Curious to this question? Im new here...but not new to writing or forums...
My question is this....if you knew the true character of a fellow writer here and he/she writes relatively knowledgable articles.....but what if that person were not what they seemed....Would that make a difference, or is it all about his/her writting ability? Just curious
She's new. She'll figure it out sooner or later.
I hope so ! I like to see I'm talking to somebody, real pic or not
I agree. I often think that people who don't take the time to get a pic up are just spammers. Not that this one is... I'm just saying.
Sweet. Literally. I would have gone for a black rose, but that's just me.
The black ones are all dead literally
When you read an article in a print magazine do you feel the same way?
I'm a writing frog. If Kermit can host a show and have a style obsessed, shallow talking pig for a girlfriend ...
Equal rights for all
What matters is character - it has its reflections in writing! Nevertheless, some writers are so good that you never get to know them if they don't want you to. Anyway, I think the writings show the character.
Yes. Character counts to me a lot. And before Darkside asks, I take it into account before buying a magazine too.
It really doesn't matter what the author's true character is. All that matters is if the information being presented is useful and correct. As a reader and seeker of information it is your responsibility to implement critical thinking to decern the usefulness of the information.
a person that his character is not good happen to write a very good article that means that there is some changes in his life yes.
As far as HubPages goes, when someone hasn't written any Hubs, I disregard their character.
who cares? i have read tons of books in my life, magazine articles, newspapers, etc. and never once thought about the character of the author.
what an odd question.
a hubber exists and is defined by their character through all the mediums we express ourselves through.
I read the writing, and let the writer be whomever they want. None of my business what a person does at home.
Masks, be it in real life or internet. We all wear masks, we hardly reveal ourselves. So our real character is only restricted to us. I think of writing that helps shape character sometimes. Many time you'll not write something misleading so there you're thinking about yourself and others.
Lets hope skyfire......I would only hope it shapes character...well said!
I totally agree with the above. Everyone wears a mask, even when you meet someone in person.
Rate someone on their writing and not on what they may be like in real life.
Masks, be it in real life or internet. We all wear masks, we hardly reveal ourselves. So our real character is only restricted to us. that is to say that man is the worst enemy to himself and as well a person may hayed himself for a long time without you knowing the persons full character.
yes if I discovered that the irish observer was not a former criminal but a preahcer I would want to stay away from him, imagine, he might even be a butchers dog.....what if bart simpson is actually a cruel sinnner. what if Lisa is a woman of the night....jesus
The personality, character and beliefs of the author will often be revealed in what he or she writes. In the sense that I might object strenuously to an opinion that differs from mine, it could be true that the "character" of the author matters. Otherwise, what do we really know of the character of anyone here?
I think that a person's writing gives you at best a partial picture of their character, and at worst is completely misleading.
History is full of people who produced great art/writing, but who were real sh1ts in person. Doesn't make their art any less valid though, although it is quite an interesting subject in its own right - the discrepancy between someone's literary/artistic output and their personality.
I believe I'll complicate things a little - writers have personalities and then when they write as much as they might want to disguise themselves and their personality it will be apparent to the discerning reader who and what they are!
However, and this is where it gets complicated - writers also do despicable things that we may never learn of, even when their basic personality is intelligent, and good, and likable - so we must not worry - as long as we are careful about what we do on the internet, they can't harm us. Does that make sense at all?
I agree. But i have seen that people do write for things which they don't want to use and for pure sales. There comes sanity part.
Be careful !
I'm around !
and I'm a writer. A very dangerous thing to be !
Imagine if the person at the other side of the world sitting on his/her computer exchanging banter was actually a bunny boiler......Ma....Ma....they are coming to get
Of course character counts, but only if you care about credibility.
Even if someone puts up a pic (see other thread) and tells you they are the son of a preacher man, how would you know, nonsense, the only character you should worry about is the one sharing your bed and even he/she is an unknown quantity......
jill of all trade - like it love it....she rubs the lotion on her shin......what was the name of that wee dog....oh yea precious...
You have seen my rooster, what more do you want from me....sorry wrong thread....
what if I am freddie, you know from the film, were would you hide then, what if I have a special computer and I can see into your room.....what if this computer is actually your computer and I am typing right now while you think about something to type...what if I wear your lisa Simpson slippers when you are down at the shopping mall....what if that noise was actually me in the wardrobe looking for something to wear.....oh I like this real nylon.....
where's manlypoet? I put up the pic of me on the tractor! and it takes a lot of courage to put my own image up!
