Save Edited Article But Don't Update Online Version

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  1. eugbug profile image94
    eugbugposted 6 years ago

    It would be useful if there was an option to save a published article after edits have been made, but not completed so that edits could be completed later and the tab closed.  Then an "update online version" button would update the live version after completion of edits.
    Maybe edits are stored even if an edit session ends and the editor is exited? I've noticed that while editing and I open a new tab that shows stats, if I changed the title of a hub, this is reflected in the stats table, even though I haven't clicked on "Done Editing"?
    Maybe a workaround is simply to unpublish until edits have been completed?

  2. DrMark1961 profile image100
    DrMark1961posted 6 years ago

    This is a great suggestion. I was editing an article last week and added 4 text capsules with the subtitles but before I was able to add the text something came up and I had to hit save, turn off my computer, and leave it until the next day.
    If this page was examined by Google in the meantime, they would find a lot of fake subtitles without any text and would lower the ranking of the page. It was bad enough as it was, and I certainly did not intend to make it any worse.
    I do not want to unpublish hubs in order to edit them. When a hub is unpublished, it loses its ranks. All I wanted to do was edit it without having my edits show up on the internet.

  3. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 6 years ago

    Just so folks know...

    Your hub is updated live and online and visible to the world even when you are still in edit mode. Not joking.

    Easy to check:

    Make a change and stay in edit mode.
    Proceed to Google and find your hub.
    Click it. The world will see your change.

    1. eugbug profile image94
      eugbugposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I just tried that and you're right p. This is a serious flaw.

  4. Sue Adams profile image91
    Sue Adamsposted 6 years ago

    This has been bothering me too. Sometimes I want to find the previous version of a text but even before I hit the "done editing" button it has disappeared because everything is auto-saved as soon as the changes are made. What is the point of  the "done editing" button then? It might just not be there.

    On the other hand, I have sometimes spent 2 hours editing an article and the computer shuts down because of a power cut or I lose Internet connection before having hit the "done editing" button. In that case the auto save feature is a god sent so I haven't lost 2 hours work and forgotten what all the changes were.

    So there are always two sides to a coin. Perhaps it's best to leave things as they are but just make sure we keep a copy of the original article off line.

    1. eugbug profile image94
      eugbugposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I usually select all text in a text capsule and copy it to the clipboard and then to Wordpad just before saving the capsule, just in case the editor crashes.

    2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      If you write your hub first as a text document and save it on your desktop, you can't lose your original.  I always write this way.

      1. eugbug profile image94
        eugbugposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        When I click on "done editing", I always save the page also as a HTML file. The most annoying thing is when in the middle of writing stuff the computer crashes and you can't save or even copy to the clipboard! Thankfully it happens rarely.

  5. Glenn Stok profile image93
    Glenn Stokposted 6 years ago

    I unually make my changes off line using MS Word. However, a solution to making edits “live” on line is to work in a new text capsule that you have marked as invisible. When you’re done with your edits, you can make that capsule visible and delete the capsule of the older version.

    When I’m adding additional text, with new subtitles, I make the new capsule invisible until I’m done. So if I walk away after just adding a subtitle with no text, it’s not going to show up anyway until I’m done and make it visible.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image100
      DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that great solution. Are those capsules invisible to Google too?

      1. Glenn Stok profile image93
        Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, when you set a capsule to be invisible, no one sees it, not even search engine bots. Only you see it when in edit mode.  Just remember to make it visible when you're finished.

    2. eugbug profile image94
      eugbugposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like a good workaround Glenn. For those working on a desktop without a UPS, regular saves are always a good idea (or is the desktop preserved on newer operating systems if there's a sudden power loss?)

      1. Glenn Stok profile image93
        Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        The auto save is a function of HP, not your browser. Therefore the auto save works no matter what you're using. The auto save works on invisible capsules too, in case you're wondering.

    3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      How do you make a capsule invisible?  I never heard of that before.

      1. AliciaC profile image94
        AliciaCposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        When a text capsule is in Edit mode, there's a check box at the top that says "Don't display this capsule". If we click the box, the text is visible to us but not to the public.

      2. Glenn Stok profile image93
        Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I just added that to my 12 tips. Take a look.

  6. DS Dollman profile image86
    DS Dollmanposted 6 years ago

    I agree! It's frustrating for me because I write and revise in short periods of time when I have breaks during the day and sometimes cannot finish an edit. A longer time period between editing and going live would help.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image93
      Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      DS Dollman, See my recent post on making things invisible. You can take all the time you need to finish your edits before going live.

      1. Titia profile image90
        Titiaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Never thought of that possibility. Thanks for the tip.

  7. lobobrandon profile image91
    lobobrandonposted 6 years ago

    I always make mine invisible if I'm not going to complete an edit. But I didn't know about the auto-update feature. Now I'm going to be working in invisible mode all the time smile

  8. Sue Adams profile image91
    Sue Adamsposted 6 years ago

    And I didn't know about the "invisible" feature. Nice to learn something new every day.

    Thanks Glenn.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image93
      Glenn Stokposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You're welcome Sue. I'm thinking I should add that to my hub about "12 Overlooked Hub-Writing Techniques" – but that would make it 13 tips. smile


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