Sept. 14
What I am asking is your help. You see, I have begun, mostly to make some money, aka/scratch, LOL, and I use Amazon mostly, but what I need of you is to send me a mock-up of what you write and how to write about your items that you sell, I use the text with orange A to show in paragraphs as opposed to pasting the URL somewhere in hub.
Anyway. Please help me because I am a simple-minded man.
Thanks so much.
Hi Kenneth, hope you are well
When you say 'text with orange A', you mean using the link provided by HubPages, yes? Where you highlight the name of the item, click on the link icon, select the Amazon tab and then locate the item in a list.
That's always the best one because it looks natural and doesn't interfere with the flow. You wouldn't paste a URL into the hub, it would look ugly and wouldn't pass quality assessment and you may not get paid unless you included your Amazon associate code.
If you go to my profile and click on 'Cast Spells the Easy Way: Written Spells', you'll see two Amazon links halfway down the page.
Hope that helps, but feel free to ask if you are still unsure.
Hi, raggededge . . .you have added priceless information about Amazon
fo me to use Amazon. I would like to ask you what items do YOU
suggest that I publish, maybe during pre-fall, that people will like.
Truth be told, I need to make some cash.
I am just being honest.
And thanks again, my friend, ragged.
Write about things that you use and are familiar with. Any hobbies you have, or used to have, that you can mention a necessary product.
I think Marisa used to have a hub all about using Amazon. I'll see if I can find it... Okay, I found this: … ed-to-Know
Scroll down until you see the Amazon heading. There's a straightforward explanation there.
Dear raggededge . . .my Sincere Thanks to YOU for all of your help with the information I needed with Amazon.
I am headed to that link now and see what I can absorb.
Thanks again, and Love You Lots!
Sept. 16---very late in the a.m.
dear raggededge . . .I will be brief. You spoke about something or the other about an Amazon code that I tried to find and failed. I know how to copy/paste an item's URL, but the Code, I looked all over and could not find it. Please me at my normal address . . . .thank you MUCH.
Hi Kenneth,
I put the instructions in an easy-to-follow list: … ost4094899
So those instructions are if you want to add a link to your text via HP. The best method, in my view.
However, if you want a URL, you need the following:
The code is your Amazon affiliate code. Without it, the commissions cannot be allocated to you. If you are logged into Amazon, you can get it directly but then payments will be via Amazon, not Hubpages.
Look at the image below. Can you see it says 'Get link' right at the top on the gray stripe? You'd click on 'TEXT' to get the URL. That's a URL that will include your affiliate code. You have to be signed in to Amazon and you must have set up an affiliate account.
If you just take the URL at the top of your browser, you will not get paid!
You would also have to have an affiliate account in order to receive Amazon payments via HubPages. If you haven't set up an account, then you may as well not worry about Amazon at all and just get paid for impressions (visitors to your articles).
Sept. 16
dear raggededge, I sincerely thank you--and I will begin using the link that you have told me about. YES, I surely-do need MORE money in my paypayl acct., if you are like most people of my age bracket (OLD with fixed income) every dollar counts.
And for YOU, I pray that you have a great day. I am serious.
Dear RaggedEdge, here it is Sept. 16, and I have just returned from Amazon main page and I tried your advice on how I was supposed to Get Link for items that I wanted to sell on HP, but two hours later, I was able to find Get Link, because there was NO set words to see?
Would you get irate if Iasked you to help me . . .Again? Please?
Kenneth, try the first set of instructions. … ost4094899
But, as I said, if you don't have an **Amazon affiliate account** linked to your HubPages account, there's no point. You won't earn a bean from Amazon.
Here's how to set it up: … te-account
My Dear raggededge . . .thank you x 120. Today I am exhausted from copying/pasting so much abut this hub project, but with YOUR advice, I am anxious to use it. I did get (a) regular account, so now I am going for the Affiliate account.
HP and I have had a few email conversations about my usage of images on my Amazon hubs.
One said that it did not matter as long as the image did not appear spammy, so it was and I published it. Then HP said that images are okay as long as there is lots of personal and prouct info about them.
