I'd like feedback on my article: A Flavour of Porto.

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  1. Eurofile profile image99
    Eurofileposted 6 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article A Flavour of Porto. (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. Marketing Merit profile image83
      Marketing Meritposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Eurofile...guessing you didn't vote for Brexit then! big_smile

      Although you have changed your title, I still feel it needs improving to attract readers. Something like: 7 Amazing Reasons to Visit Porto in Portugal. You will need to number your headers to reflect the tourist attractions you have described.

      All photos must be free to use. If you look at the Google maps and directions, you will notice a copyright © symbol, which means that you cannot use these, without permission. In any event, using Google maps looks unprofessional, as you have all of those unnecessary icons on there.

      I'm guessing you took some of the other photos yourself. Unfortunately, several are blurred and out of focus. You should consider replacing these. It is also good practice to state the source of the images.

      As regards the capitalisation, you're looking for APA format. I suggest you check out the free online tools. I tend to use "capitalize my title." For example: 'Why go here?' should be 'Why Go Here?' Having said that, I would change your sub-heading to something like: 'Why Visit Porto?' Also, remove all of those full stops from the headers.

      Hope this helps. I haven't commented on your grammar/writing as this is something you will learn more from by working through it yourself. However, you do need to consider if you are going to write in UK or US English.

      Good luck!

      1. Eurofile profile image99
        Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You guessed right on Brexit.  No turning back now though!
        All the photos are mine.  This gives me ammunition in the quest for a new camera.
        On the subject of the maps: being new to this site I checked directly with Hub Pages about the use of google maps and was told they were fine to use.  They are a little clumsy I know and not quite in the format I would like, but, hopefully, given time, I'll figure a way around that.
        Thanks for the tips on capitalisation and full stops.
        I was advised that, as Hub Pages is a US site, Us English is best to use.  Another Hub writer suggested a free download to help with this.  It's amazing how much difference there is between the UK and US English.
        Thanks.  I really appreciate your advice.

        1. Marketing Merit profile image83
          Marketing Meritposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Surprised about the Google maps so looked it up. Yes, apparently they can be used with proper attribution. Discovered something new today! big_smile

          Glad to hear your article has been featured. As others have said, next step is to get it on the niche sites, as that is where the traffic predominantly is. Don't be surprised if you are asked to make further changes by the editors. This is not uncommon.

          The best advice I can give you is to keep writing. We have all improved through trial and error. Also, if you haven't already done so, have a read of this article here:

          https://hubpageshelp.com/standards/Lear … tured-Hubs

          Good luck and welcome to HubPages!

          1. Eurofile profile image99
            Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            You're right.  I have an email from HubPages with a list of changes to be made.  Looks like anonymity on the web is not an option. 
            I used to write for another site, which folded and you're right it takes time to learn the ropes.  I now cringe when I think back to my earlier reviews!
            Thanks for the link.  I'm grateful for all the help I can get, as I definitely need it at the moment.

            1. Marketing Merit profile image83
              Marketing Meritposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              You're welcome Eurofile.
              I think the vast majority of us have produced cringe-worthy articles in the past, so you're not alone in this respect.
              Once you've learned the 'house rules,' future articles should become much easier to produce. Good luck getting your article onto the niche site, it will definitely be worth it.

              1. Eurofile profile image99
                Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks.  I appreciate you taking the time to give advice and encouragement.

    2. Global-Chica profile image95
      Global-Chicaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Eurofile!  Great first article.  I'd recommend changing the title to Top 12 Things to See and Do in Porto" and getting rid of the first couple of paragraphs pertaining to where Porto is and the weather.  An intoductory paragraph and getting right into your recommendations is a great way to go, in my opinion.  Best of luck!

      1. Eurofile profile image99
        Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very much.  That sounds to be very sound advice, especially as it coincides with some changes HubPages have requested before posting to a travel site.

  2. Jeremy Gill profile image94
    Jeremy Gillposted 6 years ago

    Here are some tips:

    1) Consider changing the title. Maybe I'm just silly, but I half expected this to be a recipe hub.
    2) Capitalize key words in headings. Periods aren't usually needed there.
    3) Proofread. I spotted more than one spelling/grammar error.
    4) Most importantly, remove the two amazon capsules at the end. Without offering your own experience on them, they come across as a spammy sales pitch more than a genuine helpful recommendation.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your advice.  It's much appreciated.

  3. aesta1 profile image96
    aesta1posted 6 years ago

    Hi Eurofile. You have all the information for a visit to Porto. You need to edit your paragraphs, though. First, make your titles of paragraphs much more engaging with a view to helping you with SEO.

    I agree about getting those Amazon capsules. Just those two would not let you pass the QAP. I have not gotten sales on those I have included in my travel articles, anyway. Your aim now is to get this published. Careful with links. Take out that link to tours. Unless they are very reputable, it will not help your article.

    Download Grammarly, the free version to start your edit.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your advice.  I'll get to work on it.  Oops, looks like I managed to upload my article again for advice.  Still getting the hang of this site.

