Do you think it's a good or bad idea to write an opinionated hub on a "touchy" s

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  1. Cre8tor profile image81
    Cre8torposted 12 years ago

    Do you think it's a good or bad idea to write an opinionated hub on a "touchy" subject?

    I do not mean offensive, obscene, etc... just strongly opinionated.

  2. Stephanie Henkel profile image95
    Stephanie Henkelposted 12 years ago

    I think it's fine to write an opinion article on a controversial subject as long as it doesn't violate any of the HubPages rules.

    However, if you do write on a "touchy" subject, then you must be prepared to get comments, both pro and con, and some of them will be vehemently against what you have said. If you are going to light a fire, be prepared for the heat!

  3. Daisy Mariposa profile image73
    Daisy Mariposaposted 12 years ago

    I think whether it's good or bad depends upon what your goal is...Are you looking to present an idea about which you have strong opinions? Are you you looking to earn money?

    I'm aware of one controversial Hub that has received numerous comments. The comments section resembles something one would find in a discussion forum, with alot of name calling and heated words. All advertisements were pulled from the Hub. No one wants their ads placed on so controversial a Hub.

  4. IntimatEvolution profile image75
    IntimatEvolutionposted 12 years ago

    It really depends on the subject...  Subjects such as abortion to me are off limits.  It is one of those topics that does not have a true definition and everybody has an opposing opinion.  So I try to stay away from those subjects, but there is nothing wrong about writing your opinion.   I look at my writing career as a personal home business, where my goal is to gain more customers to make more money.  I do not wish to write something that could potentially cost me money and eventually drive customers away.

  5. marriedwithdebt profile image72
    marriedwithdebtposted 12 years ago

    In addition to strong opinions, be prepared for some harsh personal attacks. There are some real pieces who troll the HP forums and spew their worthless garbage. These people alone make publishing touchy pieces not worth it (but controversy can get you some fleeting HP traffic)

  6. dmop profile image85
    dmopposted 12 years ago

    I believe it is a good idea to write opinionated hubs, as long as you feel strongly about what you are writing about, and you keep it professional. Many times people do go over board especially in the discussions, but the whole point of writing is to stir emotions and provoke meaningful thought and perhaps debate.

  7. Seeker7 profile image79
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    Hub Pages is a free platform - within the rules - and as you have already said you don't intend for it to be offensive or abusive etc., so everyone is entitled to their opinion and feelings on 'touchy' or any other subject. What I will say though is be prepared for 'strongly opinionated' feedback and comments returning to you from people who may read your hub - however, they also have to stay within the rules. But if you feel strongly about something, then go for it.

  8. Evankovach profile image61
    Evankovachposted 12 years ago

    I think this is how you get to the bottom of what might be considered a "touchy" or controversial topic. The problem that comes into play is when people write an opinionated hub to simply draw a reaction from others, and not to discuss the underlying facts surrounding the topic. Everyone has opinions and that's what makes these topics unique, but having the ability to discuss opinions in an open environment any effective discussion.

  9. profile image0
    Emer420posted 12 years ago

    It's fine to write about "touchy" subjects.  It causes great discussions and can receive a lot of traffic, because of the subject matter.  It doesn't matter what your opinion is about the subject either.  Your voice is yours and you are able to explain your opinion on any subject no mater how "touchy" it is.

  10. RJ68 profile image61
    RJ68posted 12 years ago

    People are entitled to voice their opinions whether they are verbal or written.  The operative word being "opinion".  People have opionions and can express them as long it is not intended for harm.  However, I think it is a very fine line between opnions and judgments because our opinions come from our beliefs.

  11. alisha4u profile image39
    alisha4uposted 12 years ago

    Well, it's one's personal choice.....Depends upon what you feel and think about a particular topic or subject...
    If you actually have the cojones to think and write about it, then Go Ahead !!...
    It is not a bad idea at all.... Just do it and be bold enough to welcome the 'Reviews'...

  12. feenix profile image60
    feenixposted 12 years ago

    As is made obvious by most of the pieces that I have published on this site, I think it is a very good idea to write an "opinionated hub on a touchy subject."

  13. TMHughes profile image86
    TMHughesposted 12 years ago

    It's a great idea.  The only way to start discussions and effect change is to bring up things we need to talk about.  Keep it up!

  14. thepathtohealthy profile image60
    thepathtohealthyposted 12 years ago

    I don't think it is, freedom of speech is what America is all about (if you are from America). If someone has a problem they could just not read it. I say go for it! I'm interested on what the subject is though.

  15. aslaught profile image60
    aslaughtposted 12 years ago

    I think it's a good idea to write on any opinion one has.  We can learn and grow from reading the thoughts or opinions of others.  If you don't agree or like what someone has written,  then just move on to the next article, story,  etc.,  or post an answer to it.  That's called freedom of speech and it's great!

  16. Cre8tor profile image81
    Cre8torposted 12 years ago

    I want to thank everyone for their feedback on this. The answers confirmed my thoughts and offered good advice. All UPS for your input. It's in the works, hopefully next week or 2. I want to also say that I cannot figure out how to close a question. Nothing I've read has helped me yet so.....I will not be voting on the responses going forward. QUESTION CLOSED.

    1. Suelynn profile image81
      Suelynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting thread and thank you for posting it.

  17. mikejhca profile image85
    mikejhcaposted 12 years ago

    Yes I think it is a good idea as long as you are careful.  I asked a question about obesity and I thought I worded the question well.  I got way more responses to it than my other questions.  However some people did not appreciate it.  I got a lot of negative feedback.  Based on the responses some of the people did not understand the full question or did not finish reading it.  So the question was offensive to some people.

    If it is a touchy subject some people will probably be offended.


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