Should I have a Summary?

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  1. ThompsonPen profile image66
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    Should I have a Summary?

    I rarely ever really do a summary, mainly because I don't think about it. But when I have gone to do one, I find that it doesn't flow well to the Hub, and it just seems to make for an awkward introduction. However, as I was writing the first section to a hub, I noticed some movement to the right and saw a tip suggesting how long my summary should be, with a warning below it saying that my hub was at risk of being labeled "substandard". I've never come across this. I'm wondering if this is just because I have yet to put any more sections to the hub or a pic up yet or what.

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago

    Yes, a summary is what helps a search engine find it. If you don't people will only see a short preview of the hub itself.

    You are talking about the summary you input from the settings right?  Otherwise you are talking about an introduction which is very different from a summary.

  3. joanwz profile image80
    joanwzposted 11 years ago

    Summaries are a great idea for any piece of writing you do. Most people these days will decide whether to read something based solely on the summary. So if you make your summary intriguing, they actually bring in readers who normally would have passed your articles and hubs by, simply because the don't have time to read much any more these days.

  4. Stephanie Henkel profile image93
    Stephanie Henkelposted 11 years ago

    I'm a little confused because it looks like you are writing your summary as part of the hub. Every hub should have a summary, but it is input through a tab near your "tags" link on the right of the editing page and is separate from your written hub.

    Your summary will not show up as part of your Hub when it is published. The value of a summary is that it will show up as a short description when search engines pick up your hub. This is your chance to write two or three sentences about your hub using a few of your key words to attract viewers. It is definitely a worthwhile endeavor to go back to your written hubs and enter a summary for each one.

  5. somethgblue profile image72
    somethgblueposted 11 years ago

    Yes, a summary is essential, because if you do not write one then SE and back links have nothing but the title to base what your article is about.

    For instance if I want to link your article to mine and copy and paste your URL into the link capsule and you don't have a summary just the title shows up. Then it forces me to write one and if I have to do it may not be as succinct and flattering as you may want.

    It is very unprofessional not to have a summary and gives your article that amateur, wannnabe feel to it.

    1. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ever heard of Meta tags?  What you speak about only applies here, with the automated summary popping up via your link capsule.  Your first sentence is false in every other aspect of the Web, when speaking about organic linking & SEO & non-aut

    2. somethgblue profile image72
      somethgblueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      OK perhaps it isn't entirely accurate but certainly applies to back links and it does help to have a summary. How many times have you come across links that just have tag words but then you'll come across links that at least have a sentence to go by

  6. Rfordin profile image80
    Rfordinposted 11 years ago

    When I go searching for things on Google one of the first things I look at is the summary. If I wanted to know "How to Throw a Frisbee" 10 million different websites would pop-up.

    I like to skip down a few to weed out the people who pay for advertising on Google down to the other links...from there I usually read the summary and if it sounds like it's what I need/want I go there.

    If you, yourself do not write a summary Google will take the first few characters off your hub (I think it's 150ish) and use that (sometimes it's blank as another person commented). Chances are the "meat" is not in the first 150 characters of your hub.

    A good summary would be something like this:

    Learn how to throw a frisbee, videos, tricks, and techniques included.

    That tells me the reader what it is, why I want to click on it, and if it's in line with my "throwing a frisbee" queary.

    If you do not add a summary you are really doing yourself and your work an injustice. If your summary describes best what I'm looking for I'm clicking your link.

    In short, ALWAYS write a summary, if for no other reason then to get rid of that annoying little A next to your hub title in stats.

    Good luck


    1. somethgblue profile image72
      somethgblueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree 100% and often do the same thing while researching articles, I have found the articles that have a summary are more often than not written much better!

  7. Insane Mundane profile image59
    Insane Mundaneposted 11 years ago

    Some people probably need a summary, but what is so "professional" about a summary?  Actually, it is just one of the Meta tags used within HTML pages that includes this Meta description.  Other Tags are Meta Keywords, Title, and an optional slot to apply the Author's information, when dealing with common headers and/or top-page HTML code, when working with more manual websites, of course.

