Benefits of sharing Hubs?

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  1. TomRy profile image63
    TomRyposted 12 years ago

    Benefits of sharing Hubs?

    Can someone explain what the benefits of sharing Hubs are? Everyday on my page I see that the majority of the Hubs are being shared.

    Should I be sharing that much?

  2. lawahe profile image60
    lawaheposted 12 years ago

    I share other peoples' hubs in my own hubs when they explain something in detail that I only want to touch on.  That gives the reader the opportunity to explore. 

    I attach all of my hubs to each other.  This gives them more opportunity for traffic.

    I share hubs when they are interesting and well written because my followers probably have similar interests to mine. 

    The more we share, the more traffic for all of us  smile

  3. internpete profile image84
    internpeteposted 12 years ago

    Benefits of sharing hubs are a little technical but basically you get 10% of the revenue from the shared hub for a certain amount of time. It also helps increase traffic to the persons hub that was shared, and the hope is they will in turn share back.

    I have noticed lots of sharing in the last few weeks as well. Sharing good hubs that you want others to read is a great thing to do. Sharing 50 hubs a minute without reading them is incredibly annoying to followers. I unhallowed several people because of their rampant sharing. (50 hubs a minute type sharing).

    so I suggest you share any hubs you come across that you think others would enjoy reading as well.

    1. TomRy profile image63
      TomRyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ok so you do get some earnings from sharing. I agree I had to unfollow a few people for oversharing.

    2. Sherry Hewins profile image92
      Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Really? I was not aware that you get any monetary reward for sharing.

    3. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you want to earn money you need to use your referral code. If you scroll to the very bottom of the hubpage, you'll find "Link to this page." Copy and paste it when you share and you'll get your 10%. Pinterest won't accept urls withthe code though.

  4. nochance profile image82
    nochanceposted 12 years ago

    I share hubs that are well written and I think will benefit my followers, usually stuff that is similar to the things I write, or just stuff that is awesome. I do more sharing on twitter and google+ than I do on hubpages.

    1. lawahe profile image60
      lawaheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I facebook and stumbleupon share.  I get the links out for anything I like.  It helps.  I know my traffic goes up slowly after a stumbleupon share.

    2. internpete profile image84
      internpeteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I tend to share more on twitter than with HubPages followers.

    3. MarleneB profile image93
      MarleneBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same here. I share mostly on Facebook, Twitter, and my personal website. It brings in more views and my readers seem to appreciate that I share things they are interested in reading, instead of sharing just for the sake of sharing.

  5. Becky Katz profile image81
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    Most of us, if we see something that we think our followers would like, share with them. It helps us find new things which we woulld be interested in. As for sharing on Facebook,Pinterest, etc., it helps bring more readers to HubPages, which is good for all of us. More readers for a Hub=more money from views for the writer. Sharing is good for all but it is a personal choice. If you don't feel comfortable with sharing, don't. If you feel comfortable with sharing, by all means, do so.

  6. Sherry Hewins profile image92
    Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years ago

    The advantage is that you make friends and help your fellow hubbers, and at the same time you offer your followers quality stuff to read. If you share too much or share junk people will get tired of it.

  7. Brett.Tesol profile image54
    Brett.Tesolposted 12 years ago

    I actually wrote a hub about this a while back and its effects on both search engine traffic and local traffic. However, to summarise here:

    Share only interesting content that you have read (DO NOT SPAM)

    Let the author know you have shared their work (it feels good and they may return the favor)

    The extra links to your profile and work being shared by others will be seen by search engines and your pages are likely to get more traffic.

    Sharing interesting hubs with your readers is unlikely to lose you any followers, unless you go crazy with it.

    If done in the sense of the community, sharing is always a good thing! It is just unfortunate that spammers are born every day lol

    Hope this helps.

  8. chepkoluumugulel profile image66
    chepkoluumugulelposted 12 years ago

    I am glad you asked this question. I have been wondering too since almost every hub I've seen lately is being shared. I knew that definitely there got to be something beneficial from it. Awesome! So we can share but we have to be careful how many times we share, by whom and for what content. It all comes down to what is beneficial to the readers.

  9. ChristyWrites profile image80
    ChristyWritesposted 12 years ago

    HubPages is more than writing hubs and pressing the Publish button. Sharing the works of other hubbers helps you with your own success at HP. read more

  10. Teresa Schultz profile image68
    Teresa Schultzposted 12 years ago

    There are more than just one or two benefits to sharing hubs. When sharing other hubbers hubs, the goals could be any one or all of these:

    to help others,
    gain more exposure of your own profile link,
    be more a part of the community,
    to get more traffic to your own hubs, or to other hubbers' hubs, to increase your earnings

    To help others:
    give other hubbers more exposure for their hubs by sharing them -
    other hubbers are more likely to share you hubs, that they enjoy, or think are good, or are useful to others, then too;

    Gain more exposure of your own profile link:
    When you share another hubber's hub, your followers see on the homepage feed that you have shared somebody else's hub - your profile link appears too;

    Be more a part of the community:
    sharing and commenting on other hubs, or asking and answering questions, makes you a part of the wonderful and helpful community of HubPages - you may gain more followers;

    To get more traffic to your own hubs, or to other hubbers' hubs, to increase your earnings:
    The more a part of the community you are, helping others, the more your own profile link and own hubs are noticed. Also, if sharing other hubbers' hubs to sites outside of HubPages, using your referral link, you can earn a little from sending people to read other hubbers' hubs, and earn even more, if those new readers (who followed your referral link) join HubPages and start producing some hubs of their own.


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