Dreams!! What do they mean?

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  1. hinckles koma profile image60
    hinckles komaposted 15 years ago

    I think dreams are our past and future. Then why cant we remember them?  Well theres 2 dreams i clerly remember because they repeat. Dont laugh but i see a large mountain with falling rocks and i cant stop them from falling. Do dreams mean anything should we even bother try to explain them? Why even have them?

    1. Will Apse profile image90
      Will Apseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Being in or out of control is a favorite dream subject for many people. If I feel that I'm not in control of my life for any reason I have run away car type dreams. Maybe your rocks are similar. Who knows. It's what you make of your dreams that matters.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I don't believe dreams are our future (unless we're worried, even subconsciously, about something happening in the future; in which case, those worries may come out in dreams).

    With the exception of a few times in life when I've had some big, awful, thing to process emotionally; my dreams are pretty much a collection of a bunch of images, words, thoughts, comments, things I've seen on tv, or things I've otherwise encountered in the last several days.  It's as if those things are all mixed together and brought out in silly dreams.

    When I've had those big, serious, issues to process emotionally my dreams have been weirder, but they're usually enough about what's on my mind to let me figure out what emotions were happening in the dream.  In that kind of dream it has been like my mind put a somewhat understandable image into a weird "story line" (with the "story line" being related to what "deeper emotions" I needed to identify and process).

    Then, too, sometimes (as Disney's Cinderella sang), "Dreams are a wish your heart makes...".    That kind of dream is pretty easy to figure out because it's something like dreaming about being out on a Summer day, when in your real life it's the middle of Winter and you're really sick of all the cold, snowy, weather.

    1. hinckles koma profile image60
      hinckles komaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Why do i get the same dream since i was small, its just thoughts right?  imagination is dreaming same thing?

  3. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    People do have recurring dreams, but I think the best person to figure out what they mean is the person who has had them.

    I have an example:  Like many people, I've had the occasional dream where my teeth are coming out in my hand, only the number of teeth that keep coming out are far more than anyone really has.  I've read that "teeth dreams" are about a person worrying about not being in control, so I kind of believed that.  There's usually something in anyone's life that feels a little out of control.

    One time, though, as I was eating Cheese Nips crackers I realized that they were feeling like what I was feeling in the "teeth dreams" as I chewed them.  It hit me that I'd eaten those crackers many times over my life, and that I had probably not consciously realized that chewing them up felt like having a bunch of broken teeth in my mouth.  Once I realized that, I'm not sure I even believe the thing about "worrying about not being in control".  I think it's more like feeling something that felt like my teeth were all rattling around in my mouth, subconsciously "taking note", and later dreaming about it (with the real "issue" being fear of breaking/losing my teeth, rather than of losing control of something).  I think most of us who generally like our teeth kind of have it on our mind that we don't want to lose them. 

    My point is (and I'm not dream expert, so it's only based on what I think I've figured out from my own dreams) that recurring dreams probably do have some concern you live with (even if it's a fairly small concern that isn't really "plaguing" you.   Then, too, if you have some big concern, worry, or issue that's always kind of been a part of your being, that could come out in dreams too.  I'd say try to think of things you worry about (even a little) or are afraid of, and also try to see something in the images in the dreams that may lead you to one of those worries/concerns/fears.  (The "teeth dream" should have been easy for me if I hadn't read in books about what those dreams are supposed to mean.  The awful feeling of loose and falling-out teeth was "connected" to that feeling of having chewing up those crunchy crackers by the handfuls.   lol

    Of course, we also dream about things that we fear so much we try not to even think about them, like dreaming that someone we love dies. When my son was 2 we lived in a house with an in-ground pool.  I hated that pool and worried about my son getting near it.  I had a horrible dream that I'm not even going to describe today (25 years later).  I don't believe in premonition dreams, and yet I always had that awful dream in the back of my mind.  Finally, we moved out of that house (for reasons other than the pool).  My son is now grown.  Back when he was little, though, I had real trouble getting that awful dream out of my head.

  4. Rehma Jamshed profile image60
    Rehma Jamshedposted 15 years ago

    I believe in dreams. I have had so many true dreams that sometimes it scares me. I have warned about my enemies too and they all turned out to be true in the end!!

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I would guess that your instincts let you know there was something "off" about those people, even if you didn't really acknowledge it on a conscious level.  We pick up subtle signals from people (or else we refuse to see not-so-subtle signals from people).  Just guessing, of course.

