I'd like feedback on my article: Tackling the Covid-19 Menace With Natural...

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  1. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
    Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article? What can I do to improve? Thanks!
    Here is my article: Tackling the Covid-19 Menace With Natural Medicines and Social Responsibility

    1. AliciaC profile image94
      AliciaCposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Hi. The title of the article is a major problem. You shouldn’t be telling readers that they can tackle the coronavirus menace with natural medicines. Even doctors and scientists are still investigating whether specific medicines can safely inactivate the virus inside the human body and don’t know for certain what works yet.

      You need to correct the information in the first paragraph. Influenza viruses (not a coronavirus) cause the flu.

      You say that arsenic “should be taken” and give a dose. Arsenic taken as a supplement can be dangerous. In addition, since you’re not a doctor, you shouldn’t be recommending supplement doses to readers or even telling them that they "should" take a particular type.

      All of your Ayurvedic remedies for supporting the immune system must be supported by authoritative medical references.

      Saying that mustard or sesame oil eliminates the chance of a viral infection is another problem. You haven’t given any evidence that the oil can prevent viruses from entering the nose. Even if it affects some viruses, you have no idea whether it affects the coronavirus that is causing so many problems unless medical researchers have discovered this fact.

      It's fine to discuss the treatment research that is being performed by medical researchers (or that has been performed), as long as you include authoritative references, but you shouldn't recommend treatments.

      1. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
        Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your inputs Alicia, I understand and have modified the title. About Arsenic, I have already mentioned that the claim by homeopathic doctors is not verified by any research.  Mustard oil or sesame oil has anti-microbial properties and this is claimed in various research studies. Though, I have modified the sentence accepting your suggestion. Nowhere, I am suggesting them as treatments. I am suggesting them to boost immunity, just to share knowledge with others.

    2. stuff4kids profile image59
      stuff4kidsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I'd go further than AliciaC and say this article should not be published. It is irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

      1. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
        Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Here in this article, I am not claiming it to be a treatment against COVID-19. It is only to improve immunity against viral diseases. There is nothing dangerous or irresponsible I have shared.

        1. profile image0
          Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          In that case, change the title to say that - and make sure it's made clear repeatedly throughout the article.  As others have said, your best bet is probably to delete it and get a new URL too, as the URL would be judged misleading by Google too.

  2. theraggededge profile image88
    theraggededgeposted 4 years ago

    Don't touch it at all, is my advice. Unless you are a medical professional with first-hand experience... or if you have had the virus yourself, you should steer clear. There is always a small chance you could get sued.

    1. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
      Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the suggestion friend, but I am not claiming it as a treatment. I am sharing knowledge for boosting immunity.

      1. theraggededge profile image88
        theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        That's not what the title says. "Tackling" the virus means dealing with it; curing it. Your URL doesn't change. Also, you are still mentioning 'medicines'. Medicine is treatment.

        Also 'the seven billion population' is singular, so you should then use the pronoun, its knees, not their knees.

        The first paragraph should end at 'several countries'. One paragraph = one idea. So make your paragraphs shorter.

        Another problem is that the description of how it spreads is so universally generic (naturally so, of course) that your article may trigger a duplicate content flag.

        Never, ever even mention any kind of controversial treatment. Just in case, your readers are so desperate that they try it. For example, 300 people have died in Iran because they drank quantities of methanol, after hearing it might cure/prevent the virus. A couple already died in the US after taking chloroquine.

        So by all means focus on building the immune system, but steer clear of mentioning anything that could cause harm. Desperate people do desperate things.

  3. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
    Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestion friend; the title I have already changed to 'Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Natural Medicines and Social Responsibility' but somehow it is not reflecting in the URL. About 'seven billion population', that's a good point you made. Thanks for that. About Arsenic Album 30 drug: I am already taking this drug and have seen no harmful effect. I have already mentioned that no research carried on its effectiveness; it is only the claim made by some homeopathic doctors. The major issue I understand could be the description of how it spreads that seems to be generic. I have re-edited that as well. I hope it gets published now.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I know you changed the title, but 'medicines' still implies a cure. Perhaps 'Natural Supplements' would be better.

      The URL won't change. It's set for the life of the article.

      The problem is the whole section under, "Covid 19 - Treatment Efforts". These are not global treatments (yet), and your audience is global, not only restricted to India. So some may be tempted to self-medicate. Don't mention anything about any drugs. Stick to healthy supplements which are readily available through diet or registered medics and homeopaths.

      Just be careful with this, okay?

      1. Mahesh Chandra Gaur profile image83
        Mahesh Chandra Gaurposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Ok, though I shared what the doctors of a particular hospital administered to treat the patient, I will remove this section. Let's see if it can help publish the article. Thanks for the suggestion.

        1. Deb Vesco Roberts profile image95
          Deb Vesco Robertsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          To get the URL to change, you will have to delete the article and start over so you have a new one. I agree with all the feedback here. You're getting some awesome advice.

  4. CYong74 profile image96
    CYong74posted 4 years ago

    Mahesh, I have something to highlight to you, if you would consider.

    For any article of a health and well-being nature, it is unimportant what you intend. The crux is always on how your words are interpreted.

    I know you only mean well. However, the world is in a panic over the Coronavirus Pandemic. Your government is panicking too, as I'm sure you notice. In such times, it is very easy for words to be misinterpreted, leading to horrific repercussions. It is also very tempting for people to assign scapegoats, should the situation further worsens.

    You have changed several things within your hub. But there is still that veiled suggestion that natural medication, such as Ayurvedic herbs, could prevent Covid-19 infection. The desperate and the panicky could misread this as Ayurvedic herbs being capable of resisting infection. All sort of horrible scenarios could then result from this. You never know.

    You could end up jailed. Worse, the target of an online lynch mob.

    FYI, there are already various publications on major news outlets questioning the use of traditional medicine in this pandemic. I have no idea since I'm no doctor. But I would assume that if a simple matter of boosting immunity works, there wouldn't be a pandemic to begin with.

    Please consider dropping this hub.

  5. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 4 years ago

    Under US law, which is where Hubpages is based, it is not legal to make any claims that anything other than FDA-approved drugs can treat, cure, or prevent a disease or disorder.

  6. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 4 years ago

    Claiming it has a preventive value is also not permitted.  Meaning the article basically shouldn't mention any specific disease, at all.


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