What if that noise was me falling in the wardrobe because your a size 6 and I am a size 10...too bloody tight...what if that shadow at the window (look around) is not a car passing by by me up a ladder looking in your window with a big torch, yes a big torch in my hand, what if - I am actually in the fridge, thats right go and check, what if that knock on the door is not the pizza delivery boy....what if.............
stop for a moment, listen, is their fog outside, wait, dont move just yet, ok you can go now I was just shaken off....your night gown sure is absorvent....
Oh I think all Hubbers should be from respectable backgrounds, I think male hubbers should wear white vest and undies, any male hubber found with his hand off the key board should be banned, any female hubber should dress formally - a nice dress with flowers - and cotton panties/white, any female hubber with hands off the key board should be hubber should be allowed to satrt hubbing until they have washed their hands and cleaned behind their ears......if a hubber goes to the bathroom they must wash hands on return.....
Oh well, if character counts, then there's no hope for me. I'm making it my current mission to grow old disgracefully.
writeangled, whats this old about if your on here your young at heart and thats what matters.....
I still retain the right to be disgraceful
Good lord I leave for a few minutes and come back to some raving COCK <<<hehhe hahahaaaaa hardee har har.....
Ok what if I actually wear a size 14 nylon...WTH is nylon? like panyhose? what if I didn't tell the doctors of the purple unicorns and rainbow brite, perhaps I would have more congenial visits
Ok I get your point...but, yep there's a but
I think when your writing about something, it should something you believe in, stand by and whole-hearted believe...wait that was a movie.........
ermmm what I mean to say is irishman pass the meds
This is the real me in picture and in my writings. I only write what I can handle because I believe that if I'm honest I'll command respect. I respect all the hubbers I meet here. I hope to meet more, and I don't judge anybody by only a perceived character which happens when I meet them only once through their hub. I follow those whose hubs are informative along my line and somehow gain closeness as I exchange comments with them.
is good to be honest in all that you do so as to command respect. And is good to respect all the hubbers you meet here. So you will meet more people,
war is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys state. It destroys families, any scourge is preferable to it.
when you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative
And, what difference does this statement have to do with the topic at hand? time...and I was Hubbing...and I felt a cold draft against my neck....I was afraid to look around so I just kept on Hubbing....I could smell lavender..and I thought that smell is familiar...but I did not know where from....then I remembered my great grandmother...Elsie...always wore that scent.....I could feel the breeze for a long time....then I decided to look around and there was nothing there....but then the door opened wide and I could see a shadow calling to me...I followed....the shadow took me out into the garden....down the long winding path to the old shed....I was afraid...scared...lonely...yet..I dont know...perhaps I felt numb...what was this - where was I....I followed the shadow into the shed...the light flickered....the door creaked...the floor boards squeaked...the light went out...the shadow brushed aginst me as it disapeared out the door....I reached for the old oil lamp in the corner...I struck a match to light it but the match was damp....I found another match and this time got the lamp to light....I could not believe what was lying on the old Hubber I once knew as Maximustitty...he was dying...alone...cold and helpless....he called me close to his lips so I could hear his last words....Im sorry.....I lied....I am no preacher mans son......I am a bank robber...I have just been shot and I am not long for this world....forgive me for lying to you on the Hub...I just wanted to be accepted....I should have told you I was a criminal...but I thought you would not think I was Hubtastic......babe I think you are and your fine family and big house...can you forgive me and pray for me when you go to church on Sunday....................
actually I better go now, I am on a promise, if I leave it too late she will be too tired 9.30pm you all see you tomorrow...
WOW......I grabbed my kleenex........
You know irish there is a point to this question I posted, and only I will know. Some of you have brought to light of my conviction and others have only confirmed what I believe.
I just think that the character of the person should has some truth to what they type...perhaps at some level there is or a yearning of being what someone writes....but with that said perhaps one should change inwardly before expressings themselves openingly.......That make any sense
P.S. I see your followong me.and I am following you know (muwahahahahhahaaaaa) my evil laugh
I am here to read and learn, not to judge...but interesting question, no doubt.
Well... I'd like to say that the article is most important to me, but there are some hubbers out there who use the forums and make me want to stay away from their hubs come hell or high water.