I used two images, and if my math is right. 400 words each equas 800 words making a totla of what I wrote for: 929. words.
So now, I wait for money.
And I should share it with you.
Kenneth, money via Amazon cannot come until you have an Amazon affiliate account. And you type your Amazon affiliate account number into your HubPages settings.
I don't get the greater part of my earnings from Amazon. It comes from getting lots of traffic from search engines.
Edit: Ken, I just took a look at one of your 'Amazon hubs' and it looks like you already have an affiliate account. I can see your code in the link. You've already mastered the trick of putting a text link in.
Maybe someone else can take a look to see if I'm correct? … ther-Pests
Sept. 15
Hi, raggededge . . .well, something suspicious is afoot.I am going to send you a Screen Shot in a few minutes and you can see that I checked both the Amazon Programs and Ad Programs, both are configured an Active. It might be, I know it is, that early HP years, I never knew how to use Amazon. I will send you and Screen Shot when I get it edited.
Hey, raggededge . . .I am back and here is the Sceen Shot that I am talking about . . .
PS: come to think of it, I may have some money squirreled-away since eight years ago . . .what do you think and if I do, I will share with you. Promise.
Hi Kenneth,
In the article, you wrote about Jalapeno Jerky you included an actual link on the bottom of the page. it would look better if you wrote the words Jalapeno Jerky, highlighted the word, click the link chain at the top of the page and then select the Jalapeno product you want from the list of products shown. That way you get at Amazon link without all the code.
Sallybea . . .yes, I see now. And why I am going through all
of this confusion is because using Amazon for me is new and
it takes time to get used to it.
But a Sincere Thanks to You for the help. Have a Nice Saturday.
I use the same one..I think it's more appropriate
Shing. . .yes, your idea will work, but I have started doing my Amazon in link style, just so I will not have to paste it at bottom or middle of my hub.
1. I go to the Amazon product and copy the URL at the top
2. I keep it on my copyboard
3. i highlight the word Amazon or Item if it has an UR and paste it in the small box that goes from the highlighted text, Hit save.
4. HIt save in our copy box for HP.
Then look at the link turns red.
And thanks agiain.
I think you are on the right track.
One other suggestion-- only my opinion-- but I think it is not a good idea to use the word "Amazon" in your hub titles. It make it look like an advertisement right out of the chute.
If people are interested in your subject they MAY be intrested in the item you are talking about, but are likely to to be turned off if it looks like an ad.
In the past couple of years I have earned about 2/3 of my pay from Amazon. It is mostly from two hubs which suggest ways to solve a problem.
Dear Rochelle . . .I am so proud for you to stop by and offer help to me. And I will not use Amazon in my headlines. Thanks. And you said you wrote about ways to solve problems . . .how does Amazon work with that?
Thanks so much, Rochelle.
If readers are searching for a way to solve a problem or for a way to make a difficult task easier, and you suggest a product that can help them it can result in sales.
Write about the problem or task and why it causes difficulty.Write about what people have done to solve the problem, about what works and what doesn’t, suggest possible solutions.
Rochelle . . .this makes perfect sense. Thanks so much, Rochelle, and I will try this idea as soon as possible.
You might be able to convert some of your recent articles to fit this formula. If you look at Randy Godwins hubs you will find that he has a lot of articles on fixing and maintaining RVs trailers, etc. he has Amazon links to parts and products along with a lot of do-it-yourself help. The items he suggests are not ten cent items.... it helps if your suggestions point to products that cost 20 to 50 dollars or more whenever appropriate .
Now that holidays are approaching you might start thinking about gift ideas too....people are always looking for gifts to give to people who like...????,,,
I dunno, Rochelle - while I do the same thing Randy does (in a different product line) and advertise some expensive items in the hope of making sales, I also advertise several cheap items. I do it purely as an aid to the reader, for I only make a few cents on each purchase.
But I sell a lot of those things. Not enough to get rich or even make more than a few dollars per month...but the dozens of sales of things I don't advertise are coming from somewhere. Perhaps from people using my link and then going on to purchase other items? Certainly I'm credited with selling far more things than I advertise, every month.
