How many hubs can you really write in one day without affecting the quality of t

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  1. daborn7 profile image72
    daborn7posted 12 years ago

    How many hubs can you really write in one day without affecting the quality of the hub?

  2. Laura Schneider profile image84
    Laura Schneiderposted 12 years ago

    I've been a profession (40+ hours a week) technical writer for 20 years and a Hub Pages writer for 2... I think the more  you write the BETTER your hubs get, and writing in general.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image84
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      However, dashing off a quick answer to a writing question in a group of writers at 4 a.m. is not advised. Could I have possibly written that response any worse? LOL My editor was surely asleep and offline.

  3. Nick B profile image76
    Nick Bposted 12 years ago

    I don't think Laura actually answered the question. I agree, like anything, practice makes us better at whatever we do, but how many hubs in one day?

    You have not provided enough information to answer that fully.

    You have not stated how long the hubs are meant to be (how many words), whether any graphics are prepared or whether they still have to be sourced or what the subject matter is, as this can greatly affect the length, need for graphics etc.

    I was writing a couple a day, but looking over these hubs now, I realised that actually, I was't doing them justice. I found I spent a lot of time locating the graphical material and then rushing writing the hub itself, not filling it with meaningful, helpful and interesting content for the general public.

    The hubs will not be picked up by search engines immediately anyway, so there's no real need to rush. Quality is far more important.

  4. Tamilarasan123 profile image38
    Tamilarasan123posted 12 years ago

    i can able to write only 3 hubs a day with out affecting the quality of the hub

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    This kinda reminds me of the age old question "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" smile

    ...but seriously, folks: I've never generated more than 2 or 3 Hubs per week in the entire time I've been here, so I can't really say for sure. If I were to try and write multiple Hubs in one day I suppose it would take quite a bit of preparation (making some scratch notes, outlines, etc.) before I actually sat down at the keyboard and went to work.

    I did bang out two Hubs within 24 hours of each other not long ago and they both came out pretty damn good (or at least I think they did)...

  6. lobobrandon profile image90
    lobobrandonposted 12 years ago

    If I have no other writing work to do, I can complete about 4 hubs a day. But as you see I have just 25 hubs as I've got other work from clients as well in addition to attending university and stuff. However, I do keep quality rather than quantity in mind. When I go through my earlier hubs I find them not up to the mark - maybe I've improved as a writer - I hope so big_smile

    I have to make time to edit past hubs in addition to writing more and hence a max of 4 that too on a good day smile

  7. Dennis AuBuchon profile image62
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 12 years ago

    This is a great question.  I do not think there is an overall answer to this question.  It depends on the individual and how much time is devoted to actually writing a hub.  It is not the amount of hubs per day but the quality of them.  The quality of a hub would depend on the talent of the individual.  The more experience a writer has in writing the more he/she would be able to write more hubs per day without affecting the quality of them.

    Hub quality is important if a writer wants to have followers.  It is not just the quality but the content and structure which will impact the quality of a hub.  Each of us has our own talents associated with our writing it is a matter how we display that talent in our writing.

  8. Angelique Loux profile image55
    Angelique Louxposted 12 years ago

    I think it depends on the person. I can write one good hub a day, but I have been going back cleanig-up my older hubs from when I was rushing for quanity. It does make a BIG difference in traffic.

  9. Faceless39 profile image91
    Faceless39posted 12 years ago

    One or two maximum per day.  Usually one, but if I'm in school or very busy, it will take me a few days to get one finished.  If I was working as a freelance writer full time, it would still be a maximum of two hubs per day, but way more likely to be just one, quality hub.

  10. Adams-ebooks profile image59
    Adams-ebooksposted 12 years ago

    It depends on how much time is available to research, write, gather images and put the Hub together.
    Also i find i have no problem doing two if they are similar topics and it just rolls together.
    I am still pretty new but i have been working 14hr days so finding the time to write has been difficult. If you are focused and have a plan i eould think 1-4 Hubs in a day with nothing else to do!

  11. Casey Strouse profile image60
    Casey Strouseposted 12 years ago

    I've not written many hubs yet but have done plenty of content writing for clients.  Using the Pomodoro Technique ( I can crank out between 5 and 7 quality 500-750 word pieces each day.

    I also use a mind-mapping program called "Mind Node" ( to outline my articles/hubs before I write them.  Then I take a blank Pages document and put in the title and subheadings.  This helps me to setup the flow and structure of my writing and provides the subheads for the majority of web readers who merely skim content.

  12. Drtruthman profile image60
    Drtruthmanposted 12 years ago

    I just wrote a Hub basically answering this.  You will have all kinds of answers. But if you care about the quality and the content, then you will probably only be able to write one or two at the most per day.  Beyond that, you begin to become redundant and chances are Hub will see it as duplicate material.

  13. LoriSoard profile image65
    LoriSoardposted 12 years ago

    I think it depends on the writer and the day of the week. Some days, I can write three or four high-quality articles and other days it is a struggle to get one out.


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