    I think they call it a "summary" so it is easier to understand for the common folks.  Automated websites like this are so easy for the users, but I really think that the select few people that carry on while trying to act like SEO gurus, don't realize the true "behind the scenes" work it takes to have a highly functioning website like this.  Maybe some of these guys need to study DHTML and Javascript, for example...

    Anyway, your description tag/summary is good for the ones that don't write a decent introduction to their Hubs, but it is by no means required.  Most typical blog formats, WordPress,, etc., don't even have this option and they often use "tags" as a replacement for "Meta Keywords," and so on.

    Personally, I haven't wrote a single summary on here yet for any of my Hubs, but mainly because I don't put much value on such things (descriptions) anymore.  If this was 5 or 6 years ago or more I would, but the SEO world has changed a lot - especially since the social networks have blossomed over the last few years.

    By the way, the Title and the Content, are the most important!

    1. somethgblue profile image72
      somethgblueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe if you wrote a summary folks would take you articles more seriously?

      Just saying . . . it sucks to have to try and figure out which link to pick but with a summary it is a lot easier!

      perhaps you're being left behind, so sad!

    2. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Being left behind?  What is this, a pre-apocalypse via the SEO Rapture?  LOL!

    3. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just because a summary is hubpages language for meta title, does not mean said meta title is irrelevant. It's not about being an SEO guru...anybody who is anybody who knows about SEO at all knows you can't leave out the meta description.

    4. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ha!  That would be Meta Description... Well, anybody who is anybody (as you said, for whatever reason) knows that a summary is not one of the most important things you can do, although in your answer, you said it was, for some strange reason...

    5. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I meant meta description.
      And false, anybody who is anybody knows that it is one of the most important things you can do. There is a reason it is in the wordpress SEO plugins.

    6. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The SEs don't value the silly, easy-to-write "summary" over the the Title and actual Content; duh!  If that was the case, every spammer from India would be a total success!

    7. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are correct. They don't value it higher.
      But you are completely naive. Just because it isn't valued over those things, does not mean it is not valued. If the title and content were ALL that mattered, every spammer from India would be a success.

    8. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You must be naive of spammer tactics or else you wouldn't chatter about such inane things.  Have you ever seen the content from "scraper" sites?  Either you haven't even graduated High School or you have other problems...

    9. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Funny. I am scraping URLs with SB right now. I am very aware of such content, how it is made, and how it works. I'm done arguing with you.

    10. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It doesn't sound like you are very aware of such things, especially going by your last couple of comments...

  8. Rosana Modugno profile image68
    Rosana Modugnoposted 11 years ago

    I do summaries instead of sub titles because the summaries I believe make it easier for search engines.  I like writing them and really don't like seeing that warning either.  It's a negative connotation and I keep those off my hubs. lol

  9. brakel2 profile image71
    brakel2posted 11 years ago

    My most recent hubs show that Google is not using the summary. I think hubber' Shadesbreath stated that is a change in procedure by Google. I still write a summary anyway until admin says to cease and desist.


  10. mattforte profile image85
    mattforteposted 11 years ago

    A summary is one of the most important things you can do. It is an extra spot to throw in some keywords, and it is what Google will display below your page title in searches.
    I had a friend who was ranked at #2 for a certain term rewrite her summary to include said term in the first sentence. Within 48 hours she was ranked #1...that was all it took. Yes, she was already on the verge of taking over the spot, obviously..but the difference was that her competitor had the search term word for word in their Google bolded it.
    I've also had one of my own hubs go from #6 to #3 after doing nothing but changing the summary.

    If you care about getting views, you will not leave out the summary.

  11. shivanchirakkal10 profile image58
    shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years ago

    I used to write summary in my hubs. But most of my hubs shown as'no summary'. But I learned that if we not written summary, the URL automatically include summary. I am not very familiar about all such things.

    1. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Google will automatically grab text and create a summary for you. However, creating a good summary with your target keywords will help to increase your rankings.

    2. Insane Mundane profile image59
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If you don't have the right content, your summary won't matter.  I have looked at several SEO sites just to make sure, even a page from Matt Cutts, and it is well known that summaries are not a rank-boosting factor.  It can help your CTR, at best...


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