      Hinckles, I'm not sure dreams that aren't disturbing are all that worth figuring out (although it can be fun and enlightening to do so).  I do think, though, that if we can figure out the sources of the images and feelings in dreams it can help us consciously process any emotions involved (or at least reassure us that we dreamed what we did because something on tv had an impact on us, or something like that).

  5. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    I have had one dream that haunts me to this day. In June of 2002 I dreamed my brother was killed in an accident on a motorcycle, now he hadn't had  motorcycle since 1983. I woke up screaming and crying. Scared the you know what out of my wife. She was finally able to calm me down. It was so real. I let it go, never talked to my brother. Aug. 22, 2002 he was killed just the way my dream showed it. He had bought a new motorcycle and I never even knew it. Still a mystery to me and I hope to never have one again like that, ever! My brother and I were very close. I still am not over his death. I am still angry with him also.

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Speechless ! God ! sad that's heavy !!! I'm sorry! sad

    2. love my yorkies profile image60
      love my yorkiesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry to hear about your brother.  I hope that someday you are able to come to peace with this.  It sounds like you have a lot of guilt and regret.

    3. hinckles koma profile image60
      hinckles komaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Theres no words for something like this ................ ah took a deep breath.    Maybe we are sopposed to pay attention to our dreams, but would it change anything? i would hope so. Maybe some people connect better and have full controll over each dream, i heard of that somewere. I think theres nothing worse then to loose a family member my heart is with you. Also change comes and goes so quicly in life i wish through dreams we can heal and prepare a little bit for our future with important change. I hope you connect with him through your dreams. Overstand.  Love all.  Big hug.

    4. profile image0
      Maximus591posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting post. But maybe not as mysterious as you think.

      Firstly, your brother had previously owned a motorcycle (1983). I'm deducing here (And I could be wrong) he wasn't the safest or most sensible bike rider even then.

      Secondly, riding a motor cycle is an inherently risky activity. People die. According to the department of transport : motorcycles have 121 deaths or serious injuries per 100 million vehicle kilometers, compared to the corresponding figure of 2.6 for motorists

      Thirdly, you may have arrived at an unconscious conclusion that your brother was a risk to himself whenever he was out on his bike. That conclusion never left you.

      Fast forward 20 years...

      Your second post tells your brother had stopped contacting you shortly before he died (Because he was out having fun on his new motorbike). Any feeling of being disconnected with a family member can give rise to anxiety. That anxiety may have tapped into your unconscious feelings you had for your brother : Does he no longer like me? Has he found something more interesting to do than waste time sending me emails? Perhaps even, he had a new bike? This process probably occurred on an unconscious level, so, certain connections were being made at a level outside your conscious mind.

      This might help to explain the dream. It was neither a premonition or something that could not be explained. But was really just your unconscious mind providng you with a window to the thoughts and fears you were carrying at the time.

  6. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    thanksbud. very true

  7. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    I do. I wondered why he hadn't been calling as he did before or emailing me. He was out having fun on his new machine. I feel guilty for not having told him about my nightmare. I am angry for his stupidity too, for he was without his helmet and had he been wearing it, he would still be here. His only injury was to the back of his skull, I watched him complete his life in ICU.
    How can anyone explain this nightmare? it happened and I see it frequently to this day. I got to go now, it is still too fresh. sorry.

    1. hinckles koma profile image60
      hinckles komaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      MY friend was murdered 10 years ago i still feel it today. Its just gets a drop easier with years. I feel you. iam out.

  8. profile image0
    Janettaposted 15 years ago

    When I actually remember a dream, I can usual sift through it and find reminders of events that have occured over the past few days. Something someone says or does, a movie i watched, a problem I'm worried about all seem to manifest into dreams. I think they are our minds way of blowing off steam. Talking about stuff that bothers us in a sense.

  9. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    There are different types of dreams.  An explanation of their meaning would need to be based on the life experiences surrounding them.   Some are directly reactive to recent or past experiences; some seem to be only random brainstorms, others fully plotted, coherent dramas.
    I do recall reading that the frontal lobes of the brain are designed to assemble input into logical form.    Seems reasonable when you consider how your mind scrambles to account for external sounds when you're halfway asleep by creating synonymous mental imagery; or if you need to use the toilet, your sleep brain creates scenery matching that need.
    Seems dreaming is a type of free association that's partly reactive, partly functional, and partly irrational, all mixed up inside one container--the subconscious mind.

  10. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    I suppose that is very plausible. thanks I appreciate that.


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