More or less. Some hubs that were #1 for certain terms for the larger part of a decade are now #6 and 7, but on most hubs even those with damaged ranking, overall traffic is higher and the corresponding earnings.
I'm afraid all I've noticed is:
1) more idiotic/interfering editing ,and
2) dramatically increased advertising splattered all over my pieces so as to make them virtually unreadable. Especially on "Letterpile" where, I'm led to believe, I should be honoured to have them placed.
Most of my readership comes from my own Facebook activity. Thinking of going back to Wordpress.
I kept getting told to edit and rewrite my articles that didn't get viewed and I feel this contributed to my eventually messing up many of my original articles. I should have ignored and left them alone. at least I would feel better about them.
I've been here ten years, and I feel more optimistic now than ever before. The environment is tougher, with more hoops to jump through for sure, but the quality of the articles is better than previously, Maven can put in more resources, and Google is reacting positively. Views and earnings up for me overall, so I'm happy and writing more.
There have been good times before, but they usually felt a little unstable, like a house built on sand, this period seems more sturdy to me.
I'm encouraged by increasing views and earnings. I'm also encouraged by Paul's comment; as a veteran here he seems to have his ear to the ground better than me.
Yes, I'm doing better, increases in both. Keeping fingers crossed, no jinxing it.
Yes. I have noticed an overall improvement. I've had more articles surge in views for several days. It's nice $$$$!
Moderately better but I'm okay with that. But it depends on what you compare it to; I've done much better in the past.
For me no appreciable change but anyway, it is a good thing to note that. Probably we are out of that depressive phase.
Views are up about 60% up compared to this time last year, but in my case I think that may be due to lockdown and people doing home improvement and gardening a bit earlier in the year to pass the time. CPM is down on last year but is now finally recovering. However we'll be into Q2 next week so unfortunately it'll drop again. Rankings and traffic for my math and physics tutorials have dropped in the last few weeks after the last two Google algorithm changes reversed the multiple, beneficial updates that occured from January to the start of March. Things have improved a bit this week though.
I didn't think about comparing it to last year but when I checked it I'm doing a lot better compared to same time last year. Actually surprised me, like 3 times better.
Yes, the good thing is I do see an increase in Views. On the other hand, using this increase is a problem for us writers. We are the ones who must figure a way to take advantage of this phenomenon.
Some of my articles are doing a little better, but I have been here under a year, so I assumed it takes a little while for the search engines to pick them up consistently.
I have definitely noticed my revenue increasing. Both the ad program and Amazon sales are doing much better lately.
I wonder if that’s why Maven’s stock doubled from a year ago. After all, they get 40% of the total revenue, and that might be reflecting in the share price.
Even though we only earn 60% of 3% commission on gardening and home improvement products compared to 8% last year, I seem to be making more revenue overall this year. Sales are almost every day.
Yep, I get Amazon sales almost every day too. I agree it's sad that Amazon reduced the commission so much, but as you indicated, the increased sales make up for that.
I see a problem with the Amazon sales. You would get commission only if the viewer is from USA because the Amazon link is specific to US site. We do have many people from Europe, Asia and other countries and they are clicking on the links but buying from their own country's Amazon version. Hubpages should have a way to address this. Its a loss of revenue for Hubpages as well as the writer.
I'm doing better than last year, but not quite as good as 2019. Hoping as the year goes on I can get some traction back. One of my top articles has really fallen in rank/views and I think that is pulling down my overall earnings. Some articles have risen quite nicely, but with my top article falling and having inconsistent traffic every day, things seem to have evened out so I'm not experiencing as much of an earnings increase as I had hoped for.
My cpm's are down a bit compared to this time last year, which has been the case all year. Coupled with pennies for all my Amazon sales and I'm not making nearly as much as I had hoped for the increase of traffic that I'm seeing. I'm optimistic that things are finally turning around though so I'm hopefully as the year goes on my earnings will increase to what I was seeing in 2019.
I wish we could get a breakdown of income on each article if those stats are available. The best performing article as regards traffic doesn't necessarily earn the most. If we knew the details, we could concentrate on making sure the profitable articles stay profitable, rather than worrying possibly in vain about high traffic ones losing their traffic or rankings.
I do too. I understand what you're saying, but I honestly do not have very many articles that get more than even 20 views a day and the previously mentioned article is one of the few that has an Amazon link so I'm not only losing regular traffic, but likely Amazon sales (no matter how small they are now) as well.
I don't think I write on topics that tend to have high paying ads either so that probably plays a factor into things as well. I might be worrying over nothing, but I agree it would be nice to have more of a breakdown of where earnings are actually coming from. If one of the lower performing ones was bringing in more revenue it would be nice to know so I can find ways to try and increase traffic and make the article better overall.