Yes, It's true.. small sales add up. And it's a good thing to bring small useful things to the attention of your readers.
Some buyers will go on to buy other unrelated stuff they may have been thinking about , sometimes their response is prompted by the shipping -charge advantage.
It is interesting to see the variety of unadvertised items that pop up on the list.
LOL I sell far more unadvertised items than stuff I've provided a link for! Some of it's really weird, too - women's underwear, for example, or sex toys. Stuff that isn't even close to the topic of any of my hubs. A dog brush, when my only pethelpful hub is on fish. Women's bracelets when the closest I come to jewelry is a tool belt for electricians. Synthetic hair extensions and the closest I come to hair is a picture of my grand daughter on a Christmas hub.
It's fun to watch all the stuff that is purchased.
Amazon places a cookie on their reader's device that lasts for 24 hours, so anything the person buys in that 24 hours will be credited to you
Dear Rochelle . ..thank you so much. I had thought about going with an all-out Amazon/HubPages campaign,but I was leery about what editors of HP would say, so I have held off. I am going to read Randy's hubs to see what he says.
I will keep in touch with you, Rochelle, and thanks again.
Ken - while I have a few "sales" hubs, intended to produce sales, they were written long ago when HP was more Amazon friendly and none of them do well.
Far more effective, for me, is to explain how to accomplish a specific task and, oh by the way, here's the tool I used and the product I installed. Always (always!) with an indication of why that tool or this product is necessary and a comment that I used it when I did the work myself.
I've been a little surprised in that some of the products are readily available in local stores but I still sell lots of them. I only link to tools that are rather uncommon, but some of the products are found everywhere. Guess some people won't drive to the corner store to get what they need.
There is a link on my profile carousel about how to install an RV plug in your home; it has several Amazon links if you're interested. These were a little different in that I did not use them all (they are for several different types of RV plug), but are shown as a convenience to the reader anyway.
I have just had a look at your new soup hub and though the article itself might be fine, I see a few things that are working against you.
First, you have a boatload of outgoing links that do not enhance your article. In fact they are unnecessarily taking readers away from your page. People don’t need to be pulled away to find out what an icebox is ... they probably know what the world is and what canned vegetables are, and if they want to know more about the people you mention they can look up the names later.
Second, you DO want that red letter link when you mention your Amazon product so they go directly there, and you get credit for sending them. (Do this once, not every time you mention it.)
Take out the directions that are supposed to tell them how to find an product on Amazon themselves... it is not correct, does not help you at all, and if it works Amazon will not know you sent them.
Dear Rochelle . . .thanks so much. I will remember that.
Hi, Kenneth. Rochelle's reply is very useful and other people in this thread have been helpful as well. I'd like to point out something else about your soup article.
In ten minutes from now, I could reach my nearest supermarket by walking or one a bit further away by driving. Both stores have a nice selection of the soups that you describe. Within half an hour from now, I could be enjoying a hot bowl of soup at home.
Once you've chosen a specific soup product to sell, it's vital that you point out significant benefits of the product for people like me. What advantage does the product that you've chosen have? Is it much cheaper than in stores (taking into account any shipping cost)? Is it an unusual flavor that isn't common in supermarkets? Does it consist of a selection of soup varieties that can't always be found in stores? How long does it take to ship? The version of the soup that you choose must have important advantages compared to the typical versions found in stores and any disadvantages must be minor.
I agree with Alicia’s observations. Many of her suggestions could be used to enhance your article. She is right that many people live within walking distance of a supermarket . . I used to be close, but now I am in a rural area. A drive to the nearest store is an hour round trip. I am finding that Amazon prime pantry is a good way to stock up on canned and packaged groceries,often at a better price while saving time. Some people may need to order on line because of health or transportation issues.
Kenneth, you will not earn anything from Amazon unless your affiliate code is in the link. Just taking the URL is a waste of time.
1. Highlight the product name in the text capsule..
2. Click on the icon in the editing tools of the the text capsule that looks like a little chain.
3. Click the Amazon tab.
4. Click on your item - it should appear in a list.
5. Click Save.
Dear raggededge . . .thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate your time, trouble, and advice. I mean it. And I will NOT forget you.