  4. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 6 years ago

    A map telling me where Portugal is will not be necessary or helpful. No one is going to read an article about Porto if they do not even know where the country is.
    It is not too long. If a reader finds that it is too much information they can always skim. If someone wants to read more they read the entire section they are interested in.
    For other ideas on how you might want to change your hub, check out the other articles on the WanderWisdom site.
    Good luck with this.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the feedback.  Fair point about the Portugal locator map.  I was advised that hub pages was predominantly USA based, so I wasn't sure how much detail was required.  Thanks for the WanderWisdom reference.  The Porto hub has now featured.

      1. Eurofile profile image99
        Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry meant to say that the Porto article has now featured (it has been a long morning!)

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Great news. Check the niche site requirements and submit it as soon as you are ready. The niche sites get better traffic than the original HP site so you should definitely benefit.

          1. Eurofile profile image99
            Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the advice.  When you say 'niche site', is that the same as the network publication button that appeared at the top of my article?  I'm very grateful for any tips I can get as this is a whole new ball game for me.

            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
              DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              At the top of your article, on the far right, there is a button for "submit to a Hubpages network site". You can do this about twice a month, but when articles are new they will look at them even without being submitted.
              I am not sure about your Porto article since it was published before and revised. If it were mine I would go ahead and submit it after looking through the other articles at WanderWisdom and making any changes you feel are appropriate.

              1. Eurofile profile image99
                Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks.  I really appreciate your taking the time to give advice.

  5. aesta1 profile image96
    aesta1posted 6 years ago

    Congratulations! You now have published your first article. Keep writing.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you very much.  Now I have a list of changes to make before it can move onto a travel site.

    2. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I am still tweaking my article (and probably will be doing so for a while yet!) before resubmitting it to go (hopefully) on WanderWisdom.  The editor drew attention to the excessive use of bold print.  Would you advise me putting tips into callout boxes?  Also, I'm a little hazy on the whole earnings process.  Am I right in thinking that I have to get 5 articles featured before I can sign up to have ads and earn anything?  Sorry to bombard you with questions.  I hope you don't mind.

      1. DrMark1961 profile image99
        DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        If you already have an adsense account you can use that number and do not need to wait until you have more articles. If not, yes, you need to write plenty and wait some time so that Google sees you are not someone that is going to write one article and disappear.
        Only use callout boxes if you are adding some information or a qoute that you are not worried about being included in your search engine ranking. For the article on Porto I see no reason to even add them. (A lot of us who have added them in years past are now deleting them.)

        1. Eurofile profile image99
          Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for that.  I guessed that it might take some time to get on the earnings ladder.  Really appreciate the advice on call-out boxes.  It's very interesting to get the input from a much more experienced writer.

  6. wordswithlove profile image68
    wordswithloveposted 6 years ago

    You have an excellent, detailed article. I would agree with one of the readers above that it could use a title change because it seems to suggest food rather than the whole city. Maybe something easily searchable like "Discover Portugal through Porto" or "Exploring Portugal Beyond Lisbon: City of Porto" or "Porto, Portugal: A Lesser-known Gem.
    But I am sure you can come up with many more! Good luck.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  You're right.  A title change was advised to get the article onto WanderWisdom.  The editors favor a 'top ten' kind of format.  So I'm giving it a try.  Learning a lot as I go along at the moment.

  7. CYong74 profile image99
    CYong74posted 6 years ago

    Hi Eurofile, I have a few technical suggestions, if you'd allow me:

    1) You need a keyword. This is the word search engines associate with your hub i.e. the word that triggers your hub as a result when people search for it. Ideally, the keyword should:
         - Be repeated no more than 2.5 % of your total word count.
         - Spaced out evenly, as in, repeated evenly throughout your writing.
         - Some captions should contain this keyword.
         - Your title and hub description must contain this keyword.
         - Your first paragraph should contain this keyword.
         - Your headers should contain this keyword.

    2) Going by what you already have, your obvious keyword is Porto. Thing is, this is really common. Too much competition, to put it in another way. Nowadays, "experts" recommend combinations. For example, Springtime Porto. Porto Winter Cuisine. Solo Travel Porto. Etc.

    3) Much as I disagree with tabloid tactics, it works. So other than what others have highlighted about your title, something like, Ultimate Guide to 3 Days in Porto, A Rainbow of Joy in Porto: Second City of Portugal, etc, works better.

    4) Because of the way HP works, I think it's better to be uniform in where you place your photos. Either at the end of each subsection i.e. before the next header, or right after the header.

    Hope these help.

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.  I really appreciate your taking the time to advise me.

  8. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 6 years ago

    I don't normally respond to feedback posts. And I didn't bother to read the replies. Looks like you got the title SEO right. Article looks too short to me. And I didn't bother to click the grey-box arrows; maybe put the text in the article?

    1. Eurofile profile image99
      Eurofileposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the feedback.  I'll definitely bear that in mind.  Interestingly I had way more written, which I chopped, as the article was looking longer than others.


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