@TessSchlesinger, "Christianity doesn't do well when it comes to garnering traffic from Google," I would have to disagree, Currently I only have 16 articles, but with half a million views. And that's without writing anything new in over a year. I would say if you do your research you will do well.
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I wrote a a troubleshooting article on Medium in November last and while it's indexed by Google and turns up in searches, it hasn't got any traffic. Why would that be? A similar guide on Dengarden gets 500 views per day.
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This is it: … 08651d3782
I know Medium isn't the place for "How To" guides, but I noticed someone else had written a guide about electricity, explaining the technicalities and it ranks in fourth place.
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Under tags, I have "String Trimmer", "Garden Tools", "Power Tools", "Gardening", "Garden Maintenance", but I can extend that list.
I changed the Title and subtitle and SEO to this:
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Yes, there are about 6 different names for string trimmer. I haven't read the article by Ed, but I'll take a look. I don't really need to improve ranking for this article because I'm already in first place and have the featured snippet for the topic with my troubleshooting guide on Dengarden, This other guide was on my blog and I just moved it to Medium as an experiment to see what views it would attract. I just found it odd that it hadn't received any views whatsoever after being published 4 months.
Anyway, thanks for the advice!
@TessSchlesinger, my best performing article on Litterpile has gotten over 325,000 views in two years, and it's about the bible, so yes, Christian topics do well on Google.... 99% of views from google.
Is it the exorcism one? I find the dark arts do very well
'Litterpile' though...
I just hope some judicious recycling is happening
Like "How To" guides? Could I write one from a DIY or cooking perspective?
Of course. Try 'magickal potions' or maybe 'how to construct an altar from driftwood' (thus covering all the bases of recycling, eco-friendliness, DIY and the Pinterest brigade
@theraggededge, "Is it the exorcism one?" That one wasn't even selected for a niche site.
that's a respectful amount of views! I hope the earning potential is substantial.
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I'm impressed. really impressed. where can I go and simply get paid to read a story?
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Tess, Here is the link for save thousands by greasing your semi truck. see what you think it needs to turn some views on it please? … -Thousands
I need to get my focus off of that atheist article lest it turns into a book already!
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Tess, thank you for the info. I copied and printed a cheat sheet. gosh I hardly know what SEO stands for. Appreciate the input. I do need to find out how to add subtitles, Is it only available by the article format you choose, or is their a selection in the tools for building the article to add extra subtitle?
I can't help you with the missing link, but I can talk to God about it.
Sometimes we are like the prayer/ Scripture, "Lord I believe, but help my unbelief"! I will add one example, In 1994 I was working on the airport in my operations/ safety job, and had a situation so bad with a fellow worker, ( he would keep the boss stirred up over everyone /anyone else except himself), the boss was on my case as this guy had set me up to look like the one at fault. I searched and prayed for what to do, and had decided maybe it was time to leave; I then told my wife I was about to give my resignation, as I felt it was an impossible situation.
-It being the weekend that I struggled with this, and on Monday morning, I was suddenly jolted awake, with a word being spoke to me. It was audible, it was visible as moving scroll in front of me, and spoke simultaneously these words, " you have desired to break free, and yet you have not asked me, therefore you have sinned because you have not asked me."
- I immediately went to my knees, dear tess, and told God, I'm yours do what you will with me. Yes, you will ask did I feel anything? Yes, I did. But I went on to work, waited all day long for the situation to explode; it did not. It never came up again. totally peace and bliss and a week or so later I marveled that it still was so peaceful, and a month later I realized and wrote in my journal, Surely God has visited my life and this is the most peaceful month I've ever had at my job. This, and the time I was run over by a tractor and supernaturally healed in Cleburne, Texas at age 15, another time, My brothers arm broken and healed while my parents prayed, inside the doctors office in Ft. Worth, Tex.. The time I received extra strength to catch my youngest daughter from racing off a 100 ft cliff when she accidentally gunned the throttle on a 3 wheeler in Naknek, Ak. many many other times. The other time a miracle lost in the clouds with instrument failure in my piper cherokee, 13,500 ft above Mt. Illiamna on my way down the aleutian peninsula, the moment we were going to blindly descend, a small hole opened in the clouds for me to see the mountain side below, and continued flying at altitude until 30 minutes later got a radio working and made contact with the King Salmon Tower and got a radar fix, then thye told me continue at now 4500 ft asl for 40 more minutes at 120 knots,then decend to 2500 asl into vicinity of the airport. Just was one of the time you couldn't assume anyone was mentally ill. Sometimes a little prayer will move a mountain or save your life, (that we don't have the ability to save for ourselves)
Atheism at some level assumes that the automobiles even made themselves, Oh humans did?, ha, they just proved they can't be consistent. and that there is no creator of something so complex and complicated as the human? -not to mention the complexity of the soul. No, the textbooks don't teach you about the soul, the life within us or where it came from, just a theory of debate over whether it was a spontaneous thing or a random process without any guidance. -I'll be glad to live in this state of illness if that is what it is to believe in the eternal creator of the soul.
