What is the most amount of money you have made on HubPages in one month?

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  1. profile image0
    Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years ago

    What is the most amount of money you have made on HubPages in one month?


  2. Learning in Life profile image79
    Learning in Lifeposted 11 years ago

    I actually have a hub with all of my stats on it. But, I started in November and in December, I made almost $20.

    1. profile image0
      Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow that's good! Well done, I've been on HubPages for almost a year and only made $1.57. I understand I have only made 7 hubs, but still - what am I doing wrong?

    2. Learning in Life profile image79
      Learning in Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you do keyword research? If not, I have a hub about my methods of keyword research.

    3. profile image0
      Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No I don't think I've used keyword research before. I will have a look at your hub about how I can go about using that. Thanks so much for your help 'learning in life' smile

  3. lburmaster profile image73
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    The most? A couple of months ago before the drop in hubpage traffic, I had $25 a month.

  4. somethgblue profile image71
    somethgblueposted 11 years ago

    I have written 137 Hubs in a little over 15 months and the most I've ever made in a month is around $70.00 dollars. I'm currently sitting at about 120,000 page views, so if you have only written 7 hubs it is time to get busy.

    On the other hand I know of many hubbers that have written only 35 to fifty hubs and have well over 250,000 to one million page views and are making some money so don't despair it can be done.

    I write about controversial topics so if you can find fru-fru topics that bored housewives love to read, your good to go!

    1. profile image0
      Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's really helpful Somethgblue, thank you! Well done for making that much, guess your hard work paid off. 137 hubs is a lot! I'm struggling with ideas as to what I can write about, but you've motivated me somewhat. Thanks again!

    2. Learning in Life profile image79
      Learning in Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Can you give us any insight on topics housewives like?

    3. somethgblue profile image71
      somethgblueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Look at current news (worldwide not National) and write about subjects that the MSM doesn't report, energy, rising food prices, weather their is a ton of topics.

      Bored housewives need do it yourself tips, recipes, gardening, decorating!

    4. profile image0
      Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I guess there are millions of topics to write about, it's just whether I have the knowledge and expertise to write about them, but I shall give it a try and write more hubs. Will set myself a goal to write one hub a day.

    5. somethgblue profile image71
      somethgblueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have a full time job so a Hub a day isn't realistic for me, I used to write about three a week but the biggest factor is research, research, research!

      Write your opinion, I can research any topic, I want to read what YOU think!

  5. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    The same Hubs (and the same number of Hubs) are no longer published with my profile; but my highest monthly amount was in the $500's.  I had into the 300's in Hubs and have deleted a ton of them, including earners (even if only modest earners that once added up); so believe me, I'm NOT earning like that these days.  BUT, between deleting all those Hubs and deleting my images (because I wanted control over them but also because I didn't want non-relevant images stuck on my Hubs just because images added color to the words), and deciding when the first "big Panda" happened that I was just going to write whatever I felt like writing (and however I felt like writing it), it should be no surprise to me or anyone else that my earnings pretty much stink these days.    hmm

    I did fine enough up until, I think, around August of 2012.  It wasn't as much as before, but I was being paid monthly (and then some).  It was around September (I think) when "the freshness thing" and some other changes happened, and since then I've been trimming out more and more Hubs; and thinking that I'll now save my account in case I'm ever in the mood to write the kind of Hub that is now being emphasized on this site.   Since so many other people have complained about drops in traffic, I'm not even sure if I should be blaming myself and my Hubs (which I pretty much do) for the drop.  So, for now, I'm just leaving whatever I leave, maybe posting a new Hub if I think it all fits with what's wanted on this site now, and seeing what happens.

    BUT, to new people...   What I do know is that I don't write Hubs that are "highly searchable" or that would be considered "content rich" and "full of information and nothing but information", so I have no reason to think that the person who writes the right kind of Hub these days won't earn from it.  "No reason to think" isn't the same as "knowing for sure" because I write those kind of Hubs and earn from them.    Something else:  Some of best earners lost earnings with the first Panda, but then over a period of years they had also been stolen so many times I stopped bothering tracking them down.

    What I don't know is whether taking a lot of my "better" writing or else "nitty-gritty-useful" (but not polished) off the site also made my subdomain "lousier" looking.  I just thought that stuff wasn't wanted on here these days.  Anyway, too late now - and who knows these days anyway....

    1. profile image0
      Anika Vaghelaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow you made the most I've heard of from all responses I've received thus far, you deleted them even though you made so much money on them...? I guess you had your reasons though. Thanks for the information, that's really helpful Lisa.

  6. peachpurple profile image83
    peachpurpleposted 10 years ago

    Last Feb 2013, I had earned $61.43 per month, the most highest of all my 3 years. Now, my highest is $15.09 per month after the so called panda- google problems surfaced.

    1. somethgblue profile image71
      somethgblueposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah since the Panda/Google purge, I'm lucky to make $15 a month now.

  7. bbanks27 profile image88
    bbanks27posted 7 years ago

    I've made only a dollar a month but I've only been on the site for almost 2 months


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