I need fans.

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  1. profile image0
    Denno66posted 14 years ago

    I''d say it's a good angle towards that end. big_smile

  2. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    I appreciate it. I am really trying to make more connections on hubpages.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      wayne, welcome to HP, I think the best way to get more fans is simply to be a great writer, participating in the community here, commenting on other hubs, commenting if you want in the forums.
      the more people get to know you, you will gain more fans, it does take time. you want your fans to be genuine fans, it's not like twitter or facebook where some have a trillion followers.
      read lots of hubs and make sure you've read and follow the HPguidelines and you'll gain fans! enjoy. smile

  3. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    Why not home girl?

    I feel like writers can help each other out if we build each other up as writers.

    I am hoping to secure fans and become their fans. Taking an active role by commenting and encouraging others.

    1. cheaptrick profile image75
      cheaptrickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You Sir are a gentleman.Welcome...

      1. profile image0
        WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! I am trying to build a network of like minded individuals who want to support each other in our efforts as writers. Some people don't understand!

  4. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    thanks rebekahELLE. I enjoy all the advice here.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      wayne, here's another thread that has some good advice.


      it helps to take a look also at those hubbers who have lots of fans, what do they write about, how do they participate in the community? the really good ones have earned their fans.
      it looks like you have some good hubs and the fans will come~~

      remember like field of dreams~~ build it and they will come. big_smile

      1. profile image0
        WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Nice baseball movie quote. Thanks for the advice and the thread.

  5. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    Anyone else looking to make fans?

    1. ellemarie profile image60
      ellemarieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yep smile

      1. Cleanclover profile image41
        Cleancloverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes me I would love to have some more

    2. davecunning profile image60
      davecunningposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am! Stop by anytime, and have a few reads on me.

  6. K Partin profile image61
    K Partinposted 14 years ago

    Wayne I said it before "If you comment they will come" Be patient and try what rebekahELLE says. Oh and welcome to HP! smile

  7. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    thanks K Partin. i will heed your advice.

  8. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image62
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years ago

    No offense, but just randomly becoming a fan of people is pretty meaningless. I like when people have a genuine interest in what I write and I like being able to keep up with people that interest me. So the fan feature has value, but just adding a bunch of people hoping they will add you too contributes little to that. If you want to support other hubbers, read the hubs that interest you and leave substantive comments that contribute to the discussion.

    1. profile image0
      WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You must have misunderstood. I am searching for fans who have my same interest. Not random fans. I agree with what you are saying. You should read my hub "Be my fan" to fully understand.

      We are actually in agreement.

    2. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      (nods feverishly in agreement)

      i have never asked anyone to become my fan...they just did. and i fan someone if they fan me and they are not trolls, but i honestly don't do it just to get more fans. i guess i want to know that people fanned me because they really like my work, not because i compelled them to do it.

      1. profile image0
        WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Again, we are in agreement. I am asking people to become my fan that are interested in my topics and hubs. You really should read my hub, "Be my Fan!"

        1. darkside profile image59
          darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Quit while you're still... only a little bit behind.

          1. profile image0
            WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Wrong again!

            1. darkside profile image59
              darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              You have a lot to learn.

              1. profile image0
                WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                why so condescending and angry?

                there may be more than one way to skin a cat?

                you have your way, i have mine.

                if you don't appreciate me, leave me be. no hard feelings.

                good luck to you.

                i think outside the box. sorry to offend you.

                1. darkside profile image59
                  darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Angry? There's no anger in those posts. If you interpreted it as such then it's just another mistake you've made.

                  Panhandling for fans is almost as bad as famming.

                  First find out what's inside the box before you try and think outside of it.

                  1. profile image0
                    WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm having great success here on hubpages. In only 3 weeks I am making money on both amazon and google. My search engine traffic is growing exponentially. My hub "Give Bluegrass a Chance" has been nominated as a hubnugget, and is in 1st place.

                    I have become fans of the writers I admire and they have helped me to this success. Now I am trying to find like minded individuals who enjoy my writing and who want to help each other in our efforts on hubpages.

                    I am sorry to offend, but it's seems if you don't have anything nice to say, why say anything at all?

                2. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image62
                  EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  I really do hate to break it to you, but starting a thread in the forums asking everyone to read your latest hub and/or to be your fan is about as deep inside the box as you can get right alongside the "why haven't I made any money after two or three weeks?" threads. You've managed to hit two out of the three in this thread alone. Somebody else will start a thread featuring yet another variation of those outside the box ideas next week and the week after.

                  1. profile image0
                    WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    I have been here only 3 weeks, and I am making money everyday. Did you say the same at 3 weeks?

                3. Shannondoah profile image60
                  Shannondoahposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  I see what you are saying an I am going to read your Hubs Wayne, I think being friendly with like-minded people has alot of merits.
                  Bit pointless conversing with people with zero common interests.

  9. profile image0
    WayneAnsellposted 14 years ago

    Anyone else? I am interested in comments, and watching this forum.

    1. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      come and fan me if you like i am easy to read, my hubs are only short and not too deep,

      1. profile image0
        WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I will take a look poetlorraine.

  10. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    Wayne, I've read your Hub now.  You repeatedly beg people to become your fan on the principle of "helping each other out".

    If you had posted in one of the topic threads relevant to your interests, and asked who else had the same interests, you'd have got a totally different response.  But writing a Hub purely to get attention is not the right way to get the right kind of attention...

    1. profile image0
      WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "...Travel, Movies, Books and Relationships. These are areas which interest me and if you enjoy the same please sign up for my fanclub."

      Directly from my hub!

  11. radlyn profile image66
    radlynposted 14 years ago

    Hi Wayne, I joined your fan club- I just read (and watched the interview) "Veterans Refused Service at Veteran Hospitals." For what its worth, I probably wouldn't have stumbled across it had I not seen this thread.

    1. profile image0
      WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Radlyn! I just want to encourage other individuals who enjoy my writing and want to learn from each other. I don't see any harm in that!

  12. aware profile image66
    awareposted 14 years ago

    i checked out your hub page . and read the sea turtle one. which  was pretty good. but im not really in to most of the other hubs subject matter.  i like short story's and poems. and individual thoughts and idea expressions .its easy to pump up ones fan base just by joining  others. but i dont do that

    1. profile image0
      WayneAnsellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      i understand. i am only looking for like minded people who want to make some money on hubpages and enjoy the same topics as i do. i will check out some of your hubs. good luck to you!


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