Have you ever taken the time to read the primitive/ historical story of Adam and Eve, in the forgotten books of Eden? It will shake you up when you read and realize no man or woman could ever have made up this story. It was once part of the Holy Bible but a couple hundred years ago it was removed due to modernization of Christianity. Oh how much I've seen, as you have seen, but with a different result inside me. Oh, I've had many hard lessons in life as well. But thankful I have come through it all. My youngest daughter Rebecca that I spoke of, has passed away due to contracting some strain of auto- immune, then four or five years into the deep struggle to retain life, infection entered her heart and she passed before I could even get over to where she was. I had to release her into Gods care, realizing she could have died 20 years earlier on the 3 wheeler when she was headed for the cliff. the most important thing and I hope for you as well. That in the middle of her struggle, She returned to know Gods love and grace after telling me once, Dad, I have found another way to live. But God in his goodness led her back and the nurses and staff talked about her last three months, her glowing with happiness in all of her pallor, and how the robins came to her window, and how the daffodil bloomed out of season and everyone who entered her room left in amazement at the peace they felt and happiness, from this precious one of mine who knew she was going to a place where she would suffer no more. Oh, she told me before she passed that she loved me and that she had found peace in her soul.
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If you have ever seen life leave a person's body for an extended/impossible time and then come back inside that body against all odds, (many doctors have witnessed this on a medical basis) then-- you have no more grounds to claim atheism. That life within the person left and went somewhere, where? -and then it came back. So really it isn't just a simple "it's over" after you die. Not at all there is nothing anyone can by science or coincidence answer this with. at the best you can only say it's one of those things you have no answer for. Perhaps the person's will to live wa so strong they made themselves come back? Then you also concede that they went somewhere and by returning they establish existence beyond this physical life
The scientifically written formula will never create a chemical or substance without it being gathered and produced by someone with intelligence. Truly it takes a lot of faith to believe the complicated ingredients are going to miraculously compose without intelligence. So in finding this , you must accept that the universe has intelligence. However this disproves scientific theory and definition of accidental creation. Interestingly, scientists are slipping , for now they are acknowledging realm-ology. They believe they will find life in the universe by discovering another realm. one that the human eye cannot see, and not even based on micro-biology, but based on a mental shift/looking with an eye and ear toward a spiritual existence. For real. An altered state of mind will help them locate other life. I'm sure it will be all dressed up in scientific terms before we get the full report, but its searchable already , even Facebook's mind reading glasses is causing a stir, but that's pretty low tech in the NASA index of intelligence
I would love to learn another language and visit a different culture besides the ones I have experience with in my Alaska years.
-then you are just like a rock being thrown through the air. When it lands, it no longer has energy. The rock does not even consider who threw it. But wait, as a human you are responsive, you have the ability to know, but you waste it ignoring that an outside force sustains your life. For the planted seed answer does not provide the breath and the life, only the source of reproduction. The fact that our physical body returns to dust provides a clue to those who question. It's mostly the spirit or the soul, that science has failed to define. However they struggle to create sustaining life and so far they can only create.mechanical things. That's why life itself refutes atheism. Be happy, for that's all you believe you have, a limited existence without options. Thank you for being so kind to help me with my article(s) .
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With you all the way on this Tess. … amp;t=234s
Best wishes,
Do atheists believe there's any worth in human beings or other animals? From their perspective (is it a reductionist one?) are they just complex collections of atoms?
Do they believe there's a need for morality and why so?
In my opinion, the belief that morality comes from religion is the furthest away from reality one can get. Most, if not all religions have been the cause of the greatest immoral acts the human race has ever seen.
Do you accept the existence of evil? Evil has propagated itself in both religious and non religious groups. Evil, or the concept, Is one of the worlds biggest enemy or human race challenge.
If there is such as thing as good, then there has to be evil. One cannot exist without the other.
I think the classic argument is that if you believe in pure evil, then pure good must exist. Therefore, if you acknowledge pure evil, you cannot deny the existence of God.
The entire Exorcist movie was about this.
But of course, this argument ignores the fact that there are many different interpretations of pure good across history and the world.