Kenneth, I would like to offer you a suggestion (that is if HP will allow me) I can't answer your question directly because I don't use Amazon in my hubs, at least not yet. Anyway, I started reading your Jack Links article, and I said to myself, by golly, that thing reads like ad copy. I recognized it from having been a copywriter the first 10 years of my first career. This is not a criticism, in fact, it is where I get the suggestion. Why don't you consider content writing? If you aren't already doing it, your question will be "how do I get started?" We have several great content writers on HP who are very helpful to writers who want to get into content writing. If you aren't already following Bill Holland (Billybuc) I suggest that you do. He is probably the most helpful person on HP. He publishes a "Mailbag" on Mondays in which he answers a plethora of questions from writers of all walks of writing, including freelance content writing. Here's a link to his last one: … llment-273
Lots of luck to you, my dear friend!
Hello, MizBejabbers (Doris), hey again . . .you know something? I have never though tof that suggestion that you are talking about.
I would not mind, but how does it rate with dollars and cents?
This is why I am using Amazon, so I can get a good pay-out and wouldn't you know that I am now at $0.84 and it has taken me since winter of last year to be this far.
I may be suspicious, but I know that my hubs LIKe YOURS are worth more than a dime each time it is clicked on.
I hope to make the pay-out by last of October and then check on the idea/link that I have copied.
Thanks again, DEAR Friend.
MizbeJabbers . . .I went back copied and pasted the address you said
that he might use me to write content hubs.
I will not forget you.
Hi Kenneth,
I don't find Amazon a big earner because people have to BUY something from there for you to earn. As Miz Bejabbers said, what about writing about what you know? By bringing lots of visitors to a well written hub, you earn from people looking and reading, not buying.
She also mentioned Billybuc, Bill Holland. He is a great writer. He also visits the sites of EVERYONE who comments on his articles and gives them a comment back. Yes, I know that takes time but it keeps people coming bck every time you write a new article. It may mean you write fewer articles but each one could be a bigger earner.
Dear RoadMonkey . . .you know, I never dreamed of what you said about Amazon and fewer hubs.
That does make sense.
Truth is: I desperate need to have some money . . .if you only knew.
Thanks so much, theraggededge, and I am serious. If in the future, our lives should meet, I will take you to dinner and I will take much pleasure in paying for it. Deal?
That is cool, raggededge, the last communication that I had with you here just a moment ago where I gave you my Screen Shot of my Amazon and Ad Programs, both are configured and active, so what does this mean? And listen, if I have some money put back due to me not knowing how to work the Amazon, I will share it with YOU, if you willl help me. I will still take you to dinner.
Wish I had a smiley face and a heart to give you.
I don't want your money, Kenneth. Really. If you can become successful with Amazon, that's reward enough for me.
Oh, my, raggededge, I did not mean any disrespect toward you. It is just the way that I feel when I am blessed to taste success--then I want to share that experience with YOU and of course, the rest of my sweet followers. If I am thought of as an idiot, that is fine. I care for myself and those around me.
But I would treat you to a vegan or regular dinner that i promise would not be from a drive-in eat from your car, but a real restaurant with candles.
Just wait and see!!!!
Hi Ken, I did not take any offence at all, quite the opposite, in fact. And I'd love to meet up with you. The problem is that I live in Wales - a small country tacked onto the side of England. So I think we will just have to make do with exchanging messages on HubPages
Hi, raggededge . . . .how nice. Wow! I accept. For now.
I did finish checking my Amazon account and it shows that I DO Have an affiliate account and how this happened, I do not know. My Amazon is configured and active. Must be that new members of HubPages when signing up, check Amazon or Ad Program are automatic.
I guess. But life goes on. Product to publish, money to make.
It means you don't have to set up an Amazon affiliate account, so you can ignore all my previous witterings.
Always use the in-text links as you have done in some articles. That's the correct way.
Hi, raggedededge, just got back from one of my doctor's appointments and I thank God and YOU for the GREAT News.
Oh, if it will not offend you, what is your REAL Name?
You can emiail it via
Thanks! Me.
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