats just my personal viewpoint.
Yes, according to the TOS, members are supposed to be 18 or over, but on occassion, a youngun slips through the cracks. As with other issues, the HUbStaff can't alwasy find these violators and have said that in certain cases, they would like help finding these people from the hub community. So, yeah, she did what she should have done and what I, myself have done.
Technically, we can't (or shouldn't) complain about stuff if we don't do our part in helping to take care of it
What certain people agree with or disagree with doesn't really matter. Whether or not someone thinks the powers-that-be can do the job they are PAID to do or not doesn't matter. Whether or not someone is "afraid" or thinks somehow we could lose hubpages doesn't matter.
(Y'all know we could all be writing hubs now, right?)
Ironically, there could be other teens talking to ALL of you in this forum right now.
The best solution is to simply not talk to individuals you don't feel comfortable associating with. Teenagers are more savvy than we think and if they're the type who would get themselves involved in unsavory activities at Hubpages it is safe to say they've already been hanging out at other online venues.
Cosette is right, we have no responsibility to "care" for random 13 year olds on the internet just because they e-mail or in some way message us. But I don't think it is really going to help you or them to make a hubub about it. Usually just clicking delete and moving on is the best option not just in this case, but on the web in general.
It is true, the site if for people 18 and over.
Hubpages made an example out of me, I was on the site when I was 17. I didn't spam people with emails though or beg for friends. Namely, I was banned for about three months until I turned 18. I'm 18 now but they deleted all my fans and unpublished all my hubs.
I suppose I deserved it really - if anyone underage sees this heed my warning - drop out until you're 18 - it makes it so much better when everyone doesn't just think you want to feel popular.
hey...i heard about you
glad you're back! and yes, you don't seem to be the 'spammy' type. can't you get back any of your hubs?
Yeah, I got them back - it was just irritating. I lost all my fans which is the irritating one. If it weren't for people like FieryCJ and Blondepoet I would have given up on hubpages but they kept in email contact and kept me writing =]
And I'm glad you've heard haha. I have a talent for getting in peoples faces =]
Aww tks Andrew you are worth not giving up on, always keep on writing and its great to see u here again. xoxo
I'm 26 I swear! lol and huh 13? yea I don't think a 13 year old should be on here with some of the hubs and posts ppl write. sh!t way to mature at times on here lol
yeah, i agree. in my case i was just a tad uncomfortable with a 13-year-old writing to me trying to make friends. they have sites for kids to talk to other kids. children have no business attempting to contact adults on the internet.
do you care what they think?
you seem all right to me....although your eye seems to be dangling out there a little...
i'm like that too...an empath. i saw this star trek episode one time and i swear it could have been me...it was about this empath who absorbed other people's feelings and stuff. but hey, i wouldn't change it 'cause then i wouldn't be me...
Yes but if you read some articles it can become very overwhelming for that person. you go into a crowd and you are smashed on all side by emotions and feelings. I hate going into crowds sometimes...I still need to work on controlling it. But yes I am an Empath...also wrote a hub on it but it isn't that good lol
Glad you got back on here to Luke. I was sad when you disappeared on us. But hey you are 18 now you can hang with us immature folks now LMAO
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