No, I disagree that there must be a God if you acknowledge the presence of pure evil. Pure evil is not the devil and most religions do not even mention the devil in their scripture. You see pure evil in men and pure good in men. There does not have to be a God if you acknowledge the existence of pure evil.
What is evil and good is after all defined by men. What is considered evil today may not have been considered evil a few decades or centuries ago.
Neither do I agree with it. I'm just saying this is the usual apologist argument.
Anyway, I'm Asian Buddhist/Taoist. So the whole Christianity vs Atheism is mostly inexplicable to me.
Cool. But I don't think it's just Christianity vs Atheism, it's belief in a higher power vs Atheism. You have Buddhist extremists just as there are Hindu extremists, not sure about extremism in the followers of Taoism.
Including for extremists, which exist in any belief system, it is always about MY power being superior to yours. MY wisdom being superior to your stupidity.
Yes, that is how it is and the reason for that is because of their faith in religion and one being superior to another.
@tess, "there is a direct correlation between average intelligence and belief in god and exceptional intelligence and atheism." While this might be true, you should know that dogs and cats are considered gods in some countries. Are u aware of this? Anyway, I'm glad that the human race has the freedom to chose what to believe, that's if he/she chose to believe anything at all. For example, I believe in God that's my belief, and I can define Him). But there are folks who don't believe "in" anything; they use evidence/science as their guide. Either way, it's very clear that the human race relies on a superior power for help. I call this power God, others call it science or whatever. That said, I'm sure, both of us would pass on and this discussion will live on. Moreover, it's funny how definite science is today but yet no one can explain what happens after death. I guess we will find out after........
@Brandon "But I don't think it's just Christianity vs Atheism, it's belief in a higher power vs Atheism" But here's what funny that atheism seems to deny. Religious folks believe in god, whoever that god is (I believe in God). But atheists don't believe in a higher power, yet science/evidence forms the core of their arguments about human existence. If you ask me, the same way a Christian/ whoever believes in the doctrines of their bible/religious books, the same way an atheist believes in science to explain human existence and everything in our universe. Either way, as I said earlier, man cannot live without beliefs.
I think there seems to be some confusion between the words proof and belief. Science does not believe it shows how and why. If there is something we do not understand it is because we do not know yet. In the same way, we know how certain things work today that we did not yesterday.
It is fine to believe in a God, but science is not a belief. If I am holding an apple and let it go it drops down, that is not my belief, it is fact. Belief comes into play when you try to explain the unexplained. Science just waits another day until it can be explained.
The apple falling is true until you are on the Space Station. Belief and fact have a key to both and that is truth leading to reality.
Tsmog,. Exactly apple dropped in planet earth gravity will fall, whereas in gravityless space station ,moon, etc, it's gonna remain suspended at least until it's eaten. But the amazing fact is that both scenarios are observable, which is a leg/prop of science.
Hmm I would have expected people to figure out what I meant by the apple analogy. It was referring to gravity. I should have made it clear. The question of the space station or the surface of the Earth does not arise.
I guess that is an individual thing if it arises or not hence the wink. Yes, gravity does explain it to those with knowledge of that science based fact. Doesn't that lead to truth and reality when discussing belief and fact? Just a thought of curiosity.
Lobo Brandon, I agree. And there is nothing wrong with science , except when they look at hard evidence and deny it, or steer a course around it if it conflicts with their principles. This is primarily because they operate ,MO, of off theories. Theories are hidden behind science and essential to what they are willing to accept. It thereby limits them sometimes from even accepting another scientist theory. In a way it IS a type of religion. The religion of scientific theory.
No, theories are just that theories. Of course, people lean towards a direction, but science deals with facts, and theories help one reach there. Theories are not considered the end, just a possibility until something is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Theories are all the time proven to be wrong.
@Brandon, right, the same way science had explained the genesis of this world and mankind. But if science is so exact and glaring, why more than two-third of the world's population hasn't yet seen the proof ? As you said, if you drop an apple and it falls no one can dispute that, the proof is there and i'd fool to think otherwise. But science has no "black and white" proof to explain the genesis of man...oh, well, monkies, or apes, or whatsoever.
Evolution is clear and well proven. Science cannot prove stuff without evidence and some things are lost to time.
Are you trying to tell me that religion has a better idea than evolution? I'd love to know.
Just today I read a meme, apparently, it was a quote from Mark Twain: The person who does not read does not know any more than the person who cannot. If 2/3rd of the worlds population as you put it does not see the proof that does not mean it isn't there for them to see if they want to look for it.
I just want to know if my notebook is possessed and that's what's causing the BSODs in the middle of trying to backup
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