How about sharing how you've come up with your user name?

Jump to Last Post 51-63 of 63 discussions (82 posts)
  1. H. P. Loveboat profile image72
    H. P. Loveboatposted 16 years ago

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Cthulhu attacked a cruise liner. *BAM* H. P. Loveboat, where cosmic terror and romantic cruises collide.

    1. Inspirepub profile image69
      Inspirepubposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      ROFLMAO ... What a mental image!

      Although there is a common theme of utter insanity to tie them together, I suppose ...

      But "Love Boat Meets Kraken" would be oddly reminiscent of "Bambi Meets Godzilla", don't you think?


  2. Paraglider profile image90
    Paragliderposted 16 years ago

    I chose Paraglider when I started writing The Paranormal Hotel blog. The Paranormal Hotel is a real place in Dubai where the nightlife is, shall we say, 'interesting' enough to demand any writer's serious attention and total anonymity. Please visit, leaving your censure-shoes at the door . . .

    When I started writing at Hubpages, I kept the name because, being a simple soul, one real name and one screen name is about as much as I can cope with.

  3. H. P. Loveboat profile image72
    H. P. Loveboatposted 16 years ago

    This is the avatar I use for the same sn on another forum. I was amazed to find something so relevent.

    1. Inspirepub profile image69
      Inspirepubposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      What a find! How incredible that two minds were on the same twisted path ...

      That combo is as oxymoronic as this one:


  4. jdeschene profile image59
    jdescheneposted 16 years ago

    Unfortunately, my username isn't that exciting.  It's just my first initial and my last now.  Luckily it's a fairly unique last name.

  5. Originplus profile image59
    Originplusposted 16 years ago

    I uses to study with the Israelites, and in their teachings adding a hebrew name was something of a norm. I ended up choosing the name that in the english translation was original. Later in life I wanted to have an AIM ID, and Original and Origin was taken, so I made Originplus. The name has stuck with me ever since.

  6. DJ Funktual profile image67
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    Long answer first since you want anecdotes:

    When I started to DJ again as an adult, I was repeatedly asked what my tag was.  Being a writer, I accepted the challenge of coming up with one.  I came up with it because I wanted to start a revolution!   A revolution in music.

    Hip-Hop has been saturated with gangstas and pimps to the point that there is only one personality in the entire genre.  Rock and Roll has been dead for a loooong time so I got to thinking, "Everybody knows that there is something wrong with it but nobody knows how to fix it."

    I think the way to fix it is to make it more funktual. 

    By funktual, I mean Hip-Hop & Rock-n-Roll should take an example from funk music and learn from it.  You guys out there all remember Funk music right?  There was the original anti-pimp Curtis Mayfield, P-Funk, Rick James, Cameo, The Time, Prince, Chaka Khan and the first funk band ever, the founding funketeers: Sly & The Family Stone.  Or maybe you've heard of a funky brother who went by the name of James?

    Now what can all of these artists teach us that could help save Hip-Hop and make it fun again?   WAIT THERE IT IS!   I just answered my own question.  Make it fun. 

    These artists today are so worried about their rep, that they never ever take a chance on anything which is why the genre is constantly dumped on as noise!  These people never get silly.  Like Flava Flav was for Public Enemy.  A song like 'The Humpty Dance' couldn't even get made these days. 

    Just like Kurt Cobain once destroyed the Hair Band genre with one song, Hip-Hop awaits its new messiah.  Some people think he is already here in Andre 3000 of Outkast, some say Cee-Lo of Gnarls Barkley.

    The point is we need a Funktual Revolution.  Where people don't take themselves so seriously.  Then, lord willing, maybe our stupid ass people won't take themselves so seriously.  Wait...I appear to to be taking this anecdote too seriously.  ;o>

    Short answer:  My friend started calling me The FUNKee intellecTUAL because he was convinced prior to meeting me that all intellectuals like boring music exclusively.   i.e. Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Yo La Tengo, Leonard Cohen, Bjork, DJ Shadow, R.E.M., etc. 

    My dream is to hold an intergalactic meeting based around STAR TREK's future thinking and to hold it on George Clinton's Mothership.   You asked.

    Amazing thread btw.

  7. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    I was away for a few days and didn't have a chance to read any new additions till just now. Thanks guys this is just great fun. Keep 'em coming.
    Chaka Khan????????? Sly & The Family Stone?????? DJ! I'm not even sure I want to admit to having heard those names let alone listened to them....But I do admit music needs a revolution but how about drifting it towards Blues and Jazz?

    Thanks all of you for posting here. Regards Zsuzsy

  8. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    I was away for a few days and didn't have a chance to read any new additions till just now. Thanks guys this is just great fun. Keep 'em coming.
    Chaka Khan????????? Sly & The Family Stone?????? DJ! I'm not even sure I want to admit to having heard those names let alone listened to them....But I do admit music needs a revolution but how about drifting it towards Blues and Jazz?

    Thanks all of you for posting here. Regards Zsuzsy

  9. helpdeskian profile image59
    helpdeskianposted 16 years ago

    Years and years of being the tech guy everywhere I went. from work to family reunions. I literally found myself fixing a blackberry at a funeral before! It just fits I guess...

  10. rogue nestling profile image57
    rogue nestlingposted 16 years ago

    I couldn't use Revolutionary Nestling because it was too long. After much grief I decided altering the moniker was a necessary evil. It is far better to hub with an inferior name than never to have hubbed at all!

  11. Just_Rodney profile image67
    Just_Rodneyposted 16 years ago

    Well, seeing that I am aspiring to be a well read and published individual and still try to maintain an air of something else as well. (Could be vanity)

    So I am

    Just Rodney

  12. Joy56 profile image65
    Joy56posted 14 years ago

    here is a thread from two years ago, recognise some hubbers.....

  13. saleheensblog profile image58
    saleheensblogposted 14 years ago

    I am shifa saleheen shuvo and its saleheensblog. No mystery. I didn't even know what is blog or hub.


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