I take into consideration, all of their actions, beit writing or taking part in the forums.
The words used, to write hubs and the words used to talk in the forum, form a distinctive message, for which, character can be determined, with enough interaction.
Does the character of a hubber count? This depends based on what you can learn from all that I mentioned.
A person's writing tells a lot about who they truly are, what they feel or what is happening, the truth is in the writing.
The internet is a wonderful place to be whoever it is you want to be :3 Who cares if the carefree hippie writer turns out to be a Mother of four in Suburbia?
I think everyone is sort of... split. We all have parts of ourselves That seem to hide. And on here, especially, Its like a safe haven :3
The real world doesn't much matter.
Gossiping about another is not a nice game to play that says a lot in itself.
Yes indeed, I stood there motionless, as Maximustitty, my old Hubbing buddy lay dead, Oh I cried, I wondered why he had lied to me, we could have been closer, but then who am I to ask for so much, I would always remember Titty (I called him titty) as the Guy at the other side of the world who was the son of a preacher man, it was not important now that he had lied, that he was in fact a criminal, how different my life could have been if only I had known the truth about titty, yes, I would never know now, he lay there face down in the mud, sorry, shed, his life drained away, goodbye titty I cried......goodbye...
on a site like this, I read topics that interest me and hubbers that I like and respect as both a person and writer.
there are so many!
Then I said to myself, Maximustitty is gone, gone forever, or is he, perhaps tomorrow night when I am Hubbing he will be someone else, like I mean he can cant he, I mean he could be Maximuswillie or something, I would not know, would I, I mean I thought he was the son of a preacher man but he wasnt, so sure, he could be back, how would I know, I will miss Titty, did I say we called him Titty, yes I will miss him so much, well I guess I better go back to the house now.....
Well I finally got back to the house, gee it was cold, I grabed a cookie and a glass of milk and made my way up stairs, my computer was still running, I sat down and began to think of the long night I had Hubbed with Titty, gone now, he was, gone, ah well, better start hubbing again.....
Yes I decided I needed to use the bathroom, I always thought about titty when I used the bathroom, thats why I wore the gloves, mega, they were, non drip, loved them, still Titty was gone now, I often wonder if he is Hubbing up in heaven or down in hell, I dont know where Hubbers go, I heard of Hubber heaven but I dont know...dam...I wish I knew where Titty was gone...
Dear Irish - I don't know where you were on the night in question, but may I suggest that YOU are Titty - and you have once again led these good people on a terrible goose-chase! Now I wonder whether I can believe ANYTHING you put forward here. You don't really care if people wash their hands before they post, now, do you? and if I wear gloves and a lovely little flowered frock while I write to you about your ruffled cock(hey, this is turning poetic!) will it really matter to you anymore than if I were actually a burly gent who likes to display his more "feminine" side and wear his wife's silken undies? (ahhhh, that felt good!)
Then I looked in the mirror, was this all a dream, was mega a wee man in a rain coat, was I Titty, I was confused, what were those stains on my God...what has happened...this is just Mega or is it....or what...
I don't know, Mac, he said he was Irish - and Irish observer, stumbled out here on the street mumbling about megas and his gloves! His fly was down and he looked rather bloody - those bloody gloves . . . . . or was it blood? hmmmmmmmmm. . . no, I think not, the gloves are pink and that is just some other kind of semi-liquid substance. Don't touch it! everybody stand back! We don't know where this guy has been! He could be the HubPages murderer! get the cuffs on him!
hmmmmmm . . . find out where he got those cute pink gloves, would ya?
I just lay there on the ground, I didnot care anymore now that Titty was gone, I could hear the cop cars coming, I knew this was it, I knew my cosy existance as a Hubber was over, CSI would find the evidence on my gloves, I could not take them off Mega1 was standing on my hands restraining me, that short skirt fooled nobody, she was commando alright, said she was marine but I could see now that she had lied, dam you why dam you why...Titty...why
Yea just playin with ya so another words
To thine own self be true BUT if ya can come across as being eloquent ,intelligent with big boobs , youre in like flyn
Not really.. its what you write that counts and not your character.. at least on hub pages..
Like a watermelon, one can tell a man's character with a good thumpin'.
mostly the topics and writings, but you can usually tell the character of a person by their hubs and what they post alot about or hub about frequently.
At least that is my opinion.
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